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酸析+CASS+气浮工艺处理浆粕废水中试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据粘胶纤维生产特点,对某厂浆粕黑液废水采用酸析+CASS+气浮工艺技术进行处理。中试研究表明:处理后出水COD<100mg/L、BOD<20mg/L、SS<70mg/L、色度<70倍、Zn<2.0mg/L,除色度外,各项指标可以满足GB89781996一级排放标准要求。并且根据中试装置的运行进行了经济技术分析,为工程设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过中试研究了不同溶解氧浓度、有机负荷、HRT条件下,反应沉淀一体式矩形环流反应器(RPIR)对深圳市南山污水处理厂低C/N城市污水的处理效果。结果表明,在控制溶解氧浓度为1 mg/L、COD容积负荷小于2.5 kg/m3.d、NH4+-N容积负荷不超过0.2 kg/(m3.d)、HRT为4 h时,COD平均去除率可达90%,NH4+-N平均去除率超过80%。RPIR在处理该城市污水过程中具有良好的抗冲击负荷能力,污染物去除效率高,运行稳定。  相似文献   

针对造纸化学品生产废水具有成分复杂,可生化性差,有机物、NH3-N、Cl-浓度高的特点,采用"初沉池-悬浮生物滤池(A/O)-混凝沉淀池-催化氧化池-硝化滤池"组合工艺对造纸化学品生产废水进行了中试研究,取得很好的处理效果。结果表明,在进水COD为4 832~12 846 mg/L,NH3-N为39~430 mg/L,Cl-为3 200~15 000 mg/L的情况下,处理后出水COD小于500 mg/L,NH3-N小于35 mg/L,主要指标达到污水综合排放标准(GB 8978-1996)三级标准。  相似文献   

采用高效好氧生物反应器(HCR)/水解酸化/循环活性污泥法(CAST)组合工艺对盐酸金霉素生产废水进行中试处理研究.结果表明,在系统进水COD、NH+4-N分别高达20 000、2 500~2 600 mg/L,残留抗生素质量浓度为200~300 μg/L的情况下,CAST反应器出水COD低于350 mg/L,出水NH+4-N约为400 mg/L;HCR工艺运行过程中,最佳DO为3.0~5.0 mg/L,最佳水温为20~30 ℃,系统达到最佳运行效果时,水力停留时间为15 h左右;CAST工艺运行过程中,最佳DO为3.0~5.0 mg/L,最佳水温为18~23 ℃,最佳pH为5~8.  相似文献   

电液压脉冲放电与铁屑内电解法联用处理TNT废水试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
TNT结构稳定,废水又具有生物毒性,难以生物降解,采用电液压脉冲放电与铁屑内电解法联用能有效处理TNT废水。研究了铁屑投加量、pH值和铁屑重复使用对TNT降解的影响。试验条件为:放电电压36 kV,废水体积7 L,TNT初始浓度90 mg/L,电极间距8 mm。结果表明,在投加铁屑700 g和pH值为6.5时,TNT降解率分别达到97.7%,铁屑重复使用6次不影响TNT降解效果;放电后静置一段时间,TNT仍然继续降解;在125 L的反应器中处理115 L废水,TNT初始浓度50 mg/L,TNT最大降解率达94.2%,TNT浓度降至2.9 mg/L。  相似文献   

采用零价铁耦合芬顿氧化法处理TNT红水,研究了初始pH、零价铁投加量、过氧化氢(H_2O_2)投加量及温度对红水中总有机碳(TOC)去除效果的影响,同时进行了TOC去除过程中反应动力学的探讨。结果表明,零价铁耦合芬顿氧化体系可有效降解TNT红水中的2,4-二硝基甲苯-3-磺酸钠和2,4-二硝基甲苯-5-磺酸钠。在初始pH为2,温度为20?C的条件下,加入1.5 g·L~(-1)零价铁反应1 h后,再加入100 mL·L~(-1)H_2O_2反应4 h,红水中二硝基甲苯磺酸盐浓度从500 mg·L~(-1)降至0 mg·L~(-1),去除率为100%,TOC浓度从150 mg·L~(-1)降至30 mg·L~(-1),去除率达到80%。反应中TOC的降解过程遵循拟二级反应动力学方程。零价铁耦合芬顿氧化法可以作为TNT红水的有效处理途径。  相似文献   

针对某炼油厂轻污染废水水质情况,选用了BAF(生物曝气滤池)工艺+SF(砂滤)工艺对该废水进行净化处理。通过试验研究,得到了BAF工艺合适的运行参数,取得了满意的试验结果。经BAF工艺处理后,出水COD和油平均浓度分别为9.78mg/L和0.24mg/L,再经SF工艺进一步去除SS后,出水SS平均浓度为3.8mg/L,系统处理出水完全达到工业回用水水质要求。试验证明:BAF工艺是一种高效的处理方法,适合炼油厂轻污染水的净化处理。  相似文献   

采用连续式电解槽对垃圾渗滤液进行电解催化处理,考察极板间距、电流密度、电导率[Cl-]浓度对电解效果的影响.结果表明,当添加的[Cl-]6000 mg/L,在电解60 min时,对初始COD小于3000 mg/L的中等浓度渗滤液有较好的处理效果,COD和NH3-N的去除率分别达88.9%和97.3%,能耗为2.75 kwh/m3.为中试和工业设计应用提供了参考.  相似文献   

本文通过实例阐述了“混凝沉淀+两级A/O(缺氧/好氧)-MBR系统(膜生物反应器)+SWRO(海水淡化反渗透)”组合工艺在生活垃圾渗滤液处理中的应用。实际运行结果表明,当进水平均COD浓度为2668.7 mg/L、NH3-N质量浓度为2910 mg/L时,出水平均COD浓度为7.6 mg/L、NH3-N质量浓度为1.9 mg/L,水质可满足《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB16889-2008)要求,运行成本合计约为60元/m3.本工程实例将为我国生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液处理提供技术支持与经验参考。  相似文献   

为了去除工业化纤废水中的水溶性污染物,采用混合型乳化液膜法对废水样品进行了处理,以紫外吸收值和COD去除率为指标。结果表明,不同的表面活性剂、废水浓度、反应时间、液膜组成及处理工艺(包括内相酸浓度、油水比、乳水比)等对处理效果都会产生影响;其中T-152是最合适的表面活性剂,当体系pH=4,油内比为1∶1,乳水比为1∶3,废水初始COD为1 000 mg/L左右,表面活性剂的量:溶剂煤油的量:膜固定剂(TOA)三者体积比为5∶25 000∶1时,搅拌处理30 min,废水中紫外吸收光谱的最强吸收峰红移且峰强减小,COD的去除率达到96.5%,出水COD小于100 mg/L;处理后,废水的色度和浊度均得到显著降低,去除率达到98%以上,达到了排放要求。  相似文献   

研究了2种大孔树脂XAD-4和NDA-804对水中的TNT的吸附行为。2种树脂对TNT的吸附等温线表明,温度的升高有利于吸附,在35℃条件下XAD-4树脂与NDA-804树脂对TNT的最高平衡吸附量分别达82.86 mg/g和94.26mg/g。采用Langmuir方程和Freundlich方程用于吸附等温线的解释,结果表明,吸附等温线更加符合Langmuir模型,相关系数均大于0.99。TNT在2种树脂上的吸附符合准二级动力学方程,TNT初始浓度越低,达到吸附平衡所需时间越短,在1 h内可达到吸附平衡。采用NDA-804处理对TNT废水,废水中TNT浓度由103.58 mg/L降至0.4 mg/L,去除率达99.6%,吸附后的树脂采用pH=2的乙醇和盐酸的混合液脱附可再生,高浓度再生溶液经蒸馏可回收TNT,实现了废水治理与资源化。  相似文献   

赤泥与石灰粉(CaO和Ca(OH)2)按不同比例混合制成复合赤泥,通过投加实验考察了复合赤泥的除磷效果。结果证明,对于磷酸盐浓度为45 000 mg/L左右(以P计)的酸性工业废水,复合赤泥(赤泥与Ca(OH)2按质量比1:1混合)投加量为240 g/L,去除率为99.97%;对于10 mg/L左右的含磷废水,赤泥的最佳投加浓度为15 g/L,上清液磷浓度可降至0.30 mg/L,出水低于0.5 mg/L的排放标准。根据以上研究结果,提出了对高浓度酸性磷酸盐废水的处理宜采用复合赤泥再加原状赤泥的二级处理方法。  相似文献   

含二甲胺工业废水的回收及再利用技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了消除工业二甲胺废水带来的巨大污染,使其达到回收利用的目的,利用精馏技术,采用BH型高效填料作为分离介质,连续从废水中脱除二甲胺,并将塔顶二甲胺提浓。结果表明,采用本技术可使塔顶二甲胺提浓至47%(质量百分含量),达到满足40%二甲胺水溶液质量要求的目的;塔釜二甲胺含量降低至≤50 mg/L,此水可作皮革工业生产回用水。由于含二甲胺废水经处理后可以全部回收利用,表明该高效精馏技术用于清洁生产中具有可靠性和实用性。  相似文献   

二氧化钛纳米管被用于光催化氧化水体中的百草枯,对光催化反应条件、常见Fe3+离子的干扰情况和百草枯光催化降解动力学规律进行了研究。结果表明,浓度为25 mg/L的百草枯溶液,在二氧化钛纳米管(TNT)1.0 g/L,H2O20.5 mL/50 mL,pH=5.0的最优光催化氧化条件下,经过30 min反应可以被100%从水体中去除,表现出非常高的光催化降解效率;动力学方程拟合表明,百草枯光催化氧化反应符合拟一级动力学规律,动力学方程为ln(C0/C)=1.0267t-0.1282,反应速率常数K为1.0267 h-1;双氧水存在时常见的Fe3+能够进一步提高百草枯光催化降解率;该光催化反应体系对低浓度百草枯废水有很好的处理效果,预示着光催化氧化技术适合地表或地下水体中百草枯的去除。  相似文献   

Contaminated water and soil at active or abandoned munitions plants is a serious problem since these compounds pose risks to human health and can be toxic to aquatic and terrestrial life. Our objective was to determine if zero-valent iron (Fe(0)) could be used to promote remediation of water and soil contaminated with 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX). As little as 1% Fe(0) (w/v) removed 70 mg TNT litre(-1) from aqueous solution within 8 h and removed 32 mg RDX litre(-1) within 96 h. Treating slurries (1:5 soil:water) of highly contaminated soil (5200 mg TNT and 6400 mg RDX kg(-1) soil) from the former Nebraska Ordnance Plant (NOP) with 10% Fe(0) (w/w soil) reduced CH(3)CN-extractable TNT and RDX concentrations below USEPA remediation goals (17.2 mg TNT and 5.8 mg RDX kg(-1)). Sequential treatment of a TNT-contaminated solution (70 mg TNT litre(-1) spiked with (14)C-TNT) with Fe(0) (5% w/v) followed by H(2)O(2) (1% v/v) completely destroyed TNT and removed about 94% of the (14)C from solution, 48% of which was mineralized to (14)CO(2) within 8 h. Fe(0)-treated TNT also was more susceptible to biological mineralization. Our observations indicate that Fe(0) alone, Fe(0) followed by H(2)O(2), or Fe(0) in combination with biotic treatment can be used for effective remediation of munitions-contaminated water and soil.  相似文献   

液中放电应用于TNT废水的降解   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了液中放电处理TNT废水的可行性及其能量效率关系。实验结果表明,液中放电法可以快速有效地降解废水中的TNT。在单次电储能为250J。电极距离为5mm,TNT初始浓度为36mg/L条件下,降解率达85%。  相似文献   



This research was designed to investigate the feasibility of converting the dinitrotoluene sulfonates (DNTS) in TNT red water into the corresponding aromatic amino compounds using nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI).


NZVI particles were simultaneously synthesized and stabilized by sodium borohydride reduction in a nondeoxygenated system. The morphology, elemental content, specific surface area, and crystal properties of the NZVI were characterized before and after the reaction by environmental scanning electron microscope; energy dispersive X-ray; Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller; and X-ray diffraction, respectively. The reduction process was conducted at pH?=?6.3 at ambient temperature. The efficiency of the NZVI-mediated DNTS reduction process was monitored by HPLC, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses.


The properties of the NZVI particles prepared were found to be similar to those obtained through oxygen-free preparation and inert stabilization processes. Both 2,4-DNT-3-sulfonate (2,220?mg?L?1) and 2,4-DNT-5-sulfonate (3,270?mg?L?1) in TNT red water underwent a pseudo-first-order transformation when mixed with NZVI at room temperature and near-neutral pH. Their observed rate constants were 0.11 and 0.30?min?1, respectively. Within 1?h of processing, more than 99% of DNTS was converted by NZVI-mediated reduction into the corresponding diaminotoluene sulfonates.


NZVI can be simultaneously prepared and stabilized in a nondeoxygenated system. NZVI reduction is a highly efficient method for the conversion of DNTS into the corresponding diaminotoluene sulfonates under near-neutral pH conditions. Therefore, NZVI reduction may be useful in the treatment of TNT red water and subsequent recovery of diaminotoluene from explosive wastewater.  相似文献   

Arienzo M 《Chemosphere》2000,40(4):331-337
The degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene was examined in pure water and contaminated soil slurry using calcium peroxide as a source of solid hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. The extent of TNT oxidation was compared with that obtained by using hydrated lime, which is normally generated by slurrying CaO2 in water and contained in CaO2 technical formulation (approximately 50%, w/w). Complete TNT degradation occurred between 280 min, 0.1% CaO2/Ca(OH)2 and 20 min, 1% CaO2/Ca(OH)2. A large part of the generated oxidation products, 80-90%, were absorbed on the solid calcium hydroxide, whereas the remaining 10-20% was detected in solution until 48 h. Removal of nitro groups was extremely effective in CaO2 slurry, where all the nitrogen (3 mol per mol of TNT) was removed from TNT within 240 min. Respect to calcium hydroxide, the peroxy compound liberated H2O2 in solution, 370 mg l-1 at 0.2% CaO2, w/v, which then decomposed within 480 min. Most of the 14C-TNT was retained more strongly on the calcium hydroxide generated by slurrying CaO2. This pool remained adsorbed on the solid until pH dropped below 5.8. The treatment of a contaminated soil slurry, 700 mg TNT kg-1, reduced CH3CN extractable TNT below 20 mg kg-1 at very low concentration of CaO2/Ca(OH)2, approximately 0.2%, w/w. Both oxidants do not lead to soil sterilization as the phosphorus added to neutralize the pH serves as a source of nutrient for the soil biomass.  相似文献   

We describe TNT's inhibition of RDX and HMX anaerobic degradation in contaminated soil containing indigenous microbial populations. Biodegradation of RDX or HMX alone was markedly faster than their degradation in a mixture with TNT, implying biodegradation inhibition by the latter. The delay caused by the presence of TNT continued even after its disappearance and was linked to the presence of its intermediate, tetranitroazoxytoluene. PCR–DGGE analysis of cultures derived from the soil indicated a clear reduction in microbial biomass and diversity with increasing TNT concentration. At high-TNT concentrations (30 and 90 mg/L), only a single band, related to Clostridium nitrophenolicum, was observed after 3 days of incubation. We propose that the mechanism of TNT inhibition involves a cytotoxic effect on the RDX- and HMX-degrading microbial population. TNT inhibition in the top active soil can therefore initiate rapid transport of RDX and HMX to the less active subsurface and groundwater.  相似文献   

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