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采用单室无膜悬浮阴极微生物燃料电池(MFC),对比分析了温度变化对淀粉酶强化剩余污泥为燃料的MFC(ESMFC)产电特性和污泥减量化效果的影响.研究表明,在40℃时ESMFC最大功率密度相对于参照组(投加等量失活酶系统)功率密度输出增加最大,为94%;此时CE也最大,为9.2%。这主要是由于在此温度下淀粉酶对系统的促进作用更明显。在45℃时,ESMFC系统中污泥减量化效果最好.当运行温度为45℃时,ESMFC中TCOD去除率为87.2%,投加等量失活淀粉酶的ESMFC中TCOD去除率为55.7%;ESMFC中VSS/TSS从原泥中的67.34%下降到28.07%,对照组则下降到45.61%。此研究对投加淀粉酶的ESMFC实际应用具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

为了提高剩余污泥为燃料的微生物燃料电池(SMFC)产电性能以及污泥减量化效果,在不同的温度(40、45和50℃)研究单室无膜微生物燃料电池中酶对SMFC产电特性的强化效果.加入单一酶(蛋白酶或α-淀粉酶)的结果表明,随着温度的上升,SMFC功率密度均上升,但40℃时强化效果最明显,与加入失活酶的对照组相比分别增加198%和130%.在40℃下,混合酶比(蛋白酶浓度:淀粉酶浓度)为2∶3时,SMFC最大功率密度为776 mW/m2.随着混合酶中淀粉酶的比例提高,SMFC库伦效率逐渐增加,当混合酶比为4∶1时,CE(库伦效率)可达18.3%,同时TCOD、TSS和VSS去除率分别为70.3%、66.7%和80.4%.因此,温度相对较低时,外加酶强化效果更明显;与单种酶相比,混合酶对SMFC产电性能和污泥减量化的强化效果更显著.  相似文献   

研究了酶(蛋白酶和α-淀粉酶)处理过程中污泥溶解效率及动力学特征。研究表明,酶处理可以有效地溶解污泥絮体,上清液有机物含量明显上升,经淀粉酶处理的污泥上清液中的蛋白质和多糖浓度分别增长了268%和1 100%。同时,污泥的溶解过程遵循一阶反应动力学方程,蛋白酶与α淀粉酶的酶促水解动力学反应速率常数分别为0.146和0.306。复合酶(蛋白酶和α-淀粉酶)投加方式对污泥酶促水解效能有着重要的影响。淀粉酶先于蛋白酶投加的水解效率明显高于其他2种投加方式(蛋白酶先于淀粉酶投加和同时投加)。该研究成果为复合酶在污泥处理过程中的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

构建了以二沉池剩余污泥厌氧发酵上清液为阳极底物的微生物燃料电池(MFC),考察了电池的产电性能、污染物去除效率及阳极微生物种群特征。结果表明,厌氧发酵污泥MFC作为污泥资源化的一种新途径,具有可行性。在厌氧发酵的预处理条件下,MFC体系稳定运行期间输出电压最高可达0.65 V,最大功率密度达86.89 m W·m~(-2),库伦效率为(5.12±0.5)%;与此同时TCOD去除率为(50.6±3.5)%。污泥在厌氧发酵阶段产生大量挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs),它们作为产电微生物易于摄取的阳极底物,能够促进污泥中有机质的去除,进而提高污泥MFC的产电效果。由阳极微生物群落结构可推断:产电和非产电细菌具有协同作用,共同维持MFC的稳定运行。  相似文献   

污泥投配率对污泥中温厌氧消化效果影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验装置采用半连续流污泥中温厌氧消化反应器,污泥培养接近成熟后开始每天按不同污泥投配率加泥和排泥.结果表明:污泥投配率在3%~10%时,有机物分解率先增大后减小,去除率均在30%以上;污泥投配率在15%和20%时,污泥的有机物去除率非常小;污泥投配率在5%时,有机物分解率最大为41.2%;单位VSS产气量随污泥投配率的增大而呈先急剧上升后逐渐下降的趋势,当污泥投配率为5%时,单位VSS产气量为0.60 L/g,符合美国污水处理厂设计手册标准,其他污泥投配率下该指标均小于0.4 L/g.因此,认为实验用污泥中温消化的最佳污泥投配率为5%,这时污泥的可消化性较好.  相似文献   

采用高温好氧/中温厌氧两级污泥消化(AerTAnM)工艺处理城市污水污泥,通过考察挥发性悬浮固体(VSS)去除率和沼气产量,研究了进泥浓度、中温相污泥投配率、搅拌速度、高温相污泥停留时间(SRT)对AerTAnM工艺消化效率的影响。结果表明,AerTAnM工艺的最佳运行条件:进泥总悬浮固体(TSS)为4.2%(质量分数),VSS为26.59g/L,高温相SRT为2.0d,中温相污泥投配率为8%,搅拌速度为100r/min。在该最佳运行条件下,系统稳定运行阶段出泥VSS去除率达45%以上,沼气产量达到1.06L/g(以VSS计),粪大肠杆菌和蛔虫卵的杀灭率达到95%以上,出泥可达《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918—2002)控制要求。  相似文献   

为解决传统MFC反硝化菌在好氧阴极难以富集且脱氮效果差的问题,通过构建石墨MFC和碳刷MFC以阴极硝化耦合阳极反硝化的方式脱氮除碳,并对比分析2种不同电极MFC的性能。结果表明:在相同条件下石墨MFC的最大功率密度为6.71 W·m~(-3)NC,开路电压为902.13 mV;碳刷MFC的最大功率密度为5.11 W·m~(-3)NC,开路电压819.04 m V。启动阶段前15 d碳刷MFC的总氮去除率更高,之后石墨MFC的总氮去除率接近100%,碳刷MFC的总氮去除率在95%左右。石墨MFC的COD去除率高达93%,碳刷MFC的COD去除率在83%左右。相比于传统MFC,阴极硝化耦合阳极反硝化MFC不需要调节pH。相比于碳刷电极,石墨电极MFC可以启动和挂膜同时进行,缩短挂膜时间,且产电性能和脱氮除碳效果更好。  相似文献   

以人工配水启动SBR,逐步提高进水苯酚浓度,探究好氧颗粒污泥对苯酚的降解能力,同时分析苯酚对好氧颗粒污泥特性的影响。经过55 d的运行,进水苯酚浓度逐渐增到3 000 mg/L,苯酚、COD及NH+4-N去除率分别达到了98.33%、97.27%和57.58%,好氧颗粒污泥表现出对苯酚的良好的去除能力。扫描电镜照片显示投加苯酚后的颗粒污泥表面更加光滑,结构更为紧凑。胞外聚合物红外光谱分析表明投加苯酚前后好氧颗粒污泥EPS的主要组分没有明显改变。苯酚毒性刺激了颗粒污泥分泌更多胞外聚合物,胞外聚合物中多糖含量由初始的12.70 mg/g VSS增加到35.17 mg/g VSS,蛋白含量由4.93 mg/g VSS增加到8.01 mg/g VSS。投加苯酚后的污泥粒径明显增大,主要污泥粒径由0.5~2.0 mm增大到2.0 mm以上。  相似文献   

以剩余污泥为底物和接种物,借助电化学交流阻抗等电化学分析方法,研究了阳极投加三价铁离子对沉积型微生物燃料电池(sediment microbial fuel cell,SMFC)电能输出及内阻分布的影响。结果表明,500 mg/L铁离子可有效改善SMFC的运行特性,功率密度峰值、底物降解速率和阳极污泥絮体大小分别上升到103.09 m W/m~2、35.68 mg VSS/(m~3/h)和190.33μm。电化学阻抗谱分析表明,阴极欧姆内阻及极化内阻随铁离子浓度增加而降低,阳极内阻则随铁离子浓度增加先降低后增加,当三价铁离子添加浓度为500 mg/L时,阳极欧姆内阻和活化内阻与对照组相比分别下降了45.28%和47.97%。  相似文献   

首次构建了以生物质活性炭纤维笼电极为空气阴极的微生物燃料电池(biomass activated carbon fiber cageshaped air-cathode microbial fuel cell,BACFC-ACMFC),并以厌氧污泥接种,以葡萄糖作为碳源,研究了该MFC在连续运行条件下的产电性能、电池内阻情况和最优运行条件。结果表明:在一个运行周期内,该MFC最佳运行条件为:体积浸没比为50%、p H=8、污泥投加量为1.8 g·L-1。当外接电阻为1 000Ω时,该MFC最大输出电压为257.89 m V,最大输出功率密度为4 082.99 m W·m-3,电池内阻为419.88Ω,与目前其他阴极材料的微生物燃料电池相比,该新型生物质活性炭纤维笼空气阴极微生物燃料电池功率密度较高,内阻较低。SEM分析可知,阴极具有较大的比表面积和孔隙率,有利于与氧气的充分接触。在浸入溶液中的半面阴极上发现大量微生物附着,这可能和氧气还原有关。  相似文献   

Patel A  Zhu J  Nakhla G 《Chemosphere》2006,65(7):1103-1112
In this study, the performance of the circulating fluidized bed bioreactor (CFBB) with anoxic and aerobic beds and employing lava rock as a carrier media for the simultaneous removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from municipal wastewater at an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of 0.82 h was discussed. The CFBB was operated without and with bioparticles' recirculation between the anoxic and aerobic bed for 260 and 110 d respectively. Without particles' recirculation, the CFBB was able to achieve carbon (C), total nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) removal efficiencies of 94%, 80% and 65% respectively, whereas with bioparticles' recirculation, 91%, 78% and 85% removals of C, N and P were achieved. The CFBB was operated at long sludge retention time (SRT) of 45-50 d, and achieved a sludge yield of 0.12-0.135 g VSS g COD(-1). A dynamic stress study of the CFBB was carried out at varying feed flow rates and influent ammonia concentrations to determine response to shock loadings. The CFBB responded favourably in terms of TSS and COD removal to quadrupling of the feed flow rate. However, nitrification was more sensitive to hydraulic shock loadings than to doubling of influent nitrogen loading.  相似文献   

Efficient nutrient removal in decentralized wastewater treatment systems is a challenging task. To improve the removal of organic matter and nitrogen from wastewater, two types of bioreactors using membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) and microbial fuel cell (MFC) techniques were evaluated. During more than 250 days of continuous-flow reactor operation, both reactors showed consistently high chemical oxygen demand removal (>86%). At an influent ammonium-nitrogen (NH4(+)-N) concentration of 30 mg N/L, the average effluent NH4(+)-N concentrations were 6.2 and 0.5 mg N/L for the MABR and MFC reactor, respectively, while the effluent nitrate-nitrogen (NO3(-)-N) concentrations were 5.4 mg/ L in the MABR and 19.2 mg/L in the MFC-based reactor. The overall total inorganic nitrogen removal efficiencies were 64% and 36% for the MABR and MFC reactor, respectively. At the measured dissolved oxygen concentrations of 5.2 and 0.23 mg/L in the aerobic/anoxic zone of the MFC and MABR, respectively, a specific oxygen uptake rate of 0.1 g O2/g VSS-d, resulting from ammonia oxidation, was detected in the settled sludge of the MFC, while no nitrifying activity of the sludge from the MABR was detected. Molecular microbial analysis demonstrated a link between the bacterial community structure and nitrifying activity. The relatively high abundance of Nitrosomonas europaea was associated with its detectable nitrification activity in the settled sludge of the MFC. The results suggest that MABR and MFC techniques have the potential to improve organic and nitrogen removal in decentralized wastewater systems.  相似文献   

The effect of an oxidative pre-treatment with ozone on the removal of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) during the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge has been investigated. Besides, the digested sludge characteristics in terms of pathogens content, dewatering properties, heavy metals content and linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) were determined. During ozonation (20mg O(3)/g TSS), about 8% of volatile solids (VS) and 60% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) were solubilized. However, no mineralization was observed. The elimination of VS and total COD during anaerobic digestion were not affected by ozone treatment with efficiencies ranging from 60% to 65%. All PPCPs considered were removed during anaerobic treatment of sludge, with efficiencies ranging from 20% to 99%. No significant influence of ozone pre-treatment was observed on PPCPs elimination except for carbamazepine. Pathogens, heavy metals and LAS contents after conventional and pre-ozonation treatment of sewage sludge were below the legal requirements. However, the dewatering properties of sludge were deteriorated when the ozone pre-treatment was applied.  相似文献   

硝态氮为惟一氮源时异养微生物增长特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用SBR研究了缺氧条件下硝态氮为惟一氮源时异养微生物的增长特性。结果表明,异养微生物能利用硝态氮作为氮源进行增殖。当进水COD浓度为1 400 mg/L,硝态氮浓度为280 mg/L时,COD和硝态氮的去除率分别达到97%和99%;污泥中微生物的含氮量为8.8%,低于常规利用氨氮作为氮源的微生物;在实验条件下活性污泥的产率系数为0.30 g VSS/g COD。反硝化菌可利用硝态氮作为氮源进行细胞合成对含硝氮的废水处理具有重要意义。一方面由于无需投加氨氮降低了废水处理成本,另一方面由于污泥产率低,降低了污泥处理成本。  相似文献   

This paper describes results from a pilot study of a novel wastewater treatment technology, which incorporates nutrient removal and solids separation to a single step. The pseudoliquified activated sludge process pilot system was tested on grit removal effluent at flowrates of 29.4 to 54.7 m3/d, three different solid residence times (SRT) (15, 37, and 57 days), and over a temperature range of 12 to 28 degrees C. Despite wide fluctuations in the influent characteristics, the system performed reliably and consistently with respect to organics and total suspended solids (TSS) removals, achieving biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and TSS reductions of > 96% and approximately 90%, respectively, with BOD5 and TSS concentrations as low as 3 mg/L. Although the system achieved average effluent ammonia concentrations of 2.7 to 3.2 mg/L, nitrification efficiency appeared to be hampered at low temperatures (< 15 degrees C). The system achieved tertiary effluent quality with denitrification efficiencies of 90 and 91% total nitrogen removal efficiency at a total hydraulic retention time of 4.8 hours and an SRT of 12 to 17 days. With ferric chloride addition, effluent phosphorous concentrations of 0.5 to 0.8 mg/L were achieved. Furthermore, because of operation at high biomass concentrations and relatively long biological SRTs, sludge yields were over 50% below typical values for activated sludge plants. The process was modeled using activated sludge model No. 2, as a two-stage system comprised an aerobic activated sludge system followed by an anoxic system. Model predictions for soluble BOD, ammonia, nitrates, and orthophosphates agreed well with experimental data.  相似文献   

不同工况条件对Carrousel氧化沟脱氮除磷影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Carrousel氧化沟处理实际生活污水,考察了DO、TCOD/TN和污泥回流比对氧化沟单沟内同步脱氮除磷效果的影响。结果表明,在相同HRT、污泥回流比、TCOD/TN比的工况下,氧化沟系统对TN、TP的去除率随着DO浓度的增加而降低;在相同HRT、污泥回流比、DO的工况下,氧化沟系统对TN、TP的去除率随着TCOD/TN比的增加而提高;在相同HRT、DO和TCOD/TN比的工况下,氧化沟系统对TN的去除率随着回流比的增加而提高,而对TP的去除率随着回流比的增加而降低。  相似文献   

In order to develop a prefabricated treatment and reuse plant for diluted pig wastewater, an entrapped-mixed-microbial-cell (EMMC) process was evaluated for its process performance and economic analysis. At the hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 30 hrs (loading rate of 1.0 g TCOD/L/d) and intermittent aeration of 1 hr of aeration and 1 hr of non-aeration, it was found that, by using the pretreatment of the ammonium crystallization, both the medium and large carriers were able to reduce TCOD, SCOD, and T-N by 83.51, 84.11, and 95.10%, respectively. The EMMC unit and lime post-treatment followed by ammonium crystallization can reduce BOD5, TCOD, SCOD, TSS, T-N, and T-P, respectively by 99.22, 93.85, 92.67, 97.73, 96.43, and 97.27%. The treated wastewater, after disinfection, is able to meet the requirements of the standards issued by the USEPA for reuse of food crops. The economic analysis indicates that based on the process performance of the EMMC unit, a prefabricated wastewater treatment plant for 2000 pigs has comparable net present worth (NPW) comparing intermittent aerated biological systems and less operation and maintenance and land requirement than conventional biological processes for removal carbon and nitrogen. A farm operation of more than 2000 pigs meets the unit cost of US$4.91/pig/yr. This will minimize the problems pertaining to technical factors or considerations that heavily influence planning, construction and operation of a pig wastewater treatment system.  相似文献   

污泥干化芦苇床中的渗滤液水质变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对3个中试规模的高有机质剩余污泥干化床中污泥渗滤液水质变化特征进行了为期2年的实验研究。Ⅰ单元作为对照床,未种植植物;Ⅱ单元和Ⅲ单元种植芦苇。Ⅰ单元和Ⅱ单元底部充填炉渣,通过穿孔PVC通风管与大气相连通,目的是通过床体填料空隙提供氧气。3个干化床按照如下周期运行:进泥大约半小时,闲置1周,污泥负荷平均为41.3kg TSS/(m2·a)。实验结果表明,污泥干化芦苇床去除污泥渗滤液中的有机物较传统干化床更有效,通风结构有利于有机物的降解;3个床体的污泥渗滤液总磷浓度均高于进泥,但两个芦苇床渗滤液总磷浓度较低,可能的原因是较传统干化床多了植物吸收作用。根据实验数据分析,3个床体中都发生了氨化、硝化和反硝化作用,单元Ⅲ获得了最高的总氮去除率30.38%,Ⅱ单元和Ⅰ单元获得的总氮去除率分别为25.47%和20.59%。高有机质剩余污泥渗滤液仍含有较高的污染物浓度,需回流至污水处理单元进行进一步处理。  相似文献   

好氧颗粒污泥的培养及处理味精废水   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于鲁冀  何青  王震 《环境工程学报》2012,6(6):1929-1935
以厌氧颗粒污泥为接种污泥,在模拟废水条件下利用SBR 35 d成功培养出了具有同步硝化反硝化作用的好氧颗粒污泥,反应器对COD和NH4+-N去除率分别高于95%和99%。将该反应器用于处理味精废水,当COD、NH4+-N的容积负荷分别为2.4 kg/(m3.d)、0.24 kg/(m3.d)时,COD、NH4+-N和TN去除率分别高于90%、99%和85%。处理味精废水后的颗粒污泥粒径由之前的0.8~2.5 mm减小至0.6~1.8 mm,颗粒结构较之前更加密实。  相似文献   

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