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针对目前钢铁行业大气污染物清单编制和管理过程中存在的问题和需求,利用全国污染源排放在线监测(CEMS)数据、环境影响评价数据、环境统计数据、污染源普查数据等资料,建立了基于生产工艺的全国钢铁行业大气污染物排放清单管理系统,实现了排放清单的动态化管理和编制等功能。以山东省为例,验证了系统清单生成、输出等功能,结果显示2012年山东省钢铁企业SO_2、NO_x、烟粉尘排放量分别为15.23万、18.16万、8.97万t,其中烧结和高炉工艺是主要排污环节;从空间分布来看,莱芜、日照两市的钢铁企业污染排放量最大,SO_2、NO_x、烟粉尘排放量合计占山东省排放总量的50%左右。  相似文献   

张海荣 《污染防治技术》2009,22(3):101-102,109
针对建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测中存在的一些疑难问题,分别从对废水监测中,采样点位的确定和描述及采样时间的确定,清污合排总排口的情况下监测点位的确定;厂界噪声监测中,测点的选择、背景值的修正与测量、环境敏感点的监测;废气监测中,无组织废气监控点的布设、有组织废气采样方法的选择,以及燃烧性废气监测中过剩系数的影响;验收监测期间,生产工况的确定等方面进行了探讨,提出了一些解决办法。  相似文献   

生物膜填料塔净化低浓度苯乙烯废气的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了进口气体中苯乙烯浓度、气体流量和液体流量等3个因素对生物膜填料塔净化苯乙烯废气的影响。研究结果表明,当进口气体中苯乙烯浓度为1000mg/m^3以下、气体流量为200L/h、循环液流量为10L/h的操作条件下,废气中苯乙烯的去除率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

通过对仪化涤纶厂乙醛废气污染源的调查及监测,分析了其源强、生产车间及厂区内外的分布规律,并进一步作了该厂乙醛废气对环境影响的预测评价。结果表明,周边地区乙醛废气的质量浓度分布均达到《工业企业设汁卫生标准》的要求。  相似文献   

结合浙江某农药厂废气污染的监测、调查和防治方面的经验,总结了农药厂废气污染特点,并采用吸附、吸收和焚烧等综合治理技术有效控制了废气污染.以该农药厂乙酰甲胺磷、包装车间和污水站为例,对主要废气预处理进行了分析:乙酰甲胺磷车间乙酰脱溶真空泵和反应釜产生的氯仿废气经二级深冷回收后进入活性炭吸附处理系统进行预处理;乙酰真空泵产生的其他废气经二级深冷回收预处理;反应釜、溶剂储槽混合废气经水洗、氧化二级吸收预处理;包装车间和污水站废气各自经碱洗吸收预处理.预处理后的废气采用氧化、碱液二级吸收工艺进行废气集中处理,再经锅炉焚烧后,各类废气排放浓度或排放速率均远低于相应标准限值,可实现达标排放.  相似文献   

化学原料药制造行业是挥发性有机废气(VOCs)排放重点监管行业。原料药生产过程中VOCs排放具有排放节点多、成份复杂等特点。在阐述典型原料药生产过程中VOCs产生环节的基础上,分析了制药企业VOCs治理普遍面临的治理技术缺乏针对性、无组织废气收集不足、企业废气自行监测能力不足等难点问题,并对制药企业VOCs治理提出了加强有机废气成分溯源监测和规范废气收集等前瞻性建议,以期为提高该行业的VOCs治理效果并促进制药行业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

生物法净化再生胶生产废气工业试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在再生橡胶厂进行橡胶再生低浓度有机废气的生物法净化工业试验研究,对于甲苯浓度为300~1400mg/m^3的再生胶脱硫废气,在常温常压下以气体流量10~20m^3/h、循环液体喷淋量300~500L/h运行生物法废气净化装置获得了良好物净化效果。该装置连续运行100d的结果显示,其对再生胶废气中甲苯的净化效率可较长时间的保持在90%左右,废气经处理后可以实现达标排放,废气处理成本约为工厂再生胶产值的0.12%~0.14%,具有明显的技术先进性和经济合理性。  相似文献   

随着工业化、城镇化的深入推进,二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟粉尘和挥发性有机物等各类污染物排放到环境中,致使中国大气受到严重污染,给人体的健康、动植物的生长、发育和繁殖等带来负面的影响。为实时监测环境空气质量,建立环境空气质量自动监测站逐渐成为大气污染防治的主要手段。文中以环境空气质量自动监测站为研究对象,提出环境空气质量自动监测站管理与维护面临的问题,探讨相应的解决措施,以期为环境空气质量自动监测站的管理与维护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

以磁性多孔微球为载体,采用吸附法固载硫酸盐还原菌,用于磁性稳态流化床。通过扫描电镜等方法研究生物膜的组成,计算出反应器中磁性多孔微球的浓度、生物膜量和生物膜浓度等,并进行了磁性稳态流化床净化SO2废气初步实验。结果表明,MSFB反应器中的生物膜浓度为15.60g/L,生物膜厚度为105.60μm,MPM上固定的生物量高达109.80mg/g。磁性稳态流化床净化SO2废气,净化效率可达90%以上;并考察了pH和气液比对SO2吸收率的影响,这对进一步研究微生物法脱除烟气SO2具有重要意义。  相似文献   

研究了进口气体中苯乙烯浓度、气体流量和液体流量等3个因素对生物膜填料塔净化苯乙烯废气的影响.研究结果表明,当进口气体中苯乙烯浓度为1000 mg/m3以下、气体流量为200L/h、循环液流量为10L/h的操作条件下,废气中苯乙烯的去除率可达90%以上.  相似文献   

The collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001, generated large amounts of dust and smoke that settled in the surrounding indoor and outdoor environments in southern Manhattan. Sixteen dust samples were collected from undisturbed locations inside two uncleaned buildings that were adjacent to Ground Zero. These samples were analyzed for morphology, metals, and organic compounds, and the results were compared with the previously reported outdoor WTC dust/smoke results. We also analyzed seven additional dust samples provided by residents in the local neighborhoods. The morphologic analyses showed that the indoor WTC dust/smoke samples were similar to the outdoor WTC dust/smoke samples in composition and characteristics but with more than 50% mass in the <53-microm size fraction. This was in contrast to the outdoor samples that contained >50% of mass above >53 microm. Elemental analyses also showed the similarities, but at lower concentrations. Organic compounds present in the outdoor samples were also detected in the indoor samples. Conversely, the resident-provided convenience dust samples were different from either the WTC indoor or outdoor samples in composition and pH, indicating that they were not WTC-affected locations. In summary, the indoor dust/smoke was similar in concentration to the outdoor dust/smoke but had a greater percentage of mass <53 microm in diameter.  相似文献   


The collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001, generated large amounts of dust and smoke that settled in the surrounding indoor and outdoor environments in southern Manhattan. Sixteen dust samples were collected from undisturbed locations inside two uncleaned buildings that were adjacent to Ground Zero. These samples were analyzed for morphology, metals, and organic compounds, and the results were compared with the previously reported outdoor WTC dust/smoke results. We also analyzed seven additional dust samples provided by residents in the local neighborhoods. The morphologic analyses showed that the indoor WTC dust/smoke samples were similar to the outdoor WTC dust/smoke samples in composition and characteristics but with more than 50% mass in the <53 μm size fraction. This was in contrast to the outdoor samples that contained >50% of mass above >53 μm. Elemental analyses also showed the similarities, but at lower concentrations. Organic compounds present in the outdoor samples were also detected in the indoor samples. Conversely, the resident-provided convenience dust samples were different from either the WTC indoor or outdoor samples in composition and pH, indicating that they were not WTC-affected locations. In summary, the indoor dust/smoke was similar in concentration to the outdoor dust/smoke but had a greater percentage of mass <53 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

使用烟气净化测试系统,对燃煤手烧炉燃烧过程烟尘浓度变化进行了在线测定,对水浴净化前后烟气中的颗粒分散度进行了测定分析,并对SW型烟气净化装置的除尘效率进行了测定计算。实验表明,燃煤手烧炉的烟尘生成过程,与其加煤方式直接相关,且受燃烧温度的一定影响。在正常工作条件下,SW型燃煤炉窑烟气净化装置的平均除尘效率可达96 4%。  相似文献   

某中药厂4 t/h燃煤锅炉烟气采用湿式旋流脱硫除尘一体化装置取得了良好的效果,经实际运行测定除尘率达95%,脱硫率达77%,排出的烟气均能达到排放标准.该净化装置具有旋风水膜除尘器和湿式旋流板洗涤器的双重功能,通过介绍该一体化装置的机理、设计参数和技术经济分析,为燃煤锅炉烟气的脱硫除尘提供参考.  相似文献   

Spaceborne sensors allow near-continuous aerosol monitoring throughout the world. This paper illustrates the fusion of Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) and TOMS satellite data with surface observations and topographic data during four extreme aerosol events: (1) the April 1998 Asian dust storm that impacted the west coast of North America, (2) the May 1998 Central American forest fire smoke that impacted eastern North America, (3) the intense fall 1999 northern California fires, and (4) the massive February 2000 Sahara dust storm. During these dust and smoke events, the aerosol was visualized on true color SeaWiFS images as a distinct yellowish dye, the result of the aerosol increasing the reflectance of darker surfaces (ocean and land) and decreasing the reflectance of clouds. TOMS imagery also indicated increased aerosol absorption in the affected areas, while surface monitors measured major reductions in visual range. Fusing these data aids in the determination of the aerosol's spatial, temporal, and optical properties and provides supporting evidence for characterizing what is being visualized as dust or smoke. A 3-dimensional perspective of the events is obtained when incorporating topographic data and provides insight into the vertical properties of the aerosol plumes.  相似文献   

用于硅铁电炉烟气除尘的先进技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了国内外硅铁电炉烟气除尘现状、发展趋势及微硅粉尘的应用途径,认为挪威埃肯集团公司的除尘技术不仅解决了烟气污染问题,而且还能回收应用途径广泛的微硅粉;本文还详细介绍了该技术的特点和主要技术参数,为该项技术的推广应用提供参考.  相似文献   


Spaceborne sensors allow near-continuous aerosol monitoring throughout the world. This paper illustrates the fusion of Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) and TOMS satellite data with surface observations and topographic data during four extreme aerosol events: (1) the April 1998 Asian dust storm that impacted the west coast of North America, (2) the May 1998 Central American forest fire smoke that impacted eastern North America, (3) the intense fall 1999 northern California fires, and (4) the massive February 2000 Sahara dust storm. During these dust and smoke events, the aerosol was visualized on true color SeaWiFS images as a distinct yellowish dye, the result of the aerosol increasing the reflectance of darker surfaces (ocean and land) and decreasing the reflectance of clouds. TOMS imagery also indicated increased aerosol absorption in the affected areas, while surface monitors measured major reductions in visual range. Fusing these data aids in the determination of the aerosol's spatial, temporal, and optical properties and provides supporting evidence for characterizing what is being visualized as dust or smoke. A 3-dimensional perspective of the events is obtained when incorporating topographic data and provides insight into the vertical properties of the aerosol plumes.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的立窑水除尘系统,该系统采用适用于高温、高湿环境的新型轴流风机,处理用水可循环使用,没有二次污染,除尘效率高,粉尘排放达到标准.同时详细介绍了该系统的控制原理和控制电路的设计.  相似文献   

对雾化电晕放电极雾化过程、荷电液滴的捕集原理、自清洗作用进行探讨,在相同电压下雾化负电晕放电电流高于干式负电晕放电电流,极间大量荷电液滴具有很高的荷质比,并高速向极板驱进,对烟尘具有静电凝并和动力凝并除尘作用,具有高效净化油烟、自清洗极板的功能,此项净化烹调油烟的新技术,优于传统油烟净化技术,具有很好的应用价值和前景.  相似文献   

雾化电晕净化烹调油烟技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对雾化电晕放电极雾化过程、荷电液滴的捕集原理、自清洗作用进行探讨,在相同电压下雾化负电晕放电电流高于干式负电晕放电电流,极间大量荷电液滴具有很高的荷质比,并高速向极板驱进,对烟尘具有静电凝并和动力凝并除尘作用,具有高效净化油烟、自清洗极板的功能,此项净化烹调油烟的新技术,优于传统油烟净化技术,具有很好的应用价值和前景。  相似文献   

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