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通过文献调研收集广东电力生产最新的能源消费数据和排放因子,采用“自上而下”方法估算1995—2011年广东电力行业的直接和间接GHG(温室气体)排放量,量化直接排放量的不确定性,绘制GHG排放流向图,并且根据GHG排放特征提出减排建议. 结果表明:①虽然受经济、环境和能源政策的影响,与1995年相比,2011年广东电力生产的GHG总排放量仍增长438%,达3.44×108 t,其中直接排放量达2.78×108 t,不确定性为±11%. ②从发电能源结构角度考虑,燃煤发电是电力生产的最大GHG排放源,2011年其排放量占总排放量的76%;而从用电终端考虑,工业用电是最大的GHG排放源,2011年其排放量占电力生产GHG总排放量的66%. ③1995—2011年,用电终端总体电力GHG排放强度下降了16%,居民用电人均GHG排放量上升了260%,单位综合发电量的GHG排放系数微升了1%. ④发电能源结构和终端产业结构的低碳化以及控制居民用电的GHG排放量等措施可减排2011年广东电力生产GHG总排放量的44%.   相似文献   

碳市场的渊源 根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的评估报告,各国普遍认同必须“将大气中温室气体浓度稳定在不对气候系统造成危害的水平”的目标。于是世界上第一个为全面控制二氧化碳等温室气体(GHG)排放,以应对全球气候变暖给人类经济和社会带来不利影响的国际公约——《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC,以下简称“公约”)在1992年的联合国环境发展大会上获得通过,  相似文献   

生活垃圾处置单元是重要的温室气体(GHG)排放源,明确其排放变化趋势及特征,是制定生活垃圾单元GHG减排的前提.采用IPCC清单模型,对中国2010~2020年城市生活垃圾(MSW)处置单元的GHG排放进行了估算.结果表明,GHG排放量(以CO2-eq计,下同)从2010年的42.5 Mt增长至2019年的75.3 Mt,2020年降低到72.1 Mt;生活垃圾填埋场是GHG排放的主要来源,随着生活垃圾焚烧比例的增加,焚烧GHG排放占比从2010年的16.5%快速增加到2020年的60.1%;在区域分布上,华东和华南地区是排放量最高的区域,广东、山东、江苏和浙江是最主要的排放省.实行生活垃圾分类,转变生活垃圾处置方式(垃圾填埋向焚烧的转变),提高填埋场填埋气体(LFG)收集效率,利用生物覆盖功能材料强化覆盖层甲烷(CH4)氧化效率,是实现固废处置单元GHG减排的主要措施.  相似文献   

由于人类活动的影响,导致大气中温室气体(GHG)的浓度升高,而正确估算温室气体的排放量,对于制定减排措施具有重要的指导意义。本文以某企业馏份油加氢装置为固定燃烧源,采用现场监测方法计算了该企业2011年GHG的排放因子及排放量,并与利用联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)提供的GHG排放因子所估算出的GHG排放量进行了对比,结果表明采用现场监测方法计算得出的GHG排放量更加准确。  相似文献   

应对气候变化的能源战略与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐华清 《环境保护》2007,(11):47-49
气候变化是当今国际社会高度关注的全球性问题,也是能源领域的热点问题之一.全球气候变化主要是由于人类大量燃烧化石燃料所排放的二氧化碳等温室气体引起的.随着科学界对二氧化碳等温室气体排放与气候变化之间相互关系认识的深入,要求国际社会采取对策,努力限制或减少二氧化碳等温室气体排放的呼声也越来越高,气候变化问题已日益成为影响各国制定国家能源战略的重要因素.  相似文献   

徐华清 《环境保护》2007,(6A):47-49
气候变化是当今国际社会高度关注的全球性问题,也是能源领域的热点问题之一。全球气候变化主要是由于人类大量燃烧化石燃料所排放的二氧化碳等温室气体引起的。随着科学界对二氧化碳等温室气体排放与气候变化之间相互关系认识的深入,要求国际社会采取对策,努力限制或减少二氧化碳等温室气体排放的呼声也越来越高,气候变化问题已日益成为影响各国制定国家能源战略的重要因素。[编者按]  相似文献   

在可持续发展框架下应对气候变化的挑战   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球气候变化问题因其引起越来越严重和广泛的影响而成为国际社会关注的焦点。本文指出造成当前全球气候变化问题的根本原因是发达国家自其工业革命以来不可持续的发展道路和其当今沿袭的不可持续的现代化模式。走可持续发展的道路是全球应对气候变化问题的根本途径。在分析我国当前和未来的社会发展与能源消费之间关系的基础上,提出了减缓温室气体排放的主要措施,指出应将气候变化国家战略纳入我国可持续发展战略和中长期发展规划,以期更好地应对全球气候变化问题带来的全球政治经济格局的变化和我国走新型工业化道路所面临的资源与环境问题的挑战。  相似文献   

化学工业历来从生产装置每年向环境排放数千吨计的二氧化碳(CO2)和其他温室气体(GHG)而无需支付费用。然而,这一状况现已开始改变,随着应对气候变化一系列法规的出台,包括排放交易机制,已使一些公司感受到必须交付CO2排放费的严峻压力。  相似文献   

针对温室气体(greenhouse gases,GHG)引起的全球气候变化问题,中国制定了一系列的应对策略和减排计划,这些应对策略和减排计划的完成有赖于对温室气体排放数据的科学管理和应用。如何从温室气体排放数据中尽可能多地挖掘信息,是数据能不能得到充分利用的关键。文章通过使用面向服务的体系结构(service-oriented architecture,SOA)设计了温室气体排放清单数据展现模块,运用ASP.NET结合Silverlight技术,绘制了温室气体排放清单数据列表以及饼图、折线图、柱状图等统计图,并且结合Web GIS技术绘制了省市温室气体排放动态专题地图,在此过程中提出了一种采用Silverlight动画技术实现动态专题地图的方法。这一模块的实现提高了图表制作效率,丰富了数据展现方式,为有关部门确定温室气体排放数据、分析排放结构、了解排放数据的变化趋势提供了直观依据,有助于分析减排效果、发掘减排潜力、制定减排措施,更好地落实国家减排任务。  相似文献   

气候变化国际政策发展动向和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕学都 《环境保护》2007,(6A):36-42
全球气候变化是人类迄今面临的最重大的环境问题,也是21世纪人类面临的最复杂的挑战之一。气候变化主要是由人类活动引起的,解决气候变化问题的根本措施是减少温室气体的人为排放,增加对温室气体的吸收或埋存。为此,在过去的近20年里,国际社会展开了积极的行动,包括由联合国组织谈判制定气候变化框架公约、区域间政府组织制定减少温室气体排放的国际政策等。  相似文献   

Climate change caused by excessive emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere has gained serious attention from the global community for a long time. More and more countries have decided to propose their goals such as Paris agreements, to reduce emitting these heat trapping compounds for sustainability. The Asian region houses dramatic changes with diverse religions and cultures, large populations as well as a rapidly changing socio-economic situations all of which are contributing to generating a mammoth amount of GHGs; hence, they require calls for related studies on climate change strategies. After pre-filtering of GHG emission information, 24 Asian countries have been selected as primary target countries. Hierarchical cluster analysis method using complete linkage technique was successfully applied for appropriate grouping. Six groups were categorized through GHG emission properties with major and minor emission sectors based on the GHG inventory covering energy, industrial processes, agriculture, waste, land use change, and forestry and bunker fuels. Assigning six groups using cluster analysis finally implied that the approach to establish GHG emission boundaries was meaningful to develop further mitigation strategies. Following the outcome of this study, calculating amount of reduction potential in suitable sectors as well as determining best practice, technology, and regulatory framework can be improved by policy makers, environmental scientists, and planners at the different levels. Therefore, this work on reviewing a wide range of GHG emission history and establishing boundaries of emission characteristics would provide further direction of effective climate change mitigation for sustainability and resilience in Asia.  相似文献   

美国作为全球温室气体排放大国之一,在国际气候谈判中的立场至关重要。本文从州政府和地方政府角度总结了美国已采取的减排努力措施,分析了德班会议前后其应对气候变化动向,探讨了对我国采取温室气体减排行动和措施的借鉴意义和启示。美国由于受到持续低迷的经济环境,缓慢的国际气候谈判进程,以及2012年总统大选的影响,国内温室气体减排行动和措施实质进展缓慢,我国应总结和借鉴美国已采取减排行动措施的经验教训,从加快建立健全国内气候立法体系,推动国内碳市场建立出发,积极应对国内外气候变化制度中存在的不确定性,不断提高我国在国际气候谈判中的地位。  相似文献   

Past global efforts at dealing with the problem of global warming concentrated on mitigation, with the aim of reducing and possibly stabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere. With the slow progress in achieving this, adaptation was viewed as a viable option to reduce the vulnerability to the anticipated negative impacts of global warming. It is increasingly realized that mitigation and adaptation should not be pursued independent of each other but as complements. This has resulted in the recent calls for the integration of adaptation into mitigation strategies. However, integrating mitigation and adaptation into climate change concerns is not a completely new idea in the African Sahel. The region is characterized by severe and frequent droughts with records dating back into centuries. The local populations in this region, through their indigenous knowledge systems, have developed and implemented extensive mitigation and adaptation strategies that have enabled them reduce their vulnerability to past climate variability and change, which exceed those predicted by models of future climate change. However, this knowledge is rarely taken into consideration in the design and implementation of modern mitigation and adaptation strategies. This paper highlights some indigenous mitigation and adaptation strategies that have been practiced in the Sahel, and the benefits of integrating indigenous knowledge into formal climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. Incorporating indigenous knowledge can add value to the development of sustainable climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies that are rich in local content, and planned in conjunction with local people.  相似文献   

通过严格的审计对环境污染企业的节能减排具有促进作用,为了定量评价审计对环境污染企业节能减排的促进性贡献程度,提出一种基于污染预警指标权重加权评估的审计对环境污染企业节能减排促进性评价模型。构建环境污染企业节能减排的评价性指标体系,分析审计对环境污染企业节能减排的重要性指数,采用三层预警监测体系进行审计监察,确定节能减排的审计评价矩阵,结合模糊综合性评价方法促进审计的环境污染企业节能减排。  相似文献   

李楠  刘盈  王震 《环境科学学报》2020,40(2):707-715
产品碳足迹以碳标签的形式日益广泛地应用于产品供应链,通过影响企业和消费者行为而有效地促进全球碳减排.然而产品碳足迹核算标准种类繁多,不同标准对产品碳足迹的核算规定存在差异,致使其核算结果难于有效对比.本文以胶版印刷纸为例,对比分析了目前最权威的3个国际标准PAS2050、GHG Protocol和ISO14067,识别了三者对于8点产品碳足迹核算要素的不同规定,定量解析了标准差异对产品碳足迹核算的影响.结果表明,3个标准规定的差异可导致产品碳足迹核算结果产生较大的不确定性,GHG Protocol和ISO14067结果分别比PAS2050高61%和49%,其中,"碳存储、消费者交通、固定资产和延迟排放加权影响"4个方面的差异对案例产品碳足迹影响最为显著.因此,按照产品类别制定统一的核算要求是碳标签交流对比的基本前提,明晰的标准规定是降低核算结果不确定性的必要途径.  相似文献   

Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that climate change will affect mining industry and may pose significant risks to the economic viability of mining enterprises. So far, the vast majority of recent research efforts on this subject have focused, not surprisingly, on mining activities operating in northern areas. Nevertheless, climate change is an issue that should be of concern for all mining industry, worldwide. For this reason, this paper addresses the impacts of climate change on mining industry in the Mediterranean Region, and specifically Greece, and attempts, for the first time, to estimate the cost of climate change-related risks to the sector by means of a ??top-down?? approach. Towards this direction, climate projections based on the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A1B emission scenario (which refers to a fast global economic growth, global population that peaks mid-century and then decreases, and a rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies and a balanced energy source mix) for the time period 2021?C2050 are compared to climate data for the time period 1991?C2000, in order to quantify the impacts in physical terms. Then, both secondary and primary data sources are used to monetize the cost of climate change impacts to mining enterprises. Although there exist certain limitations in the research due to data unavailability, the study reveals the importance of the problem and provides useful findings. More specifically, the estimates indicate that Greece??s mining industry could face economic losses from climate change as high as US$0.8 billion. The cost of adaptation measures is about US$312 million, while that of mitigation measures that will burden the sector through the increased electricity prices is about US$478 million.  相似文献   

The global waste sector produces, on average, 2–5 % of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The amount of GHG emissions has grown steadily and is predicted to increase considerable in the forthcoming decades because of the increases in population and gross domestic product (GDP). However, the GHG mitigation opportunities for the sector are still fully not exploited, in particularly in developing countries. A series of initiatives were highly successful and showed that large reductions in emissions are possible. This study aims to propose a holistic quantification model, which can be used for estimation of waste generation and evaluation of the potential reduction of GHG emissions in waste sector for developing countries with a particular application to Vietnam. The two scenarios set for the study were business as usual (BaU) which waste management is assumed to follow past and current trends and CounterMeasure (CM) which alternative waste treatment and management are assessed. Total emissions in the BaU scenario are projected to increase from 29.47 MtCO2eq in 2010 to 85.60 MtCO2eq by 2030 and 176.32 MtCO2eq by 2050. The highest emissions are due to methane (CH4) released by disposal sites, accounting for about 60 % of the GHG emissions from waste in Vietnam in 2030. This emission is projected to increase significantly (67 % in 2050), unless more of the methane is captured and used for energy generation. The CM scenario gives emission reductions from 25.7 % (2020), 40.5 % (2030) to 56.6 % (2050) compared to the BaU scenario. The highest GHG reduction is achieved through recycling, followed by methane recovery to optimize the co-benefit for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Climate change, population growth and socio-structural changes will make meeting future food demands extremely challenging. As wheat is a globally traded food commodity central to the food security of many nations, this paper uses it as an example to explore the impact of climate change on global food supply and quantify the resulting greenhouse gas emissions. Published data on projected wheat production is used to analyse how global production can be increased to match projected demand. The results show that the largest projected wheat demand increases are in areas most likely to suffer severe climate change impacts, but that global demand could be met if northern hemisphere producers exploit climate change benefits to increase production and narrow their yield gaps. Life cycle assessment of different climate change scenarios shows that in the case of one of the most important wheat producers (the UK) it may be possible to improve yields with an increase of only 0.6% in the emission intensity per unit of wheat produced in a 2 °C scenario. However, UK production would need to rise substantially, increasing total UK wheat production emissions by 26%. This demonstrates how national emission inventories and associated targets do not incentivise minimisation of global greenhouse gas emissions while meeting increased food demands, highlighting a triad of challenges: meeting the rising demand for food, adapting to climate change and reducing emissions.  相似文献   

城市温室气体清单评价研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈操操  刘春兰  田刚  王海华  李铮 《环境科学》2010,31(11):2780-2787
城市消费了大量的能源,是全球人类活动温室气体的最大排放源,在应对气候变化中起到关键作用.城市温室气体清单评价成为重要的基础性工作,对于制定城市减排目标和计划、评估减排措施效果具有重要的意义.然而,城市开放的空间系统结构导致城市温室气体清单核算面临许多困难和挑战.本文对国内外城市温室气体清单方法和案例进行了回顾与展望,研究内容主要集中在比较城市清单和国家清单方法、联系和区别,分析清单编制的不确定性,在此基础上提出可借鉴的经验与启示,以期推动我国城市温室气体清单研究发展.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide capture and permanent storage (CCS) is one of the most frequently discussed technologies with the potential to mitigate climate change. The natural target for CCS has been the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil energy sources. However, CCS has also been suggested in combination with biomass during recent years. Given that the impact on the earth's radiative balance is the same whether CO2 emissions of a fossil or a biomass origin are captured and stored away from the atmosphere, we argue that an equal reward should be given for the CCS, independent of the origin of the CO2. The guidelines that provide assistance for the national greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting under the Kyoto Protocol have not considered CCS from biomass (biotic CCS) and it appears that it is not possible to receive emission credits for biotic CCS under the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, i.e., 2008–2012. We argue that it would be unwise to exclude this GHG mitigation alternative from the competition with other GHG mitigation options. We also propose a feasible approach as to how emission credits for biotic CCS could be included within a future accounting framework.  相似文献   

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