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强化混凝去除黄浦江水有机物的试验研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
强化混凝去除有机物的效果与水源的分子量分布特性有着密切的关系.由于黄浦江水中低分子量的溶解性有机物占多数,因此,强化混凝处理有机物效果有限.对于<1k分子量区间的有机物.增加混凝剂投量可有效去除紫外吸光值(UV254),但去除溶解性有机碳(DOC)的效果很差.尽管增加混凝剂投量和降低pH都能有效地去除有机物,但决定强化混凝效果的主要因素是pH,去除黄浦江水有机物的最佳pH范围为6~5.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱系统对南明河中的有机物含量及分子量的分布特征进行了研究。南明河有机物的分子量呈多峰状态分布,分子量分布从大于3500 Da到小于1000 Da的有机物都存在。分子量在1000 Da~3500 Da之间的有机物含量占比71%~88%,分子量小于1000 Da和大于3500 Da的有机物含量很小。从整个南明河来看,上游和下游的有机物的分子量相对比较大,而中游的分子量相对比较小。  相似文献   

王磊  刘莹  王旭东  段文松  韩勤有 《环境工程》2005,23(6):81-83,92
研究了不同预处理对原水分子量分布的改变和对膜透水通量的影响,用膜污染的结构参数模型,评价了分子量分布对平均孔径和膜孔密度的影响。结果表明:(1)经过不同的预处理后,原水的分子量分布有所改变,混凝对大分子量有机物去除率较高,PAC吸附对小分子量有机物去除率较高,臭氧PAC联用预处理使大分子量有机物和小分子量有机物均有所去除。(2)分子量分布对膜通量影响较大。(3)通过试验并应用膜结构参数模型,评价了分子量分布对膜平均孔径和膜孔密度的影响,表明小分子量有机物易引起孔内吸附,大分子量有机物容易在膜面附着。  相似文献   

分别采用分子量分级膜和XAD-8树脂,研究了污水厂二级出水中有机物分子量分布特征及不同分子量分布区间亲疏水有机物的相对含量,考察了分子量分布及亲疏水特性对纳滤膜透水性能的影响.结果表明,二级出水有机物中,小分子亲水性有机物含量最高,小于2k的有机物占总有机物含量的45.61%,其中亲水性物质占28.07%,疏水性物质占17.54%;不同特征的原水分别经纳滤膜过滤,分子量分布对膜污染影响较大,分子量小于30k时,分子量区间越小,比通量衰减越快,分子量大于30k时,分子量区间越大,比通量衰减越快,且分子量较小的有机物通量衰减程度大于分子量较大有机物;在分子量分布相同区间内,亲水性有机物的比通量衰减较慢,说明相同分子量时,膜对亲水性物质的截留率较低,而疏水性物质是引起膜通量衰减的主要原因.  相似文献   

东江水源水中有机物分子量分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用超滤膜法考察了东江水源水中有机物分子量分布特点,研究了东江泄洪和不泄洪水源水中有机物分子量分布的变化特征。结果表明,东江水源水在不泄洪期间水源水中的溶解性有机物主要为小分子量的有机物。而在泄洪期间,东江水源水中溶解性有机物主要为大分子量的有机物。UV254的分布和有机物分子量分布一致,DOC与UV254具有良好的相关性。泄洪期间水源水中SUVA值小于3,水体中有机物很难通过常规混凝工艺去除,此结果与水厂的实际运行情况相吻合。  相似文献   

本试验是在微污染水源水中有机物分布调查的基础上,采用聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)微滤膜(MF)过滤微污染地表水,考察微滤膜对天然水中有机物的影响作用.试验结果表明,黄浦江微污染水源水中的有机物分子质量主要集中在3~5 k Da和0.2 k Da附近,且疏水性有机物和亲水性有机物所占的比例相当.有机物季节性分布特征明显,冬季溶解性有机碳(DOC)的值偏高,而UV254和比紫外吸光度值(SUVA)则在夏季偏高.黄浦江原水经微滤膜过滤后,有机物构成发生明显变化,膜出水中的亲水性有机物的比例增加,而疏水性有机物的比例降低,DOC和UV254的平均去除率分别为17.73%和15.75%.黄浦江原水及经0.45μm滤膜过滤以去除悬浮物的黄浦江原水分别进行微滤膜过滤,膜比通量的对比发现,在较短时间内两者的膜比通量下降都很明显,而后膜比通量都趋于平缓,变化趋势及结果基本一致,可见,黄浦江水中造成膜通量下降的物质并不是悬浮物,而是溶解性的有机物质.  相似文献   

采用超滤膜法对废水处理系统中有机物的分子量分布及其变化进行研究,分析有机物分子量分布特性及不同分子量分布区间有机物的相对含量。结果表明:厌氧、缺氧、好氧反应池出水中,小于1K分子量区间上的有机物所占比例最高。该分子量区间有机物TOC分别占总TOC的60.9%、58.5%、65.2%,UV254分别占总UV254的69.9%、67.9%、82.1%。传统工艺对小分子量有机物去除效率较低。  相似文献   

UF膜与混凝粉末活性炭联用处理微污染原水   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
采用混凝、粉末活性炭和UF膜分离的联用技术对黄浦江原水进行试验 ,结果表明 ,混凝、粉末活性炭可有效地去除溶解性有机物 .混凝处理主要去除大分子量的有机物 ,粉末活性炭主要去除低分子量的有机物 .混凝、粉末活性炭还能有效地去除三氯甲烷生成潜能 (THMFP) ,对于低分子量的THMFP ,混凝去除效果很差 ,而粉末活性炭去除很好 .试验还表明 ,混凝、粉末活性炭还可大大降低膜的滤饼层阻力 ,当混凝剂投加量为 4mg/L时 ,膜的滤饼层阻力最小 .  相似文献   

生活垃圾焚烧厂贮坑沥滤液的污染与可处理特性   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
通过对生活垃圾焚烧厂贮坑沥滤液历时6个月的常规污染物监测,分析了沥滤液中溶解性有机物(DOM)分子量分级和重金属在不同分子量DOM中的分布,以探讨沥滤液的污染与可处理特性结果表明:沥滤液有机污染程度高.沥滤液中有机物以非溶解性(约占有机物总量的23%)和分子量<4 ku的DOM(超过DOM总量的88%)为主,低碳有机酸和醇的总量占沥滤液中DOM(分子量<4 ku)的50%.沥滤液中重金属含量高,在DOM各分子量分级中,重金属主要与分子量<4 ku的DOM相关,尤其是Zn和Ni的分布占90%以上,并且重金属(除As和Hg外)的分布与有机物的分布呈显著的正相关性.根据沥滤液的性质,宜采用混凝或厌氧-好氧生物方法对其进行处理.   相似文献   

绍兴市富营养化水源水中有机物特性研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
采用超滤法对绍兴富营养化水源水中有机物进行了分子量的测定,继而考察了不同分子量区间的有机物对色度,紫外吸收的影响,并与淮河(蚌埠段)水及密云水库水中的有机物特性作了比较,发现密云水库水以小分子有机物为主,分子量小3000的有机物占总BOC的96.7%,而绍兴水及淮河水(蚌埠段)中有机物相对分子质量分布相对较为均匀,分子量大于3000的有机物占总DOC的比例分别为28.37%和38.28%,水中有机  相似文献   

典型南方水源溶解性有机物分子量分布变化及去除特性   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
用超滤膜法对以东江为水源的深圳水库水体溶解性有机物(DOM)进行物理分级表征,研究了2005年3~9月原水中DOM分子量分布的连续变化特性,以及各分子量范围的DOM组分与消毒副产物三卤甲烷生成势(THMFP)之间的关系结果表明,在此原水DOM中,相对分子量小于1000的有机物所占比例最高(平均值为41.15%(以DOC计)),这说明东江原水中DOM主要以小分子量有机物为主,此分子量范围有机物所产生的THMFP在原水中所占比例均值为32.23%水处理研究表明,常规工艺和深度处理工艺对其DOC和THMFP的去除率均不高.对原水总DOC的贡献占第二位的是分子量在104~3×104之间的有机物(均值为24.07%),其对总THMFP的贡献率为29.09%,常规工艺对此分子量范围有机物去除效果很好.  相似文献   

The UF membrane with molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) ranging from 2 kDa to 100 kDa and XAD-8 resin were employed to identify the characteristic of molecular weight (MW) distribution of wastewater effluent organic matter (EfOM) in terms of TOC and UV254, as well as the amounts of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic organic fractions in different MW ranges. Then, the nanofiltration (NF) membrane fouling experiments were carried out using the above fractionated water to investigate the effect of MW distribution and hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics of EfOM on the membrane flux decline using the fractionated water samples above. The experimental results have shown that 45.61% of the total organics belongs to the low MW one, among which the percentage of the hydrophilic organics with low MW (less than 2 kDa) was up to 28.07%, while that of the hydrophobic organics was 17.54%. In particular, the hydrophilic fraction was found to be the most abundant fraction in the effluents. MW distribution has a significant effect on the membrane fouling. When the MW was less than 30 kDa, the lower the MW, the larger was the specific flux decline, while in the case of MW higher than 30 kDa, the higher the MW, the larger was the specific flux decline, and the decline degree of low MW organics was larger than the high MW one. With the same MW distribution range, specific flux decline of the hydrophilic organic was considerably slower than that of the hydrophobic organic, which indicated that the hydrophobic organic fractions dominantly contribute to the flux decline.  相似文献   

The UF membrane with molecular weight cuto (MWCO) ranging from 2 to 100 kDa and XAD-8 resin were employed to identify the characteristic of molecular weight (MW) distribution of wastewater e uent organic matter (EfOM) in terms of TOC and UV254, as well as the amounts of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic organic fractions in di erent MW ranges. Then, the nanofiltration (NF) membrane fouling experiments were carried out using the above fractionated water to investigate the e ect of MW distribution and hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics of EfOM on the membrane flux decline using the fractionated water samples. The experimental results have shown that 45.61% of the total organics belongs to the low MW one, among which the percentage of the hydrophilic organics with low MW (less than 2 kDa) was up to 28.07%, while that of the hydrophobic organics was 17.54%. In particular, the hydrophilic fraction was found to be the most abundant fraction in the e uents. MW distribution has a significant e ect on the membrane fouling. When the MWwas less than 30 kDa, the lower the MW, the larger was the specific flux decline, while in the case of MW higher than 30 kDa, the higher the MW, the larger was the specific flux decline, and the decline degree of low MW organics was larger than the high MW one. With the same MW distribution range, specific flux decline of the hydrophilic organic was considerably slower than that of the hydrophobic organic, which indicated that the hydrophobic organic fractions dominantly contribute to the flux decline.  相似文献   

通过分析太湖水的分子量分布变化以及亲疏组分,考察氯反应生成AOC的效果和机理.结果表明,弱疏组分的AOC生成量最大,其次为强疏,中亲和带负电亲水的生成量最少.氯主要与小分子的疏水性有机物反应,AOC的生成量最多.通过考察深度处理工艺的有机物分子量以及组分的变化,发现疏水性有机物呈逐渐下降而亲水性组分呈上升的趋势,表明氯化产生的AOC呈减少趋势.小分子的疏水性有机物是主要的氯化AOC的前体物.  相似文献   

Carbon source is a critical constraint on nutrient removal in domestic wastewater treatment. However, the functions of particulate organic matter (POM) and some organics with high molecular weight (HMW) are overlooked in the conventional process, as they cannot be directly assimilated into cells during microbial metabolism. This further aggravates the problem of carbon source shortage and thus affects the effluent quality. Therefore, to better characterize organic matter (OM) based MW distribution, microfiltration/ultrafiltration/nanofiltration (MF/UF/NF) membranes were used in parallel to fractionate OM, which obtained seven fractions. Hydrolysis acidification (HA) was adopted to manipulate the MW distribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and further explore the correlation between molecular size and biodegradability. Results showed that HA pretreatment of wastewater not only promoted transformation from POM to DOM, but also boosted biodegradability. After 8 hr of HA, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) increased by 65%, from the initial value of 20.25 to 33.48 mg/L, and the biodegradability index (BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand)/SCOD (soluble chemical oxygen demand)) increased from 0.52 to 0.74. Using MW distribution analysis and composition optimization, a new understanding on the characteristics of organics in wastewater was obtained, which is of importance to solving low C/N wastewater treatment in engineering practice.  相似文献   

我国北方城市污水处理厂二级处理出水的水质特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王树涛  王虹  马军  章广德  刘惠玲 《环境科学》2009,30(4):1099-1104
将生活污水二级处理出水分离为悬浮态、近胶体态和溶解态物质,并分别进行了分析.结果表明,溶解态COD占二级出水总COD的78.2%~86.5%,而悬浮态COD仅占10.1%~17.0%,近胶体态COD最高占4.8%;溶解态TOC占二级出水总TOC的82.6%~86.6%;悬浮物中有机组分占物质总量的75.54%~89.93%;二级出水中80%的颗粒分布在2.00~6.84 μm之间;二级出水的可生化性较差:BOD5/COD为0.195~0.283, BDOC/DOC为0.156~0.26.溶解性有机物和悬浮性有机物的GC/MS分析表明,具有环状结构的化合物分别占各自总化合物的58%和35%.分析认为,二级出水中大多为难降解有机物,可生化性很差,要实现较高的去除效率,必须首先改善其可生化性,才能充分发挥后续生化工艺净化有机物的潜力.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles in aquatic ecosystem. To investigate the characteristics of DOM in Huangpu River {the last tributary of the Yangtze River), surface water samples were collected along the river from December 2011 to June, 2013. The concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the absorbance and fluorescence spectrum of DOM in water samples were measured. Fluorescent DOM in the Huangpu River was decomposed into four components by the parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC), including one humic-like substance and three protein-like substances. It showed that high spatial variability of DOC concentration was observed in the upstream water compared to the downstream water, and so did the absorbance coefficients of chromophoric dissolved organic matter and the total fluorescence intensities of different PARAFAC components of DOM. Furthermore, there was a large difference between the polarity and bioavailability of DOM in the Huangpu River. Polar compounds dominated tyrosine-like component of fluorescent DOM in all seasons. Tryptophan-like and humic-like substances had more polar fraction in summer and autumn than those in winter, while aromatic protein-like materials had the highest polar fraction in winter. Almost all of fluorescent DOM components were refractory in spring, while less than 20% of fluorescent DOM in average were biodegradable within 4 weeks in other seasons. We concluded that the spatial variation in the abundance of DOM in the Huangpu River is mainly affected by the water discharges from the Hangjiahu Plain and the seasonal difference in polarity and bioavailability of DOM is largely determined by its origins.  相似文献   

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