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裂变径迹方法在大地构造学中的一些应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章介绍了近年来地学工作者利用锆石、磷灰石的裂变径迹技术在造山带、构造盆地、大型断裂方面的研究成果。裂变径迹技术可给出岩石冷却年龄、时间 -温度演化轨迹 ,并用之探讨不同构造区的构造隆升时间、强度、活动分布模式以及演化规律。所列事实说明裂变径迹技术能为重塑上地壳大地构造活动模式、演化历史提供有益帮助  相似文献   

<正> 径迹,指的是带电粒子(如α、裂变碎片等)通过某些绝缘固体材料时留下的辐射损伤痕迹。这是西尔克等在1959年发现的。1962年,又经过普赖斯等用化学蚀刻法处理,就发展成得到广泛应用的径迹探测技术。径迹种类很多,用途也多种多样。其中裂变径迹技术是一种高灵敏度的测铀方法。二十多年来,它被广泛地应用于核物理、地质学、环境科学和考古学等许多学科领域。迄今为止,其应用长盛不衰,预计将来也会有增无减。  相似文献   

裂变径迹法在矿物和天然玻璃研究中的应用 裂变径迹法适用于含铀量较高的对象,能够在测定的时间内产生足够高的裂变径迹数。对于计数来说,以每平方厘米10个径迹作为下限,每平方厘米10~7个径迹作为上限。因为要求这些径迹在光学显微镜内仍能互相  相似文献   

本世纪六十年代中期,核裂变径迹技术开始应用于地球化学研究中。由于它对微粒微量及低含量样品的铀、钍分折具有高灵敏度,很快得到地球化学工作者的重视,并在  相似文献   

裂变径迹方法已经在地质年代学、宇宙年代学和考古学中得到了广泛的应用。这一方面是由于适合于作裂变径迹年龄测定的对象比较广,无论火成岩、沉积岩或变质岩均可以找到适合于作裂变径迹年龄测定的矿物和其它绝缘固体物质;另一方面是因为裂变径迹方法所能测定的年龄范围宽。本文概述裂变径迹年龄测定的方法及其应用。  相似文献   

<正> 1 引言 矿物中微量~(238)U在漫长的地质时期发生自发裂变,产生的辐射损伤(即潜伏径迹)的痕迹就是自发裂变径迹。选用适当的化学试剂蚀刻扩大,就能在光学显微镜下进行观测。矿物中的~(235)U用一定的热中子通量进行辐射,会产生诱发裂变径迹。径迹密度与矿物的铀含量、年龄以及辐照的热中子通量呈函数关系,因此  相似文献   

陨石中的天然辐射损伤径迹,对研究陨石的辐射历史,可以提供大量的资料。本文讨论Pu~(244)裂变径迹的鉴别以及托路卡陨石母体的冷却速度。 我们用已知的蚀刻剂对托路卡铁陨石包裹体中五个不同的硅酸盐矿物的天然径迹进行了研究。结果列  相似文献   

<正> 裂变径迹方法是近十多年内发展起来的新技术,目前它正广泛应用于各个学科领域,因而引起许多科学家的重视和关注。1974年美国首次建立了裂变径迹玻璃系列。至今,世界各国的径迹实验室均向美国购买这种标准玻璃,由于价格很贵加上不便购买,这就给径迹工作的开展带来了很多困难。美国目前使用的主要是标准铀玻璃,其铀含量分别为:SRM  相似文献   

<正> 固体核径迹方法已经在地质年代学、宇宙年代学、考古学、核物理、地球物理、天体物理、安全剂量防护学、铀矿普查与勘探等领域里得到普遍应用。原始的固体核径迹(潜伏径迹)是固体物质中的一个很微小的辐射损伤区,只是用高倍电子显微镜才能够观察到。但对于某一给定的绝缘固体物质,通过选择适当的蚀刻剂,控制最佳的蚀刻条件,就可以把辐射  相似文献   

据磷灰石裂变径迹具有在较低温度下能够迅火的特征,以及锆石径迹封闭温度在750℃以上的特点,研究同一矿石中两种不同单矿物卢生的裂变经迹与记录条件(径迹长度变化)。测定白云鄂博主矿成矿年龄数据属于海西中晚期,其值为3.3~4亿年,是改造后形成的时代。  相似文献   

The present understanding of the physics and technology problems of confining a hot plasma ring by magnetic fields and of heating it to such temperatures that thermonuclear fusions between deuterium and tritium nuclei provide the energy required to maintain this temperature seems to allow to predict the possibility of a self-sustaining thermonuclear reactor. Imbedding this chance into world energy scenarios for the next fifty years, it is shown that fusion reactors of a type of which each may supply about ten slow fission reactors with fissionable material may play a critical rôle by drastically reducing the number of required fast fission breeder reactors.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case of pseudomosaic centric fission of chromosome 4 detected in amniotic fluid cell culture. The pregnancy went to term and the newborn had a normal chromosomal constitution.  相似文献   

本文系统地阐述了国内外有关金矿床同位素定年方面的最新进展和古地磁法、天然裂变径迹法的基本原理 ,并对常用同位素定年法的适用性和局限性进行了评述  相似文献   

新疆库车坳陷晚白垩世隆升的裂变径迹证据   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据裂变径迹定年法研究,南天山库车坳陷地区在晚白垩世发生构造隆升事件,表现为全区范围内缺失晚白垩世地层。隆升事件在区域内具有不等晚性,介于109.6~68Ma之间,平均隆升速率约为47.6m/Ma,构造剥蚀量为3.28~3.93km。隆升事件形成库车坳陷构造格局的雏形,从全球动力学观点来看,可归因于Kolistan-Dran岛弧与拉萨地体碰撞的远距离效应。  相似文献   

In ants, winged queens that are specialized for independent colony foundation can be replaced by wingless reproductives better adapted for colony fission. We studied this shift in reproductive strategy by comparing two Mystrium species from Madagascar using morphometry, allometry and dissections. Mystrium rogeri has a single dealate queen in each colony with a larger thorax than workers and similar mandibles that allow these queens to hunt during non-claustral foundation. In contrast, Mystrium ‘red’ lacks winged queens and half of the female adults belong to a wingless ‘intermorph’ caste smaller and allometrically distinct from the workers. Intermorphs have functional ovaries and spermatheca while those of workers are degenerate. Intermorphs care for brood and a few mate and reproduce making them an all-purpose caste that takes charge of both work and reproduction. However, their mandibles are reduced and inappropriate for hunting centipedes, unlike the workers’ mandibles. This together with their small thorax disallow them to perform independent colony foundation, and colonies reproduce by fission. M. rogeri workers have mandibles polymorphic in size and shape, which allow for all tasks from brood care to hunting. In M. ‘red’, colonial investment in reproduction has shifted from producing expensive winged queens to more numerous helpers. M. ‘red’ intermorphs are the first case of reproductives smaller than workers in ants and illustrate their potential to diversify their caste system for better colonial economy.  相似文献   

Ant reproductives exhibit different morphological adaptations linked to dispersal and fertility. By reviewing the literature on taxa where workers can reproduce sexually (i.e. become gamergates) we show that (1) species with a single gamergate generally have lost the winged queen caste, whereas only half of the species with several gamergates have, and (2) single-gamergate species have smaller colonies than multiple-gamergate species. Comparison with "classical" ants without gamergates, where having one vs having several winged queens are two distinct syndromes, suggests that having one vs having several gamergates are not. Gamergate number does not affect the success of colony fission, but retention of the queen caste permits the option of independent foundation.  相似文献   

Man-made heavy-element production, previously accessible by successive neutron capture, has entered a new age by the invention of powerful heavy-ion accelerators. New insight in the fusion process and new experimental techniques have led to the discovery of two new elements with charge numbers 107 and 109 at GSI, the German Heavy Ion Research Laboratory. The production of very neutron-deficient Lu and Tm isotopes resulted in the discovery of a new mode of radioactive decay, proton radioactivity. Slow fusion of systems with nearly 500 nucleons as well as the dynamics of very fast fission processes have been studied. The future development investigating the properties of nuclear matter aims at high energy compression phenomena, onsets of which have been discovered recently by a joint group from GSI Darmstadt and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.  相似文献   

污水厂污泥低温热化学转化过程机理研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
污水厂污泥低温热化学转化是可望达到能量平衡的污泥处理新技术。借助污泥与其转化产物的元素分析、污泥的热重分析和衍生油的GC/MS分析等手段,对该转化反应过程的元素转移、转化特征温度和反应机理进行了研究。认为过程的主要反应是脂肪族化合物的蒸发、蛋白质肽键断裂和基团转移反应,参与反应的主要成份是脂肪族化合物和蛋白质,其中前者参与反应的温度低于后者,而糖类化合物参与反应的温度最高。  相似文献   

在反应堆中,用慢中子辐照经过处理的自来水样品,使铀裂变碎片在聚碳酸酯中产生径迹,经化学蚀刻放大后用光学显微镜观测径迹数。  相似文献   

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