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上海市城市化进程中热环境响应的空间评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Landsat TM/ETM+ 遥感数据解译与反演得到上海市1997~2009年的土地利用/覆盖类型图及热岛强度分布图,并分析其演变趋势,引入温度-植被指数(TVX)并采用TVX空间法定量研究了以建设用地扩张、生态用地减少为特点的城市化过程引起的热环境效应.研究表明,1997~2009年,上海市人口呈现从中心城至郊区的流动趋势;热岛强度分布与城市化建设密切相关,呈现“葫芦串-葡萄串-摊大饼型”的蔓延模式;以牺牲生态用地为代价的建设用地扩张造成研究区域地表温度的上升及植被覆盖度的下降,其中林地减少所引起的热环境效应最大.研究可为城市规划决策过程中不同城市化空间的拓展情景提供其可能的环境响应结果,从而完善气候变化适应性对策,推进城市生态系统的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Socio-economic impacts of climate change on rural United States   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Directly or indirectly, positively or negatively, climate change will affect all sectors and regions of the United States. The impacts, however, will not be homogenous across regions, sectors, population groups or time. The literature specifically related to how climate change will affect rural communities, their resilience, and adaptive capacity in the United States (U.S.) is scarce. This article bridges this knowledge gap through an extensive review of the current state of knowledge to make inferences about the rural communities vulnerability to climate change based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios. Our analysis shows that rural communities tend to be more vulnerable than their urban counterparts due to factors such as demography, occupations, earnings, literacy, poverty incidence, and dependency on government funds. Climate change impacts on rural communities differs across regions and economic sectors; some will likely benefit while others lose. Rural communities engaged in agricultural and forest related activities in the Northeast might benefit, while those in the Southwest and Southeast could face additional water stress and increased energy cost respectively. Developing adaptation and mitigation policy options geared towards reducing climatic vulnerability of rural communities is warranted. A set of regional and local studies is needed to delineate climate change impacts across rural and urban communities, and to develop appropriate policies to mitigate these impacts. Integrating research across disciplines, strengthening research-policy linkages, integrating ecosystem services while undertaking resource valuation, and expanding alternative energy sources, might also enhance coping capacity of rural communities in face of future climate change.  相似文献   

By 2050, 75 % of the world’s population will live in cities and the occurrence of heat wave events might have doubled. Mapping the climate and land use change impact for urban heat events should set the agenda for adaptation planning at the local scale. Literature on urban heat mapping does not reveal a clear indicator to visualise the urban heat impacts that includes consequences of land use and climate changes for planning purposes. This paper introduces a stepwise approach to develop a single complex indicator to map the urban heat impact for local climate adaptation planning processes. Information on climatic drivers and land use characteristics are combined and projected for future land use and climate change impacts. Next, several visualisation techniques are developed to investigate which techniques are most effective to visualise complex information with multiple variables in one visualisation. A usability test is performed to investigate how indicator and map meet the information and communication needs of policy makers. Our findings reveal that it is important to add information on future impacts to set the agenda for adaptation planning at the local scale. Applying cartographic techniques in a map series presentation has proven to be effective to map complex information in a single image and fulfil most of the identified information needs. Based on our finding, we introduce the information enrichment chain as a promising approach to support local adaptation planning.  相似文献   

Five new towns have been developed around the Seoul metropolitan area since 1996. However, these new towns generate lots of traffic and related problems in the areas including those new towns and Seoul as a result of increases in population and a lack of ecological-self-sufficiency. Currently, construction of another new town is under deliberation, and what should be a major consider is the notion that the new town be located within a wide, green zone. Many studies have revealed that green space can play an important role in improving urban eco-meteorological capability and air quality. In order to analyze the urban heat island which will be created by the new urban development, and to investigate the local thermal environment and its negative effects caused by a change of land use type and urbanization, Landsat TM images were used for extraction of urban surface temperature according to changes of land use over the last 15 years. These data are analyzed together with digital land use and topographic information. As a study result, it was found the urban heat island of the study area from 198.5 to 1999 rapidly developed which showed a difference of mean temperature above 2.0. Before the Bundang new town construction the temperature of the residential area was the same as a forest, but during the new town construction in 1991 analysis revealed the creation of an urban heat island. The temperature of a forest whose size is over 50% of the investigation area was lowest, and thus the presence of a forest is believed to have a direct cooling effect on the urban environment and its surroundings. The mean temperature of the residential and commercial areas in the study was found to be 4.5 higher than the forest, and therefore this part of land use is believed to be the main factor causing the temperature increase of the urban heat island.  相似文献   

World-wide urbanization has significantly modified the landscape, which has important climatic implications across all scales due to the simultaneous removal of natural land cover and introduction of urban materials. This resulted in a phenomenon known as an urban heat island(UHI). A study on the UHI in Xiamen of China was carried out using remote sensing technology. Satellite thermal infrared images were used to determine surface radiant temperatures. Thermal remote sensing data were obtained from band 6 of two Landsat TM/ETM^ images of 1989 and 2000 to observe the UHI changes over l l-year period. The thermal infrared bands were processed through several image enhancement technologies. This generated two 3-dimension-perspective images of Xiamen‘s urban heat island in 1989 and 2000, respectively, and revealed heat characteristics and spatial distribution features of the UHI. To find out the change of the UHI between 1989 and 2000, the two thermal images were first normalized and scaled to seven grades to reduce seasonal difference and then overlaid to produce a difference image by subtracting corresponding pixels. The difference image showed an evident development of the urban heat island in the 11 years. This change was due largely to the urban expansion with a consequent alteration in the ratio of sensible heat flux to latent heat flux. To quantitatively compare UHI, an index called Urban-Heat-Island Ratio Index(URI) was created. It can reveal the intensity of the UHI within the urban area. The calculation of the index was based on the ratio of UHI area to urban area. The greater the index, the more intense the UHI was. The calculation of the index for the Xiamen City indicated that the ratio of UHI area to urban area in 2000 was less than that in 1989. High temperatures in several areas in 1989 were reduced or just disappeared, such as those in old downtown area and Gulangyu lsland. For the potential mitigation of the UHI in Xiamen, a long-term heat island reduction strategy of planting shade trees and using light-colored, highly reflective roof and paving materials should be included in the plans of the city planers, environmental managers and other decision-makers to improve the overall urban environment in the future.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes potential impacts of climate change on biomass carbon (C) density and water-use (actual evapotranspiration, AET) of savannah woodlands in Sudan. Climate change scenarios were developed from five General Circulation Models (GCMs; CGCM2, CSIRO2, ECHam4, HadCM3 and PCM) under two IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) emission scenarios (A1FI and B1). Baseline (1961-90) climate and climate change scenarios for 2080s for eight map sheet grids (1° latitude x 1.5° longitude) were constructed. Compared to baseline values, mean annual precipitation (MAP) showed both increases (+112 to +221 mm) and decreases (?13 to ?188 mm) but mean annual temperature (MAT) only showed increases (+1.2 to +8.3 °C). Baseline biomass C densities showed an exponential relationship with MAP (y?=?6.798 e 0.0054x, R2?=?0.70). Depending on climate change MAP, biomass C densities increased (+14 to +241 g C m?2) or decreased (?1 to ?148 g?C m?2). However, because of uncertainty in biomass C density estimates, the changes were only significant (P <0.05) for some of the climate change scenarios and for grids with MAP >260 mm. Under A1FI emission scenarios, only HadCM3 did not have a significant effect while under B1 emission scenarios, only CGCM2 and ECHam4 had a significant effect on biomass C density. AET also showed both increases (+100 to +145 mm for vertisols and +82 to +197 mm for arenosols) and decreases (?12 to ?178 mm for vertisols and ?12 to ?132 mm for arenosols). The largest relative changes in AET (up to 31 %) were associated with grids receiving the lowest rainfall. Thus, even if MAP increases across the study region, the increase will have little impact on biomass levels in the driest areas of the region, emphasizing the need for improved management and use of savannah woodlands.  相似文献   

Climate change, water availability and future cereal production in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Climate scenarios from a regional climate model are used to drive crop and water simulation models underpinned by the IPCC A2 and B2 socio-economic development pathways to explore water availability for agriculture in China in the 2020s and 2040s. Various measures of water availability are examined at river basin and provincial scale in relation to agricultural and non-agricultural water demand and current and planned expansions to the area under irrigation. The objectives are to understand the influences of different drivers on future water availability to support China's food production. Hydrological simulations produce moderate to large increases in total water availability in response to increases in future precipitation. Total water demand increases nationally and in most basins, but with a decreasing share for agriculture due primarily to competition from industrial, domestic and municipal sectors. Crop simulations exhibit moderate to large increases in irrigation water demand which is found to be highly sensitive to the characteristics of daily precipitation in the climate scenarios. The impacts of climate change on water availability for agriculture are small compared to the role of socio-economic development.The study identifies significant spatial differences in impacts at the river basin and provincial level. In broad terms water availability for agriculture declines in southern China and remains stable in northern China. The combined impacts of climate change and socio-economic development produce decreases in future irrigation areas, especially the area of irrigated paddy rice. Overall, the results suggest that there will be insufficient water for agriculture in China in the coming decades, due primarily to increases in water demand for non-agricultural uses, which will have significant implications for adaptation strategies and policies for agricultural production and water management.  相似文献   

城市热岛是城市发展过程中遇到的难题,对人居环境造成较大影响.定量分析研究城市时空演变特征,探究热岛驱动因素,有助于为城市热岛动态变化分析提供技术支撑.论文以济南市为研究对象,采用2000年-2009年间7-8月份MODIS LST数据,分析10年间热岛变化特征.结果表明,10年间,济南城区温度明显高于郊区,热岛效应显著,并且,热核区、特高温区等区域呈现周期性扩张与收缩规律;通过提取2000年及2009年济南市人工表面与植被面积,发现2009年比2000年人工表面面积扩张33.33%,植被减少6.76%,且人工表面扩张与植被减少的区域大部分重合,这对城市热岛形成产生了一定促进作用.另一方面,通过统计分析2000年与2009年人口数量、机动车保有量、烟尘排放量数据,分析济南城市热岛驱动因素,结合城市规划建设,为缓解济南城市热岛提出参考性建议.  相似文献   

We examined the potential impacts of future climate change on the distribution and production of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on the northeastern USA’s continental shelf. We began by examining the response of cod to bottom water temperature changes observed over the past four decades using fishery-independent resource survey data. After accounting for the overall decline in cod during this period, we show that the probability of catching cod at specified locations decreased markedly with increasing bottom temperature. Our analysis of future changes in water temperature was based on output from three coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation models under high and low CO2 emissions. An increase of <1.5°C is predicted for all sectors under the low emission scenario in spring and autumn by the end of this century. Under the high emission scenario, temperature increases range from ~2°C in the north to >3.5°C in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Under these conditions, cod appear vulnerable to a loss of thermal habitat on Georges Bank, with a substantial loss of thermal habitat farther south. We also examined temperature effects on cod recruitment and growth in one stock area, the Gulf of Maine, to explore potential implications for yield and resilience to fishing. Cod survival during the early life stages declined with increasing water temperatures, offsetting potential increases in growth with warmer temperatures and resulting in a predicted loss in yield and increased vulnerability to high fishing mortality rates. Substantial differential impacts under the low versus high emission scenarios are evident for cod off the northeastern USA.  相似文献   

快速城市化加剧了城市热环境系统复杂性,严重影响城市生态环境和人居健康.综合地理信息系统、遥感、形态学空间格局分析和电路理论等理论与技术,应用MODIS地表温度遥感数据,定量识别京津冀城市群热岛斑块时空分布特征,划分城市热岛斑块景观类型并分析其时空转移路径.在此基础上,揭示城市群热环境空间网络和关键廊道时空演变过程.结果表明,2020年城市热岛斑块面积为16 610 km2,占研究区面积比例为7.68%. 2005~2020年京津冀城市群热岛面积和斑块数量显著增加.城市热岛斑块类型由2005年孤岛型为主导转变为2020年以核心型为主导.其中,2020年核心型城市热岛斑块主要来源于2005年的非城市热岛斑块、核心型和边缘型城市热岛斑块. 2020年京津冀城市群热环境源地数量和廊道长度、密度及电流密度均高于2005年.通过城市热环境廊道等级分析发现,2020年京津冀城市群热环境敏感型廊道为主要类型. 2005~2020年敏感型廊道增加数量最多.同时,城市热环境廊道系数增加,表征京津冀城市群热环境廊道趋向稳定型发展.最终提出城市热环境空间网络模式并讨论城市热环境主动适应和...  相似文献   

Climate change is raising significant issues for European invasive species policy. As natural and anthropogenic systems experience changing climatic conditions, opportunities for the distribution and establishment of invasive exotic plant species are projected to increase. Such environmental changes will provide significant challenges for the strategic planning and management of natural, agricultural and urban spaces. In this study, the perceptions of the impacts of invasive exotic plant species are examined and compared to perceptions of other environmental issues on the islands of Mallorca, Sardinia and Crete. A survey of key stakeholders was undertaken on the Mediterranean islands with the use of questionnaires and in-depth interviews. While there is a widespread tolerance of environmental change associated with the establishment of invasive species on the islands, local stakeholders raise concerns about specific impacts and the policies in place to respond to future risk. To build resilience within natural and anthropogenic systems to the changing climatic circumstances, a need exists for integrative environmental policy that supports local capacity to manage invasive species within Mediterranean landscapes.  相似文献   

论文以探究城市热岛效应调控机理为研究目的,以徐州地区1985-2010 年夏季四期Landsat TM影像为研究数据,应用单窗算法、K-T变换、空间叠加分析以及缓冲区分析等研究方法,对徐州市城市热岛时空变化特征进行了反演,重点对徐州市城市热岛强度的调控机理进行了分析并提出了通过K-T变换提取表示城市建成区内部植被与水体覆盖程度的城市地表湿度(ULSW)这一新指标.研究结果显示:城市地表湿度显著区对城市热岛效应起到了有效的调控作用,并且随着城市地表湿度值的提高,区域内部以及周围环境的温度都会随之下降.城市地表湿度指标对于城市热岛效应的调控水平具有一定的代表意义.  相似文献   

上海市城市热岛景观格局演变特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市热岛空间格局特征及其内在驱动机制的研究可为缓解城市热岛效应、城市规划与产业布局提供科学依据,目前这方面研究还比较少,相关机制并没有得到完全的揭示。该研究以上海市为研究对象,采用1987、1996、2002和2010年4景Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像,对城市地表温度进行了反演与分级。借助景观格局指数,分析了上海市城市热岛景观格局时空演变特征。结果表明:随着1987-2010年上海市不断城市化,各级热岛景观类型斑块数量持续增加,高等级的城市热岛景观类型面积也持续增加,整个城市热岛景观趋于破碎化。热岛景观总体聚集度下降,连通性下降,但是低等级热岛景观向高等级热岛景观转移的面积逐渐增加,景观类型之间面积差异逐渐减小,景观均匀度和多样性增加。城市化过程中,人口数量的增加和经济的快速发展对城市热岛景观格局的形成和演变具有重要的影响。研究结果揭示了城市热岛格局随城市化进程的时空演变特征,可以为制定有效的热岛效应缓解措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于西安市及其郊区(县)7 个气象观测站1993—2012 年的气温资料,采用回归分析、Mann-Kendall 等方法分析了西安市过去20 a 城市气温、热岛强度的变化规律,从城市经济发展、城市人口增长、城市能源消费等几方面揭示其与城市热岛效应的密切联系;同时运用灰色理论分析了诸影响因素对热岛强度的相对贡献度,并对西安未来热岛强度变化趋势进行了模拟.结果表明:①西安城区和郊区(县)气温均呈现波动上升的变化趋势,城市热岛强度变化具有明显的阶段性特征,且在2000 年以后发生增强突变;②城市化的发展与城市热岛强度的变化具有密切关系,各要素相互之间呈现高度相关性,说明它们之间存在很强的传递作用;各要素与热岛强度呈现出极显著的相关关系,尤其是人口因素与热岛强度的关系最为密切,是影响热岛强度增强变化非常重要的一个综合性指标;从强度、密度和规模效应上来看,人口密度效应大于人口规模效应,经济密度效应稍大于经济规模效应,能耗强度效应大于能源规模效应;③各影响因素对热岛强度变化的贡献度存在明显差异,贡献程度最大的是常住人口数、常住人口密度和建成区面积,它们是影响热岛强度变化最为直接的因素;其余因素对热岛强度变化的贡献度相对较小,是间接的影响因素;④灰色建模显示,西安城市热岛强度在未来几年将继续呈现增强趋势.  相似文献   

The Paris agreement adopted at the 21st Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change stipulates 2 and 1.5 °C targets, but their consistency with sustainable development is poorly understood. This study focuses on water stress defined by annual water consumption-to-availability ratio (CAR) and analyzes the CAR changes for 32 global regions during this century for scenarios of the 2 and 1.5 °C targets. It also estimates contributions of major factors behind such change for addressing the adaptation planning. The results show that the CARs in many (i.e., 25) regions remain very small (less than 0.1) regardless of the future temperature level. For the other seven regions, the CARs undergo significant changes, while the changes and contributing factors to them are different by region and the future temperature level. Possible adaptation strategies are given for regions of significantly increasing CARs. For instance, in Afghanistan and Pakistan and South Africa, the CARs increase mainly due to increases in irrigation water associated with socioeconomic development (i.e., food demand growth). Decreases in water availability and increases in irrigation water due to climate change also contribute to the CAR increases after 2030. The contributions of other factors (i.e., demand changes in municipal water, water for electricity generation, other industrial water, and water for livestock) are small. In these regions, securing water resources as well as irrigation water conservation are important to avoid worsening of the CAR. Adaptation strategy recommendations for other regions are also presented.  相似文献   

林中立  徐涵秋  陈弘 《环境科学研究》2018,31(10):1695-1704
随着城市化进程的快速推进,城市群已经成为区域空间的重要组织形式.为揭示我国东部沿海京津唐、长三角和珠三角三大城市群热岛变化与城市群发展的关系,利用MODIS地表温度产品数据和DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据,对2001-2013年这3个城市群的热岛效应与区域发展二者之间的关系进行研究.结果表明:2001-2013年,3个城市群的热岛斑块面积均有较大幅度的增加,并且在空间上逐渐相连接,形成热岛城市带;RHⅡ(区域热岛指数)不断升高,京津唐城市群、长三角城市群、珠三角城市群分别升高0.051、0.070、0.101,其热岛状况不断加剧.随着城市群的发展,城区对周边区域的辐射作用不断加强,建成区边缘的城郊过渡带是地表温度增加最为显著的区域.总体而言,城市群的扩展是其区域热岛效应的主要成因,表征城市扩展变化的夜间灯光亮度平均值差值与表征热岛变化的地表温度平均值差值之间存在对数关系,表现出先快后慢的趋势.   相似文献   

Regional climate change projections for the Northeast USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate projections at relevant temporal and spatial scales are essential to assess potential future climate change impacts on climatologically diverse regions such as the northeast United States. Here, we show how both statistical and dynamical downscaling methods applied to relatively coarse-scale atmosphere-ocean general circulation model output are able to improve simulation of spatial and temporal variability in temperature and precipitation across the region. We then develop high-resolution projections of future climate change across the northeast USA, using IPCC SRES emission scenarios combined with these downscaling methods. The projections show increases in temperature that are larger at higher latitudes and inland, as well as the potential for changing precipitation patterns, particularly along the coast. While the absolute magnitude of change expected over the coming century depends on the sensitivity of the climate system to human forcing, significantly higher increases in temperature and in winter precipitation are expected under a higher as compared to lower scenario of future emissions from human activities.  相似文献   

基于广州市2009,2000和1990年工业、交通、生活能源统计数据,通过能源清单法估算出广州市对应年份的人为热排放量,再通过在WRF模式中引入2009,2000和1990年的下垫面数据和人为热排放方案,对2005,2012和2017年广州市的3次持续高温过程进行模拟,从而评估不同年代人为热排放水平对广州市极端高温天气的影响.结果表明,模拟的2m气温较为准确,能合理模拟出城市地区的热岛效应,但对极端高温的模拟略有偏低,而引入人为热有助于改善模拟结果.在case2012中,2009,2000和1990年3种人为热排放水平使广州城市下垫面的平均气温分别上升0.53,0.44和0.13℃,热岛强度增强0.43,0.38和0.13℃.3个模拟个例的结果均表明,日间的人为热排放比夜间大,但夜间气温及热岛强度的变化比日间要明显.  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加速,城市热岛效应越来越受到人们重视.喀斯特地区以其独特的地貌特征,表现出不同的热岛形成和分布情况.本文采用覆盖贵阳市的2001年ETM+和2007年TM遥感影像,进行亮度温度反演,分析热岛分布和形成原因.研究表明:除了常规热岛外,在贵阳市还广泛存在着与喀斯特的分布和石漠化的形成有着密切联系的异常热岛区...  相似文献   

Globally, yam (Dioscorea spp.) is the fifth most important root crop after sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) and the second most important crop in Africa in terms of production after cassava (Manihot esculenta L.) and has long been vital to food security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Climate change is expected to have its most severe impact on crops in food insecure regions, yet very little is known about impact of climate change on yam productivity. Therefore, we try estimating the effect of climate change on the yam (variety: Florido) yield and evaluating different adaptation strategies to mitigate its effect. Three regional climate models REgional MOdel (REMO), Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Regional Climate Model (SMHIRCA), and Hadley Regional Model (HADRM3P) were coupled to a crop growth simulation model namely Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) version 3060 to simulate current and future yam yields in the Upper Ouémé basin (Benin Republic). For the future, substantial yield decreases were estimated varying according to the climate scenario. We explored the advantages of specific adaptation strategies suggesting that changing sowing date may be ineffective in counteracting adverse climatic effects. Late maturing cultivars could be effective in offsetting the adverse impacts. Whereas, by coupling irrigation and fertilizer application with late maturing cultivars, highest increase in the yam productivity could be realized which accounted up to 49 % depending upon the projection of the scenarios analyzed.  相似文献   

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