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目的 实现可重复使用钛合金热防护结构的导波健康监测。方法 针对钛合金热防护结构,提出热–力–电多物理场耦合导波传播建模仿真分析方法,研究温度梯度下钛合金热防护结构中导波的传播特性,以及在温度梯度和裂纹损伤耦合作用下导波的传播特性。结果 20~500 ℃的温度梯度会导致钛合金结构中导波的群速度降低、幅值衰减降低,裂纹损伤使得钛合金结构中导波的群速度、幅值降低,且损伤越大,影响越明显。裂纹扩展至20 mm时,S0模式群速度降低了1.5%,A0模式群速度降低了2%。结论 此模型可为大范围的温度梯度条件下,钛合金热防护结构上传感器优化布置以及导波监测方法的研究提供指导。  相似文献   

目的 提出一种基于应力强度干涉模型的分离螺母的分离可靠性分析方法。方法 首先,建立分离螺母机构分离动力学模型和极限状态函数。然后,在考虑工作载荷、几何尺寸和药剂燃烧参数等参数不确定性的基础上,建立分离螺母不同分离阶段的基于应力–强度干涉模型的可靠性模型。最后,对分离螺母进行可靠性和灵敏度分析,量化工作载荷、几何尺寸和火药燃烧参数对分离螺母机构分离可靠性的重要性排序。结果 影响可靠性的主要参数依次为火药力、装药密度和预紧力。结论 该方法能够准确描述不确定性因素对分离螺母分离过程可靠性的影响,提升分离螺母机构分离可靠性定量分析的精度和效率,可为分离螺母的精细化设计提供支撑。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同pH值的人工海水环境中电偶腐蚀对金属的影响。方法 利用自行设计的可拆卸电极,采用浸泡法和电化学方法,结合宏观和微观腐蚀形貌,对Q345钢在不同pH人工海水中的电偶腐蚀行为进行分析。结果 在浸泡初期,不同pH值海水环境中电连接电极间的电位差相差较小,不易发生电偶腐蚀;浸泡至14 d,电极间的电位差相差较大,这表明不同电连接电极之间发生明显的电偶腐蚀。与自腐蚀相比,pH为7.50和8.40的电偶腐蚀的腐蚀电位较大,腐蚀电流密度较小,腐蚀产物膜电阻Rp较大,说明在pH值为7.50和8.40时,电连接电极间的腐蚀以自腐蚀为主。在pH值为7.80和8.70时,电连接电极间发生明显的电偶腐蚀。自腐蚀电极表面的腐蚀产物较少,锈层结构疏松。电偶腐蚀中,在pH为7.50和8.40的电极表面的腐蚀产物较少,锈层结构致密;pH为7.80和8.70的电极表面的腐蚀产物较多,锈层结构比较疏松。结论 通过研究2种腐蚀行为的差异,分析pH值的不同对电偶腐蚀的影响,为海洋环境金属材料的腐蚀防护提供数据支持。  相似文献   

目的通过对柴油机湿式气缸套振动特性的计算分析,研究气缸套失效的主要原因,以提高柴油机结构的可靠性。方法基于16V280ZJ型柴油机气缸套的结构参数,采用有限元法建立气缸套有限元分析模型,对其进行模态分析,包括自由模态以及约束模态,分析气缸套的固有振动特性。然后基于16V280ZJ型柴油机的性能参数,计算气体力与惯性力,从而计算得到气缸套承受的交变侧压力。通过时-频转化将交变侧压力谱转化为频域谱,以分析气缸套承受的激励特性。结果气缸套的模态振型主要为径向弯曲振动,说明径向刚度小于轴向刚度。气缸套承受的交变侧压力的频率低于气缸套的固有频率。结论柴油机湿式气缸套受活塞侧向激振力不会发生共振,缸套的径向刚度较小,导致激振力传递给冷却水后缸套会发生穴蚀。  相似文献   

目的 研究以金属作为基体的碳酚醛复合材料圆锥壳的动力学特性,基于模态实验建立复合材料参数优化识别方法。方法 通过建立金属基体复合材料圆锥壳结构的动力学模型,表征各层材料参数对结构动力学特性的影响。开展典型铝合金-环氧胶-碳酚醛圆锥壳自由模态实验,在模态实验结果基础上,采用数值仿真开展复合材料参数识别,并采用响应面优化法研究获得材料参数的全局最优解。最后,开展结构模态对复合材料参数的敏感性分析。结果 基于拉丁超立方抽样和多项式代理模型,建立了多层复合圆锥壳的高效代理模型。对于[0, 90]S铺层的复合材料圆锥壳结构,前5组模态频率参数对E11最敏感,对v23最不敏感,剪切模量的影响介于拉伸模量及泊松比之间。结论 建立了针对各向同性-正交各向异性材料组合的多层复合圆锥壳结构的动力学模型及参数识别方法,可为结构动力学设计提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 实现二氧化钛-还原氧化石墨烯改性环氧防腐涂层在海洋工程应用下的电偶腐蚀行为分析。方法 以还原氧化石墨烯、二氧化钛为纳米填料,制备改性环氧防腐涂层,并以此涂层为模型,利用有限元计算软件,研究改性环氧涂层存在微观缺陷情况下,涂层抑制金属电偶腐蚀的作用规律。结果 改性环氧涂层可以有效抑制金属电偶腐蚀问题。计算研究了缺陷涂层在不同孔洞宽度和分布状态下,涂层对电偶腐蚀的抑制程度。当缺陷涂层孔洞宽度为500 μm,阴阳面积比为2︰1时,电位差最小为1.05×10–6 V,可以有效抑制电偶腐蚀。结论 二氧化钛-还原氧化石墨烯的添加,可以填补涂层空隙,阻碍水渗透,有效提高环氧涂层的防腐性能。利用有限元模拟计算可得,涂层破损时会发生局部严重腐蚀,最终造成工程结构的失效。  相似文献   

目的研究脉动压力作用下冲压发动机燃烧室热结构振动环境预示方法。方法建立发动机结构的力学模型,同时开展相应的常温和热模态试验,对有限元模型进行对比、修正,以最终得到的力学模型为基础,分段对发动机结构施加脉动压力,完成冲压发动机脉动压力作用下热振动响应计算,并与试验结果进行对比分析。结果预示结果与试验结果基本相符,验证了所采用的冲压发动机振动响应分析方法和技术途径的可行性和正确性。结论这种热-结构分析方法可用于冲压发动机振动环境预示,同时也可用于优化发动机结构设计,对飞行器研制初期环境预示及结构设计工作具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 通过控制主减速器结构声,进一步实现直升机舱内降噪。方法 在主减支撑结构上进行吸振设计,从根源上抑制齿轮振动向机身传播。基于某直升机,利用传递矩阵法,建立支撑结构/吸振器的动力学模型,进一步结合有限元法建立支撑结构/舱段结构/声场的声振耦合系统动力学模型,验证该技术的中高频减振和降噪性能。在此基础上,分析吸振频率、质量和阻尼对支撑结构振动传递特性的影响规律。根据某直升机的降噪需求,设计得到一组满足需求的样例参数,并开展声振耦合仿真分析。结果 在主减支撑结构上附加总质量为4 kg的吸振器结构,即可实现舱内目标频率降噪超过35 dB。结论 主减支撑结构吸振设计可有效控制舱内中高频主减结构声。  相似文献   

目的验证碗型工装和板型工装结构在动力学试验方面的优劣。方法由于导弹舱段进行振动、冲击、加速度等动力学试验时,不能直接安装在台面结构上,需要设计和优化工装进行固定安装。针对某弹体舱段试验用的工装进行结构设计,并通过有限元仿真分析得出前六阶模态的频率和振型方式,判别碗型和板型两种结构设计方式的优劣。同时,对设计工装的结构进行优化,得出加强筋对模态参数的影响。结果质量相同的碗型工装的各阶频率均高于板型工装,加强筋的优化方式对于碗型工装结构的前三阶模态频率提升25%左右。结论碗型的工装结构形式能够有效地传递力学信号,保证信号传递的均匀性,加强筋结构可以有效地增强工装结构的动力学性能。  相似文献   

目的 解决现有接口电路俘能效率低、开关控制电路模块结构复杂等问题。方法 基于电压翻转及电荷提取技术,提出一种自供电式同步翻转电荷提取的压电能量俘获电路(Self-Powered Optimized Synchronous Inversion and Charge Extraction Circuit,SP-OSICE)。该电路设计了2个电压峰值检测电路,检测压电换能器两端电压峰值,并在正峰值处进行一次电压翻转,然后在负峰值处采用同步电荷提取方法,提取压电换能器寄生电容上储存的电荷,提高能量的收集效率。结果 在低负载区,SP-OSICE电路的输出功率略低于SICE电路的输出功率,随着负载电压的增大,SP-OSICE电路的输出功率略高于SICE电路,且可达到全桥整流电路最大输出功率的6倍以上。结论 SP-OSICE电路优化了SICE电路中的开关控制策略,无需整流桥结构,提高了接口电路的输出功率。整体电路采用自供电设计,无需外部辅助电路控制晶体管通断,降低了电路结构的复杂性。仿真和实验结果均验证了SP-OSICE电路的优势。  相似文献   

Toxic effects of two agrochemicals on nifH gene in agricultural black soil were investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing approaches in a microcosm experiment. Changes of soil nifH gene diversity and composition were examined following the application of acetochlor, methamidophos and their combination. Acetochlor reduced the nifH gene diversity (both in gene richness and diversity index values) and caused changes in the nifH gene composition. The effects of acetochlor on nifH gene were strengthened as the concentration of acetochlor increased. Cluster analysis of DGGE banding patterns showed that nifH gene composition which had been affected by low concentration of acetochlor (50 mg/kg) recovered firstly. Methamidophos reduced nifH gene richness that except at 4 weeks. The medium concentration of methamidophos (150 mg/kg) caused the most apparent changes in nifH gene diversity at the first week while the high concentration of methamidophos (250 mg/kg) produced prominent effects on nifH gene diversity in the following weeks. Cluster analysis showed that minimal changes of nifH gene composition were found at 1 week and maximal changes at 4 weeks. Toxic effects of acetochlor and methamidophos combination on nifH gene were also apparent. Different nifH genes (bands) responded differently to the impact of agrochemicals: four individual bands were eliminated by the application of the agrochemicals, five bands became predominant by the stimulation of the agrochemicals, and four bands showed strong resistance to the influence of the agrochemicals. Fifteen prominent bands were partially sequenced, yielding 15 different nifH sequences, which were used for phylogenetic reconstructions. All sequences were affiliated with the alpha- and beta-proteobacteria, showing higher similarity to eight different diazotrophic genera.  相似文献   

The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (Glomus mosseae) and phosphorus (P) addition (100 mg/kg soil) on arsenic (As) uptake by maize plants (Zea mays L.) from an As-contaminated soil were examined in a glasshouse experiment.Non-mycorrhizal and zero-P addition controls were included.Plant biomass and concentrations and uptake of As,P,and other nutrients,AM colonization,root lengths,and hyphal length densities were determined.The results indicated that addition of P significantly inhibited root colonization and development of extraradical mycelium.Root length and dry weight both increased markedly with mycorrhizal colonization under the zero-P treatments,but shoot and root biomass of AM plants was depressed by P application.AM fungal inoculation decreased shoot As concentrations when no P was added,and shoot and root As concentrations of AM plants increased 2.6 and 1.4 times with P addition,respectively.Shoot and root uptake of P,Mn,Cu,and Zn increased,but shoot Fe uptake decreased by 44.6%,with inoculation, when P was added.P addition reduced shoot P,Fe,Mn,Cu,and Zn uptake of AM plants,but increased root Fe and Mn uptake of the nonmycorrhizal ones.AM colonization therefore appeared to enhance plant tolerance to As in low P soil,and have some potential for the phytostabilization of As-contaminated soil,however,P application may introduce additional environmental risk by increasing soil As mobility.  相似文献   

Laogang landfill near Shanghai is the largest landfill in China, and receives about 10000 t of daily garbage per day, Samples of topsoil and plants were analyzed to evaluate mercury pollution from the landfill. For topsoil samples, there were significant correlations among total mercury (HgT), combinative mercury (Hgc) and gaseous mercury (HgG), and content of total organic carbon (TOC), but, no significantly relationship was found between Hg content and filling time. Hg content changes in vertical profiles with time showed that the average Hgv of profiles 1992, 1996, and 2000 was similar, but their average HgG was quite different. HgT was significantly correlated with Hgc in profile 1992 and 2000, and Hgv was significantly correlated with Hg6 in profile 1996. HgG/Hgv ratio in profile samples decreased in the order of (HgG,/HgT)1992〉(HgG/HgT)1996〉〉(HgG/HgT)2000. A simple outline of Hg release in landfill could be drawn: with increasing of filling time, degradation undergoes different biodegradation, accordingly, gaseous mercury goes through small, more, and small proportion to total mercury. Distribution of Hg in plants was inhomogeneous, following the order of leaf〉root〉stem. The highest value of leaf may be associated with higher atmospheric Hg from landfill. Ligneous plants (e.g. Phyllostachys glanca, Prunus salicina and Ligustrum lucidum) are capable of enriching more Hg than herbaceous plants.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a potential cleanup technology for the removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils.Bidens maximowicziana is a new Pb hyperaccumulator,which not only has remarkable tolerance to Pb but also extraordinary accumulation capacity for Pb.The maximum Pb concentration was 1509.3 mg/kg in roots and 2164.7 mg/kg in overground tissues.The Pb distribution order in the B. maximowicziana was:leaf>stem>root.The effect of amendments on phytoremediation was also studied.The mobility of soil Pb and the Pb concentrations in plants were both increased by EDTA application.Compared with CK(control check),EDTA application promoted translocation of Pb to overground parts of the plant.The Pb concentrations in overground parts of plants was increased from 24.23-680.56 mg/kg to 29.07-1905.57 mg/kg.This research demonstrated that B.maximowicziana appeared to be suitable for phytoremediation of Pb contaminated soil,especially,combination with EDTA.  相似文献   

In this study an effort has been made to use plant polyphenol oxidases; potato (Solanum tuberosum) and brinjal (Solanum melongena), for the treatment of various important dyes used in textile and other industries. The ammonium sulphate fractionated enzyme preparations were used to treat a number of dyes under various experimental conditions. Majority of the treated dyes were maximally decolorized at pH 3.0. Some of the dyes were quickly decolorized whereas others were marginally decolorized. The initial first hour was sufficient for the maximum decolorization of dyes. The rate of decolorization was quite slow on long treatment of dyes. Enhancement in the dye decolorization was noticed on increasing the concentration of enzymes. The complex mixtures of dyes were treated with both preparations of polyphenol oxidases in the buffers of varying pH values. Potato polyphenol oxidase was significantly more effective in decolorizing the dyes to higher extent as compared to the enzyme obtained from brinjal polyphenol oxidase. Decolorization of dyes and their mixtures, followed by the formation of an insoluble precipitate, which could be easily removed simply by centrifugation.  相似文献   

Decomposition of alachlor by ozonation and its mechanism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Decomposition and corresponding mechanism of alachlor, an endocrine disruptor in water by ozonation were investigated. Results showed that alachlor could not be completely mineralized by ozone alone. Many intermediates and final products were formed during the process, including aromatic compounds, aliphatic carboxylic acids, and inorganic ions. In evoluting these products, some of them with weak polarity were qualitatively identified by GC-MS. The information of inorganic ions suggested that the dechlorination was the first and the fastest step in the ozonation of alachlor.  相似文献   

The influence of the nonionic surfactant Tween 80 on pentachlorophenol (PCP) oxidation catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase was studied. The surfactant was tested at concentrations below and above its critical micelle concentration (CMC). Enhancement of PCP removal was observed at sub-CMCs. The presence of Tween 80 in the reaction mixture reduced enzyme inactivation which occurred through a combination of free radical attack and sorption by precipitated products. A simple first-order model was able to simulate time profiles for enzyme inactivation in the presence or absence of Tween 80. At supra-CMCs, the surfactant caused noticeable reductions in PCP removal, presumably through micelle partitioning of PCP which precluded the hydrophobic PCP molecule from interacting with the enzyme.  相似文献   

RemovalofheavymetalsfromsewagesludgebylowcostingchemicalmethodandrecyclinginagricultureWuQitang,NyirandegePascasie,MoCehuiF...  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in the Taihu Lake region, China in 2004 to reveal the organochlorine pesticide concentrations in soils after the ban of these substances in the year 1983. Thirteen organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were analyzed in soils from paddy field, tree land and fallow land. Total organochlorine pesticide residues were higher in agricultural soils than in uncultivated fallow land soils. Among all the pesticides, ΣDDX (DDD, DDE and DDT) had the highest concentration for all the soil samples, ranging from 3.10 ng/g to 166.55 ng/g with a mean value of 57.04 ng/g and followed by ΣHCH, ranging from 0.73 ng/g to 60.97 ng/g with a mean value of 24.06 ng/g. Dieldrin, endrin, HCB and α-endosulfan were also found in soils with less than 15 ng/g. Ratios of p,p'-(DDD DDE)/DDT in soils under three land usages were: paddy field > tree land > fallow land, indicating that land usage inlfuenced the degradation of DDT in soils. Ratios of p,p'-(DDD DDE)/DDT >1, showing aged residues of DDTs in soils of the Taihu Lake region. The results were discussed with data from a former study that showed very low actual concentrations of HCH and DDT in soils in the Taihu Lake region, but according to the chemical half-lives and their concentrations in soils in 1980s, the concentration of DDT in soils seemed to be underestimated. In any case our data show that the ban on the use of HCH and DDT resulted in a tremendous reduction of these pesticide residues in soils, but there are still high amounts of pesticide residues in soils, which need more remediation processes.  相似文献   

Single and joint effects of pesticides and mercury on soil urease   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
The influence of two pesticides including chlorimuron-ethyl and furadan and mercury (Hg) on urease activity in 4 soils (meadow burozem and phaeozem) was investigated. The soils were exposed to various concentrations of the two pesticides and Hg individually and simultaneously. Results showed that there was a close relationship between urease activity and organic matter content in soil. Chlorimuron-ethyl and furadan could both activate urease in the 4 soils. The maximum increment of urease activity by chlorimuronethyl was up to 14%-18%. There was almost an equal increase (up to 13%-21%) in the urease activity by furadan. On the contrary, Hg markedly inhibited soil urease activity. A logarithmic equation was used to describe the relationship (P〈0.05) between the concentration of Hg and the activity of soil urease in the 4 tested soils. Semi-effect dose (ED50) values by the stress of Hg based on the inhibition of soil urease in the 4 soils were 88, 5.5, 24 and 20 mg/kg, respectively, according to the calculation of the corresponding equations. The interactive effect of chlorimuron-ethyl or furadan with metal Hg on soil urease was mainly synergic at the highest tested concentrations.  相似文献   

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