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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the leading infectious cause of prenatal neurological damage, which is particularly severe when primary maternal infection occurs during the first 16 weeks of gestation, at the time of organ development and neuronal migration. Vascular involvement has been suggested to be among thepossible pathogenic mechanisms of virus-induced pathology, in addition to direct viral effects. We report on a fetus with cerebral CMV infection, which had intraventricular haemorrhage, together with oligohydramnios and hyperechogenic bowel, following maternal primary CMV infection. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Human noroviruses are a major cause for gastroenteritis outbreaks. Filter-feeding bivalve molluscs, which accumulate noroviruses in their digestive tissues, are a typical vector for human infection. RT-qPCR, the established method for human norovirus detection in food, does not allow discrimination between infectious and non-infectious viruses and can overestimate potentially infectious viral loads. To develop a more accurate method of infectious norovirus load estimation, we combined intercalating agent propidium monoazide (PMAxx™)-pre-treatment with RT-qPCR assay using in vitro-cultivable murine norovirus. Three primer sets targeting different genome regions and diverse amplicon sizes were used to compare one-step amplification of a short genome fragment to three two-step long-range RT-qPCRs (7 kbp, 3.6 kbp and 2.3 kbp amplicons). Following initial assays performed on untreated infectious, heat-, or ultraviolet-inactivated murine noroviruses in PBS suspension, PMAxx™ RT-qPCRs were implemented to detect murine noroviruses subsequent to their extraction from mussel digestive tissues; virus extraction via anionic polymer-coated magnetic beads was compared with the proteinase K-dependent ISO norm. The long-range RT-qPCR process detecting fragments of more than 2.3 kbp allowed accurate estimation of the infectivity of UV-damaged murine noroviruses. While proteinase K extraction limited later estimation of PMAxx™ pre-treatment effects and was found to be unsuited to the assay, magnetic bead-captured murine noroviruses retained their infectivity. Genome copies of heat-inactivated murine noroviruses differed by 2.3 log10 between RT-qPCR and PMAxx™-RT-qPCR analysis in bivalve molluscs, the PMAxx™ pre-treatment allowing a closer approximation of infectious titres. The combination of bead-based virus extraction and PMAxx™ RT-qPCR thus provides a more accurate model for the estimation of noroviral bivalve mollusc contamination than the conjunction of proteinase K extraction and RT-qPCR and has the potential (once validated utilising infectious human norovirus) to provide an added measure of security to food safety authorities in the hazard assessment of potential bivalve mollusc contamination.


Viruses are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality around the world. Determining the minimum dose of virus particles that can initiate infection, termed the minimum infective dose (MID), is important for the development of risk assessment models in the fields of food and water treatment and the implementation of appropriate infection control strategies in healthcare settings. Both respiratory and enteric viruses can be shed at high titers from infected individuals even when the infection is asymptomatic. Presence of pre-existing antibodies has been shown to affect the infectious dose and to be protective against reinfection for many, but not all viruses. Most respiratory viruses appear to be as infective in humans as in tissue culture. Doses of <1 TCID50 of influenza virus, rhinovirus, and adenovirus were reported to infect 50% of the tested population. Similarly, low doses of the enteric viruses, norovirus, rotavirus, echovirus, poliovirus, and hepatitis A virus, caused infection in at least some of the volunteers tested. A number of factors may influence viruses’ infectivity in experimentally infected human volunteers. These include host and pathogen factors as well as the experimental methodology. As a result, the reported infective doses of human viruses have to be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Campylobacter is a gram-negative, microaerophilic, curved rod and a normal resident of the gastrointestinal flora and may be the cause of disease in animals. Transmission to humans occurs by ingestion of contaminated food or by direct contact with infected animals. In the past few decades, an increasing number of reports have implicated the presence of this organism in human abortions as well. An infectious mechanism due to primary placental inflammatory damage followed by secondary damage to the fetus following placental insufficiency and ischemia was suggested. The most common species of Campylobacter are Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, which are classically associated with enteritis in humans. We present a rare case of mid-gestation intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) associated with maternal bacteremia caused by C. coli infection. Our literature review focuses on Campylobacter infections occurring in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. In all cases, mild maternal symptoms consisting of fever and weakness were presented. However, associated adverse fetal outcome, including abortions, IUGR or preterm labor may occur more frequently than anticipated. Our report strengthens the importance of awareness to this finding and focuses the need to consume properly cooked meat during pregnancy. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Filoviruses are enveloped, nonsegmented negative-stranded RNA viruses. The two species, Marburg and Ebola virus, are serologically, biochemically, and genetically distinct. Marburg virus was first isolated during an outbreak in Europe in 1967, and Ebola virus emerged in 1976 as the causative agent of two simultaneous outbreaks in southern Sudan and northern Zaire. Although the main route of infection is known to be person-to-person transmission by intimate contact, the natural reservoir for filoviruses still remains a mystery.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情的暴发与流行对人类社会安全造成严重危害,同时也考验着世界各国公共卫生系统应对大型突发性传染病的防控能力.对历史传染病疫情暴发和流行的环境与气候特征进行总结,对于新冠肺炎疫情的科学研究及防控具有重要的参考价值.结果表明:①历史上人际传播的冠状病毒科、正粘病毒科传染病多暴发于北半球亚热带季风气候地区及冬春季节,而黄病毒科传染病多暴发在热带地区及高温多雨的夏秋季节.②全球变暖和极端天气催生影响传染病的暴发及传播.③人类对生态系统平衡的影响,迫使病毒宿主栖息地迁移和不同病毒宿主聚集,增加病毒变异概率和传染病暴发风险.在此基础上,提出了对新冠肺炎疫情的思考,认为适宜的气候因素可能利于疫情的暴发与流行,而热带国家疫情的暴发则说明需要重新审视气候、环境条件及生态因素对新型冠状病毒的影响.研究结果将为新冠肺炎疫情的防控和未来传染病疫情的预测及阻断提供参考和借鉴.   相似文献   

2020年3月11日,世界卫生组织宣布新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情全球大流行.病毒性传染病在人群中的发生需具备3个相互关联的条件,即传染源、传播途径和易感人群,其中传播途径是一个关键环节.从环境传播的角度,综述了包括SARS(重症急性呼吸综合征)病毒、MERS(中东呼吸综合征)病毒等病毒在无生命物体表面的存活时间及影响因素.结果表明:包括冠状病毒在内的一些具有传染性的病毒能在多种无生命物体表面存活一定时间,进而可能通过物体表面进行环境传播,造成潜在的健康风险;物体材质、温度、湿度以及病毒载量等因素是影响病毒在无生命物体表面存活的主要因素.在上述分析的基础上,对医疗废物和生活垃圾的收集、运输、处理等过程提出了针对性的防控措施,以期对新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)以及未来可能出现的其他病毒的环境传播防控对策提供参考.   相似文献   

The zoonotic transmission of hepatitis E, caused by the hepatitis E virus (HEV), is an emerging issue. HEV appears common in pigs (although infected pigs do not show clinical signs), and evidence suggests that a number of hepatitis E cases have been associated with the consumption of undercooked pork meat and products. Little information is available on whether cooking can eliminate HEV, since there is currently no robust method for measuring its infectivity. HEV infectivity can be clearly demonstrated by monitoring for signs of infection (e.g., shedding of virus) in an animal model. However, this approach has several disadvantages, such as lack of reproducibility and unsuitability for performing large numbers of tests, high costs, and not least ethical considerations. Growth in cell culture can unambiguously show that a virus is infectious and has the potential for replication, without the disadvantages of using animals. Large numbers of tests can also be performed, which can make the results more amenable to statistical interpretation. However, no HEV cell culture system has been shown to be applicable to all HEV strains, none has been standardized, and few studies have demonstrated their use for measurement of HEV infectivity in food samples. Nonetheless, cell culture remains the most promising approach, and the main recommendation of this review is that there should be an extensive research effort to develop and validate a cell culture-based method for assessing HEV infectivity in pork products. Systems comprising promising cell lines and HEV strains which can grow well in cell culture should be tested to select an assay for effective and reliable measurement of HEV infectivity over a wide range of virus concentrations. The assay should then be harnessed to a procedure which can extract HEV from pork products, to produce a method suitable for further use. The method can then be used to determine the effect of heat or other elimination processes on HEV in pork meat and products, or to assess whether HEV detected in any surveyed foodstuffs is infectious and therefore poses a risk to public health.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common cause of congenital infection with approximately 0.5% of pregnant women in developed countries seroconverting during pregnancy. In utero transmission occurs in about one third of women who develop primary infection in the first trimester, and these fetuses are at risk for adverse perinatal outcomes and long-term neurological complications. The great promise of a prenatal therapy to reduce fetal infection after maternal primary CMV infection has not been realized to date. The prediction of CMV sequelae is particularly challenging for clinicians because of the heterogeneity of the published literature, the wide spectrum of perinatal outcomes, the adjustment of fetal risk at each stage of assessment, and the variable quality of published data. Given the continued lack of a proven fetal therapy, it is timely to review the natural history of congenital CMV in the modern management era. We have analyzed the recent literature, integrated findings from multiple studies, and calculated stage-specific risks for adverse perinatal outcome to assist in counseling women with first trimester primary CMV infection. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the last few years it has been realized that the hepatitis E virus (HEV) is endemic in most industrialized countries and that it is a zoonotic disease. Potential reservoirs for HEV have been identified to be wild boars and deers, but HEV has also been found in domestic pigs and other animals. Due to the probable spread of the virus via contaminated food or contact to infected animals, HEV antibodies are present in more than 16% of the German adult population and rates are increasing with age. We collected blood from 104 wild boars in southern Germany and the border region of Alsace. We found an anti-HEV seroprevalence of 11.5% in our cohort, using ELISA. Furthermore, we observed active infection in 3.85% of the animals by positive HEV PCR in the sera of the boars. In our cohort, no regional differences of seroprevalence or active infection were seen. Sequencing revealed rather close homology of some detected HEV sequences to genotypes isolated from patients in Germany. Hence wild boars are a potential source of HEV infection in Middle Europe and the rate of infectious animals is quite high.  相似文献   

对发动机寿命敏感件环境谱加速技术的研究现状进行分析。从加速环境谱的编制原则、编制方法以及当量关系的确定和验证等方面,详细介绍了加速环境谱的概念内涵。发动机的使用寿命主要受金属敏感件的腐蚀和非金属敏感件的老化制约,重点从常规加速腐蚀试验、多因素综合腐蚀试验和高温加速腐蚀试验等3个方面阐述了加速腐蚀试验方法。从液体介质老化、热氧老化、综合环境老化等方面介绍了以橡胶为代表的非金属加速老化试验方法。最后指出目前当量关系确定方法的局限性和多因素综合模拟方法研究方面的欠缺,提出应综合材料、腐蚀、力学、环境等多学科的相关理论和实践,制定更加科学合理的当量关系确定方法,以及注重新型试验设备的研发等建议。  相似文献   

Pre-harvest contamination of fresh produce and fruits is a possible route for viral transmission which should not be ignored. The contamination originates from viruses shed in human or animal fecal materials which eventually reach crops through many steps and hurdles, including spread of viruses into the agricultural environment through leakage of septic tanks/pipes or runoff from animal lagoons, virus survival during biosolids and manure treatment, virus survival and transport in soil and subsequent contamination of irrigation water, and virus transmission to crops through irrigation water, etc. Initially, large quantities of virus particles may be released from infected humans or animals, and then in the environment viruses are gradually inactivated under various natural conditions (e.g., temperature, water activity, microbial activities, etc.) and only a tiny portion of viruses may reach crops and cause the contamination. However, the fact that the infectious dose of some foodborne viruses is as low as 10–100 particles makes the pre-harvest contamination still a threat to human health. In the USA, the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations and guidances on proper treatment and usage of manure and biosolids for agricultural purpose may largely reduce the release of viruses to the environment; however, pre-harvest viral contamination due to fecal matter is not completely avoidable. This review focuses on the current knowledge of pre-harvest viral contamination and describes the complex transmission process regarding the presence and survival of virus in soil and fecal material, the effect of different biosolids/manure treatment on virus inactivation, the transmission of virus from soil to water, the contamination of crops by irrigation water and survival of virus on crops.  相似文献   

Noroviruses are one of important agents that cause acute viral gastroenteritis worldwide. These viruses are belonging to Caliciviridae family and are genetically diverse. To date, there is no valuable data about prevalence of norovirus infection and the dominant genogroup/genotype among Iranian population. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of norovirus infection in Iranian patients with gastroenteritis referred to three hospitals of Tehran and to specify the dominant genogroup/genotype of this virus among our study population. A total of 293 patients with acute gastroenteritis were included in the study. Detection of norovirus was performed using RT-PCR method and confirmed by direct sequencing with specific designed primers for capsid region of norovirus genome. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the neighbor-joining method. Norovirus strains identified in our study were subsequently categorized according to previously defined genogroup/genotypes. Of these, norovirus GII was dominant genogroup. Sixty-five percent (17 of 26) of positive samples were determined as GII and 35% (9 of 26) were determined as GI, respectively, in 2008–2009. And among 8 sequenced strains of genogroup II the most frequent genotype was GII.3. The results of this study indicated that norovirus must be considered as one of the infectious causes of acute gastroenteritis among Iranian population. We also found that GII.3 is more prevalent in our study population. To the best of our knowledge there is limited data about the role of noroviruses in children and adults’ acute gastroenteritis among Iranian patients and this prevalence and genotyping report of norovirus infection could be remarkable for further studies.  相似文献   

Previous research by the authors had suggested that uridine-diphosphate-glucuronyl-transferase (UDP-GT) is a useful preneoplastic marker in chemical carcinogenesis. Recently the authors report that they found typical clear cell foci in a macroscopically normal liver surrounding focal nodular hyperplasia with a 6 cm diameter in a 27-year old woman who had been using oral contraceptives (OCs) containing ethinyl-estradiol and lynestrenol for 9 years. These foci were further characterized by a reduction of canalicular and cytoplasmic ATPase activity, an increased glycogen content, and a positive immunohistochemical reaction for UDP-GT. OC users develop 2 basic types of benign liver tumors: hepatic adenoma and focal nodular hyperplasia. Hepatic adenoma appears to be caused by OCs, whereas the relationship between OC use and focal nodular hyperplasia is less clear. The tumorigenic action of OCs has been ascribed to a promotor action on liver cells; however, there is no evidence that OCs are initiators of liver tumors. The case reported shows 2 manifestations of toxic lesions promoted by OC use: the development of focal nodular hyperplasia and enzyme-altered foci comparable to those seen in experimental liver carcinogenesis. Further studies are needed to get more information about the preneoplastic potential of these foci in humans. Since enzyme-altered foci could not be identified in the liver tissue of healthy women, these foci may be of prognostic significance in longterm OC users.  相似文献   

A hepatitis E outbreak, which occurred on a small isolated island, provided an opportunity to evaluate the association between the number of hepatitis E cases in the community and the concentration of virus detected in sewage. Samples were collected from the different sewage treatment plants from the island and analyzed for the presence of hepatitis E (HEV) virus using real-time RT-PCR. We demonstrated that if 1–4 % of inhabitants connected to a WWTP were infected with HEV, raw sewage contained HEV at detectable levels. The finding that such a small number of infected people can contaminate municipal sewage works raises the potential of the further distribution of the virus. Indeed, investigating the routes of transmission of HEV, including the potential for sewage effluent to contain infectious HEV, may help us to better understand the epidemiology of this pathogen, which is considered to be an emerging concern in Europe.  相似文献   

加速寿命试验与高加速寿命试验的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
介绍了加速寿命试验、高加速寿命试验的基本概念、原理,从试验目的、试验方法、试验时间等方面对加速寿命试验和高加速寿命试验进行了比较,说明它们有不同的应用时机和范围.加速寿命试验、高加速寿命试验都是卓越的加速环境试验技术,也是可靠性试验领域的两个主要发展方向.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2005,13(13-14):1225-1234
Prospective life cycle assessment (LCA) provides information on the environmental consequences of individual actions. Retrospective LCA provides information about the environmental properties of the life cycle investigated and of its subsystems. In this paper we analyse the links between the choice of methodology and different theories of normative moral philosophy. The choice of electricity data in an LCA of a conference site with local hydropower production is discussed as an illustration. The two types of LCA can be related to different theories on the characteristics of a good action. Each type of LCA, as well as each of the moral theories, can be criticised from the alternative point of departure. Decisions based on retrospective LCA can have environmentally undesirable consequences. On the other hand, prospective LCA can appear unfair and result in environmentally sub-optimised systems. Both types of LCA also have methodological limitations. We cannot conclude that one type is superior to the other, but the choice of methodology should be consistent with the information sought in the LCA.  相似文献   

The Cambrian Explosion is one of the most significant events in the history of life; essentially all easily fossilizable animal body plans first evolved during this event. Although many theories have been proposed to explain this event, its cause remains unresolved. Here, we propose that the elevated level of oxygen, in combination with the increased mobility and food intake of metazoans, led to increased cellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which drove evolution by enhancing mutation rates and providing new regulatory mechanisms. Our hypothesis may provide a unified explanation for the Cambrian Explosion as it incorporates both environmental and developmental factors and is also consistent with ecological explanations for animal radiation. Future studies should focus on testing this hypothesis, and may lead to important insights into evolution.  相似文献   

曹敏  寿芳  马超 《装备环境工程》2013,10(4):76-79,113
随着卫星控制系统技术的不断发展,卫星在轨寿命的要求不断提高。后续中低轨卫星普遍设计寿命要求达到5-8 a,高轨卫星设计寿命要求达到10-15 a。光纤陀螺作为卫星的一项关键部件,是目前制约我国卫星寿命和可靠性的主要瓶颈之一。从可靠性角度,对光纤陀螺的技术特点进行了分析,提出了适用于长寿命卫星平台的光纤陀螺的建议。  相似文献   

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