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水资源安全的内涵及其评价--以湖北省为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
水资源安全作为资源安全的重要组成部分,其内涵在于保障水量的稳定供给、水质的有效保护和水灾害威胁的化解.水资源安全评价可以从水量安全评价、水质安全评价和水灾害防治安全评价三个方面入手.  相似文献   

“拿什么拯救你——水资源”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹晶 《世界环境》2009,(2):12-13
人类需要水就像需要氧气一样,世界上没有其它什么资源比水对人类安全更生死攸关。前联合国秘书长说:“享有安全水是人类的一项根本需要,因而是一项基本人权。”  相似文献   

白强 《环境》2000,(12):6-7
几年前,美国世界观察研究所所长布朗先生曾专题研究中国的水问题,他认为中国的水资源短缺将超越洪涝灾害而成为中国政府最大和最难解决的水问题,甚至会引发全球粮食市场的变动和其他国际问题。布朗的结论尽管有点刺耳,却给中国人提了个醒——水资源短缺,无可回避。我国水资源的基本特点可以概括为水资源总量多,人均占有量少,利用率低,污染严重。而稀缺、污染和浪费,是我国水资源中三大突出  相似文献   

云南省水资源时空分布格局及综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源安全是山区资源环境安全和山区资源环境承载力研究的核心问题之一。在分析云南省水资源时空分布格局的基础上,提出了云南省水资源安全综合评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定了各指标的权重,构建了云南省水资源安全综合评价模型,对云南省水资源安全状态以及优、劣势因素进行了评价分析。研究结果表明云南省水资源时空分布不均,社会经济条件较好的滇中地区水资源短缺严重,在95%保证率下,昆明市人均水资源量仅为611m3,水资源压力最大。对云南省各市(州)水资源安全综合评价表明,云南省水资源安全地域差异突出,云南省南部和西南部水资源安全形势较好,其中西双版纳州和德宏州水资源安全指数超过0.58,属安全等级;云南省东部地区水资源安全形势不容乐观,其中云南省东北部的昭通市水资源安全形势最为严峻,水资源安全指数仅为0.24,是全省平均水平的55.68%;另外,滇中地区的楚雄州由于地处干热河谷地区,季节性水资源短缺非常严重,水资源安全问题同样严重。水资源量是影响云南省水资源安全最重要的因素,工程性缺水和干旱问题亦非常突出。因此,必须加强水利工程建设力度,重点解决人畜饮水困难问题,提高农田旱涝保收率,同时重视水生态环境保护,提高水资源利用效率,提升抵御干旱灾害和水资源短缺的能力。  相似文献   

基于虚拟水的济南市水资源可持续利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源问题已成为世界普遍关注的问题,其根本原因就在于它不仅影响、制约现代社会的可持续发展,而且成为本世纪全球资源环境的首要问题,直接威胁人类的生存和发展,水资源可持续利用是当前世界上研究的热门课题之一。济南市是北方严重缺水城市之一,近几年来,随着社会经济的发展,严重影响着城市的发展和人民生活质量的提高。文章将国际上前沿的水资源足迹的计算方法引入到济南市的水资源系统中,利用CROPWAT软件定量测度了济南市主要农贸产品的虚拟水含量。通过济南市水足迹的计算及分析,得出济南市为虚拟水净出口地区,直接危及济南市的水资源安全,建议在济南市水资源有限的情况下,必须在节约用水,提高水资源利用的基础上创新水资源管理思路,实施虚拟水战略,充分利用虚拟水贸易解决水资源短缺问题。  相似文献   

本文阐述了水对于人类社会发展的重要性,而全世界正面临着严重的水资源短缺,并且水污染问题正日趋严重。对人类的生产和生活产生了很大的影响。节水和治理水污染已经成为刻不容缓的事情。从“人类——环境”系统和“经济——环境”系统两方面分析了我国存在着严重的水资源浪费和水污染严重的现状。强调保护水资源的重要性,坚持采用节水、冶水井举的方针。针对我国城市现有的雨污合流制的旧体制提出应尽快改建为雨污分流制排水系统.节约用水,提出建立“中水”系统。提高污水处理能力使水资源“再生”。同时强调了行政监督和管理的重要性。要加强宣传教育工作,依法冶理,运用经济手段严管严罚。  相似文献   

基于SWAT-WEAP联合模型的西辽河支流水资源脆弱性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气候变化与人类活动对水循环及水资源安全的影响是近代水科学面临的主要科学问题。以西辽河支流老哈河流域为研究区,探索了一种水文模型耦合方法(SWAT-WEAP),以水短缺量为指标,同等考虑水资源供给端与需求端,对气候变化与不同人类利用情景下水资源系统脆弱性进行定量分析,结果表明:①暖干化气候情景比暖湿化气候情景明显加剧了老哈河流域水资源系统的脆弱性,降水减少10%导致的水短缺量比降水导致10%所缓解的短缺量要多31.17%;②气候变化对流域农业灌溉用水影响最大,对城乡生活用水和工业用水影响相对很小;③老哈河流域水资源系统脆弱性的主要驱动力之一源自农业不合理灌溉,发展畜牧业、 改变种植结构与高效节水灌溉是缓解水短缺、 降低水资源系统脆弱性最为有效的措施,也是应对气候变化最为有效的方式;④基于供水端的措施(如水库)在暖干化气候时由于水资源供给来源受限,其缓解作用有所减弱。  相似文献   

页岩气开采消耗大量水和产生组成复杂的高盐返排-产出水,对开采区水资源的安全构成很大风险。论文识别了决定山区页岩气开采的水资源可利用性和返排-产出水对地表水环境胁迫的关键因素,构建了流域地表水资源安全评价方法,以亚流域为单元,完成了2010—2020年重庆地区页岩气开采前后、不同开采强度下地表水资源安全的评价。2010—2020年重庆市页岩气开采的取水对区域水资源的总体压力小,对渝西局部缺水地区的短时影响较大;页岩气开采的返排-产出水对重庆中西部都市区及周边的污染负荷高值区,东北部秦巴山城口、巫溪水环境高敏感区的潜在污染风险大;重庆市页岩气开采的水资源安全水平以好、中等为主,占重庆总面积的2/3,其总体格局呈渝东南>渝东北>渝西。随着经济、社会发展及页岩气的规模化开采,局部水资源安全等级有下降的风险,研究成果可为区域页岩气开采水资源配置和水环境保护提供决策支持。  相似文献   

本文分析了21世纪城市环境发展所面临的各种挑战,并进一步指出了水资源短缺和水环境污染是21世纪城市环境的最大挑战者和威胁者。在此基础上,提出了解决的对策措施。  相似文献   

水资源短缺与水环境污染是全球的淡水资源面对的两大难题。工业革命以后,世界经济水平快速提高,工业发展迅速,对水资源的需求量加大,污水的排放量也在不断增加,污水处理技术不高,造成水资源严重污染。  相似文献   

Freshwater scarcity is no longer limited to sub-Saharan developing countries; also in Western society, access to unlimited amounts of freshwater is not assured at all times. It has been argued - and laid down in many national legal systems - that access to freshwater is a basic human right. What if corporate freshwater use threatens to interfere with this human right? The main focus of the article is to explore the role of today’s companies in relation to freshwater. A number of tools have been developed to attend to the necessity to reduce corporate use of freshwater. The article discusses specialised water reporting instruments such as the 2007 Global Water Tool and the ‘water footprint’ calculation method. In addition, attention is paid to a CERES report (2010) revealing that the majority of the 100 world’s leading companies in water-intensive industries still has weak management and disclosures of water-related risks and opportunities. To obtain concrete information about corporate water strategies and practices, an explorative analysis was conducted on 20 Dutch multinational companies. The article highlights various innovative practices. In sum, it is demonstrated that companies are expected to bear responsibility for their impact on water resources, in particular when it influences public access to water in areas with freshwater scarcity and/or weak government. Notwithstanding the critical conclusions of the CERES report, it is interesting to see an evolution in corporate research concerning sustainable water use and the development of greener products and greener ways of production.  相似文献   

Water security is arguably the single most important factor regarding the future sustainability of our planet. Without water we have no life, and with depleting freshwater resources conflict can easily ensue. The intersection between hydrology and politics requires a delicate balancing from decision-makers to ensure policy is well-informed and science is well communicated. In this paper, we discuss water issues currently faced by Nepal, a nation where freshwater resources are abundant yet political pressures are threatening future water security. We argue that despite adequate water supplies a nation may still experience severe water insecurity, particularly if effective governance and equitable access are not prioritised. We explore potential policy options necessary to achieve a holistic framework for water resources management, which we suggest, need to consider water resource reliability, accessibility and governance as fundamental pillars for ensuring water security.  相似文献   

Large-scale water scarcity indicators have been widely used to map and inform decision makers and the public about the use of river flows, a vital and limited renewable resource. However, spatiotemporal interrelations among users and administrative entities are still lacking in most large-scale studies. Water scarcity and interrelations are at the core of the water-ecosystem-energy-food nexus. In this paper, we balance water availability in the Black Sea catchment with requirements and consumptive use of key water users, i.e., municipalities, power plants, manufacturing, irrigation and livestock breeding, accounting for evaporation from major reservoirs as well as environmental flow requirements. We use graph theory to highlight interrelations between users and countries along the hydrological network. The results show that water scarcity occurs mainly in the summer due to higher demand for irrigation and reservoir evaporation in conjunction with relatively lower water resources, and in the fall-winter period due to lower water resources and the relatively high demand for preserving ecosystems and from sectors other than irrigation. Cooling power plants and the demands of urban areas cause scarcity in many isolated locations in the winter and, to a far greater spatial extent, in the summer with the demands for irrigation. Interrelations in water scarcity-prone areas are mainly between relatively small, intra-national rivers, for which the underlying national and regional governments act as key players in mitigating water scarcity within the catchment. However, many interrelations exist for larger rivers, highlighting the need for international cooperation that could be achieved through a water-ecosystem-energy-food nexus.  相似文献   

“干旱”是由大尺度的气候变化所引起的水分亏缺现象,“水资源短缺”则是因人类长期对水资源不可持续利用引起的水资源亏缺现象。前者无法被水资源管理系统规避,后者则受水资源管理方针政策的影响。然而,通常一个地区由干旱与水资源短缺引起的水分亏缺经常同时发生而且难以区分。因此,论文提出了一种可以定量区分自然因素(干旱)和人为因素(水资源短缺)对水文系统影响的框架,并以漳卫南运河流域为研究对象,利用SWAT模型模拟结果(无人为影响情景下)和观测数据(自然因素和人为因素共同作用结果),对研究区1976—1995年的日径流量序列进行了初步对比和差异性分析。结果表明:1)经率定和验证的SWAT模型能够有效模拟漳卫南运河流域的径流过程;2)无论是丰水年还是枯水年,水资源短缺现象均导致了夏季径流洪峰时期的消失;3)人为因素是引起漳卫南运河流域水文系统发生变化的主要原因,并且人为因素影响造成的径流损失量是自然因素造成径流损失量的4倍。论文提出的框架可以定量化分析自然因素和人为因素对水文系统的相对影响,有助于水资源管理者制定适应干旱与水资源短缺状况的管理政策。  相似文献   

虚拟水在解决农业生产和粮食安全问题中的作用研究   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
随着人口增长和经济发展,水资源问题日益突出,农业用水和粮食安全问题已经成为全球关注的重要问题.本文简要回顾了虚拟水的内涵及其国内外研究现状,分析了我国的农业用水和粮食安全问题,根据粮食进口变动趋势和国内外粮食生产条件估算出2010年和2020年我国进口的虚拟水量分别为88×109m3和95×109m33,并提出了通过进口虚拟水解决我国农业和粮食问题,从而实现我国水资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

Water is scarce in Mediterranean countries: cities are crowded with increasing demand; food is produced with large amounts of water; ecosystems demand more water that is often available; drought affects all. As climate change impacts become more noticeable and costlier, some current water management strategies will not be useful. According to the findings of CIRCE, the areas with limited water resources will increase in the coming decades with major consequences for the way we produce food and we protect ecosystems. Based on these projections this paper discusses water policy priorities for climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean. We first summarise the main challenges to water resources in Mediterranean countries and outline the risks and opportunities for water under climate change based on previous studies. Recognising the difficulty to go from precipitation to water policy, we then present a framework to evaluate water availability in response to natural and management conditions, with an example of application in the Ebro basin that exemplifies other Mediterranean areas. Then we evaluate adaptive capacity to understand the ability of Mediterranean countries to face, respond and recover from climate change impacts on water resources. Social and economic factors are key drivers of inequality in the adaptive capacity across the region. Based on the assessment of impacts and adaptive capacity we suggest thresholds for water policy to respond to climate change and link water scarcity indicators to relevant potential adaptation strategies. Our results suggest the need to further prioritise socially and economically sensitive policies.  相似文献   

利用GB3838— 2 0 0 2《地表水质量标准》和美国EPA推荐的“地面水质量标准”对浑河沈阳段地表水中的有机污染状况进行了安全性评估。用两种不同的方法评估 ,结果虽然有所差别 ,但结论是一致的。即 :浑河沈阳段地表水有机污染物十分严重 ,已经对人体健康和生态环境安全构成危害  相似文献   

京津冀生态屏障区人类活动对生态安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)和InVEST(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs)模型分别模拟计算了滦河和潮河流域水源涵养、面源污染、干旱特征和生境质量等指标,在此基础上使用压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型建立了生态安全评价体系,以面源污染、生境质量和土地利用特征等人类活动对生态安全的影响作为切入点,以子流域为评价单元,评价了研究区生态安全,分析了各层指标对生态安全的影响.结果表明,2010年和2015年研究区总体生态安全状态等级均为敏感级,生态安全评分综合指数分别为0.50和0.48.研究区生态系统整体较为稳定,空间上各子流域之间生态安全状态存在较大差异.面源污染和城镇扩张等人类活动对生态安全的影响较大.林地和草地评分较低,可能与种植结构和景观格局有关.水源涵养量值增加和生境稀缺性值下降,说明加大水源涵养能力建设和降低生境稀缺性是提高生态安全的有效措施.  相似文献   

西南部地区干旱突显出我国水资源的供求矛盾。中水回用可以提高水资源的使用效率、缓解水资源匮乏的问题,但从全国看,推行的阻力很大。建议通过立法,强制推行中水回用政策,以实现水资源的可持续利用和社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This research explores the institutional water governance system of irrigated agricultural producers in Mendoza, Argentina in the context of a changing climate (predominantly increasing events of drought and water scarcity). An assessment is made of the impact of water governance instruments on producers using the methodology of vulnerability and adaptive capacity. Analysis focuses on the impact of the institutional water governance system on the adaptive capacity of producers’ resources, or capitals (human, social, economic, technological, and natural). Conclusions and suggestions for improving the resiliency of agricultural producers and increasing the adaptive dimensions of Mendoza’s water governance system are made based on this analysis.  相似文献   

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