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Industrial development is an essential foundation of the national economy, but the industry is also the largest source of air pollution, of which power plants, iron and steel, building materials, and other industries emit large amounts of pollutants. Therefore, the Chinese government has promulgated a series of stringent emission regulations, and it is against this backdrop that research into air pollution control technologies for key industrial sectors is in full swing. In particular, during the 13th Five-Year Plan, breakthroughs have been made in pollution control technology for key industrial sectors. A multi-pollutant treatment technology system of desulfurization, denitrification, and dust collection, which applies to key industries such as power plants, steel, and building materials, has been developed. High-performance materials for the treatment of different pollutants, such as denitrification catalysts and desulfurization absorbers, were developed. At the same time, multi-pollutant synergistic removal technologies for flue gas in various industries have also become a hot research topic, with important breakthroughs in the synergistic removal of NOx, SOx, and Hg. Due to the increasingly stringent emission standards and regulations in China, there is still a need to work on the development of multi-pollutant synergistic technologies and further research and development of synergistic abatement technologies for CO2 to meet the requirements of ultra-low emissions in industrial sectors.  相似文献   

钢铁行业典型烧结机污染物排放特征对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
钢铁工业排放是引起空气污染的重要原因之一,烧结工序又是钢铁行业中的排放大户.鉴于此,选取了一台工艺相对落后但仍在我国中西部地区大量存在的90 m2小型步进式烧结机和一台工艺较为先进的450 m2大型带式烧结机,对两台烧结机不同点位的SO2、NOx、颗粒物以及烟气Hg等进行实测,并对颗粒物中的元素、水溶性离子、OC和EC进行分析,从而获取不同技术水平、不同污控措施下烧结机污染物排放特征以及与2019年生态环境部办公厅印发的《关于推进实施钢铁行业超低排放的意见》中的超低排放限值之间的差距.结果表明:①烧结机头SO2、NOx、CO、颗粒物和烟气Hg排放浓度分别为54.69~123.04 mg/m3、187.28~312.58 mg/m3、6 746.04~7 790.83 mg/m3、11.04~19.93 mg/m3和78.97~2 537.07 ng/m3,烧结机尾颗粒物排放浓度为0.76~16.22 mg/m3,机头颗粒物以PM2.5为主,占比为81.02%~91.49%,机尾颗粒物主要为PM10,占比为71.17%~73.01%.烧结机头SO2、NOx、颗粒物以及烧结机尾颗粒物还需分别减排36.00%~71.55%、73.30%~84.00%、9.40%~49.82%和0~38.35%才能满足超低排放限值.②烧结颗粒物主要成分为K、Ca、Na、Mg、Fe、Cl-、SO42-、NH4+、OC和EC等,其占比与烧结机类型、烧结原辅料以及污染物控制措施等因素有关,石灰石-石膏法脱硫后SO42-占比增加28.12%,活性炭移动床脱硫后EC占比增加2.15%.③布袋除尘器对烧结机不同粒径颗粒物和烟气Hg的脱除能力比双室五电场静电除尘器分别高出1.25%~5.06%和9.51%,活性炭移动床系统对烧结不同粒径颗粒物以及烟气Hg的去除效果分别比石灰石-石膏法脱硫系统高出9.40%~11.38%和4.31%.研究显示,不同工艺、不同污控措施烧结机大气污染物排放特征存在一定差异,SO2、NOx排放浓度与超低排放限值差距较大,烟尘排放浓度与超低排放限值差距较小.   相似文献   

中国钢铁行业大气环境影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本研究基于2015年在线监测等数据,分析中国钢铁行业主要工序(烧结和球团)排口烟气浓度情况,自下而上建立了2015年中国高时空分辨率钢铁行业大气污染物排放清单(HSEC, 2015),使用CAMx模型,定量模拟钢铁行业排放对区域大气污染物浓度贡献.结果表明, 2015年中国钢铁行业共排放SO_2、NO_x、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、PCDD/Fs、VOCs、CO、BC、OC、EC和F分别为37.48万t、 72.05万t、 33.48万t、 15.03万t、 1.91 kg、 84.29万t、 3 478.85万t、 0.64万t、 0.83万t、 0.08万t和0.77万t.从区域角度:上海和天津钢铁行业单位面积污染排放强度最大,对区域大气污染贡献比例较高.从工序角度:2015年烧结和球团烟气排口月平均浓度降低.从污染物角度:2015年钢铁行业排放NO_x对区域污染物浓度贡献最大,NO_x具有较大的减排潜力.  相似文献   

Iron ore sintering is a major source of gaseous and particulate pollutants emission in iron smelt plant. The aim of present study is to characterize the volatile organic compounds(VOCs) emission profiles from iron ore sintering process. Both sinter pot test and sinter simulation experiment were conducted and compared. Out results showed that sinter process produced large quantity of VOCs together with NOxand SO_2. VOCs and NO were produced simultaneously in sinter pot test from 3 to 24 min after ignition, flowed by SO_2 production from 15 min to the end of sintering. Total VOCs(TVOC) concentration in sinter flue gas was affected by the coal and coke ratio in sinter raw material. The maximum TVOC concentration was 34.5 ppm when using 100% coal as fuel. Sinter simulation experiments found that the number of VOCs species and their concentrations were found by sinter temperature. The largest VOCs species varieties were obtained at 500 °C. Benzene, toluene,xylene and ethylbenzene were major VOCs in sinter flue gas based on the results from both simulation test and sinter pot. It thus demonstrated that in addition to NO_x, SO_2 and metal oxide particles, sinter flue gas also contained significant amount of VOCs whose environmental impact cannot be ignored. Based on our work, it is timely needed to establish a new VOC emission standard for sinter flue gas and develop advanced techniques to simultaneously eliminate multi-pollutants in iron ore sinter process.  相似文献   

京津冀地区钢铁行业污染物排放清单及对PM2.5影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以京津冀地区为研究区域,采取自下而上的方法,建立京津冀地区钢铁行业细化至焦化、烧结和球团、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢等工序的多污染物排放清单.清单估算结果显示,2015年京津冀地区钢铁行业SO2、NOx、TSP、PM10、PM2.5、CO、VOC的排放量分别为38.82、27.23、79.19、53.15、38.68、823.38、26.53万t,其中烧结和球团工序是最主要的污染物排放工序(17.0%~72.0%),其次为炼铁工序(4.6%~42.4%)和轧钢工序(3.5%~35.7%).采用具有污染物来源示踪功能的双层嵌套气象-空气质量模型系统(WRF-CAMx)耦合模型模拟京津冀地区钢铁行业污染物排放对区域大气PM2.5浓度的影响.模拟结果显示:钢铁行业在春夏秋冬这4个季节对京津冀地区PM2.5浓度贡献率分别达到14.0%、15.9%、12.3%、8.7%.各地市中,钢铁行业对唐山市PM2.5影响最大,年均PM2.5浓度贡献率高达41.2%,其次为秦皇岛市、石家庄市、邯郸市,年均PM2.5浓度贡献率分别达到19.3%、15.3%、15.1%.  相似文献   

The implementation of ultra-low emission (ULE) limits (SO2: 35 mg/m3, NOx: 50 mg/m3, PM: 10 mg/m3) promoted the development of flue gas treatment technologies in China. Pollutant control technology development for Chinese coal-fired power plants was summarized and an analysis of the applicability and cost of pollutant control technologies was conducted. Detailed data were collected from 30 ultra-low emission coal-fired units across China. Based on a cost analysis model, the average unit power generation incremental costs were 0.0144 and 0.0095 CNY/(kW·hr) for SO2 and NOx control technologies, respectively. The unit power generation incremental cost of twin spray tower technology was 7.2% higher than that of dual-loop spray tower technology. The effect of key parameters on operating cost was analyzed. The unit power generation incremental cost increased because of increments in the electricity price for SO2 control technology and the price of the reductant in NOx control technology. With high sulfur content or NOx concentration, the unit power generation incremental cost caused by pollutant control increased, whereas the unit pollutant abatement cost decreased. However, the annual operating hours or load increased, thereby leading to a decline in unit power generation incremental cost and unit pollutant abatement cost.  相似文献   

京津冀地区是我国钢铁行业集中布局的地区,也是大气污染最突出的地区.分析京津冀地区钢铁行业各类治污工具的中长期减排影响,对于选择最优减排措施、加快推动该地区大气污染治理意义重大.构建基于LEAP模型的京津冀地区钢铁行业模型,以2015年为基准年,以每5 a为一个时间节点,结合规模减排、结构减排、技术减排、末端治理4种减排措施,模拟计算了4种单一政策情景及4种组合政策情景下2015-2030年京津冀地区钢铁行业主要污染物(SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5、CO2)排放量及相应的减排影响.结果表明:在单一政策情景下,规模减排情景对5种污染物减排效果均十分显著.在组合政策情景下,4种减排措施叠加的综合减排情景效果最好,在该情景下京津冀地区钢铁行业到2030年SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5、CO2排放量将分别削减27.73×104、17.85×104、42.94×104、27.35×104、23.15×107 t;在规模-末端治理情景下,除CO2外其余污染物减排效果仅次于综合减排情景;规模-结构减排情景对PM10和PM2.5的减排效果相对明显;规模-技术减排情景对CO2、SO2、NOx的减排效果相对明显.研究显示,京津冀地区钢铁行业需要在大力淘汰落后过剩产能、缩减产量等源头治理措施的基础上,持续加强末端治理、提高废钢比例、提升节能减排技术水平等协同治理能力,以提高治污减排效果.   相似文献   

A novel system combining sludge drying and co-combustion with coal was applied in disposing sludge and its atmospheric emission characteristics were tested. The system was composed of a hollow blade paddle dryer, a thermal drying exhaust gas control system, a 75 tons/hr circulating fluidized bed and a flue gas cleaning system. The emissions of NH3, SO2, CH4 and some other pollutants released from thermal drying, and pollutants such as NOx, SO2 etc. discharged by the incinerator, were all tested. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in the flue gas from the incinerator were investigated as well. The results indicated that the concentrations of NOx and SO2 in the flue gas from the incinerator were 145 and 16 mg/m^3, respectively, and the I-TEQ concentration of 2,3,7,8-substitued PCDD/Fs was 0.023 ng I-TEQ/Nm^3. All these values were greatly lower than the emission standards of China. In addition, there was no obvious odor in the air around the sludge dryer. The results demonstrated that this drying and co-combustion system is efficient in controlling pollutants and is a feasible way for large-scale treatment of industrial sludge and sewage sludge.  相似文献   

钢铁行业技术减排措施硫、氮、碳协同控制效应评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国污染减排形势的日趋严峻,在高污染行业采用协同控制措施实现多种污染物控制目标不仅十分必要而且非常迫切,而合理评价减排措施的协同控制效应是实施协同控制的基础.基于此,本研究从环境-经济-技术角度系统地提出了钢铁行业技术减排措施对硫、氮、碳的协同控制效应评价方法,包括:协同控制效应坐标系分析、污染物减排量交叉弹性(Elsa/b)分析和单位污染物减排成本评价,3种评价方法相互配合,可以从多角度检验不同减排措施的协同控制效应.协同控制效应坐标系和污染物减排量交叉弹性分析的结果表明,末端治理措施不具有协同控制效应或协同控制效应不佳,而绝大多数过程控制措施都具有较好的协同控制效应.单位污染物减排成本评价的结果表明,末端治理措施优先度排序靠后,而过程控制措施排序靠前,且针对不同污染物的排序结果有所不同.在进行钢铁行业协同减排方案设计和规划时,应根据决策需要选择适宜的评价方法,参考评价结果选择最为成本有效的措施.  相似文献   

基于所搜集的兰州盆地各类人为污染源排放大气污染物的活动水平数据及其排放因子,采用"自下而上"的方法建立了2009年兰州盆地(石油化工城市)1 km×1 km的7种(类)大气污染物网格化排放清单,并对其来源和空间分布特征进行了分析研究.结果显示:2009年兰州盆地NOx、SO_2、VOCs、CO、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和NH3的排放总量分别为1.2×10~5、8.8×10~4、4.3×10~4、4.1×10~5、9.6×10~4、4.2×10~4和1.4×10~4t;工业燃烧排放是兰州盆地NO_x和SO_2的主要贡献源,分别占其总排放量的85.70%和52.55%;工业非燃烧过程排放是VOCs的最大贡献源,占总排放量的81.25%;工业点源和工业非燃烧过程排放是CO的两大贡献源,分别占其总排放量的33.97%和28.32%;PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)主要来源于工业非燃烧过程,贡献分别为51.09%和55.12%;氮肥使用和禽畜养殖是NH_3排放最大的贡献源,分别占其总排放量的39.20%和30.70%.空间分布特征表现为:以工业源为主要排放源的NO_x、SO_2、VOCs、CO、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)主要分布在工业和人口最为集中的兰州盆地市区一带,NH_3的排放则主要集中在榆中县和皋兰县交界的农村地区.同时,还对2014年工业燃烧源和道路移动源的7种(类)大气污染物排放量进行了估算,并与2009年进行了排放比较研究.结果表明,2014年工业污染源的7种(类)污染物排放量与2009年相比平均增幅不高,最高不超过30%,但移动源污染物排放量却大幅增加,增幅将近1倍.此外,基于排放因子及活动水平的不确定性,本研究对排放清单的结果进行了不确定性分析,并通过蒙特卡罗模拟对各污染物的排放量进行了评估.本排放清单的建立,不仅填补了兰州盆地大气污染物网格化排放清单的空白,还可为兰州盆地大气污染物排放清单更新、区域环境过程、大气复合污染成因及大气污染预警技术等相关研究提供基本方法手段及基础数据.  相似文献   

四川省大气固定污染源排放清单及特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
何敏  王幸锐  韩丽 《环境科学学报》2013,33(11):3127-3137
根据收集到的四川省电厂、工业及民用部门的活动水平数据,采用合理的估算方法和排放因子,建立了四川省2010年大气固定污染源排放清单.结果表明:12010年四川省固定源共排放SO2 84.1万t、NOx 44.9万t、CO 318.8万t、PM10 44.1万t、PM2.5 25.5万t、VOC 17.9万t;2电厂和工业过程是固定源排放的主要贡献源;3燃煤是固定燃烧排放的主要贡献源,煤矸石、焦炭、天然气对污染物的贡献也不容忽视,水泥、钢铁、轻工业制造是本地区主要的工业过程排放源;4宜宾、成都及攀枝花是固定源污染物的主要贡献城市,约占四川省总排放量的20%~40%;5电厂、能源工业燃烧清单的不确定性主要来自排放因子,而工业过程涉及排放源种类繁多且复杂,排放测试研究较少,不确定性较高.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂排放细颗粒物的水溶性无机离子特征综述   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
段雷  马子轸  李振  蒋靖坤  叶芝祥 《环境科学》2015,36(3):1117-1122
当前我国面临严重的大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染,燃煤电厂是大气中PM2.5的重要来源之一.为了实现国家"十一五"和"十二五"规划对二氧化硫(SO2)和氮氧化物(NOx)的总量减排目标,燃煤电厂大规模安装烟气脱硫和脱硝设施,这虽然减少了气态污染物转化生成的二次PM2.5,但另一方面也会对烟气中PM2.5的物理化学特征产生影响,有可能增加一次PM2.5的排放.本文综述了燃煤电厂排放PM2.5及其水溶性离子的粒径分布特征,重点介绍了脱硫和脱硝这两种烟气处理设施对燃煤电厂排放PM2.5的影响原理及相关研究结果,特别是对细颗粒物中水溶性离子(如SO2-4、Ca2+和NH+4)的影响.在目前我国PM2.5污染十分严重和燃煤电厂大量安装脱硫和脱硝装置的背景下,定量研究脱硫和脱硝对PM2.5排放特征的影响具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

Rice husk with high volatile content was burned in a pilot scale vortexing fluidized bed incinerator. The fluidized bed incinerator was constructed of 6 mm stainless steel with 0.45 m in diameter and 5 m in height. The emission characteristics of CO, NO, and SO2 were studied. The effects of operating parameters, such as primary air flow rate, secondary air flow rate, and excess air ratio on the pollutant emissions were also investigated. The results show that a large proportion of combustion occurs at the bed surface and the freeboard zone. The SO2 concentration in the flue gas decreases with increasing excess air ratio, while the NOx concentration shows reverse trend. The flow rate of secondary air has a significant impact on the CO emission. For a fixed primary air flowrate, CO emission decreases with the secondary air flowrate. For a fixed excess air ratio, CO emission decreases with the ratio of secondary to primary air flow. The minimum CO emission of 72 ppm is attained at the operating condition of 40% excess air ratio and 0.6 partition air ratio. The NOx and SO2 concentrations in the flue gas at this condition are 159 and 36 ppm, which conform to the EPA regulation of Taiwan.  相似文献   

The incineration of sacrificial offerings is a significant widely practiced custom that is also a kind of neglected air pollution source in China. Our results showed that the emission factors of particulate matter, SO2, CO, NOx, and VOCs emitted from the incineration of sacrificial offerings with purification systems were reduced by 95%, 19%, 9%, 82%, and 42%, respectively, compared with those without a purification system, revealing a significant effect of the flue gas purification system on reducing particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. The emission level of air pollutants from the incineration of sacrificial offerings remained stable before 2013 and then showed a remarkable decrease after the implementation of China´s Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan in 2013. The emissions of TSP (total suspended particulate), PM10, PM2.5, and NOx in 2009 were 8222, 6106, 5656 and 15,878 ton, respectively, obviously higher than 3434, 2551, 2305 and 8579 ton in 2019. Such trend was affected by both the quantity of incineration and the installation rate of purification systems after the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Crematory (GB 13801-2015) issued in China. Distinct spatial distribution of atmospheric pollutants from incineration of sacrificial offerings was found with higher in the east and south of China than the west and north of China, which is proportional to the regional economy and population. The maximum ground-level concentration typically occurred at 0.12-0.2 km from the pollution source, posing potential health risks to people entering and exiting funeral and burial sites and nearby residents.  相似文献   

辽宁省人为源大气污染物排放清单及特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为全面评估辽宁省关键大气污染物排放状况,系统收集和整理全省基础活动水平信息,采用排放因子法建立了该省2012年人为源大气污染物排放清单.结果显示,2012年辽宁省SO_2、NO_x、CO、PM10、PM_(2.5)、BC、OC及NH_3排放总量分别为1434.8×10~3、1632.3×10~3、6682.9×10~3、1529.9×10~3、1087.8×10~3、74.5×10~3、176.1×10~3t及880.4×10~3t.BC和OC最大贡献源为生物质燃烧源,排放集中分布在辽宁中、西部;NH_3主要来自畜禽养殖与化肥施用,排放高值区位于辽宁中部农业畜牧业发达地区;其他污染物主要来自固定燃烧源和工艺过程源,集中分布在辽宁中部城市群以及大连金州区、甘井子区和普兰店区.大连、沈阳是SO_2、NO_x、NH_3和颗粒物主要排放城市,鞍山和本溪由于钢铁行业发达,成为CO排放量最大的城市.基于卫星观测获得的NO_2垂直柱浓度对NO_x排放空间分布进行评估,两者相关性系数为0.57(p0.01).辽宁省级排放清单与国家尺度排放清单在一定程度存在差异,主要原因在于采用的活动水平和污染物控制效率的不同,基于详细本地化污染源信息建立的省级排放清单可以较好地反映实际情况.建议完善点源排放特征信息并加强本地化测试,进一步降低省级排放清单不确定性.  相似文献   

南昌市固定燃烧点源大气污染物排放清单及特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大气污染物排放清单是了解区域污染物排放特征、准确模拟空气质量的重要资料,而工业点源是大气污染的重点排放源.通过收集相关活动水平信息和合理的排放因子,采用"自下而上"的方法建立了南昌市2014年点源大气污染物排放清单.结果表明,SO_2、NO_x、CO、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和VOC排放总量分别为29576.2、17115.1、25946.6、4689.4、922.9和1190.4 t,其中,金属炼制行业对SO_2、CO和VOC的贡献最高,分别占37.75%、30.59%和38.45%;火电行业是NO_x的主要来源,其贡献率为47%;水泥等建材制造行业对PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)排放贡献最高,分别为26%和25%.根据排放源污染物排放量及地理坐标信息,建立了0.4 km×0.4 km的污染物排放量空间分布特征图,结果表明,南昌市大气污染物排放较为集中,青山湖区北部和新建区北部是SO_2、NO_x、CO和VOC的主要排放区,而PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的排放量相对分散,并在安义县出现排放高值区.通过将计算结果与统计数据结果进行对比,了解所估算清单的准确程度.对SO_2和NO_x的计算值和统计值进行统计分析,结果显示,NMB(标准化平均偏差)和NME(标准化平均误差)值均小于50%,清单计算精度较高.同时,为了解清单数据质量,对清单的不确定性进行定量分析,结果显示,SO_2和VOC不确定性较低而PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的不确定性相对较高,清单整体不确定性与其他研究结果相差不大.建议后期研究可以从提升基础数据质量和建立具有区域代表性的排放因子数据库着手,从而减小排放量的不确定性,获得精准可靠的大气污染物清单并应用于空气质量模型预报等更深入的研究.  相似文献   

中国水泥排放清单及分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究基于2018年在线监测数据等,分析中国水泥行业主要工序(窑头和窑尾)排口烟气浓度情况,自下而上建立了2018年中国高时空分辨率水泥行业大气污染物排放清单(high resolution cement emission inventory for China,HCEC).结果表明,2018年中国水泥行业的PM、SO2和NOx排放量分别为72893、92568和878394 t.从时间维度:2018年中国水泥行业主要工序烟气排口月均浓度逐步降低,蓝天保卫战成效显著.从区域维度:2018年京津冀及周边地区、长三角地区和汾渭平原,水泥窑年均排放浓度整体低于全国平均水平,但各城市排放浓度存在差异.2018年安徽省水泥行业排放量最大,北京市和天津市水泥行业的单位面积污染排放强度最大.  相似文献   

京津冀地区主要排放源减排对PM2.5污染改善贡献评估   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究选取2012年1月和7月作为冬夏两季代表时段,利用CMAQ/2D-VBS模型分析了冬夏两季京津冀地区主要排放源减排30%对改善区域PM_(2.5)污染的效果.结果表明,工业源对PM_(2.5)污染的贡献最大,其次是民用源,但工业源单位减排量贡献低于民用源,交通源和电厂源的整体贡献和单位减排量贡献均较小.工业部门内贡献最大的为钢铁冶金行业,其次是水泥、工业锅炉、炼焦、石灰砖瓦和化工行业.与各部门各物种排放量的比较反映出各排放源贡献大小与其一次PM_(2.5)排放水平高度相关.因京津冀地区冬季NO_x减排对PM_(2.5)形成的促进作用,以及冬季较弱的大气垂直扩散作用,各排放源夏季减排比冬季普遍更有效,交通源、电厂源以及工业源中的水泥、工业锅炉和石灰砖瓦行业夏季减排效果相比冬季优势明显.民用源由于采暖季排放较高而冬季贡献更明显,农业源因秸秆开放燃烧量大,冬季单位减排量贡献十分显著.从同等幅度减排考虑,应将工业源作为控制重点,优先控制其一次PM_(2.5)排放,在部门内进一步重点控制钢铁冶金行业的NO_x和SO_2排放、水泥行业的夏季NO_x排放以及炼焦行业的SO_2和NMVOC排放.民用源排放应着重在冬季采暖期控制.  相似文献   

北京市民用燃煤烟气中气态污染物排放特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
以北京远郊农村居民常用的蜂窝煤、煤球、烟煤散煤为实验用煤,开展燃烧实验.研究了烟气无机污染物排放因子、VOCs释放情况.结果表明在充分燃烧的条件下,蜂窝煤、煤球、烟煤气态污染物SO2排放因子分别为1.50、1.91、1.62kg·t~(-1);NOx排放因子分别为0.420、0.901、2.20 kg·t~(-1);CO排放因子分别为22.4、37.3、87.3 kg·t~(-1).燃烧排放的NOx和CO的排放因子顺序关系为:烟煤煤球蜂窝煤;SO2的排放因子大小顺序分别为:煤球烟煤蜂窝煤.获得了北京市2014年3种民用煤燃烧排放的气态污染物的排放清单,烟煤散煤排放的SO2超过了0.55万t,NOx超过了0.75万t,CO超过了29万t.3种煤质燃烧过程中点火和封火阶段VOCs排放浓度相对较高,各阶段VOCs排放因子为点火阶段最高,封火阶段次之.  相似文献   

The long-range transport of oxidized sulfur(sulfur dioxide(SO_2) and sulfate) and oxidized nitrogen(nitrogen oxides(NO_x ) and nitrate) in East Asia is an area of increasing scientific interest and political concern. This paper reviews various published papers, including ground- and satellite-based observations and numerical simulations. The aim is to assess the status of the anthropogenic emissions of SO_2 and NO_x and the long-range transport of oxidized S and N pollutants over source and downwind region. China has dominated the emissions of SO_2 and NO_x in East Asia and urgently needs to strengthen the control of their emissions, especially NO_x emissions. Oxidized S and N pollutants emitted from China are transported to Korea and Japan, due to persistent westerly winds, in winter and spring.However, the total contributions of China to S and N pollutants across Korea and Japan were not found to be dominant over longer time scales(e.g., a year). The source–receptor relationships for oxidized S and N pollutants in East Asia varied widely among the different studies. This is because:(1) the nonlinear effects of atmospheric chemistry and deposition processes were not well considered, when calculating the source–receptor relationships;(2) different meteorological and emission data inputs and solution schemes for key physical and chemical processes were used; and(3) different temporal and spatial scales were employed. Therefore, simulations using the same input fields and similar model configurations would be of benefit, to further evaluate the source–receptor relationships of the oxidized S and N pollutants.  相似文献   

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