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分析了地震发生后,可能发生的火灾、有毒有害物泄漏、水源污染等多种次生灾害,及目前现有的震后环境监测手段,提出针对可能的污染状况,应采取的环境监测措施及方法。  相似文献   

统计并分析2008—2012年福建省电气火灾相关数据,研究了福建省电气火灾的特点及规律。分析结果表明:福建省电气火灾形势比较严峻,其中电气线路故障是引发福建省电气火灾的主要原因,住宅、宿舍、厂房、交通工具是电气火灾发生的重要场所。各建筑物类型中多层建筑物的电气火灾所占比例最大,且电气火灾具有明显的地域、时空差异等特点。针对福建省电气火灾发生规律,本文提出相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

生态环境对SARS流行的影响及应对策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
生态环境对SARS流行的影响,包括生态破坏的可能影响、滥捕野生动物的影响、环境污染的影响、人类活动全球化的影响、城市环境的影响等。提出的对策及措施包括:禁止生态破坏及滥捕野生动物,加强对有关污染物的处理处置,注重饮用水及食品的环境安全问题,降低或避免消毒过程中的次生污染,对城市环境和农村环境实行分类管理,对救治医院进行适当的环境影响评估等。  相似文献   

地面破坏效应强烈和地震地质灾害严重是汶川Ms8.0地震震害效应的显著特点。地震地质灾害的分布与地震断层的分布密切相关,同时还受自然地理、地层岩性、地质构造和人类活动的影响和控制。论文结合北川县场地条件的分析,对汶川Ms8.0地震中北川县地震地质灾害的发育特征、形成条件及诱发因素进行了系统总结。地震地质灾害分布与地震断层的关系表明地震对次生地质灾害起到了主要的控制与触发作用。  相似文献   

酒店游客接待量大,人口密集,一旦发生火灾,危害巨大。识别酒店业火灾事故的发生特征以及影响因素将有助于有效构建防控管理体系。以2004—2013年我国发生的283起酒店业火灾事故案例为研究样本,通过对案例信息的分解、编码与统计,利用聚类分析、交叉性列联表等方法对我国酒店业火灾事故的时空分布特征和后果特征进行了多元统计分析,归纳出我国酒店业火灾事故发生的9大原因,并根据我国酒店业火灾事故总体发生特征构建了顾客管理、全员防火管理、时间管理、场所管理、应急管理和智能系统管理六个方面的火灾防控管理体系。  相似文献   

地面破坏效应强烈和地震地质灾害严重是汶川MS8.0地震震害效应的显著特点.地震地质灾害的分布与地震断层的分布密切相关,同时还受自然地理、地层岩性、地质构造和人类活动的影响和控制.论文结合北川县场地条件的分析,对汶川MS8.0地震中北川县地震地质灾害的发育特征、形成条件及诱发因素进行了系统总结.地震地质灾害分布与地震断层的关系表明地震对次生地质灾害起到了主要的控制与触发作用.  相似文献   

以齐齐哈尔市近5年降尘监测点的监测数据资料为依据,分析了城市大气降尘状况及变化趋势,总结出市内不同功能区域降尘污染时空分布特征,提出了降尘污染防治的对策及建议。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日四川汶川发生8.0级特大地震,受此影响,宝成铁路成都局管段沿线产生地震次生地质灾害,直接威胁到铁路运营的安全,通过对铁路沿线次生地质灾害的震后排查,总结了地震产生的灾害类型,分析了地震的致灾作用和影响地震次生灾害稳定性的因素,在此基础上结合实际,提出防灾工程建议,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

X820:32印3(X) 526城市轨道交通的次生环境影响与对策/卢茂楠…(北方交通大学土建学院)//环境保护/国家环保总局一2(X犯,(6)一26一27环图X一7 城市轨道交通建设引起的城市生态成分改变主要是对城市结构与人口分布的影响、对地面生态特性的影响、对污染源数量的影响。城市轨道交通建设引起的城市环境要素的改变有:空气中气态污染物和颗粒污染物的浓度增大,污水排放量增加,固体废物产量增多,噪声水平提高,城市热污染加剧等。对策:合理确定城市轨道交通设计方案,做好城市轨道交通次生环境的影响评价,制定并实施城市长远发展规划,改善城市环境…  相似文献   

2008年中国南方冰雪灾害对夏季森林火灾的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
分析了2008年初中国南方冰雪灾害对森林可燃物、火源、火环境和潜在火行为的影响,认为这场冰雪灾害使得夏季森林火灾发生的充分必要条件更加完备,近期和中长期的夏季均存在着非常大的火灾隐患,甚至存在着发生重大森林火灾和特大森林火灾的隐患。提出了提高认识、做好森林可燃物处理、严控火源、人工干预火环境、促进林分健康生长等建议,特别提出了与森林可燃物清理截然不同“森林可燃物处理”的技术措施,希望这一新的技术手段在实践中不断完善,尽量降低冰雪灾害所导致的夏季森林火灾这个“次生灾害”的危害。  相似文献   

Ruqigou Coalfield, being one of the most important coal mining areas in China, has suffered coal fire problems for more than one hundred years. Due to coal fires, about 4.513 million tons coal resources has been lost each year, and apart from a large volume of CO2 delivered into air, environmental problems such as land degradation, land pollution and air pollution are also produced. Air pollution, as one related to coal fires, is the most dangerous problems for local people and has already led to vegetation pollution in this area. Land degradation is mainly induced with occurrence of land subsidence, fissures with due to coal mining/coal fires, and debris slide/flow. With development of opencast coal mining, a large volume of waste was produced, which is the major source of land pollution. All these environmental problems are associated with coal mining or coal fires and their comprehensive effects are deterioration of environment.  相似文献   

1IntroductionAsoneofthemostimportantsourcesforpowergeneration,coalminingindustryisstilincreasingwithpopulationgrowthandeconom...  相似文献   

简要分析了大型储罐全面积火灾着火面积大、热辐射强、易复燃、破坏力强等特点,指出了这类火灾的主要扑救难点是远距离作战、消防物资消耗大、战术要求高等。从泡沫液最低流量、泡沫液喷射方式和泡沫液选型3方面提出了用于扑救大型储罐全面积火灾的大流量泡沫炮的要求,指出泡沫炮的最小流量应不低于20000L/min,利用蛋白泡沫液采用集中喷射方式进行灭火。  相似文献   

我国夏季森林火灾危害特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国1999—2008年的森林火灾统计资料,从过火面积、受害森林面积、烧毁成林林木蓄积量和幼林株数等4个方面,对我国夏季森林火灾的危害特征进行了研究。结果表明:我国夏季森林火灾在4个方面的年变化均呈现明显增长的趋势;月变化则表现出各自不同的特点。建议各地结合夏季森林火灾在4个方面所表现出来的特征,采取针对性的预防措施,减轻夏季森林火灾造成的危害。  相似文献   

 The Australian buprestid beetle Merimna atrata (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) approaches forest fires because its larvae develop in freshly burnt wood. So far nothing is known about possible sensory systems enabling the beetles to detect fires and to cope with the thermal environment close to the flames. We found that M. atrata has two pairs of infrared (IR) organs on the ventrolateral sides of the abdomen. Each IR organ consists of a specialized IR-absorbing area which is innervated by one thermosensitive multipolar neuron. The primary dendritic branches ramify into more than 800 closely packed terminal endings which contain a large number of mitochondria. We called the special morphology of the dendritic region a terminal dendritic mass. The type of IR receptor found in M. atrata is unique in insects and can best be compared with the IR organs of boid snakes. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 18 October 2000  相似文献   

2015年强厄尔尼诺引起东南亚干旱少雨与活跃火加剧,但目前有关活跃火时空特征、发生类型与强度及其对人口—社会经济影响仍分析不足。利用美国国家航空航天局火灾信息资源管理系统(FIRMS)VIIRS V1活跃火位置矢量产品,通过月际、地形、土地覆被类型等GIS分析确定东南亚主要国家活跃火主要类型,并评价各国活跃火对人口分布的影响范围与国别差异。结果表明:(1)东南亚2015年活跃火发生频次达81.40×105次,中南半岛与马来群岛各占69.60%与30.40%,分别集中发生在2-4月与8-10月,各国活跃火频次与发生时间差异很大。(2)中南半岛五国活跃火地形差异明显,缅甸和越南活跃火集中分布于25 m以下;老挝(85~105 m、140~200 m)、泰国(5~15 m、70~110 m)和柬埔寨(5~15 m、70~110 m)活跃火随海拔呈双峰特征;马来群岛国家(印度尼西亚、马来西亚与菲律宾)活跃火集中分布于60 m以下的平原地带;且东南亚35%以上的活跃火均集中分布5~15°的斜坡。(3)东南亚森林、农田活跃火发生率为76%,其中森林活跃火发生率由柬埔寨的52.00%到老挝的74.27%不等,农田活跃火由老挝的13.18%到泰国的42.68%不等。(4)综合活跃火发生月份、海拔、坡度与覆被特征,可从山区刀耕火种农业与平原秸秆焚烧界定东南亚主要国家活跃火发生类型。(5)东南亚活跃火随人口密度增加呈先增后减至平稳变化的趋势,且多集中于人口稀少的乡村和原始森林,其中缅甸、泰国、越南三国有10%以上的活跃火发生在人口密度为72~91人/km2的区域,而马来西亚、老挝、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚30%以上的活跃火集中发生于人口密度在20人/km2以下的区域。  相似文献   

Charcoal fragments in forest soils give evidence of prehistoric and historic natural and anthropogenic wildfires in the equatorial rainforests and in seasonal monsoon forests of continental and insular South Asia. Conditions favourable for the occurrence of historic and contemporary rainforest fires are associated with droughts, especially during dry spells caused by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Historic land-use fires and wildfires can be reconstructed from a number of narrative reports, including documents that reveal drought and famine. In the eastern part of Borneo prehistoric and historic records of coal fires reveal a unique natural source of wildfires. Starting with modern transmigration programs and systematic conversion of primary and secondary vegetation, including peat-swamp ecosystems, into farmland and industrial plantations, the use of fire as a land-clearing tool escalated in the 1990s. During droughts land-clearing fires additionally contribute to wildfires. A detailed study of the ecological consequences of the episode of land-use fires and wildfires of 1982–1983 was conducted on an area of 2.7 million ha of dipterocarp rainforest in East Kalimantan. The results show that dipterocarps are highly susceptible to fire and are replaced by pioneers and fire-tolerant species that occupy the disturbed sites or survive the immediate fire effects. Smoke from forest conversion burning caused considerable environmental problems, reducing visibility and affecting human health and security. Emissions from vegetation burning influence chemistry and functioning of the global atmosphere. The situation is different in those parts of mainland and insular Southeast Asia that are characterized by seasonal climate. Through long-term influence of climate variability, fire influence, and anthropogenic pressure the vegetation is better adapted to extrinsic stresses. During the 15 years between the extreme ENSO events and fire episodes of 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 the national and international communities have been alerted and prepared to respond to the escalating fire situation in Indonesia. The response to the onset of the 1997–1998 fire and smoke episode, however, was absolutely inadequate and erratic. Meanwhile a whole continent – the maritime continent of Southeast Asia – has been degraded by excessive fire application for more than 20 years.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of fire-related smoke haze episodes in Southeast Asia is important for both prediction and assessment of atmospheric impacts, especially when observational data are fragmentary, as is the case in Indonesia. This work describes the atmospheric fate of smoke particles emitted during the 1997 Indonesian fires modelled with a regional atmospheric chemistry model. We established a new fire emission inventory and calculate that 55 teragram (Tg) of particulate matter and 1098 Tg of carbon were released during this fire episode. Our emission estimate is an intermediate value compared with other studies. Utilising different scenarios, we demonstrate the variable atmospheric impacts of surface vegetation fires and peat soil fires separately and also investigate the sensitivity of smoke dispersion to the differing meteorological conditions of an El Niño and a normal year. When peat fires are included in the emission inventory, modelled ambient particle concentrations exceed the ambient air quality standard across transboundary scales. In a scenario including only surface vegetation fires, ambient air quality standards are exceeded only in areas close to the main fires. This scenario demonstrates the prominent role of fires in peat areas in causing regional air pollution episodes. In years with normal meteorological conditions, intermittent precipitation and associated wet deposition during the dry season are predicted to remove most of the particulate emissions close to the sources. Strongly reduced rainfall and generally stronger southeasterly winds during El Niño years provide favourable conditions for larger scale smoke haze pollution.  相似文献   

There was a widespread misconception about the causes of vegetation and land fires in Indonesia. At a certain point, the public perceived that fires and the associated haze pollution were primarily caused by smallholders' agricultural activities. In fact, there was a variety of land-use activities including large-scale land clearing following deforestation for further land development. El Niño events and the associated dry weather were sometimes quoted by officials and the media as the cause of fires. The fire episodes from 1980 to 2000 were analysed in connection with climate anomalies and the implementation of land-use policies related to forest conversions. The analysis employs long-term climatic and sea surface temperature data to reconstruct climate distributions and anomalies including Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR). In this study, the terrestrial carbon emissions from vegetation fires were estimated based on official statistical data on area burnt. The possible incentives for sustainable land management were discussed in the light of fire prevention. The underlying cause neglected in the discussion of Indonesian vegetation fires was forest and land development policy. Legitimated in the early 1980s, it drove massive forest conversions and the use of fires for land clearing. El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) provided dry weather suitable for biomass burning and widespread fire, but it was hardly the cause of fires. The estimate of area burnt in the big fires in 1997 was about 11.6 Mha, resulting in carbon release of 1.45 Gt, equivalent to 0.73 ppmv of CO2, or almost half the annual global atmospheric CO2 growth. Based on the current carbon market price such emissions by the 1997 fire episode were worth around US$ 3.6 billion.  相似文献   

古建筑是一个国家重要的历史文化遗产,具有无法估量的艺术价值和科学价值.但是近几年来,我国发生多起古建筑火灾,造成了巨大的损失.由于古建筑结构特殊,极易发生火灾,一旦发生火灾,又很难施救.本文以我国古建筑消防现状为入点,分析古建筑的火灾特点及火灾危险性,提出扑灭古建筑火灾合理的战斗方法及战斗原则,为消防部队灭火提供参考....  相似文献   

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