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外来入侵物种已经成为危害我国生物多样性和生态环境的重要因素。本介绍了入侵我国的主要外来物种,分析了造成生物入侵的原因,并提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

生物入侵的危害与管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘育  夏北成 《广州环境科学》2003,18(3):29-32,42
随着国际贸易往来和旅游业的发展,生物入侵在我国不断加剧,正在成为威胁我国生物多样性与生态环境的重要因素之一。外来入侵种的生态代价是造成本地物种多样性不可弥补的消失以及物种的灭绝,其经济代价是农林牧渔业产量与质量的惨重损失与高额的防治费用。文章探讨了外来入侵生物在我国的危害状况、过程、入侵原因,提出了外来入侵生物的预防及管理对策。  相似文献   

外来生物入侵引起严重的环境问题已越来越受到人们的关注。近年来,生物入侵对广西本地区域的生态系统、环境安全和经济发展的影响也日益明显。本文阐述广西外来入侵生物的现状,分析广西外来入侵物种的生物生态类群并列举本区域危害严重的重要外来入侵物种,初步探讨外来生物入侵广西的途径及其发展趋势,重点分析外来生物入侵对广西原有生态系统、生物多样性、环境安全以及社会经济的影响,并由此提出了相应的防控对策:建立预警系统;加大检验检疫的执法力度;建立监测和防治体系。  相似文献   

环境风险评估:防范外来物种入侵的新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>外来入侵物种是导致生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,我国是世界上遭受生物入侵危害最严重的国家之一。在经济全球化的大趋势下,国内外经贸活动更加频繁,为外来物种的入侵、传播、扩散提供了许多"捷径",外来物种入侵的可能性随之加  相似文献   

生物入侵预测模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物入侵随着全球化进程有进一步加剧的趋势,外来物种已经被视为对本地生物多样性和生态系统功能产生全球威胁的因素之一。生物入侵的影响巨大,开展预测工作以便在一开始就发现并阻止外来种侵入,为生物入侵提供最优化的监测和早期控制手段。为此,本文从环境的可侵入性和外来种的入侵性两个方面综述了目前生物入侵预测模型的研究进展,以便为外来种引入和管理提供依据。  相似文献   

中国生物入侵管理体制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是全球生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,生物多样性丰富程度北半球第一.由于中国人口众多、经济高速发展,生物多样性遭受严重威胁,而生物入侵是其主要威胁因素.2001-2003年,原国家环保总局进行全国外来入侵物种调查,发现全国有283种外来入侵物种.2003年农业部统计,入侵我国的外来生物有400多种,其中危害较大的有100余种.在世界自然保护联盟公布的全球100种最具威胁的外来物种中,我国就存在50余种,造成每年至少1000亿元的经济损失.令人担忧的是,这些外来入侵物种中的46.3%已侵入自然保护区.  相似文献   

生物入侵:无声的灾难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物入侵--世界性难题 生物入侵是世界性的难题,据最新研究表明,在全世界濒危物种名录中的植物,大约有35%~46%是由外来生物入侵引起的,生物入侵已成为导致物种濒危和灭绝的第二位因素,仅次于生存环境的丧失.  相似文献   

忠言 《环境》2003,(5):5
574亿!这是国家环保总局最近公布的我国由于生物入侵造成的直接经济损失。微甘菊、水葫芦、飞机草、紫茎泽兰、大米草、互花米草、湿地松粉蚧……某些外来有害物种,远涉重洋,入侵我国城乡。生物入侵带来的不止是巨大的经济损失,还有严重生态环境损害。为保障国家生态安全,必须制止生物入侵。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵物种的现状和趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
外来入侵物种,在几年前这个名词还仅仅为少数科学家所知;现在,很多人都已经意识到它的危害了。也许我们要特别“感谢”一种来自遥远南美的陌生生物——食人鲳(又名食人鱼),因为2002年,正是那次沸沸扬扬的食人鲳事件,才使生物入侵的现实威胁实然呈现在人们的面前。中国的老百姓似乎在一夜之间就意识到,我国是世界上生物入侵危害最严重的国家之一。外来入侵物种已成为我国生物安全的重大威胁。由于地域辽阔,气候类型复杂多样,来自世界各地的大多数外来物种都可能在我国找到合适的栖息地,全国各省、  相似文献   

昆明近年来饱受生物入侵问题的困扰。通过收集和整理已出版的著作及文献,对昆明市外来入侵物种情况进行统计分析。结果显示共记录189种外来入侵物种,其中入侵植物111种,以菊科、豆科和禾本科植物为主,并比较了国内其他省、市外来入侵植物物种数前5的科的占比情况,其中昆明市和云南省有显著差异,但与河南、安徽、吉林等省市无显著差异;入侵动物中以昆虫类为主,占比为59.74%。从物种原产地来看,昆明市的外来入侵物种主要来自美洲地区,占全部入侵种数的52%。基于昆明市生物入侵形势比较严峻的现状,建议加强常态化监测与建立防控机制。  相似文献   

The spread of invasive alien species (IAS) has become an increasingly important environmental, social and economic issue in almost all regions of the world. To have the capacity to effectively counter the effects of invasions, besides basic research on invasion processes and the ecological impacts of IAS, there is a need to get an information and better understanding of the effectiveness of biological control and its social acceptability. Conservation practitioners are a particular group of stakeholders as they act in the first line to undertake control actions again IAS spread. Yet, not many research was done to deliver quantitative, comprehensive information on practitioners’ knowledge and attitudes towards IAS. In this paper, we present a study from Poland—a country with relatively well preserved nature, yet currently facing the problem of biological invasions in the terrestrial and aquatic environments. We investigated nature conservation practitioners’ knowledge of biological invasions, their views on the principles and methods of IAS control, and their degree of acceptance of control methods. We conducted a survey among people professionally involved in nature conservation in Poland and collected 916 questionnaires (out of 3330 sent). Overall, we find that conservation practitioners in Poland accept the use of radical methods of control, yet they differ about the use of various types of control method, and about the various control methods application to various systematic groups. Also, the level of practitioners’ knowledge is rather limited—both in relation to correct identification of IAS, as well as to knowledge on legal regulations. We also highlight significant differences between decision-makers and professionals not perceiving themselves as decisive over IAS management. We show examples suggesting that nature conservation practitioners may not hold well-formed opinions on the principles and methods of dealing with alien species. This is surely an important deficit to overcome to enhance the effectiveness of IAS control.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a significant component of human-caused global change and is widely regarded as one of the main threats to natural biodiversity. Isolated anthropogenic water bodies created in the areas that are deprived of natural freshwater habitats allow the survival and reproduction of alien species on newly settled sites. They are often small with water level fluctuations causing frequent environmental disturbances. The colonisation success may be the result of the rate of their degradation. The aims of the study were to determine the environmental conditions that affect the existence of alien species of gastropods in this type of aquatic environment and to examine whether the occurrence of non-native species affects the community structure of the native species. This study made it possible to group woodland ponds according to the occurrence of the three invasive species in snail communities and discuss the environmental conditions present in these pond types. Analysis of water properties emphasised the distinctiveness of the selected pond types. In ponds of the Potamopyrgus antipodarum type, we found the highest values of some parameters mainly hardness, conductivity, and content of calcium and chlorides, in contrast with the Physella acuta type, which were characterised by the lowest values except for phosphates and nitrites. In the Ferrissia fragilis type, we found the highest nitrate content. Data on the occurrence of alien species in different water environments play an important role in actions which are taken to prevent new invasions and spread of non-native species as well as to reduce future impacts of invaders.  相似文献   

我国淡水水生生物镉基准研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
研究了Cd对我国淡水水生生物的毒性效应,包括43种生物的急性毒性数据和14种生物的慢性毒性数据.同时,参照美国环境保护署(USEPA)颁布的水质基准计算方法,按照基准最大浓度(CMC)和基准连续浓度(CCC)计算了我国淡水水生生物的Cd基准.结果表明,我国淡水生物Cd基准的CMC值和CCC值分别为2.1 μg·L-1和0.23 μg·L-1,与美国淡水生物Cd的基准值有一定差别,研究结果为我国的Cd水质标准研究提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

生物多样性与可持续发展的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张维平 《环境科学》1998,19(4):92-96
生物多样性主要包括物种多样性,生态系统多样性和遗传多样性3个层次,本文围绕这3个层次,介绍了我国丰富我采的生物多样性,分析比较了生物多样性与可持续发展的相互作用及关系,探讨了我国为实施可持续发展而进行的生物多样性保护的一些措施和行动。  相似文献   

生物效应比(BER)技术预测我国水生生物基准探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于中国与美国间生物敏感性的差异,对生物效应比(BER)技术预测我国水生生物基准值进行了研究.首先,对中美共有的且急性生物毒性数据符合3门8科的污染物进行筛选,然后,依据两国物种的敏感性与代表性建立基于不同生物组合的BER技术,最后,对不同生物组合BER技术预测水生生物急性基准值与实测基准值进行比较与分析,筛选出预测效果较好的BER技术.结果表明:共筛选出9个中美共有且毒性数据丰富的污染物(As(III)、Cr(VI)、Hg、Cu、Zn、Pb、对硫磷、毒死蜱和三丁基锡),依据本土生物毒性数据推导出该9种污染物的我国水生生物急性基准值分别为201.72、2.64、0.74、1.32、55.83、92.25、0.12、0.36和0.38μg/L.此外,在对7种生物组合方式BER技术的预测效果进行分析比较的基础上,初步提出基于同属或科的生物组合方式的BER技术可较好地对9种污染物的本土水生生物急性基准值进行预测.研究结果可为在本土生物毒性数据缺乏时充分利用现有毒性数据或进行少量毒性试验的基础上对我国水生生物急性基准值的预测提供帮助.  相似文献   

皱纹盘鲍筏式养殖中的污损生物及其防治   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对我国北方海域皱纹盘鲍筏式养殖中出现的主要污损生物及其危害做了详尽的记述。介绍了从物理、化学和生物方面出发所采取的防治措施。指出运用不同种类混养等生物技术是兼顾防附着效果与保护生态环境的最佳方式。  相似文献   

水质基准方法学中若干关键技术探讨   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
我国正在开展系统的水质基准研究,对发达国家的水质基准理论和技术处于学习和研究阶段. 物种敏感度分布分析、“最少毒性数据需求”以及基准的修正是水质基准推算中的若干关键技术. 以氨氮水生生物基准为例,对这些关键技术进行了研究与探讨,提出在我国本土生物毒性数据缺乏的情况下可在种的水平上对水质基准进行推算. 另外,可先利用全部生物的毒性数据进行物种敏感度分析,确定需重点获取的敏感生物类群的毒性数据,再用于基准推算,有望降低推算过程中对毒性数据量的需求. 最后,基于中美生物物种分布的差异,借鉴美国修订国家水质基准的水效应比法,提出利用生物效应比法对美国国家水质基准进行修订以获取我国水质基准.   相似文献   

Biological invasions have incurred serious threats to native ecosystems in China, and soil N-fixing bacteria communities (SNB) may play a vital role in the successful plant invasion. Meanwhile, anthropogenic acid deposition is increasing in China, which may modify or upgrade the effects that invasive plant species can cause on SNB. We analyzed the structure and diversity of SNB by means of new generation sequencing technology in soils with different simulated acid deposition (SAD), i.e., different SO4 2? to NO3 ? ratios, and where the invasive (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) and the native species (Amaranthus tricolor L.) grew mixed or isolated for 3 months. A. retroflexus itself did not exert significant effects on the diversity and richness of SNB but did it under certain SO4 2? to NO3 ? ratios. Compared to soils where the native species grew isolated, the soils where the invasive A. retroflexus grew isolated showed lower relative abundance of some SNB classes under certain SAD treatments. Some types of SAD can alter soil nutrient content which in turn could affect SNB diversity and abundance. Specifically, greater SO4 2? to NO3 ? ratios tended to have more toxic effects on SNB likely due to the higher exchange capacity of hydroxyl groups (OH?) between SO4 2? and NO3 ?. As a conclusion, it can be expected a change in the structure of SNB after A. retroflexus invasion under acid deposition rich in sulfuric acid. This change may create a plant soil feedback favoring future A. retroflexus invasions.  相似文献   

辉河自然保护区是以保护湿地、草原、森林等生态系统及其赖以生存的生物物种为一体的综合性自然保护区,辉河自然保护区对维护呼伦贝尔市乃至东北地区生态平衡都具有重要作用,本文就如何保护好辉河自然保护区作了简要分析,仅供同行参考.  相似文献   

An immunological axis of biocontrol: infections in field-trapped insects   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Insect immunology is an active research arena, however, the vast majority of research in the area is conducted on model species taken from laboratory cultures. We tested the hypothesis that insects are regularly exposed to infections or invasions in nature and here report results of a field study designed to assess the extent of natural infections in insects collected from agrarian fields surrounding Kahramanmaraş, Turkey. Specimens were dissected to assess numbers of nodules. Formation of darkened, melanotic nodules is the predominant cellular immune reaction to microbial and parasitic infection, and once formed, the nodules are permanently attached to internal surfaces. The collected insects were healthy. Of the >400 examined specimens, at least some nodules were found in 98%. Numbers of nodules ranged from ∼2/individual to >100 nodules/individual. We conclude that insects are regularly challenged by microbial and parasitic infections from which they recover. The novel implication of our data is that insect immune systems may limit the host range and effectiveness of agents deployed in biological control programs. Knowledge of insect immune systems may contribute to increased use of biopesticides globally.  相似文献   

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