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硒在土壤-农作物系统中的分布特征及富硒土壤阈值   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为查明Se在土壤-农作物系统中的分布特征,开展富Se土壤阈值研究,在重庆市黔江区采集表层土壤8789件,深层土壤155件,并采集玉米籽实141件和水稻籽实159件(同时分别采集对应根系土样品141件和159件),分析了土壤及农作物中的Se、有机质、S、Mn、TFe2O3、Al2O3和K2O等含量及土壤pH,利用地统计法分析了表层及深层土壤Se的分布特征,基于多元回归分析,研究Se生物有效性的影响因素,基于根系土各组分含量及农作物Se含量进行土壤富Se阈值研究.结果表明,研究区高Se土壤占全区的32.72%;表层土壤及深层土壤Se含量的分布主要受到成土母质的控制,土壤Se源稳定且表层富集现象明显.玉米和水稻的富Se率分别为75.35%、46.81%,土壤有机质和S含量均会限值Se的生物有效性.若种植作物为玉米,建议以0.3 mg·kg-1作为富Se土壤阈值;若种植作物为水稻,在土壤pH≤7.5时,建议以0.3 mg·kg-1作为富Se土壤阈值;在土壤pH>7.5时,建议以0.4 mg·kg-1作为富Se土壤阈值.同样地,若研究区种植有其他大宗农作物,亦可用该方法进行建议富Se土壤阈值研究.  相似文献   

涂成龙  刘丛强  武永锋 《环境科学》2007,28(9):1912-1917
在贵州喀斯特区域一块典型的退耕弃荒洼地中央和周边坡面采集了4个土壤剖面,研究土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和δ13Corg值的变化.结果表明,坡面不同土壤层次SOC的变化范围为6.0~92.3 mg·kg-1,并沿着土壤层次的加深迅速降低,变化幅度远远大于洼地土壤剖面(6.3~26.7 mg·kg-1).坡面土壤δ13Corg 介于-25.103‰和-23.666‰之间,但各剖面土层内部δ13Corg变化趋势不一致.洼地土壤δ13Corg 介于-23.495‰和- 20.809‰之间,并随着土壤层次的加深δ13Corg逐渐增加.洼地土壤剖面层次内C4-C占SOC的比例随土壤层次的加深逐渐增加,与林-农生态系统转变过程中的变化趋势相反;土壤δ13Corg与C3-C之间呈显著相关性(R2=0.7806,n=7),对δ13Corg起到主要影响作用的是退耕弃荒后新加入的C3-C.  相似文献   

巢湖沉积物δ13Corg和δ15N记录的生态环境演化过程   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
周志华  刘丛强  李军  朱兆洲 《环境科学》2007,28(6):1338-1343
通过对巢湖2处柱状沉积物样品中δ13Corg、δ 15N、C/N比值、TOC和TN含量的测定,分析了近百年来巢湖沉积物有机质的来源,探讨受人类活动影响的湖泊生产力变化和富营养化过程.结果表明,巢湖沉积物有机质的主要来源是水生藻类,陆生有机质的输入量较少,但是城市污染物的输入与农业面源污染的影响是不可忽视的.巢湖沉积物剖面上,δ13Corg、δ15N、TOC和TN含量变化按沉积深度可以明显划分为2个阶段:①10 cm以下,H3点δ13Corg波动在-21.74‰~-19.34‰的范围内,其余数据表现相对平缓,湖泊内的生物物种是固氮植物和非固氮植物共存,2个采样点具有不同的湖泊营养化进程;②10 cm至表层段,2个剖面的δ13Corg迅速减小,δ15N、TOC和TN则是显著增大,巢湖闸的建成使得内源营养物质快速积累,湖泊初始生产力水平迅速提高,富营养化加剧.  相似文献   

采用HG-ICP-AES和ICP-MS法测定了湘西茶田汞矿区典型土壤剖面(远离矿口处的自然土壤剖面P1、矿口附近的自然土壤剖面P2和汞矿渣下覆土壤剖面P3)不同层次的土壤及矿区的矿石、废矿和矿渣等环境样品中Hg及其它重金属的含量,在此基础上,结合富集系数法和相关分析等地统计学方法,探讨了汞矿区土壤中Hg等重金属的来源、分布及迁移特征.结果表明,Hg在P1剖面中呈底层富集趋势,而在P2、P3剖面中均表现出明显的表层富集现象;P2、P3剖面土壤都遭受了Hg的污染,但P3的污染更为严重,其土壤表层的Hg含量达到640  μg·g-1,剖面Hg平均含量为(76.74±171.71)  μg·g-1,Hg向下迁移的深度超过100 cm,分别高于P2的6.5  μg·g-1、(2.74±1.90)  μg·g-1和40 cm;除成矿元素Hg污染严重外,矿区土壤中还存在着Cd、As、Pb、Zn的污染,且以Cd的污染较为严重;矿区土壤剖面中重金属的迁移能力为Hg>Cd>As>Zn ≈ Pb,并受元素在表土层的含量及土壤理化参数的影响.研究表明,矿区土壤剖面中重金属的来源、分布及迁移既受原生地质环境的影响,更与人类采选矿活动密切相关.  相似文献   

韩伟  王成文  彭敏  王乔林  杨帆  徐仁廷 《环境科学》2021,42(5):2480-2489
土壤及农作物中的重金属超标会影响人类生存环境和身体健康,为研究重金属在川南山区土壤与农作物中的富集特征及成因,以四川省南部山区的沐川县北部为研究区,采集了耕作土壤样品1699件,水稻籽实样品30件,玉米籽实样品31件,茶叶样品15件,对应农作物根系土壤样品76件,应用数理统计、主成分分析、相关分析等技术,研究土壤和农作物中重金属富集特征及成因、重金属在农作物与根系土的相关性.结果表明耕作土壤中重金属含量较高,其算术均值高于全国土壤背景值,且均存在超过风险筛选值采样点,其中Cd超标点数达770个;耕作土壤中重金属主要来源于地质背景,其次受土壤中的有机质及酸碱度和人类活动的影响.农作物中重金属均低于国家标准,农作物对重金属的富集系数总体表现为:茶叶 > 水稻 > 玉米.通过相关分析表明,土壤中重金属总体特征为含量高和活性低,未对3种农作物的质量安全造成影响,而土壤中CaO、Fe2O3和MgO对玉米和水稻籽实中重金属含量有一定影响.  相似文献   

影响不同农作物镉富集系数的土壤因素   总被引:16,自引:16,他引:0  
陈洁  王娟  王怡雯  姚启星  苏德纯 《环境科学》2021,42(4):2031-2039
农作物的Cd富集系数(BCF)受多种因素影响.为明确田间条件下不同农作物的Cd富集系数特征差异及土壤性质对其影响,分别在我国水稻、小麦和玉米主产区不同污染程度的地块上作物收获期采集土壤和作物籽粒点对点样品,研究水稻、小麦、夏玉米和春玉米的Cd富集系数特征及土壤性质对不同农作物的Cd富集系数的影响,并通过多元回归方程建立以上农作物Cd富集系数与土壤性质的定量关系.结果表明,在田间土壤中Cd含量范围为0.15~2.66 mg·kg-1条件下,水稻、小麦、夏玉米和春玉米Cd富集系数的均值分别为0.915、0.155、0.113和0.102,水稻明显高于小麦和玉米,春玉米的Cd富集系数最低.土壤中的Cd含量与小麦、夏玉米和春玉米的BCF呈极显著负相关;土壤有机质(SOM)与小麦、夏玉米BCF之间的关系呈极显著负相关;土壤pH和阳离子交换量(CEC)对作物BCF也有影响.引入土壤Cd含量、pH、SOM、CEC等因素,建立水稻、小麦、夏玉米和春玉米的Cd富集系数预测方程.水稻、小麦、夏玉米和春玉米的BCF预测方程相关系数分别为0.423*、0.796**、0.826**和0.551**,均达到显著或极显著水平,可以较好地预测不同土壤条件下不同农作物的BCF值.  相似文献   

为了揭示碳酸盐岩区土重金属高背景值区土壤-农作物系统中重金属的迁移和累积特征,选择广西典型碳酸盐岩高背景值区,系统采集了大宗农作物及其配套耕层土145组,分析了耕层土壤和农作物中As、Cd、Cr、Pb、Hg、Cu、Ni、Zn的含量,并通过统计分析、计算生物富集因子及相关分析等方法,开展重金属元素在典型岩溶区土壤-农作物中累积特征及其影响因素研究.结果表明,研究区耕层土壤重金属含量显著高于广西和全国表层土壤平均值,其中,Cd、Zn含量是广西表层土壤平均值的1.3倍和4.9倍,是全国表层土壤平均值的1.5倍和7.3倍.依据GB 15618—2018和GB 2762-2017,耕层土壤中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Zn的点位超标率分别为43.45%、88.97%、14.48%、8.28%、4.14%、9.66%、6.90%、33.79%,水稻中仅有Cd和Hg超标,超标率分别为6%和2%,分析显示耕层土壤中重金属含量与农作物籽实中重金属含量无对应关系.不同土壤-农作物系统中,Zn元素迁移能力最强,Cr元素迁移能力最弱;晚稻对Cd、Hg、As、Cr,玉米对Zn的吸收富集能力强;重金属元素在水稻和玉米中的生物富集因子普遍较低,明显低于非碳酸盐岩区农田土壤.相关分析显示,土壤pH、有机质、Fe2O3和Al2O3与重金属元素生物富集因子呈显著负相关,土壤中Se元素能够有效抑制农作物对重金属元素的吸收;随着土壤中碳酸盐含量增加,重金属从土壤向水稻的迁移受到抑制,但对玉米对重金属的吸收无显著影响.  相似文献   

中国193个城市规划区土壤微量元素污染与健康风险   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
随着城市化进程的加快,城市表层土壤微量元素含量发生了不同程度的变化,城市土壤污染所引发的环境问题进一步凸显.为了系统研究我国31个省(自治区、直辖市)193个地级以上城市规划区表层土壤13种微量元素的含量特征、污染水平和暴露风险,利用地累积指数(Igeo)和综合污染指数(IPI)对土壤微量元素的污染水平进行了评价,采用美国环保署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评估方法量化了居民暴露于城市土壤的健康风险.研究结果显示:城市规划区表层土壤As、Be、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb、Se、Tl、V和Zn等13个元素含量中位值分别是9.25、2.14、0.174、12.4、68.4、28.2、0.095、27.7、31.1、0.29、0.61、82.7和82.2 mg·kg-1,相比于城市土壤背景值,Cd、Hg和Se是含量变化比较显著的元素.Igeo值表明城市规划区表层土壤污染最严重的是Hg,其次是Se和Cd,污染程度介于无污染至中度污染之间,其他元素无污染.综合污染指数IPIN显示:全国有22个城市规划区土壤已达到重度污染,16个城市达到中度污染,湖南省株洲市是全国土壤污染最严重的城市.健康风险评估结果表明:郴州市、黄石市、株洲市、湘潭市和龙岩市等5个城市规划区土壤暴露对未成年人具有潜在非致癌风险,其中土壤Pb摄入是引发风险的主要因素.建议在综合污染已达中度到重度污染的城市开展详查,摸清土壤污染状况及污染地块分布,建立污染地块清单和优先管控名录,实施污染调控和修复治理.  相似文献   

重庆市主要农耕区土壤Cd生物有效性及影响因素   总被引:21,自引:18,他引:3  
王锐  胡小兰  张永文  余飞  朱海山  李瑜 《环境科学》2020,41(4):1864-1870
选择在重庆南川区采集大宗农作物水稻及根系土样品155件,另采集部分玉米、土豆、番茄、油菜、李子和猕猴桃及根系土样品进行测试分析,以生物富集系数表征元素的生物有效性,分析土壤理化性质、土壤组分、地质背景及作物种类等因素对Cd生物有效性的影响.结果表明,南川区水稻及根系土中均存在一定程度的Cd超标现象,且Cd生物有效性相对较低;土壤酸碱度为Cd生物有效性的主要控制因素,酸性条件下生物有效性更高;番茄、李子和猕猴桃对Cd的富集能力较弱.因此,可通过人工调控田块酸碱度或调整种植结构等手段预防土壤重金属污染、提高农产品质量.该方法亦可用于其它土壤重金属或Se等健康元素的相关研究,为土地安全利用、高品质农产品的生产提供科学依据.  相似文献   

造纸厂土壤中短链和中链氯化石蜡的污染特征和风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短链氯化石蜡是一类新型持久性有机污染物,氯化石蜡在造纸工业中常用作施胶剂,为了评估造纸厂区土壤中短链及中链氯化石蜡(SCCPs及MCCPs)的污染状况及其潜在风险,采集厂区表层和不同深度的土壤,利用全二维气相色谱-电子捕获负化学离子源-质谱(GC×GC-ECNI-MS)测定土壤中短链及中链氯化石蜡(SCCPs及MCCPs)的含量及同类物分布特征.结果表明,SCCPs和MCCPs在厂区土壤中均有检出,其含量分别为42~3853 ng·g-1和34~2091 ng·g-1,氯含量分别为59.9%~61.9%和48.7%~52.8%.不同采样点土壤样品中CPs(ΣSCCPs+ΣMCCPs)含量差异较大,污水处理区及施胶区土壤中SCCPs及MCCPs含量较高.与其他地区相比,厂区土壤中SCCPs及MCCPs处于较高水平.C10Cl6-7及C14-15Cl5是大部分土壤样品的主要同类物.主成分分析表明,厂区土壤中SCCPs及MCCPs可能主要来自于CP52产品的生产和使用.运用风险商值模型(RQ)评价SCCPs及MCCPs在造纸厂区土壤中的潜在风险,发现厂区土壤中SCCPs风险商范围为0.01~0.73,处于中等风险范围,MCCPs风险商范围为0~0.07,处于低等风险范围.儿童和成人人体暴露值低于TDI[10 μg·(kg·d)-1],造纸厂区非饮食暴露导致的健康风险较低.  相似文献   

 A host invasion strategy hitherto unknown from other insect parasitoids was observed in the dipteran Acrocera orbicula (Fabricius) (Diptera: Acroceridae) parasitizing the wolf spider, Pardosa prativaga (L. Koch) (Araneida: Lycosidae). In laboratory experiments the free-living first instar acrocerid larvae attached themselves firmly to the spiders' integument by the mouthparts, cutting a tiny hole through the integument. No first instar larvae invaded the host. A week later the parasitoids molted, and a small, flexible, and glabrous second instar larva left each of the attached first instar exuviae and invaded the host through the attachment hole of the first instar larva. The novel host invasion pattern observed may reduce physical damage to the host in the initial phase of endoparasitism, enhancing parasitoid survival. Received: 14 April 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 2 July 1999  相似文献   

A hopper-predator community in an experimental rice field was observed weekly with regard to information content (H′), formation of a geometric series or the grade of orderly distribution of component taxa (R2), and clumping index (I). These community attributes changed with time in close association with one another, and attained the highest values around the heading time of the rice. Significant correlations were found between the density of prey and that of predators when a certain time-lag was assumed for the increase of predators.  相似文献   

By increasing particle concentration and G value (root-mean-square velocity gradient) to enhance flocculation, a novel vertical-flow settler was designed to increase sedimentation effectiveness, and to simultaneously improve operational stabilization. Due to the gradual decrease in upward flow-rate of raw water, a floes blanket would form and suspend in the middle section of the settler, not at the bottom as in a conventional clarifier. Enough large floes, resulted from flocculation or fltration, would continuously settle out of the floes blanket, and simultaneously, the floes in raw water or those forming above the blanket would ceaselessly enter the floes blanket. As a result, the floes concentration in the blanket could keep a dynamic balance. The hydrodynamic shear in the blanket was improved by flow separation, which was induced by the abrupt change in flow channel. Due to the floes blanket and improved hydrodynamic shear, flocculation would be enhanced, which was helpful for removing fine particles in raw water. A comparative study showed that the novel vertical-flow settler had a much better performance in the removal of the particles in raw water than a conventional one, when they treated kaolin suspensions of different concentrations (500, 100 and 50 mg/L, respectively) coagulated by polyaluminum chloride(PAC1) at the up-flow rates of 1 and 2 mm/s, respectively.  相似文献   

液化气体容器在火灾环境下由于内部压力升高和容器本身强度的下降,爆炸的危险性极大。研究容器在喷射火焰作用的响应规律是预防事故发生的关键。本文研究了由于气体泄漏引起的喷射火焰在有风条件下的火焰形状和温度变化规律,以及对于水平圆柱形容器的热辐射影响,并用编制计算程序进行了数值计算。计算结果表明,容器表面的热辐射随风速、容器表面的位置等因素而变化。风速越大,容器表面的热辐射会减少;轴向距离越大,热辐射减少,周向角度增加,热辐射减少。  相似文献   

Tunnel displays a typical semi-closed environment, and multitudes of the pollutants tend to accumulate. The samples of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter(PM) were collected from the Xiangyin tunnel at Shanghai to investigate the characteristics of the pollutant emissions. The results indicated that both gaseous pollutants and PM exhibited much higher concentrations during the rush hours in the morning and at night due to vehicle emission. Two peaks of the PM concentration were observed in the scope of 0.7‐1.1 and 3.3–4.7 μm, accounting for 14.6% and 20.3% of the total concentrations, respectively.Organic matter(OM), EC, and many water-soluble ions were markedly higher at the rush hours in the morning than those at night, implicating comprehensive effects of vehicle types and traffic volume. The particle number concentrations exhibited two peaks at Aitken mode(25 nm and 100 nm) and accumulation mode(600 nm), while the particle volume concentration displayed high values at the accumulation mode(100–500 nm) and coarse mode(2.5–4.0 μm). The peak around 100 nm was detected in the morning rush hours, but it diminished with the decrease of the traffic volume. Individual-particle analysis revealed that main particles in the tunnel were Fe-rich particles, K-rich particles, mineral particles,Ca–S rich particles and Al–Si particles. The particles collected at the rush hours displayed marked different morphologies, element concentrations and particle sizes compared to the ones collected at the non-rush period. The data presented herein could shed a light on the feature of vehicle emissions.  相似文献   

Field survey of a sustainable sanitation system in a residential house   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sustainable sanitation is an approach for more ecological and sustainable water resources management. In this paper, we proposed one of the new integrated waste treatment systems: an "sustainable sanitation system" that includes separation of the black water from water system by a non-flushing toilet (bio-toilet), and a gray water treatment based on a biological and ecological concept. Sustainable sanitation system also converts the domestic waste to soil conditioners and fertilizers, for farmland use. As one of the case studies, Environmentally Symbiotic Housing in which people actually live using the bio-toilet for the black water treatment and the household wastewater treatment facility for the gray water was introduced. The availability of this system was investigated by analyzing the sawdust used in the bio-toilet and the quality of the effluent in the household wastewater treatment facility. As the result, the water content of the sawdust did not exceed 60% in any of the sampling points and the BOD and COD of the effluent of the household wastewater treatment facility were below 10 and 20 mg/L respectively, due to the low loading. Compared to the pollution load on the water environment created by the conventional system, it was found that the effluent of the house has a lower load than the tertiary treatment and the volume of the water consumption is 75% of the conventional system.  相似文献   

Male-biased predation of a cave fish by a giant water bug   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male-biased predation has been described from several epigean species, and in many cases, intrinsic differences between the sexes (such as male ornaments) have been suggested as an explanation. Here we report on male-biased predation of a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana) by an aquatic insect (Belostoma sp.) in a Mexican sulfur cave. P. mexicana use aquatic surface respiration (ASR) to survive in their sulfidic, hypoxic habitat. We found that males typically exhibit more ASR activity than females, which leads to increased exposure to the sit-and-wait predator that catches fish near the water surface. Our finding is novel, because male vulnerability to predation is not directly related to male traits involved in courtship, but rather due to other sexual differences in behavior and ultimately, oxygen demands.  相似文献   

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