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国土资源部3月5日发布《矿山地质环境保护规定》,自5月1日起施行。国土资源部政策法规司司长王守智表示,矿山地质环境保护和恢复治理专项资金不足是矿山地质环境问题产生的原因之一,为此,《规定》要求采矿权人应当缴存矿山地质环境治理恢复保证金。《规定》强调,矿山地质环境保护坚持预防为主、防治结合,谁开发谁保护、谁破坏谁治理、谁投资谁受益的原则。  相似文献   

矿山环境治理恢复保证金制度理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代我国就已经提出了矿山环境恢复的保证金政策,2000年以后,尤其在2006年,财政部、国土资源部、环保总局联合发布了《关于逐步建立矿山环境治理和生态恢复责任机制的指导意见》,矿山环境治理恢复保证金制度在全国大规模开始试行和推广。保证金制度与一般环境资源税费政策既有联系,又有区别,实施保证金制度可以更好地促进矿产资源开发的外部成本内部化,是矿山环境保护的有效和必要的形式。当前,我国矿山环境治理恢复保证金制度在实施过程中出现标准低、形式单一、分期返还难以实施等诸多问题。因此,需要提高立法层次,进一步规范保证金的征收和返还程序,健全相关配套政策,完善监管体制,以促进保证金制度切实发挥其应有的环境效益。  相似文献   

本文从煤矿矿山地质环境治理的紧迫性入手,较为详细的分析了煤矿地质环境治理现状以及治理工作在资金、技术等方面存在的问题,本着谁开发,谁受益,谁破坏,谁治理的原则,并提出了相应的对策和建议,目的是使煤矿地质环境得到有效的恢复治理。  相似文献   

林小群 《环境》2007,24(10):96-97,91
论文阐述了我国矿山环境的主要问题,表现为矿山生产环境恶劣、"三废"排放、地质灾害、环境资源破坏等,针对这些问题,文中提出了建立明晰的矿山环境资产产权制度、完善矿山生态环境保护的法规体系、实施矿山环境准入制度等管理制度治理途径,同时还提出了清洁生产、"三废"治理、废弃地生态恢复等技术防治措施,以改善我国的矿山环境.  相似文献   

文章以矿山实例为背景,介绍了淮南市小型煤矿山王煤矿存在的矿山地质环境问题,以及该矿山实际环境问题的特征,并制定了具体的治理的目标和任务;阐述了该矿山采取的针对性矿山地质环境治理措施,通过治理措施的实施消除了矿区内地质灾害隐患,恢复了治理区生态植被,改善了治理区环境现状;分析了治理恢复带来的社会效益、经济效益、生态效益。该矿山地质环境治理工作的顺利开展为今后小型煤矿矿山地质环境治理工作的有效实施提供了参考。  相似文献   

一、环境保护与资源存量调整环境保护是需要投入大量资源的。这可以从三个方面来说明: 1.环境治理。针对经济发展中已经造成的环境破坏,需要投入大量资源,进行治理,使之尽可能得到恢复。 2.防止环境破坏。为了防止在经济发展中可能发  相似文献   

中国矿山地质环境恢复治理激励机制探索研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,中国矿山地质环境恢复治理形势依然严峻,国家高度重视矿山地质环境恢复与治理工作,财政部、国土资源部不断加大矿山地质环境治理资金,但目前资金缺口仍然很大。文章通过梳理中国矿山地质环境恢复治理激励机制建设创新做法,总结各省开展矿山地质环境恢复治理"五结合"激励模式实践探索,并针对我们矿山地质环境治理目前存在的主要困难和问题提出了引入市场机制出台土地使用权,及尽快出台国家层面的鼓励政策等多方面的优惠政策等建议。  相似文献   

中国许多矿山或矿业城市面临严重的环境破坏和资源枯竭问题。解决问题的根本出路是贯彻科学发展观,走绿色矿业道路;矿山公园是这一思想的最佳体现。变被动的恢复型环境治理为主动的发展型环境保护与开发,  相似文献   

广西出台矿山恢复保证金办法;山西实施新改扩建项目总量置换政策;上海饮用水水源生态补偿制度建立;苏浙沪手挽手治理跨界污染;辽宁城市污水处理费征收出新规  相似文献   

矸石山环境污染治理的对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国矿产资源开发为经济发展做出了巨大贡献,但矿山生态破坏与环境污染被认为是影响区域生态安全的一大重要因素,使"绿水青山就是金山银山"发展理念的落实受到巨大威胁。本文结合《大气污染防治行动计划》实施成效评估,在分析我国煤矸石存量、自燃、大气污染问题及治理现状的基础上,通过剖析矿山环境治理的技术政策储备、环境监管手段、环境监管机制等存在的问题,提出了"被遗漏的大气污染源,矸石山环境治理亟待加强"的对策建议,具体包括:摸清源头家底,开展矸石山环境问题专项摸底调查;加强监督管理,建立根治矸石山环境问题的长效监管机制;强化科技支撑,开展矸石山环境综合治理技术研发与示范,提高治理水平。  相似文献   

Changing public perceptions of the environmental acceptability of mining and minerals processing facilities have changed the industry and mining schools have started to respond by adding environmental content to their minerals curricula. Proactive and preventive environmental strategies, including Cleaner Production and sustainable development, are preferred but mining and minerals processing companies and mining schools generally have limited know-how in those areas. Vice versa, Cleaner Production specialists generally have limited experience in the mining and minerals processing sectors, and should endeavour to employ their expertise and know-how to address the environmental and sustainable development challenges in those sectors. The critical task for mining schools is to educate environmentally literate graduates who are able to recognise potentially adverse impacts of mining and minerals processing on the environment and to contribute from a sound background in geology, mining or metallurgy, to the characterisation, minimisation and management of these environmental impacts. This paper focuses on integrating the environmental and sustainable development agendas in minerals tertiary education. It highlights trends in employers' recruitment criteria and in minerals curricula, and argues in favour of strengthening the environmental component of minerals curricula. The paper provides a framework for integrating the environmental and sustainable development agendas in minerals tertiary curricula. Integration of environmental aspects into core disciplinary courses, by means such as environmental examples, cases and problem-solving tasks, is critical to make environmental literacy programmes successful.  相似文献   

In recent years, concerns about the sustainability and social responsibility (CSR) of businesses have become an increasingly high profile issue in many countries and industries, none more so than the mining industry. For mining, one outcome of the CSR agenda is the increasing need for individual companies to justify their existence and document their performance through the disclosure of social and environmental information. This paper explores recent trends in the reporting of such impacts and issues in the global mining industry. It offers a detailed review of the development of the media of social and environmental disclosure in the mining industry, and of the factors that drive the development of such disclosure. A temporal analysis of the recent trends in disclosure using a case study of the world's 10 largest mining companies is presented. Whilst there is evidence of increasing sophistication in the development of social and environmental disclosure, there is considerable variation in the maturity of reporting content and styles of these companies. The paper offers a simple classification of reporting companies, from ‘leaders’ to ‘laggards’. Stronger leadership and co-operation from the top reporting companies is necessary to support the laggards of the industry.  相似文献   

随着公众环保意识的不断增强,上市公司环境行为日益受到关注,对上市公司的环境管理水平也提出了新要求。上市公司应配备专业环境管理队伍,完善并实施企业环境管理制度,在日常环境管理中应注意环境影响评价和“三同时”手续的办理,及时进行排污申报并办理排污许可证,制定并执行环境监测计划,保证环保设施稳定运行,确保污染物达标排放,妥善处理生产过程中产生的一般固废和危险废物,做好事故应急预案,避免出现环境污染事件,并根据相关要求开展清洁生产审核,进行环境信息公开。  相似文献   

污染物质排放、转移登记制度作为化学物质管理的有效手段 ,已被西方发达国家所采用。该项管理制度的实施 ,可以使行政机关确定环境政策的优先顺序、掌握实施环境政策的效果、预测污染源、提高人们的环境意识、促进企事业自主削减排放、决定更为妥善的环境政策 ;环境影响评价制度是我国实施多年且已被证实对保护环境 ,控制污染物排放的一种行之有效的管理制度。它的实施对建设项目污染预防 ,减少污染物排放 ,起着决定性作用。两项制度有机的结合将为今后的建设项目环境管理提供技术支持和政策保证 ,达到保护环境的目的  相似文献   

长期以来,中国实行的是建设项目环境影响评价制度,但建设项目只处于整个决策链(战略、政策、计划、规划、项目)的末端,无法从源头上保护环境.规划环评是战略环评的重要组成部分,它可从源头上防止环境污染.中国2003年9月1日颁布实施的环评法对规划环评作了明确规定,标志着中国环评制度的发展完成了向全局性战略环评的转变,对促进经济社会环境的协调发展具有重大意义.  相似文献   

煤矿区环境保护与清洁开采技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤炭开采在给社会带来经济效益的同时,也导致了矿区的环境污染和生态破坏,如煤炭开采引起地表塌陷,煤炭开采过程中的废弃物、噪声污染和破坏人类生活环境等。为了保护好生态环境,必须采用清洁开采技术,才能保持能源生产、消费和生态之间的平衡。  相似文献   

焦涛 《环境科技》2006,19(Z2):121-123
解决好圩区建设问题,有利于减轻洪涝灾害,促进水环境保护,实现水生态恢复。分析圩区建设的必要性,以及对水环境的负面影响,提出了圩区建设的原则和策略,防洪规划和水环境保护规划必须统筹兼顾,圩区建设工程与水环境建设工程应该相互利用,在提高全市防洪能力同时,保护好圩内水质和生态环境,改善城市水环境。  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(12-13):1057-1070
It is common practise in mining Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies to use a predefined set of data to represent mining production systems. Besides this, very little is added to improve data quality, and essential mining process details which affect the ultimate environmental impacts is rarely taken into account. Some significant omissions include exploration and development work, mining method used, production, ore losses, location and the mining/processing method dependent factors that govern the nature of discharges to the environment. The mining system is often represented as a black-box, not lending itself to the interpretation of different processes used in minerals production. The generic data used are often inadequate for a mining LCA, and cannot be used as an accurate account of mining environmental burdens contributing to more complex systems “down-stream”, such as metals, building, chemical or food industries. Therefore, the main objective of the mining LCA model presented in this paper was to develop a tool that is able to represent the mining system in a comprehensive way. To attain this objective, the mining system was studied in more detail, as it is commonly practised during mine feasibility and design stages. It (LICYMIN) was developed as part of an international research project led by Imperial College London. The model integrates the mine production, processing, waste treatment and disposal, rehabilitation and aftercare stages of a mine's life within an LCA framework. The development work was carried out in collaboration with several industrial partners in Europe, including Bakonyi Bauxitbánya Kft. in Hungary. The model structure, database development and examples of field applications from industrial sites are presented.  相似文献   

分析了临沧市矿产资源储量、开发现状及发展趋势,找出了矿产业开发中存在的土地压力增加、地质灾害及生态环境破坏突出等环境问题,提出临沧市矿产业开发环境保护对策建议。  相似文献   

神府东胜矿区生态环境问题及对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在调查研究分析的基础上,从分析矿区生态环境影响的特点入手,针对矿区开发建设中存在的主要生态问题,提出了保护生态环境的对策和措施,对于矿区的生态环境保护和可持续发展具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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