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中国农业领域温室气体主要减排措施研究分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
气候变暖已成不争事实,主要是由于人为温室气体(GHG)排放增加所致,为减缓气候变暖趋势,各领域迫切需要采取减排措施;农业是一个重要的GHG排放源,农业领域采取减排措施对于减少我国GHG排放、保护农村生态环境有重要意义。文章在大量阅读前人研究结果的基础上,总结我国农业领域主要的减排管理措施,主要从农业活动、农村生活和生物质能源利用三方面进行阐述,并简要分析各措施的减排效果和存在问题。分析发现,农业活动的水肥管理是农田温室气体减排的研究热点,但由于地域和管理流程上的差异,对措施的减排效果尚存在争议;农村生活中存在巨大的减排潜力,采取恰当的减排措施不但可以减少GHG排放,还可以改善农村生态状况和环境卫生条件;农村生物质能源有很大发展潜力,合理开发利用,可以有效替代化石能源消耗,缓解能源危机,减少GHG排放,保护生态环境。总之,在农业领域采取积极的减排措施,有助于国家效应对气候变化,降低农业源污染和GHG排放,减轻环境压力,转换农业发展模式,加速农业现代化,促进农业生产的可持续发展和社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

气候变暖已成为当今全球关注的焦点。农田生态系统作为CO2、CH4、N2O等温室气体的主要排放源,在全球温室效应中起重要作用。近年来,由于生物质炭在改善土壤性质,提高土壤碳汇和控制农业温室气体排放方面的巨大应用潜力,特别是对土壤碳的增汇减排作用,已成为土壤学和环境科学的研究热点。目前,关于生物质炭在农田温室气体排放方面的影响研究主要集中在我国华中、太湖平原、成都平原等地。然而由于受空间地域、实验条件等因素的差异,众多学者开展生物质炭作用于农田温室气体排放的研究结果不尽相同,也未曾见有报道从影响因素的角度深入探讨其作用机制。综述对比了近几年来国内外关于生物质炭对农田温室气体排放的影响研究,并从生物质炭的种类、施炭量、应用的土壤类型以及耕作方式和施肥条件等因素探讨了生物质炭对农田温室气体排放的作用机制。旨在通过改变生物质炭的种类和施炭量等条件,从而为抑制农业温室气体的排放乃至缓解全球气候变化提供可靠的科学依据。综合各项研究发现,秸秆炭在抑制农田温室气体排放方面要优于其他种生物质炭;40 t·hm-2的施炭量是一个既能提高作物产量又能实现固碳减排目标的较好选择;单作物耕作方式和合理的保护性耕作技术有利于减少农田温室气体的排放;在肥料的施用选择上,施用氮磷钾有机肥比普通氮肥更能有效地减少农田温室气体的综合排放效应。然而,从微生物活性和群落结构变化的角度深入探讨生物质炭作用于农田温室气体排放的微观机理及其温室气体减排还仍需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

地方环境举措国际理事会 (ICLEI)城市气候保护运动与地方政府一起工作,采用综合的和战略的能源管理手段减少温室气体排放 .对参加气候保护运动的 43个国家的 386个城市地方政府的抽样调查表明,实质性的行动已经改善了地方的能源管理并且减少了温室气体( GHG)排放 .  相似文献   

地方环境举措国际理事会(ICLEI)城市气候保护运动与地方政府一起工作,采用综合的和战略的能源管理手段减少温室气体排放.对参加气候保护运动的43个国家的386个城市地方政府的抽样调查表明,实质性的行动已经改善了地方的能源管理并且减少了温室气体(GHG)排放.  相似文献   

地方环境举措国际理事会(ICLEI)城市气候保护运动与地方政府一起工作,采用综合的和 战略的能源管理手段减少温室气体排放.对参加气候保护运动的43个国家的386个城市地方政 府的抽样调查表明,实质性的行动已经改善了地方的能源管理并且减少了温室气体(GHG) 排放.  相似文献   

地方环境举措国际理事会(ICLEI)城市气候保护运用与地方政府一起工作,采用综合的战略的能源管理手段减少温室气候排放,对参加气候保护运行的43个国家的386个城市的地方政府的抽样调查表明,实质性的行动已经改善了地方的能源管理并且减少了温室气体(GHG)排放。  相似文献   

减少农业甲烷排放的技术选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章总结了温室气体甲烷的最新研究进展,包括:甲烷对全球变暖的贡献,甲烷的排放机理以及优先研究的领域;估算了我国农业甲烷排放的贡献:中国约占世界人工源甲烷排放量的10.48%,其中农业排放占一半以上;根据实验结果,提出了筛选低排放水稻品种、水分管理、施肥管理、改进饲料、使用添加剂和生长调节剂、改进遗传、促进繁育等减少稻田和反刍家畜甲烷排放的若干技术选择。  相似文献   

施肥对冬小麦土壤温室气体排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对不同施肥处理下冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)农田土壤温室气体排放的测定,研究了巢湖流域圩区农业生态系统春季土壤温室气体的排放特点。结果表明,土壤温室气体通量与温度等因素正相关,与土壤水分质量分数负相关,不同施肥方式对土壤温室气体排放也有重要影响。土壤系统维持持续的CO2气体排放,土壤是CO2气体的净排放源;CH4的情况则较为复杂,在较低温度条件下,土壤可以吸收少量的CH4气体,随着温度的上升开始出现CH4的净排放。与对照相比,优化施肥、减量施肥+秸秆还田、常规施肥可减少的温室气体排放量折合CO2体积当量分别相当于减排12.0%、20.5%、17.6%,合理的施肥管理可以大幅度减少温室气体的排放。  相似文献   

大气主要温室气体源汇及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周存宇 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1397-1402
全球气候变暖是全球生态学的重点研究领域,近10余年来在世界范围内对引起气候变暖的温室气体源和汇进行了广泛的研究。文章综述了大气中几种主要温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)源和汇的种类及大小,认为在3种温室气体的源汇通量方面仍缺乏准确的定量认识,并存在许多不确定因素。通过分析近10年的国内外文献,总结出大气主要温室气体源汇的国际研究趋势主要是研究方法日益先进、研究地域不断扩大、注重温室气体通量对全球变化的响应以及多学科综合研究等方面。国内对温室气体源汇研究起步较晚,且存在观测点少、观测频度低、研究不够系统等不足,近几年在全国范围内实施的有关碳循环的重大科研项目在很大程度上促进了我国在温室气体源汇研究的发展。  相似文献   

免耕和秸秆覆盖对农田土壤温室气体排放的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业土壤是重要的温室气体排放源,各种农业措施对温室气体排放产生重要的影响。免耕和秸秆覆盖作为两种重要的保护性耕作措施正在被越来越广泛的应用,但是其对土壤温室气体排放的影响还不明确,结果存在分歧。通过对免耕和秸秆覆盖措施下农田三种主要的温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)排放的相关研究进行对比分析,探讨两种保护性农业措施对温室气体排放的影响。研究表明,免耕减少土壤干扰,增加团聚体的稳定性,有利于难分解碳的形成,减少土壤CO2排放;与常规耕作相比,免耕有利于CH4氧化,增强甲烷氧化菌活性,降低CH4排放;免耕对N2O排放的影响与气候类型和土壤性质有密切的相关关系,在干燥的气候条件下,免耕增加通气条件差的土壤的N2O排放,对通气好的土壤影响不大。而在湿润的气候条件下,不同的土壤性质结论不一致。秸秆覆盖增加土壤CO2排放,并随着秸秆覆盖量的增加而增大;秸秆覆盖对CH4排放的影响有很大的不确定性,与覆盖方式和覆盖秸秆性质有密切联系;大部分研究认为秸秆覆盖增加N2O排放,但也有研究认为秸秆覆盖对N2O排放无影响或降低N2O排放量,秸秆覆盖对N2O排放机理复杂,需要进一步研究。通过综述发现随着保护性农业措施的推广,大量的研究集中在其对作物产量、土壤水分利用率、土壤性质等方面的研究;而保护性农业措施对温室气体排放的研究相对较少,特别是对三种温室气体的综合影响研究并不多见。因此,需结合不同土地类型,开展不同气候类型下免耕和秸秆覆盖对三种主要温室气体排放影响的综合研究,预测增温潜势,为不同气候带保护性农业措施下温室气体排放提供基础数据,并为制定合理的耕作和秸秆覆盖措施提供理论支持。运用同位素示踪等新技术明确秸秆覆盖对温室气体排放的直接和间接贡献率,结合不同研究区?  相似文献   

This paper develops an integrated model of the fuel and agricultural sectors to analyze the welfare and greenhouse gas emission (GHG) effects of the existing Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), a Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and a carbon price policy. The conceptual framework shows that these policies differ in the incentives they create for the consumption and mix of different types of biofuels and in their effects on food and fuel prices and GHG emissions. We also simulate the welfare and GHG effects of these three policies which are normalized to achieve the same level of US GHG emissions. By promoting greater production of food-crop based biofuels, the RFS is found to lead to a larger reduction in fossil fuel use but also a larger increase in food prices and a smaller reduction in global GHG emissions compared to the LCFS and carbon tax. All three policies increase US social welfare compared to a no-biofuel baseline scenario due to improved terms-of-trade, even when environmental benefits are excluded; global social welfare increases with a carbon tax but decreases with the RFS and LCFS due to the efficiency costs imposed by these policies, even after including the benefits of mitigating GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are important greenhouse gases (GHGs). The objective of this study is to quantify the aggregate GHG (CH4, N2O and CO2) emissions and estimate economic losses of three ecosystems (marsh, paddy field and upland) in the Sanjiang Plain, excluding the Muling-Xiangkai Plain, south of Wanda Mountain. The results indicate the economic losses from GHG emissions of marshes were from 6.40 to 7.75?×?10CNY (Chinese Yuan), those of paddy fields were from 1.41 to 3.20?×?10CNY; and from uplands were from 0.26 to 0.49?×?10CNY. Using linear trend analysis, the economic losses through GHG emissions of marshes fell between 1982 and 2005, but those from paddy fields and uplands increased. In our study, the sequence in magnitude of the economic losses from GHG emissions was: marshes > paddy fields > uplands. In fact, the economic value of GHG emissions was negative because of these adverse impacts on the environment. This article could provide a reference for calculation of GHG exchange. The results suggest that improvement of fertiliser use efficiency for more precise agricultural management and returning straw to cropland could mitigate GHG emissions and would help to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

● Greenhouse gas mitigation by biomass-based CO2 utilization with a Fe cycle system. ● The system including hydrothermal CO2 reduction with Fe and Fe recovery by biomass. ● The reduction potential quantified by experiments, simulations, and an ex-ante LCA. ● The greatest GHG reduction potential is −34.03 kg CO2-eq/kg absorbed CO2. ● Ex-ante LCA supports process optimization to maximize GHG reduction potential. CO2 utilization becomes a promising solution for reducing anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Biomass-based CO2 utilization (BCU) even has the potential to generate negative emissions, but the corresponding quantitative evaluation is limited. Herein, the biomass-based CO2 utilization with an iron cycle (BCU-Fe) system, which converts CO2 into formate by Fe under hydrothermal conditions and recovers Fe with biomass-derived glycerin, was investigated. The GHG reduction potential under various process designs was quantified by a multidisciplinary method, including experiments, simulations, and an ex-ante life-cycle assessment. The results reveal that the BCU-Fe system could bring considerable GHG emission reduction. Significantly, the lowest value is −34.03 kg CO2-eq/kg absorbed CO2 (−2.44 kg CO2-eq/kg circulated Fe) with the optimal yield of formate (66%) and Fe (80%). The proposed ex-ante evaluation approach not only reveals the benefits of mitigating climate change by applying the BCU-Fe system, but also serves as a generic tool to guide the industrialization of emerging carbon-neutral technologies.  相似文献   



Natural gas makes a significant contribution to the current energy supply and its importance, in relation to both the German and worldwide energy supplies, will increase further in decades to come. In addition to its high degree of efficiency, the low level of direct GHG combustion emissions is also an advantageous factor. However, around 90% of natural gas is methane (CH4), which is the second most significant GHG due to its high greenhouse potential (21 times higher than CO2). Therefore, high levels of direct gas losses of natural gas in its production, processing, transport and distribution could neutralise its low emission advantages. This is particularly apparent when considering the growing distances between production and use, the demanding production processes and the upcoming worldwide market for LNG (liquefied natural gas).


This paper aims to analyse and illustrate the future GHG emissions of the whole process chain of natural gas (indirect emissions) to be supplied to the German border over the next 2 decades. This should allow the comparison of total GHG emissions (indirect and direct) of natural gas with the GHG emissions of other fossil fuels. By considering likely changes in gas origin as well as dynamic changes in the infrastructure and technology of gas production, processing and transport until 2030, all relevant factors are included. The study focuses on the emissions of Russian natural gas as Russia is already, and will be in the future, the most important gas supplier to the German and European gas markets.

Results and Discussion

The analysis illustrates a significant change in the gas supply over the next two decades. The EU Gas Fields are in decline and it is predicted that these will run dry. In parallel the share of Russian and Norwegian natural gas, and also the levels of LNG production (e.g. from Algeria or Egypt), will increase. Although the potential for GHG emissions tends to grow as a result of greater transport distances and demanding production and processing activities, high investment in necessary mitigation options (e.g. through replacing older and inefficient technology; updating to state-of-the-art technology) may neutralise the increase. The overall result of these counteracting trends will be to decrease GHG emissions, in a range of around 12% per TJ of direct emissions of natural gas, depending on the level of investment in the modernisation of the Russian gas infrastructure and the improvements of the LNG process. In the two given scenarios the indirect emissions of the natural gas used in Germany will decrease from about 23 million t CO2-eq (2005) to 19.5 or 17.6 million t CO2-eq in the year 2030. In spite of a significant higher gas consumption the emissions are reduced in the first scenario due to technical modifications. In the second scenario the emission reduction is based on the lower gas consumption.


At present, the indirect GHG emissions of the natural gas process chain are comparable to the indirect emissions produced by oil and coal. The emission trend of the natural gas process chain will markedly decrease if the mitigation options are followed consistently. However, in order to ensure the long-term security of natural gas supply for future decades, a high level of investment is essential. With regard to future emissions, the best available technology and, therefore, that which is most economically feasible in the long term, should be used. Under these conditions natural gas — as the fossil fuel with the lowest levels of GHG emissions — can play a major role in the transition to a renewable energy supply for the future.  相似文献   

Bioenergy cropping systems could help offset greenhouse gas emissions, but quantifying that offset is complex. Bioenergy crops offset carbon dioxide emissions by converting atmospheric CO2 to organic C in crop biomass and soil, but they also emit nitrous oxide and vary in their effects on soil oxidation of methane. Growing the crops requires energy (e.g., to operate farm machinery, produce inputs such as fertilizer) and so does converting the harvested product to usable fuels (feedstock conversion efficiency). The objective of this study was to quantify all these factors to determine the net effect of several bioenergy cropping systems on greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. We used the DAYCENT biogeochemistry model to assess soil GHG fluxes and biomass yields for corn, soybean, alfalfa, hybrid poplar, reed canarygrass, and switchgrass as bioenergy crops in Pennsylvania, USA. DAYCENT results were combined with estimates of fossil fuels used to provide farm inputs and operate agricultural machinery and fossil-fuel offsets from biomass yields to calculate net GHG fluxes for each cropping system considered. Displaced fossil fuel was the largest GHG sink, followed by soil carbon sequestration. N20 emissions were the largest GHG source. All cropping systems considered provided net GHG sinks, even when soil C was assumed to reach a new steady state and C sequestration in soil was not counted. Hybrid poplar and switchgrass provided the largest net GHG sinks, >200 g CO2e-C x m(-2) x yr(-1) for biomass conversion to ethanol, and >400 g CO2e-C x m(-2) x yr(-1) for biomass gasification for electricity generation. Compared with the life cycle of gasoline and diesel, ethanol and biodiesel from corn rotations reduced GHG emissions by approximately 40%, reed canarygrass by approximately 85%, and switchgrass and hybrid poplar by approximately 115%.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are an important source of greenhouse gases (GHG). Biochar application to such soils has the potential of mitigating global anthropogenic GHG emissions. Under irrigation, the topsoils in arid regions experience repeated drying and wetting during the crop growing season. Biochar incorporation into these soils would change the soil microbial environment and hence affect GHG emissions. Little information, however, is available regarding the effect of biochar addition on carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils undergoing repeated drying and wetting. Here, we report the results of a 49-day aerobic incubation experiment, incorporating biochar into an anthropogenic alluvial soil in an arid region of Xinjiang Province, China, and measuring CO2 and N2O emissions. Under both drying–wetting and constantly moist conditions, biochar amendment significantly increased cumulative CO2 emission. At the same time, there was a significant reduction (up to ~20 %) in cumulative N2O emission, indicating that the addition of biochar to irrigated agricultural soils may effectively slow down global warming in arid regions of China.  相似文献   

Background The use of natural gas has increased in the last years. In the future, its import supply and transport structure will diversify (longer distances, higher share of LNG (liquefied natural gas), new pipelines). Thus the process chain and GHG emissions of the production, processing, transport and distribution might change. Simultaneously, the injection of bio methane into the natural gas grid is becoming more important. Although its combustion is regarded as climate neutral, during the production processes of bio methane GHG emissions are caused. The GHG emissions occurring during the process chain of energy fuels are relevant for the discussion on climate policy and decision making processes. They are becoming even more important, considering the new Fuel Quality Directive of the EU (Dec. 2008), which aims at controlling emissions of the fuel process chains. Aim In the context of the aspects outlined above the aim is to determine the future development of gas supply for Germany and the resulting changes in GHG emissions of the whole process chain of natural gas and bio methane. With the help of two gas consumption scenarios and an LCA of bio methane, the amount of future emissions and emission paths until 2030 can be assessed and used to guide decision processes in energy policy. Results and discussion The process chain of bio methane and its future technical development are outlined and the related emissions calculated. The analysis is based on an accompanying research study on the injection of bio methane to the German gas grid. Two types of biogas plants have been considered whereof the “optimised technology” is assumed to dominate the future market. This is the one which widely exploits the potential of process optimisation of the current “state of the art” plant. The specific GHG emissions of the process chain can thus be nearly halved from currently 27.8?t CO2-eq./TJ to 14.8?t CO2-eq./TJ in 2030. GHG emissions of the natural gas process chain have been analysed in detail in a previous article. Significant modifications and a decrease of specific emissions is possible, depending on the level of investment in the modernisation of the gas infrastructure and the process improvements. These mitigation options might neutralise the emission increase resulting from longer distances and energy intensive processes. In the last section two scenarios (low and high consumption) illustrate the possible development of the German gas supply until 2030, given an overall share of 8–12?% of bio methane. Considering the dynamic emission factors calculated in the former sections, the overall gas emissions and average specific emissions of German gas supply can be given. The current emissions of 215.4 million t CO2-eq. are reduced by 25?% in the low-consumption scenario (162 million t CO2-eq.), where consumption is reduced by 17?%. Assuming a consumption which is increased by 17?% in 2030, emissions are around 7?% higher (230.9 million t CO2-eq.) than today. Conclusions Gaseous fuels will still play a significant role for the German energy supply in the next two decades. The GHG emissions mainly depend on the amount of gas used. Thus, energy efficiency will be a key issue in the climate and energy related policy discussion. A higher share of bio methane and high investments in mitigation and best available technologies can significantly reduce the emissions of the process chain. The combustion of bio methane is climate neutral compared to 56?t CO2/TJ caused by the direct combustion of natural gas (or 111?t CO2/TJ emitted by lignite). The advantage of gaseous energy carriers with the lowest levels of GHG emissions compared to other fossil fuels still remains. This holds true for fossil natural gas alone as well as for the expected future blend with bio-methane.  相似文献   

Improving eco-efficiency is propitious for saving resources and reducing emissions, and has become a popular route to sustainable development. We define two energy-related eco-efficiencies: energy efficiency (ENE) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-related eco-efficiency (GEE) using energy consumption and the associated GHG emissions as the environmental impacts. Using statistical data, we analyze China??s energy consumption and GHG emissions by industrial subsystem and sector, and estimate the ENE and GEE values for China in 2007 as 4.871×107 US$/PJ and 4.26×108 US$/TgCO2eq, respectively. Industry is the primary contributing subsystem of China??s economy, contributing 45.2% to the total economic production, using 79.6% of the energy consumed, and generating 91.4% of the total GHG emissions. We distinguish the individual contributions of the 39 industrial sectors to the national economy, overall energy consumption, and GHG emissions, and estimate their energyrelated eco-efficiencies. The results show that although ferrous metal production contributes only 3.5% to the national industrial economy, it consumes the most industrial energy (20% of total), contributes 16% to the total industrial global warming potential (GWP), and ranks third in GHG emissions. The power and heat sector ranks first in GHG emissions and contributes one-third of the total industrial GWP, although it only consumes about 8% of total industrial energy and, like ferrous metal production, contributes 3.5% to the national economy. The ENE of the ferrous metal and power and heat sectors are only 8 and 2.1×107 US$/PJ, while the GEE for these two sectors are 9 and 4×104 US$/GgCO2eq, respectively; these are nearly the lowest ENE and GEE values among all 39 industry sectors. Finally, we discuss the possibility of ecoefficiency improvement through a comparison with other countries.  相似文献   

As a shopping behavior trend, home shopping has become more popular. This shopping method seems to decrease shopping trips, yet more delivery trucks are required to be on the roads. In addition, even more personal trips may occur because saving time on shopping might allow more time for alternate activities. A study investigated the effects of home shopping on vehicle operations and greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of that study was to identify the home-shopping impacts on transportation system, its net effects on traffic volume of the transportation network, its effects associated with environmental sustainability and then to provide some projections for future condition. Simulation results showed that home shopping will put additional burden on Newark transportation network, as identified through four measures of effectiveness (MOEs) which were travel time, delay, average speed and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  相似文献   

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