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老南瓜是我国南方度过"秋淡"的重要瓜菜之一.在长江流域、珠江流域与东南沿海地区以及云贵高原种植面积逐年增加,通过对我国南方老南瓜品种种植调查,老南瓜种植面积已达200万亩.为了更好的推广老南瓜品种,现将我国种植的主要老南瓜品种,栽培模式和技术要点及种植情况介绍如下.表1.  相似文献   

为了筛选出适合衡阳地区种植的密本南瓜新品种,2018年我们以衡阳密本南瓜为对照,引进4个百蜜系列南瓜新品种,在湖南耀泓仁爱、永升两个蔬菜基地开展品种比较试验,试验结果基本一致.4个百蜜南瓜系列品种综合农艺性状、熟性、丰产性、抗性、品质等方面表现都优于对照品种,可在进一步熟悉品种性状的前提下加大示范推广种植面积.  相似文献   

湖南省南瓜和西葫芦的产业现状、问题及发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就湖南省农业产业化结构的调整,正确认识南瓜、西葫芦产业化的优势,现根据湖南农业气候状况及南瓜、西葫芦生产现状,找出南瓜、西葫芦生产中存在的问题,提出南瓜、西葫芦产业竞争力的科学发展战略.表1,参8.  相似文献   

高原粳稻在不同海拔条件下品质特性分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
高原粳稻育种基本上以海拔高度开展育种研究,为了明确海拔变化对稻米品质的影响,选用7个不同的品种(Oriza sativa L.)分别种植在6个不同海拔生态条件下,研究了在不同海拔条件下的稻米品质性状的变化规律.利用方差分析法对品质性状在不同海拔间的变异进行差异显著性分析,并对品质性状在海拔间的变异系数进行聚类和主成分综合分析评价.研究结果表明,海拔梯度变化对胶稠度、蛋白质、垩白率等影响较大;其次是整精米率;糙米率、粒长、精米率对海拔变化较迟钝,受海拔影响较小,主要受遗传因子的制约;直链淀粉含量在海拔间差异不显著,主要来自于品种间的差异,性状表现主要受品种遗传因子的制约,受环境影响小;高原立体气候条件下,品种须注意海拔种植范围.  相似文献   

江苏省水稻秸秆资源量及其可收集量估算   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以江苏省23个主要水稻品种为研究对象,对不同品种类型、种植方式和单产水平的水稻进行取样调查,分析不同生产条件下的水稻草谷比及不同留茬高度下的秸秆可收集量,结合相关统计资料估算江苏省水稻秸秆资源量及其可收集量。结果表明,水稻草谷比在不同品种类型间差异较小(0.98~1.03),不同种植方式(0.80~1.19)和不同单产水平(0.83~1.12)间差异较大;当留茬高度为5、15、20和25 cm时,水稻秸秆可收集系数分别为0.815~0.868、0.668~0.732、0.600~0.669和0.533~0.618,水稻秸秆可收集量分别为1 352.16×104~1 458.09×104、1 145.70×104~1 228.13×104、1 043.20×104~1 121.52×104和951.37×104~1 021.30×104 t。估算得到2009年江苏省水稻秸秆资源量(以干质量计)为1 585.93×104~1 704.92×104 t,比传统方法的估算结果高2.45%~10.14%。江苏省水稻秸秆资源丰富,可收集量主要受留茬高度和种植方式的影响。  相似文献   

种植密度对不同株型玉米生长及根系形态特征的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取平展型(ND108)、紧凑型(ZD958)、小株小穗型(CF008)玉米品种,采用PVC管土柱法种植,密度为1株/盆、2株/盆和3株/盆,探讨种植密度对不同株型玉米的生长特性及根系形态的影响.结果表明:种植密度增加,不同株型玉米个体生长均受到抑制,各项根系形态指标显著降低(P<0.01),但较低幅度增密对平展型品种(ND108)根系各项形态指标无显著影响;种植密度对不同株型玉米品种比根长(SRL)与比根表面积(SRS)的影响程度有显著差异,对平展型品种(ND108)影响最大,对紧凑型品种(ZD958)影响最小;穗根比、根系生物量分配比例存在显著基因型差异,平展型品种(ND108)较其它两个品种具有较高的根系干物重分配比例,但其穗根比较低.综上,增密过程中平展型品种(ND108)倾向于通过形成庞大根系以提升单株竞争能力,但是个体间激烈的竞争将限制群体产量的提高;而紧凑型品种(ZD958)和小株小穗型品种(CF008)个体间竞争较弱,因而在群体压力增大时能够通过增强自身根系的吸收能力以保证对地上部水分、养分供应,有可能获得更高的群体产量.  相似文献   

玉米对重金属累积与转运的品种间差异   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过田间试验,研究了8个玉米品种对重金属Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu累积与转运的品种差异,以期筛选出适合广东地区冬季种植的低累积玉米品种.结果表明,8个玉米品种问籽粒和茎叶Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu含量存在显著差异.对玉米籽粒Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu含量进行聚类分析,可将8个玉米品种划分为3类:灵丹20、正丹958和高优1号属Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu较低累积类群,蠡玉6号、丰田1号、超甜38和华宝1号属Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu中等累积类群,粤糯1号属Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu高累积类群.根据玉米籽粒生物量、籽粒重金属含量以及重金属转运系数等指标进行评价,认为饲料玉米灵丹20和正丹958可作为广东地区冬季种植的低累积玉米品种.  相似文献   

基于GGE双标图和BLUP分析筛选镉砷同步低累积水稻品种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种植重金属低累积水稻品种是中国耕地重金属污染稻田安全生产的有效措施,为筛选镉砷同步低累积水稻品种,该研究通过测定盆栽、早稻季、晚稻季3个试验环境中18个水稻品种稻米镉砷含量,利用基因型主效加基因型——环境互作效应(GGE)双标图分析品种稻米镉砷低累积能力、稳定性、环境适应性,进一步通过最佳线性无偏预测(BLUP)法验证和筛选出镉砷同步低累积水稻品种。研究结果表明,3个试验中稻米镉砷含量差异显著,稻米镉含量为0.20—4.21 mg·kg?1,稻米砷含量为0.03—4.24 mg·kg?1,稻米镉差异来源主要受品种与环境互作的影响,占总影响的45.4%,稻米砷差异主要受环境和品种与环境互作的影响,分别占总影响的39.8%和33.6%。GGE分析稻米镉、砷低积累能力及稳定性好的品种分别为品种14、15与9和品种9、14与17。根据稻米镉砷含量综合BLUP值筛选出镉砷同步低累积最优品种为品种14(Y两优19),其次是品种9(晶两优华占),和GGE模型评价的结果基本一致。该研究结果表明利用GGE双标图和BLUP分析筛选镉砷同步累积水稻品种是一种可行的新方法。  相似文献   

库珀(COOP)公司是瑞士最大的通过有利于环境保护以及公平贸易的销售商.其可持续的零售工作主要集中在4种具有"生态旗舰"标签的产品:有机和放养的食品、有机纺织品和化妆品,互利交易商品以及其它产品.这些产品的成功销售主要依靠与供货商的紧密合作.作为商品的质量担保人库珀公司通过采用指导原则、行为原则、合格证标准和独立控制原则以确保其经营商品达到标准.以它的有机棉纺织品为例,库珀公司帮助那些发展中国家的农民进行了从传统的种植方法到有机品种种植的过渡.  相似文献   

采用裂裂区设计,研究了主茎分蘖成穗并蘑型品种临优145、临优2069、临优2018和主茎成穗为主型品种临汾138、临汾139播期和种植密度对小麦籽粒产量及灌浆特性的影响.结果表明,在本试验条件下,基因型、播期和种植密度对小麦籽粒产量的效应大小为:播期>基因型>种植密度.临优145和临优2018最佳播期为10月3日,最佳种植密度分别为318.16×104hm-2和313.77×104 hm-2;临汾138最佳播期为10月1日,最佳种植密度为375.00×104hm-2;其最高产量分别达7 573.43 kg hm-2、8 202.52 kg hm-2和8 390.34 kg hm-2.小麦籽粒灌浆进程符合三元次方程"慢、快、慢"的"S"型变化;随播期推迟,理论最高粒重(W)、最大灌浆速率(Rmax)、平均灌浆速率(R)和起始生长势(C0)均提高,灌浆持续期(S)和有效灌浆持续期(Se)延长,籽粒产量先升高后降低;种植密度对小麦籽粒灌浆速率影响较大.对灌浆持续期影响较小.相关分析表明.灌浆速率与千粒重极显著正相关;临优145的Se与千粒重显著正相关,而临优2018不显著.不同成穗型品种对播期和种植密度敏感性存在差异,其中,临汾138对播期的敏感性大于临优2018和临优145;临优145和临优2018对种植密度的敏感件大于临汾138.图3表8参19  相似文献   

Samples of young shoot, mature leaf, twig, root, and litter were taken from four recently bred varieties Zhe-nong 113, Zhe-nong 121, Zi-sun, and Bi-feng grown at two tea plantations located at Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. The results showed that the concentrations of F and Al in tea plants were significantly different among the four varieties. It is therefore possible that F and Al concentrations in tea products can be reduced through variety selection. The results also revealed that old leaves would be the major contribution to the high levels of F and Al in brick tea since it is produced mainly for old leaves. Therefore, in order to eliminate the hazard of over-exposure to F and Al derived from tea, younger shoot should be used for making tea products while mature leaves should be avoided.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) contamination of water and soil has become a subject of prime interest due to its direct effect on human health through drinking water and food. In present study two varieties (CSG-8962 and C-235) of chickpea, Cicer arietinum L., which is a major supplementary food in many parts of India and a valuable source of protein, has been selected to estimate the level of arsenate in root and shoot of five day old seedlings vis-à-vis effect of arsenate on seedling growth and induction of thiols including glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs) and their homologues. Both varieties accumulated arsenate to similar levels and most of the metalloid was confined to roots, only about 2.5% was translocated to shoot. Plant growth was also not affected significantly in both the varieties. Arsenate exposure significantly induced the levels of thiols including PCs and homophytochelatins (hPCs). The induction of thiols was much higher in roots than shoots and was greater in var C-235 between the two tested ones. Thus, both varieties tolerated and detoxified arsenic through chelation with GSH, PCs and hPCs, primarily in roots, however var C-235 performed better  相似文献   

Conclusions Whereas old coal tips were looked on in the past as constituting large reserves of energy resources, these very tips have today acquired a new ecological value, and because of their biological worth, or because of the fact that they improve the landscape, these considerations ought to supersede the old concept. Of course, the ecological and economic features can be said to be related when the biomass found on coal tips can be used economically.We can rightly say that the environmental impact of the coal extracting industry has left features that will remain whatever they may be: old coal tips, that give us much biological information; subsidence that has made lakes where so many bird varieties can be found; and also those mining sites, whether they are reclaimed and restored or not. All these features of today bear witness to the life and work of many generations.  相似文献   

陈建军  于蔚  祖艳群  李元 《生态环境》2014,(10):1671-1676
通过田间实验,研究了25个玉米(Zea mays)品种在Cd质量分数为50 mg·kg-1胁迫条件下,Cd对不同玉米品种生长的影响,以及不同玉米品种对Cd积累和转运的品种差异,以期筛选出Cd低积累玉米品种。结果表明:25个玉米品种的生物量和产量对Cd胁迫的响应,以及不同品种根、茎叶和籽粒对Cd的吸收、累积及转运能力存在显著差异(P<0.05)。有20个品种生物量和19个品种产量下降;有2个品种籽粒的Cd质量分数超过了国家规定的食品卫生标准(≤0.1 mg·kg-1),占供试品种的8.0%,所有品种茎叶的Cd质量分数均超过了国家规定的饲料卫生标准(≤0.5 mg·kg-1),超标率为100%;25个玉米品种的富集系数范围为0.063~0.899、茎叶转运系数范围为0.038~0.554、籽粒转运系数范围为0.000~0.111,均小于1,其中有8个品种富集系数〉0.5,1个品种茎叶转运系数〉0.5,而所有品种的籽粒转运系数均〈0.5,说明玉米对土壤Cd仍有一定的吸收能力,但地下部向地上部转运能力以及由茎叶向籽粒的转运能力较弱;根据玉米生物量、产量、籽粒Cd含量以及对Cd的富集系数和转运系数等指标进行评价,认为云瑞8号、会单4号、路单7号3个品种可作为Cd低累积玉米品种,可在云南Cd重度污染土壤上推广种植。  相似文献   

Allelopathic effect ofAvena fatua L., Cyperus rotundus L., Polygonum hydropiper L., and Solanum nigrum L. were examined on seedling growth of certain commonly used varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Tarai region of U.P. state. The weed extracts inhibited the length of plumule in all the varieties (100%) with Solanum and it was in 12 (92%), 10 (77%) and 06 (46%) varieties with Polygonum, Avena and Cyperus, respectively. In radicle length, it was in 92% with both Polygonum and Solanum; and 85% and 69% of the varieties with Avena and Cyperus, respectively. However, all the four weed extracts reduced the dry weight of plumule, radicle and total seedling in all the varieties (100%) of wheat except in HD--2329 with Cyperus, in which it was positive. The percent reduction (percentage of control) was more than 50% in 92%, 77%, 54% and 39% of the varieties, respectively with Solanum, Polygonum, Avena and Cyperus. Among the weed extracts, the inhibitory effect on seedling growth in different varieties followed the order: Solanum > Polygonum > Avena and > Cyperus. On the basis of the present results, UP--2003 and WH--542 followed by PBW--226, Sangam and HD--248 were more susceptible to all the four weed extracts compared to the rest of the varieties of wheat.  相似文献   

The kuruma shrimp Penaeus japonicus is widely distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Two morphologically similar varieties, I and II, are recognized from the South China Sea. The two varieties are characterized by different color banding patterns on the carapace, but there are no distinct differences in morphometric traits between them based on measurement of 13 characters. Sequence data and restriction profiles of the mitochondrial genes reveal that these two varieties represent distinct clades, with sequence divergences of about 1% (473 bp) in 16S rRNA, 6–7% (504 bp) in cytochrome oxidase I, and 16–19% (470 bp) in the control region. Analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphism confirms that the two varieties are genetically distinct. We also investigated the geographical distribution of the two varieties in the western Pacific by analyzing specimens collected from Japan and Singapore. Shrimps from Japan and Singapore have been found to belong to varieties I and II, respectively, suggesting that the two varieties have different geographical distribution. Phylogenetic study reveals that the two varieties are more closely related to each other than to the other phylogenetically related Penaeus species. Results from this study suggest the occurrence of two cryptic species in the kuruma shrimp P. japonicus.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

Eighteen representative sites for the Austrian grain-growing and eight for the potato-growing zones (soils and crops) were investigated. On each site, total element contents (B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, P, Sr and Zn) were determined in 4–12 varieties of winter wheat (n = 136), 6 varieties of spring durum wheat (n = 30), 5 varieties of winter durum wheat (n = 15), 7 varieties of rye (n = 49), 5 varieties of spring barley (n = 30) and 5 varieties of potatoes (n = 40). Element accumulations in grain species and potato tubers varied significantly with site conditions, with the main exceptions for B in potatoes and wheat as well as for Zn, Cu and Co in durum wheat. On average, across all investigated sites, differences in varieties occurred concerning the elements Ca, Cd, Ba, Sr and Zn (except Zn in potatoes and winter durum). A rough estimation revealed that an average Austrian consumer of wheat, rye and potatoes meets more than 50% of the needs of daily element intake for K, P and Mg, between 36 and 72% for Fe, Zn and Cu, and more than 100% for Co, Mo and Mn. In particular, the elements Ca and Na have to be added from other sources.  相似文献   

川育小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基组成分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
对15个川育系列品种及其16个亲本进行了沉降值测定,并采用SDS—PAGE方法分析了供试品种的高分子量谷蛋白亚基的组成及分布,分析了不同亚基与SDS沉降值的关系.结果表明,近期育成的优质小麦品种中含有优质HMW亚基,如5 10,而一些早期育成的品种由于缺乏优质亚基,其品质也稍差一些,因此在今后的品质育种工作中应加强对优质亚基的引进、研究和利用.加强HMW—GS在品质育种中的应用与实践.图2表8参12  相似文献   

盐碱胁迫对水稻主要生育性状的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
对7个水稻品种(品系)和苏打盐碱土(pH6.5~19.81)进行盆栽试验,探讨了盐碱胁迫对水稻株高、秆长、分蘖和抽穗期等主要生育性状的影响。结果表明,盐碱胁迫使水稻株高降低、秆长缩短,且盐碱度越大,降低幅度越大;盐碱胁迫使水稻单株分蘖力明显下降,使分蘖高峰明显推迟或不出现分蘖高峰;水稻抽穗期随着盐碱度的提高,其延长的天数越长,并且发现不耐盐碱的早熟品种比耐盐碱的中晚熟品种抽穗晚;水稻成熟期的株高或秆长不宜作为衡量其耐盐碱强弱的主要指标,只能作为一般参考指标。水稻单株分蘖力(茎蘖数)和抽穗期存在明显的基因型差异,是衡量水稻耐盐碱强弱的良好指标。盐碱地种稻应重视选择单株分蘖力较强的耐盐碱品种,这对提高单位面积的有效穗数具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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