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石灰对土壤重金属污染修复研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
全球土地资源污染严重,石灰由于其在污染土壤修复方面具有成本低廉,操作简单等特点而受到广泛关注,其修复效果及修复机理已成为当前环境科学研究的热点之一。综述了国内外近20年来有关石灰修复重金属污染土壤研究的最新进展,探讨了影响石灰对污染土壤修复效果的主要因素,阐明了石灰对土壤重金属生物有效性的影响机理。研究表明,石灰及不同的石灰性物质对土壤重金属修复的效果存在差异。石灰对重金属生物有效性的影响机理主要是通过改变土壤p H、土壤阳离子交换量、土壤微生物群落组成、土壤氧化还原电位等多种机制协同作用对重金属进行吸附、络合等,石灰对重金属污染土壤的修复效果受石灰施用量、土壤类型、土壤p H值、重金属污染类型、重金属种类等因素综合影响。在实际修复中,应根据土壤类型和土壤中主要重金属污染类型确定石灰或石灰类物质的最佳施用量。由于长期连续施用石灰容易导致土壤出现板结现象,未来应结合纳米等新技术对石灰及石灰类物质进行改性,加强可以长期连续施用的石灰及石灰类物质的研发,并深化其修复机理的研究,构建石灰与其他修复剂的联合修复体系,以期为重金属污染土壤修复提供科学依据和新途径。  相似文献   

在土壤镉污染日趋加重的背景下,镉污染农田生产安全性备受关注,进行土壤镉污染修复和降低农产品镉污染风险成为相关领域的研究重点.该研究通过田间试验揭示不同钝化剂处理(海泡石、秸秆生物炭、石灰、石灰+腐殖酸、石灰+海泡石、石灰+偏硅酸钠+硫酸镁)对土壤镉及小麦和水稻吸收镉的影响,并比较钝化剂对降低小麦和水稻镉污染风险效果的差...  相似文献   

不同改良剂对重金属污染农田水稻产量和重金属吸收的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
探讨了石灰、过磷酸钙和有机物等改良剂的应用对水稻(oryzasativa)产量和重金属吸收的影响。实验共四种处理:T1,对照;T2,石灰(0.25kg·m-2);T3,石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2);T4,石灰 过磷酸钙 有机物(0.90kg·m-2)。叶面喷施的处理方法研究不多,因此结合在水稻的孕穗期喷施KH2PO4(0.3%)溶液研究喷施途径的处理效果。结果显示,T3处理即石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2),对于降低水稻体内的重金属含量效果最好,与对照相比,米中的Pb、Zn和Cd分别下降了61.8%、14.1%和45.1%,同时也使水稻茎叶中的Pb和Zn分别比对照下降8.1%和4.3%。另外,在水稻的叶面喷施KH2PO4溶液将水稻的产量从0.61kg·m-2提高到0.68kg·m-2,并且这种喷施措施也能有效地降低水稻中的重金属含量。  相似文献   

改良剂对红蛋植物修复污染土壤重金属铅和镉效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过盆栽试验研究了在重度重金属混合污染土壤上,施用不同配比的石灰和泥炭(T1,泥炭0 g·kg^-1土,石灰2 g·kg^-1土;T2,泥炭30 g·kg^-1土,石灰0 g·kg^-1土;T3,泥炭50 g·kg^-1土,石灰0g·kg^-1土;T4,泥炭30 g·kg^-1土,石灰2g·kg^-1土;T5,泥炭50 g·kg^-1土,石灰2g·kg^-1土)对红蛋(Echinodorus osiris)生长及其去除污染土壤铅、镉量的影响,探讨了化学修复和植物提取修复技术相结合修复重金属污染土壤的可能性。研究结果表明,施用石灰显著提高了土壤pH,施用泥炭不显著;施用石灰和泥炭后土壤中交换态铅、镉含量较CK显著降低,红蛋地上部和地下部铅、镉含量较CK有不同程度降低,T4、T5处理降低不显著;T3、T4、T5处理显著地提高了红蛋的铅单株迁移量和年迁移量,年迁移量分别为CK的2.1倍、2.6倍和2.8倍;T1、T2、T3、T4、T5处理显著地提高了红蛋的镉单株迁移量和年迁移量,年迁移量分别为CK的1.8倍、2.9倍、2.9倍、2.8倍和2.9倍,其主要原因在于施用土壤改良剂改善了红蛋的生长,显著增加了地上部生物量。结合经济效益方面因素考虑,以施用泥炭30g·kg^-1土和石灰2g·kg^-1土的处理更适合推广运用。  相似文献   

化学混凝法处理高浓度含氟废水试验研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文对华北某铝加工工厂的高浓度含氟废水进行了小处理研究,此种废水平均含氟浓度190mg/L、pH值7。5,经过几种方案的实验比较,投加石灰,硫酸铝和PAM的方法来处理此种废水效果最好,并据此提出了该厂污水处理站的工艺设计。  相似文献   

为了研究石灰氮对设施菜地土壤N_2O排放的影响,观测了施用尿素、石灰氮、半量尿素与半量石灰氮混施和对照等4个处理设施菜地土壤N_2O排放以及土壤中氮素变化.结果表明,施用石灰氮能显著降低设施菜地土壤N_2O排放量,对照、施用尿素、施用石灰氮和半量尿素与半量石灰氮混施的N_2O累积排放量分别为4135.80μg·kg~(-1)、5794.25μg·kg~(-1)、1957.03μg·kg~(-1)和4341.31μg·kg~(-1),施用尿素的N_2O累积排放量比对照增加了40.1%,施用石灰氮、半量尿素与半量石灰氮混施比施用尿素分别减少了66.2%和25.1%的N_2O排放量,半量尿素与半量石灰氮混施的N_2O累积排放量与对照的差异不显著(P0.05).尿素处理的N_2O排放系数为0.17%,而石灰氮处理和半量尿素与半量石灰氮混施处理的N_2O排放系数则分别减少至0.06%和0.13%.由此表明,施用石灰氮是减少设施菜地土壤N_2O排放的一项有效措施.  相似文献   

制革污泥固化稳定化处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为有效控制制革污泥中的重金属铬污染并安全填埋,采用石灰、粉煤灰和煤渣作为固化剂对制革污泥进行固化/稳定化处理,考察固化剂对制革污泥中重金属毒性的影响,并探讨了固化/稳定化的最佳工艺条件.结果表明,当石灰、粉煤灰和煤渣的掺量分别为0.12 kg.kg-1、0.02 kg.kg-1和0.08 kg.kg-1,养护天数为6 d时,制革污泥固化块抗压强度达到884 kPa,含水率由固化前的79.60%降低至30.20%,满足《危险废物填埋污染控制标准》(GB 18598—2001)的要求.固化块浸出液中Cu、Pb、Zn、Ni浓度同固化前相比,分别降低了92.1%、96.7%、92.8%、88.9%,Cr、Cd、Mn均未检出.固化块浸出液的铬浓度随着石灰添加量的增加而降低,随粉煤灰添加量的增加则为先降低、然后再升高,当石灰与粉煤灰添加量比为6∶1时,协同固化效果显著.  相似文献   

四川酸性土壤石灰需求量方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川盆地的部分土壤由于酸性氮肥的大量使用以及雨水的冲刷淋蚀作用而呈现越来越酸化的趋势。故有必要通过化学法确定土壤石灰需求量。该研究的目的是比较SMP—SB、SLP—DB在确定四川酸性土石灰需要量上的准确度。并提出一种全新的确定土壤石灰需要量的方法,即滴定法。在四川盆地8处采样点采集的土壤分别用这3种方法确定石灰需要量。将土壤实际培养所得的石灰用量作为标准方法,再将上述3种方法的测定结果分别与标准法进行线形相关分析,得到与标准曲线之间的线形方程。结果发现3种方法与标准方法之间均成线性相关。在确定石灰需求量上都具有一定的准确度,但相对而言。文章提出的滴定法更准确。更适合确定四川土壤的石灰施用量。  相似文献   

采用盆栽方法研究了在镉、铅、锌污染土壤上,石灰和泥炭对小白菜生长状况及对污染元素(Cd,Pb,Zn)和养分元素(N,P,K,Cu,Mn,Fe)吸收的影响。结果表明,石灰消除了重金属的毒害症状.显著促进小白菜的生长、显著抑制小白菜对镉、铅、锌的吸收。石灰对氮、钾、铜、锰的吸收也有显著抑制作用。泥炭对小白菜生长的改善效果及对铜、铅、锌吸收的抑制效果较石灰差。提高酸性土壤pH值是减少作物对重金属吸收的有效方法。  相似文献   

石灰预处理对树叶堆肥过程中养分转化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以树叶干质量的0%、1.00%、2.50%和4.00%的石灰预处理树叶,24h后分别将预处理后的树叶与鸡粪联合堆肥,研究不同用量石灰预处理树叶对树叶堆肥过程中养分转化的影响。试验在自制的堆肥反应器内进行,采用间歇式强制通风的方式,进行为期59d的堆肥试验。结果表明:石灰预处理树叶24h可以有效的降低树叶中的有机质质量分数,以4.00%的石灰预处理的树叶其有机质降幅达6.00%;石灰预处理24h后,各处理pH相差不大;EC的变化与pH相似;预处理前后,各处理总氮、总磷和总钾的质量分数相差不大。用石灰预处理后的树叶堆肥有利于堆肥有机质的降解,尤以2.50%石灰预处理的效果最好;有利于堆肥w(C)/w(N)的降低,其降低幅度与石灰用量成正比;有利于减少堆肥过程中氮素的损失,且氮素损失与石灰使用量呈反比;有利于堆肥NH4 -N质量分数的降低;提高堆肥终产品NO3--N的质量分数,其质量分数与石灰用量呈正比;有利于堆肥中钾的浓缩;对堆肥的pH、EC、w(NH4 -N)/w(NO3--N)和总磷的影响不大。综合考虑试验结果后认为,以4.00%石灰预处理的效果最为理想。  相似文献   

以天津市津南区环兴污水处理厂为例,介绍一种适合我国中小城镇污水处理技术的工艺流程、各构筑物的工艺设计特点与主要设备;环兴污水处理厂设计水量为3万t/d ,设计进水水质主要指标为CODCr:4 5 0mg/L ;BOD5:2 0 0mg/L ;出水水质优于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》中的二级标准,已稳定运行1年  相似文献   

The evaluation of dispersant effectiveness used for oil spills is commonly done using tests conducted in laboratory flasks. We used a Hot Wire Anemometer (HWA) to characterize mixing dynamics in the Swirling Flask (SF) and the Baffled Flask (BF), the latter is being considered by the EPA to replace the prior to test dispersant effectiveness in the laboratory. Five rotation speeds of the orbital shaker carrying the flasks were considered, Ω = 50, 100, 150, 175 and 200 rpm. The radial and azimuthal water speeds were measured for each Ω. It was found that the flow in the SF is, in general, two-dimensional changing from horizontal at low Ω to axi-symmetric at high Ω. The flow in the BF appeared to be three-dimensional at all rotation speeds. This indicates that the BF is more suitable for representing the (inherently) 3-D flow at sea. In the SF, the speeds and energy dissipation rates ɛ increased gradually as the rotation speed increased. Those in the BF increased sharply at rotation speeds greater than 150 rpm. At 200 rpm, the Kolmogorov scale (i.e., size of smallest eddies) was about 250 and 50 μm in the SF and BF, respectively. Noting that the observed droplet sizes of dispersed oils range from 50 to 400 μm (hence most of it is less than 250 μm), one concludes that the mixing in the SF (even at 200 rpm) is not representative of the vigorous mixing occurring at sea.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in four size fractions (<2, 2–20, 20–200, >200 μm) in soils at different depth from a heavily contaminated crude benzol production facility of a coking plant were determined using GC–MS. Vertically, elevated total PAHs concentrations were observed in the soils at 3.0–4.5 m (layer B) and 6.0–7.5 m (layer C), relatively lower at 1.5–3.0 m (layer A) and 10.5–12.0 m (layer D). At all sampling sites, the silt (2–20 μm) contained the highest PAHs concentration (ranged from 726 to 2,711 mg/kg). Despite the substantial change in PAHs concentrations in soils with different particle sizes and lithologies, PAHs composition was similarly dominated by 2–3 ring species (86.5–98.3 %), including acenaphthene, fluorene, and phenanthrene. For the contribution of PAHs mass in each fraction to the bulk soil, the 20–200 μm size fraction had the greatest accumulation of PAHs in loamy sand layers at 1.0–7.5 m, increasing with depth; while in deeper sand layer at 10.5–12.0 m, the >200 μm size fraction showed highest percentages and contributed 81 % of total PAHs mass. For individual PAH distribution, the 2–3 ring PAHs were highly concentrated in the small size fraction (<2 and 2–20 μm); the 4–6 ring PAHs showed the highest concentrations in the 2–20 μm size fraction, increasing with depth. The distribution of PAHs was primarily determined by the sorption on soil organic matter and the characteristics of PAHs. This research should have significant contribution to PAH migration study and remediation design for PAHs-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Evaluation of twelve minesoils collected from restored or abandoned surface mines in eastern Kentucky with six standard lime requirement procedures showed that one of the procedures accurately forecasted long term lime requirements. The minesoils were then evaluated for potassium choloride-extractable aluminum using the Yang exchangeable acidity procedure. When the extractable A13+ was multiplied by a factor of 2.24 it was found to also be an accurate measure for longterm limestone requirements. To bring the minesoil to pH 5.5 the results obtained using the modified Yuan procedure indicate that for each MEQ Al3+ extracted per 100 grams of minesoil 2.24 Mg of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) equivalent lime per hectare be applied. Application of lime based on this procedure and one of the standard lime procedures resulted in pH stability of the minesoils for forty months.  相似文献   

焦化厂多环芳烃污染场地的环境评价实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地调查某焦化厂污染场地污染现状,结果表明:该场地土壤和地下水以多环芳烃(PAHs)有机类污染为主,土壤中苯并(仅)芘和多环芳烃污染以1.5m以内表层土污染为主,随着深度的增加浓度逐渐降低,弱透水层表现出良好的阻隔作用。沿着地下水流动方向,地下水中多环芳烃浓度逐渐降低,经过约400m的迁移,由17296μg/L降至111μg/L;苯并(α)芘经过200m的迁移,由18.3μg/L降至0,地下水流动导致污染物在包气带横向扩散。1号孔、3号孔和4号孔所在地表层土壤中苯并(α)芘的单个污染物的致癌风险分别为0.0278、0.0209和1.496,远远超出可接受水平,因此上述孔位所在地附近表层土壤需重点治理。  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were carried out for phytoremediation of the Pb/Zn abandoned tailings (pH 3.2 and high metal content) of Rampura-Agucha Mines, Rajasthan. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (cowpea) was chosen as a test crop. On unamended tailings, the seeds of the test plant showed no germination. The tailing was amended with lime (3% on weight basis), 3% lime + NPK (diammonium phosphate at 60 kg/ha, muriate of potash at 40 kg/ ha) and 3% lime + FYM at 15 t/ha and used for experiments. Quantification of various parameters viz. shoot-root length, shoot-root dry weight, chlorophyll contents (a', 'b' and total) and peroxidase activity of test crop revealed T+ S + 3% lime + NPK to be the most suitable amelioration followed by FYM. The above treatments helped in improving the growth and productivity of the test plants by providing a favorable environment.  相似文献   

Composting is attractive and inexpensive method for treatment and biomass disposal of water hyacinth. However, the major disadvantage of water hyacinth composting is the high content of heavy metals in the final compost. Addition of lime sludge significantly reduced most bioavailable fractions (exchangeable and carbonate) of heavy metals. Studies were carried on composting of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) with cattle manure and sawdust (6:3:1 ratio) and effects of addition of lime (1%, 2% and 3%) on heavy metal speciation were evaluated during 30 days of composting period. The Tessier sequential extraction method was employed to investigate the changes in speciation of heavy metals such as Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), Cadmium (Cd) and Chromium (Cr) during water hyacinth composting. Effects of physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH and organic matter on speciation of heavy metals were also studied during the process. Results showed that, the total metal content was increased during the composting process. The higher reduction in bioavailability factor (BF) of Cu, Fe, Ni, Cd and Cr was observed in lime 2 treatment about 62.1%, 64.4%, 71.9%, 62.1% and 58.9% respectively; however higher reduction in BF of Zn and Pb was observed in lime 1 treatment during the composting process. Reducible and oxidizable fractions of Ni, Pb and Cd were not observed during the process. Addition of lime was very effective for reduction of bioavailability of heavy metals during composting of water hyacinth with cattle manure and sawdust.  相似文献   

We describe two applications of a recently introduced system for very precise, continuous measurement of water oxygen saturation. Oxygen microoptodes (based on the dynamic fluorescence quenching principle) with a tip diameter of ~50 µm, an eight-channel optode array, an intermittent flow system, and online data registration were used to perform two types of experiments. The metabolic activity of Antarctic invertebrates (sponges and scallops) was estimated in respiration experiments, and, secondly, oxygen saturation inside living sponge tissue was determined in different flow regimes. Even in long-term experiments (several days) no drift was detectable in between calibrations. Data obtained were in excellent correspondence with control measurements performed with a modified Winkler method. Antarctic invertebrates in our study showed low oxygen consumption rates, ranging from 0.03-0.19 cm3 O2 h-1 ind.-1. Oxygen saturation inside living sponge specimens was affected by flow regime and culturing conditions of sponges. Our results suggest that oxygen optodes are a reliable tool for oxygen measurements beyond the methodological limits of traditional methods.  相似文献   

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