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重金属Cr(Ⅵ)、Pb及Cu胁迫对双齿围沙蚕体腔细胞的DNA损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨重金属Cr(Ⅵ)、Pb以及Cu对沙蚕体腔细胞DNA的毒性效应,以双齿围沙蚕为受试动物,重金属按不同剂量水平,Cr(Ⅵ):10、100和200 mg· L-1,Pb:5、50和100 mg·L-1,Cu:1、10和20 mg· L-1,分别胁迫沙蚕24 h,以不加任何重金属离子的海水为对照,采用单细胞凝胶电泳技术,检测其体腔细胞DNA损伤程度.结果表明,与空白对照组相比,3种重金属离子的各浓度组都能引起沙蚕体腔细胞DNA损伤,且3种重金属胁迫浓度与细胞DNA损伤程度之间存在显著的剂量-效应关系.双齿围沙蚕可以作为单细胞凝胶电泳的实验材料用于重金属所致环境污染的生物监测指示生物.  相似文献   

6种重金属对3种海水养殖生物的急性毒性效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以主要海水养殖动物菲律宾蛤仔、刺参、褐牙鲆为研究对象,采用静水毒性法评价了重金属对海洋生物的毒性效应,分别将受试动物暴露于不同浓度梯度的重金属Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Hg及As单种试液中,概率单位法求得半致死质量浓度。结果表明,同一种重金属对3种不同养殖生物的毒性存在明显差异(P0.05),Hg对菲律宾蛤仔、刺参及褐牙鲆3种养殖生物的96 hLC50分别为0.134 mg·L~(-1)、0.0246 mg·L~(-1)及0.238 mg·L~(-1);Cu为0.323 mg·L~(-1)、0.0499 mg·L~(-1)及0.975 mg·L~(-1);As为2.464 mg·L~(-1)、0.301 mg·L~(-1)及8.345 mg·L~(-1);Cd为2.843 mg·L~(-1)、1.111 mg·L~(-1)及6.787 mg·L~(-1);Zn为30.246 mg·L~(-1)、0.449 mg·L~(-1)及17.114 mg·L~(-1);Cr为32.591 mg·L~(-1)、2.205 mg·L~(-1)及95.137 mg·L~(-1)。6种重金属对菲律宾蛤仔毒性强弱:HgCuAsCdZnCr;对刺参毒性:HgCuAsZnCdCr;对褐牙鲆毒性:HgCuCdAsZnCr。综合结果表明:Hg、Cu毒性最强,Cd、As及Zn次之,Cr毒性最弱。研究结果可为海水增养殖区重金属风险评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Cu和Pb对赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以添加了不同浓度的CuSO_4和Pb(NO_3)_2混合液的f/2培养基培养赤潮异弯藻,通过分析藻的最大生长密度、生长周期及比生长率这3个参数与Cu和Pb之间的相关关系,讨论2种重金属对赤潮异弯藻生长的影响以及2种重金属之间的互作效应。结果表明,Cu为0~0.02 mg·L~(-1)或Pb为0~0.32 mg·L~(-1)时,对赤潮异弯藻生长有促进作用;当Pb浓度不同的条件下,Cu浓度达到0.5~2.5 mg·L~(-1)时,赤潮异弯藻生长受到明显抑制,甚至无法生长;在Cu浓度不同的条件下,Pb在1~9 mg·L~(-1)范围内,随着浓度的增加,对赤潮异弯藻生长抑制作用逐步增强。在Cu浓度为0~2.5 mg·L~(-1)或Pb浓度为1~9 mg·L~(-1)及两者互作条件下,赤潮异弯藻最大生长密度和生长周期都受到显著影响(P0.01)。另外,Cu和Pb对赤潮异弯藻比生长率无显著影响,两者相互作用不明显。结合湛江海域已报道的这2种重金属实际含量,进一步评估了海区中重金属的潜在生态效应。  相似文献   

铜暴露下赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)活体基因的损伤研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过碱性单细胞凝胶电泳法研究了Cu2+暴露剂量对赤子爱胜蚓(Eiseniafoetida)活体基因损伤的动态影响.结果显示:不添加Cu2+的对照组和添加Cu2+的处理组蚯蚓体腔细胞尾部DNA含量和尾长均呈非正态分布(p<0.05);在暴露72h时,125mg·L-1Cu2+处理组尾部DNA含量值最大,为41.44%,100mg·L-1Cu2+处理组尾长值最大,为33.79μm;随着Cu2+暴露剂量的增加,尾部DNA含量和尾长损伤频率增加;对照组和处理组的尾部DNA含量和尾长之间均存在显著性差异(p<0.05),Spearman非参数相关分析表明,尾部DNA百分含量和尾长之间呈显著相关(p<0.01,n=21),Cu2+暴露浓度与尾部DNA百分含量、尾长具有良好的剂量-构效关系(p<0.01).在125mg·L-1Cu2+浓度下暴露72h时蚯蚓的基因损伤程度达到最大,损伤程度为3级.可见,蚯蚓DNA生物标志物是重金属污染基因毒理诊断的重要指标,碱性SCGE试验是检测Cu2+暴露对赤子爱胜蚓活体基因损伤的有效手段.  相似文献   

于2014年11月对黄石市大冶有色冶炼厂周边地表水和农业土壤分别采集15和18个样品,并用火焰原子吸收分光光度法分析6种重金属含量(Cr、Ni、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn),探讨周边地表水和农业土壤中重金属污染特征,并进行健康风险评价.结果表明,Cr、Ni、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn的平均含量分别为4.76、70.27、10.63、63.11、59.86、90.65μg·L~(-1)(地表水);52.12、45.54、81.34、781.76、303.69、403.23 mg·kg~(-1)(农业土壤),且变异系数较大,污染分布较不均匀;环境中重金属污染来源主要受冶炼厂冶炼生产活动影响,自然环境因素和其本身的理化特征主导含量空间分布;主成分1解释了冶炼厂周边环境中重金属主要的污染来源,即主要受有色金属冶炼活动的影响;致癌风险主要来自Cr,而Pb非致癌风险相对较高.  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染问题日益加剧,而土壤重金属来源解析及污染评价对其污染防治具有重要意义.以贵州草海沼泽地、耕地和林地表层土壤(0—20 cm)为研究对象,采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)和原子荧光测定仪(AFS)测定土壤中Zn、Cr、Pb、Ni、Cu、As等6种重金属元素含量,并对其进行源解析及污染现状评估.结果表明,草海整体研究区表层土壤元素含量为Zn(144.75 mg·kg~(-1))Cr(93.03 mg·kg~(-1))Pb(45.33 mg·kg~(-1))Ni(45.08 mg·kg~(-1))Cu(29.48 mg·kg~(-1))As(25.19 mg·kg~(-1)),其中Zn、Pb、Ni、As含量高于贵州背景值,分别高于背景值的45.48%、28.78%、25.97%、15.29%.元素As在耕地和林地,元素Cr、Cu、Pb在沼泽地和林地,以及元素Zn在沼泽地、耕地和林地都具有显著差异(P0.05),而Ni在3种土地利用方式中均无显著差异(P0.05).3种土地利用方式中,元素Zn、Pb、Ni、As可能主要来源于工业、农业、交通运输等人为源,而Cr、Cu来源于母岩风化、植被凋落物等自然源.土壤重金属污染评价表明,贵州草海不同土地利用方式表层土壤重金属污染处于轻微状态,未造成严重的潜在生态风险.本研究能够为贵州草海土地利用的合理规划、土壤资源保护和重金属污染防治提供数据支持.  相似文献   

贵州草海是典型的高原湿地生态系统,评价其周边菜地重金属污染特征及生态风险,对于草海蔬菜食用安全及其生产地土壤污染综合防治和湿地土地资源保护具有重要意义。在草海周边采集8个具有代表性的菜地表层土壤,测定Zn、Cu、Cr、Pb、Ni和As含量,分析其分布特征、来源和生态风险。结果表明,草海菜地表层土壤重金属含量表现为Zn(159.06mg·kg~(-1))Cr(92.11mg·kg~(-1))Pb(63.72mg·kg~(-1))Ni(45.74mg·kg~(-1))Cu(27.75mg·kg~(-1))As(24.58mg·kg~(-1))。其中,Zn、As、Pb和Ni含量较贵州省土壤重金属含量背景值高,Cu、Cr则低于背景值,而6种重金属含量均低于《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618—1995)Ⅱ级标准值。Zn、Cr、Ni属于中等变异,服从正态分布;Cu属于中等变异,As、Pb属于高度变异,服从偏正态分布。Zn与Cu相关性极显著(P0.01)、Cu与Pb,Ni与As,Cr与Pb、Ni间相关性显著(P0.05)。土壤环境质量评价表明,Cu、Cr、Ni和As为轻污染,Zn、Pb为中等污染。然而,生态风险评价表明,6种重金属的危害指数(RI)值为23.92,小于轻微的生态危害下限(RI=150),故草海菜地土壤存在轻微的生态危害。来源解析表明,因子1(F1)包含Zn、As,因子2(F2)包含Cr、Pb,因子3(F3)包含Cu。其中,因子1(F1)、因子2(F2)为外源因子,代表农业、工业、矿产和生活垃圾等;因子3(F3)为自然因子,代表土壤母质的形成。因此,草海周边菜地表层土壤Zn、As、Cr、Pb、Ni的来源可能与农业、工业、矿业和生活垃圾等有关,Cu来源可能与土壤母质有关。  相似文献   

淮南市校园灰尘重金属污染特征及生物有效性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以淮南市小学及幼儿园地表灰尘为研究对象,测定灰尘重金属(Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、V和Zn)含量,采用TCLP(Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure)法提取灰尘中重金属有效态含量,并进行生态风险评价.结果表明,淮南市小学及幼儿园不同校园灰尘Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、V和Zn平均含量分别为10.46、86.69、35.94、31.54、97.29、49.25、348.77 mg·kg~(-1),除Co和V外其他重金属含量均超过安徽省和淮南市土壤环境背景值.煤炭开采、运输、燃煤发电、工业污染和交通污染造成淮南市校园灰尘重金属存在不同程度的累积.楼道灰尘中Co、Cu、Pb和Zn污染程度远高于操场和街道灰尘,楼道灰尘重金属污染源不仅来自室内和楼层内污染源,同时还受到室外源的影响.TCLP法提取重金属Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、V和Zn有效态平均含量为0.52、0.58、1.60、1.12、0.67、0.65、35.99 mg·kg~(-1),与标准值相比,只有Ni和Zn提取态含量超标.内梅罗综合污染平均指数为1.204,为轻污染级别,淮南市校园灰尘重金属绝大部分对生态环境不存在风险胁迫.  相似文献   

吡啶硫酮铜(Cu PT)和吡啶硫酮锌(Zn PT)在渗出型海洋防污涂料中的应用日益广泛,其生态毒性引起了人们的关注。本文以南海海域常见优势种——华美盘管虫(Hydroides elegans Haswell)为试验动物,采用彗星实验研究了吡啶硫酮金属对华美盘管虫精子细胞DNA的损伤情况。结果显示,低浓度(4μg·L~(-1)Cu PT或8μg·L~(-1)Zn PT)处理组的精子细胞,其"彗星"尾长、尾DNA含量及Olive尾矩都显著高于溶剂对照组(P0.05);较高浓度(8μg·L~(-1)或16μg·L~(-1)Cu PT,16μg·L~(-1)或32μg·L~(-1)Zn PT)处理组的精子细胞,其"彗星"尾长和尾矩多数显著高于溶剂对照组(P0.01)。此外,尾长和Olive尾矩在试验浓度范围内都呈现"效应-浓度"正相关。Cu PT为4μg·L~(-1)、Zn PT为8μg·L~(-1)时,对精子DNA造成轻度损伤;Cu PT为8μg·L~(-1)、16μg·L~(-1),Zn PT为16μg·L~(-1)、32μg·L~(-1)时,则达到了中度损伤的程度。可见吡啶硫酮金属具有较明显的海洋生态遗传毒性;另一方面,华美盘管虫精子细胞DNA对吡啶硫酮金属的胁迫呈现出较高的敏感性和效应-浓度相关性,在作为生态遗传毒性的生物指标方面具有潜在优势,进一步的研究将促进其在海洋重金属污染评价中的应用,特别是用于南海海洋环境的早期预警监测。  相似文献   

以禾谷镰刀菌为研究对象,研究了常见重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd)对禾谷镰刀菌菌株生长及其毒素合成的影响。研究结果表明,重金属对菌株的生长和其产毒能力均产生影响。Cu~(2+)和Cd~(2+)对菌株生长影响较大,随着浓度的增加对生长的抑制作用增强,当离子浓度分别为20 mg·L~(-1)和40 mg·L~(-1)时,能够完全抑制菌株生长。Zn~(2+)在0~160 mg·L~(-1)浓度范围内促进菌株生长,在10 mg·L~(-1)浓度下促进毒素合成。Pb~(2+)在察氏培养基中对菌株生长的影响没有明显规律可循,但是,随着Pb~(2+)浓度增加,抑制毒素合成作用增强。  相似文献   

为研究石油烃对海洋生物的毒性效应,将栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)暴露于0.08、0.21和0.88mg·L-1石油烃中,采用单细胞凝胶电泳实验(彗星实验)技术检测不同暴露时间扇贝血淋巴细胞的DNA损伤程度,对照组中石油烃背景浓度为0.04mg·L-1。结果显示,低浓度(0.08mg·L-1)的石油烃短期(<7d)内即可导致栉孔扇贝血淋巴细胞的DNA损伤,并且随石油烃浓度的增大和暴露时间的延长,DNA损伤程度增加,石油烃浓度达0.88mg·L-1时,DNA损伤程度已非常严重。3d恢复实验后,各浓度组DNA损伤又均有不同程度的恢复。研究表明,彗星实验是检测石油烃对海洋贝类DNA损伤的一种有效手段,贝类血淋巴细胞DNA损伤有望成为石油烃污染的一种生物标志物,用于海洋污染的早期预警监测。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the heavy metal contamination in soil with accumulation in plants in waste water irrigated areas. Results revealed that waste water contained lower concentrations of Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb except Cd (0.03) than the permissible limits prescribed by the World Health Organization. The maximum metal concentrations occurred in Brassica oleracea (Zn 63.80, Cu 12.25, Cr 10.65, Pb 3.63, and Cd 0.56 mg Kg?1).The metal enrichment (EF of Cd 1.9, Cr2.9, Zn 4.8, Cu 6.5, and Pb 15.5) and degree of contamination (CF of Cd 2.9, Cr 2.0, Zn 2.3, Cu 2.7, and Pb 2.2) showed that accumulation of the five toxic metals increased during sewage irrigation as compared with the reference values, other Indian regions and globally. However, based on WHO standards for heavy metal contamination of soil and irrigation water, our data does not ensure safe levels for food.  相似文献   

Metal pollution produces damage to marine organisms at the cellular level possibly leading to ecological imbalance. The present investigation focused on the acute and chronic toxicity of lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) by examining the effects of biomarker enzymes in post-larvae of Penaeus monodon (Tiger prawn). Antioxidant biomarker responses such as lipid peroxidation (LPO) and catalase (CAT) activity for Pb and Zn were determined following chronic exposure. Acute Lethal Concentration 50 (LC50) values observed in the study at 96?h for Pb and Zn at 5.77?±?0.32?mg?L?1 and 3.02?±?0.82?mg?L?1, respectively. The estimated No Observed Effect Concentration and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration values for Pb were 0.014 and 0.029?mg?L?1 and that recorded for Zn was 0.011 and 0.022?mg?L?1, respectively. Among the two metals studied, toxicity of Zn was found to be greater to P. monodon than Pb. The activities of antioxidant defense enzymes and total protein content differed significantly from control following exposure to both metals. Overall, the biomarker studies demonstrated that alterations in antioxidant enzymes and induction of LPO reflect the consequences of heavy metal exposure in P. monodon.  相似文献   

An ecological survey was carried out to determine the sediment concentrations of nutrients and heavy metals and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish and shrimp including tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus×O. nilotica), grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), gei wai shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) and caridean shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponensis) in the traditional tidal shrimp ponds (gei wais) of Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hong Kong. The sediments collected from the landward sites contained higher nutrient contents, as well as zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni) and cadmium (Cd) than those collected from the seaward sites, but vice versa for lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg). However, the concentrations of all metals were exceptionally high in the two sites located outside the reserve, suggesting that waters from Deep Bay might be the possible source of metal contamination affecting the reserve. All metals studied seemed to accumulate in the viscera of fish. Body size was the determining factor for the accumulation of heavy metals in caridean shrimp and gei wai shrimp but not fish. Concentrations of the metals studied in tissues of grey mullet and gei wai shrimp were found to be safe for human consumption. Concentrations of Cr in tilapia whole body (0.68–1.10 mg kg−1 wet weight) were close to or over the guideline value of 1 mg kg−1 set by the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations of Hong Kong. Tilapia flesh and small caridean shrimp collected from gei wais were contaminated by Cr and Pb but still fit for human consumption. Caution is required if large caridean shrimp is to be consumed in large amounts continuously because the concentration of Pb exceeded the maximum permitted concentration (6 mg kg−1). The rather high Cr concentrations in tilapia whole body should not be overlooked as the fish will serve as a food source for migratory birds visiting the site.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations in sediment and in whole tissue of the benthic polychaete Glycera longipinnis collected along the southwest coast of India were analysed. Relative seasonal accumulation of metals (Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd, Hg) was studied by categorising the habitat as less polluted or highly polluted based on metal contamination routed through industrial and urban sources. The metal content in tissues varied seasonally in the ranges, Cu: 2.21–27.08 μg·g?1, Pb: 0.06–4.92 μg·g?1, Cr: 1.73–29.20 μg·g?1, Ni: 1.60–4.61 μg·g?1, Zn: 14.72–82.30 μg·g?1, Cd: 0.04–1.38 μg·g?1and Hg: below decetable limits to 0.86 μg·g?1. Concentration of heavy metals was found to be high in the whole body of G. longipinnis pooled from the polluted transects. The results of this study suggest that G. longipinnis may act as a useful biological indicator for heavy metal pollution along the southwest coast of India.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to examine the heavy metal status of the lower basin of Kainji dam (used for hydroelectricity generation), which includes Lakes Kainji/Jebba, Nigeria, and the potential for human exposure to heavy metals from eating fish caught in the lakes. Water, sediments and fish were sampled from the lakes and evaluated for As, Cu, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V and Zn using the EDXRF technique. Fe and Mn were found to be present at high mean concentrations in the water (13 and 9 μg L-1), sediment (7092 and 376 μg g-1) and fish (11.4 and 4.6 μg g-1) samples. Sb (3.2 μg L-1), Ti (4.1 μg L-1), Cr (2.2 μg L-1), Co (1.2 μg L-1), Cu (1.3 μg L-1) and Pb (1.2 μg L-1) in the water samples and Sb (29 μg g-1), Ti (27 μg g-1), V (27 μg g-1), Cr (27 μg g-1), Co (40 μg g-1), Ni (33 μg g-1), Cu (25 μg g-1), Zn (59 μg g-1) and Pb (19 μg g-1) in the sediment samples were found to be of medium mean concentrations. The other metals were present at trace levels (<1 μg), including As and Hg in the fish and sediment samples. There was an appreciable increase in␣metal concentrations in going from the water to the sediment samples. The probable source of the pollutants is anthropogenic, arising from agricultural activities, corrosion/abrasion of the ferrous steel material and additives in the lubricants and insulation used for auxiliary services on the turbine floor of the dam constructed on the lakes. However, natural geological sourcing from the underlying lake rock cannot be totally ignored, particularly the high levels of Fe and Mn in the sediment samples. The potential risk for human exposure to these metals emanates from the fish caught in the lakes and subsequently consumed, as there are already significant levels of these metals in the two fish species analysed, Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Chrysicthys (Chrysicthys auratus).  相似文献   

Studies concerning bioaccumulation kinetics and bioconcentration factor (BCF) of heavy metals like zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), and copper (Cu) in earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae tissues including integument, gizzard, clitellum, and head region were undertaken. Calculated BCF, predicted K ow, and predicted K oc showed a significant correlation between heavy metals in different earthworm tissues, in substrate spiked with heavy metals. The regression coefficient (r 2) between heavy metal uptake concentration and exposure time varied between 0.73 and 0.99, indicating significant correlation. The K oc was a maximum of 13.9016 in case of Cu and integument at an exposure time of 100 days and a minimum of 0.1114 in case of Cr with respect to head at the same exposure time. Earthworms accumulated heavy metals following chronic exposure to municipal solid waste containing heavy metals. BCF and uptake rate kinetics of heavy metals were calculated and showed increased values in head tissue followed by integument.  相似文献   

为了解我国华东地区鳜肌肉重金属含量现状,采集华东地区(江西南昌,安徽池州、滁州,江苏南京、扬州,浙江建德等)10个采样点野生鳜和池塘主养、池塘套养鳜样本共60份,采用原子荧光光谱分析法(AFS)、石墨炉原子吸收法(GFAAS)测定鳜背部肌肉中铬(Cr)、镉(Cd)、无机砷(As)、汞(Hg)和铅(Pb)等5种重金属的含量,评估其食用安全性与健康风险。结果表明,肌肉中Cd、Cr、Pb、As和Hg的总检出率为98.67%,总超标率为11.67%;其中,Pb、Cd和As超标样,分别占总样本量的28.33%、15%和15%,超标浓度为(0.612±0.111)、(0.181±0.031)和(0.474±0.035) mg·kg~(-1),71.43%的超标样分布于野生鳜群体;Cr、Hg的检出含量均低于我国鱼类水产品重金属的最高限量标准(GB 2762—2017)。3种养殖方式的鳜肌肉中重金属含量分布具有相似的规律(Pb>As>Cr=Cd>Hg),野生鳜肌肉中重金属含量高于人工养殖鳜,池塘主养鳜与池塘套养鳜之间无明显差异。食用安全性评价结果显示,目前,华东地区鳜达到国家标准的限量要求,仅Pb、As含量稍高,分别占周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)的14.42%和21.54%。健康风险评价结果显示,所有鳜样均未超过国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受水平(5×10~(-5)a~(-1))。野生鳜食用安全性低于人工养殖鳜,健康风险高于人工养殖鳜。上述研究结果为鳜水产品安全性评价与健康养殖提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

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