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美国瑞典日本农药环境管理综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是个农业大国 ,农药的使用量大 ,使用品种多 ,农药对生态环境污染较为严重。长期以来 ,我国的农药环境管理极其薄弱 ,农药环境管理体系不完善。国外一些国家如美国、瑞典、日本等农药管理体制比较健全 ,在农药环境管理方面取得了一些成功经验 ,这对我国建立农药管理体系有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美国瑞典日本农药环境管理综述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
我国是个农业大国,农药的使用量大,使用品种多,农药对生态环境污染较为严重。长期以来,我国的农药环境管理极其薄弱,农药环境管理体系不完善。国外一些国家如美国、瑞典、日本等农药管理体制比较健全,在农药环境管理方面取得了一些成功经验,这对我国建立农药管理体系有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文通过对江苏、山东两省农药调查所获得的资料进行分析,探讨了农药的管理和使用与农药对生态环境影响之间的关系。在调查中发现,目前农药的生产管理、经营管理十分混乱,产销矛盾尖锐,各地都有大量农药积压。管理不善的结果导致农村家家存药、户户治虫,使得接触农药的人数增加,污染几率上升。近年来我国农药中毒人数一直维持在一个较高的水平,尤其是非生产性中毒人数不断增加,农药使用不当造成的环境污染事故亦不断发生,其关键就在于农药管理混乱。针对这些问题,本文提出了有关加强农药管理,开展农药的监督、监测和环境标准研究等9项建议。  相似文献   

建立适宜的农药环境风险评价体系,有利于评价农药对环境的影响,控制农药带来的环境污染.欧盟具有丰富的农药风险评价经验和完善的评价体系,论文针对欧盟的初级风险评价工作中水生生物风险评价的标准物种不确定因子法进行了综述,阐述了其评价原则与方法,总结了预测环境浓度(predicted environmental concent...  相似文献   

有机磷农药生物降解研究进展   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
有机磷农药是目前我国使用量最大的农药 ,对农业的发展有重要的作用 ,但同时造成了严重的环境污染 .利用微生物或微生物源酶制剂来降解农药是近年来的一个主要努力方向 .至今 ,已经陆续分离到许多有机磷降解菌 ,并对其相应的降解酶的生化性质进行了鉴定 ,相关的基因也被克隆、鉴定和改造 .另外 ,基因工程及生物技术方面的进展为开发微生物或酶制品奠定了基础 .本文综述了有机磷农药降解菌、降解酶以及有机磷农药生物降解技术等方面的研究现状 .表 1参 6 1  相似文献   

四种有机磷农药的分离和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四种有机磷农药的分离和鉴定是根据国内农药生产、使用及环境污染的具体情况而提出的课题。在此之前,这四种农药同时存在时的分离问题并来解决。本文着重报告了实现四种有机磷农药分离和鉴定的气相色谱条件,并讨论了影响分离的各种因素。  相似文献   

我国水产品的生产状况、质量和安全问题及其控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国近年来水产品的生产及其品质安全状况的调查分析表明,水产业的快速发展,促进农村经济的发展,改善人民的膳食结构,但水产品质量与安全问题日益突出。一些水产品中激素、抗生素、重金属、农药残留等污染物超标,水产品加工中的添加剂、微生物等不符合卫生标准。这些问题的产生与环境污染、法规体制、检测手段以及政府监管等多种因素有关。在研究分析的基础上,提出了控制我国水产品质量安全的对策。  相似文献   

化肥农药的长期、不合理施用,导致环境污染等一系列连锁反应,引发越来越多缔约方、非政府组织和专家的关注。作为《生物多样性公约》(以下简称《公约》)履约的重要内容之一,化肥农药问题对环境污染、农业生物多样性、可持续供应链、激励措施和主流化等议题具有实践意义。通过系统搜集、对比国内外化肥农药施用现状,梳理与《公约》相关目标的进展及演变进程,深入分析该领域面临的严峻形势及存在问题。在此基础上,提出如下4点建议:(1)建立生态农业生产体系,平衡《公约》3大目标,提升化肥农药利用效率;(2)完善可持续供应链体系,减少供应链过程产生的污染和生物多样性损失;(3)明确我国在2020年实现农药化肥零增长,以及在该领域已不存在不利于生物多样性保护的补贴政策的客观事实;(4)将化肥农药因素纳入国家农业政策,并将其与绿色发展、循环经济等其他部门战略相结合。作为《公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)的东道国和候任主席国,中国将以COP15召开为契机,实现污染与主流化、有害补贴、可持续供应链等重难点议题的协同和有效解决,为"2020年后全球生物多样性框架"的达成奠定基础,也为中国农业可持续转型提供重要支持。  相似文献   

我国水产品的生产状况、质量和安全问题及其控制对策   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
对我国近年来水产品的生产及其品质安全状况的调查分析表明,水产业的快速发展,促进农村经济的发展,改善人民的膳食结构,但水产品质量与安全问题日益突出。一些水产品中激素、抗生素、重金属、农药残留等污染物超标,水产品加工中的添加剂、微生物等不符合卫生标准。这些问题的产生与环境污染、法规体制、检测手段以及政府监管等多种因素有关。在研究分析的基础上,提出了控制我国水产品质量安全的对策。  相似文献   

上海宝山钢铁厂绿化植物病虫害现状与治理对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文调查及分析了上海宝钢植物病虫害种类及发生情况与植物种类、植物群落配置,环境污染状况的关系,认为宝钢在植物保护工作中,应引入“IPM”病虫害综合治理技术,选择绿化树种时应考虑植物对病虫害的抗性及抗污染能力,增加群落物种组成的多样性,同时应用农业技术和生物技术控制病虫害发生程度,以减少因使用农药而造成的环境污染,维持生态平衡。  相似文献   

Pesticides are widely used in China for crop protection. However, the use of some highly toxic and accumulative pesticides has led to serious pollution to the environment. The knowledge that end-users of pesticides have about hazards is important for the prevention of acute poisoning. Moreover, farmers, especially those who purchase and use pesticides, often make important and long-standing impacts on the local ecosystem and environment. In this study, a specially designed questionnaire was used to collect information on their knowledge, attitude, and behavior related to pesticides in the Guanting Reservoir area, north of China. Most pesticide end-users reported that they took incomplete preventive measures for lack of extensive pesticide knowledge and information. Pesticide information, instruction, and training among farmers should be promoted, and governmental intervention is needed to ensure proper management regarding public health risks and environmental hazards.  相似文献   

珠三角地区POPs农药的污染现状及控制对策   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
概述了中国及国际社会对持久性有机污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,POPs)的关注情况。并通过对POPs农药在珠江三角洲地区(Pearl River Delta Area,PRD)使用情况的调查,以及对珠江三角洲地区POPs农药在各环境介质中的污染现状的文献综述,结合环境污染数据以及POPs农药污染调查工作中得到的数据和信息,对该地区POPs污染的可能原因和环境中可能存在的新近污染源进行了初步探讨。同时也指出了当前珠江三角洲地区在POPs农药削减与淘汰工作中所遭遇到的缺乏完善的管理体系等困难,并针对问题提出了包括加大科研投入,加强基础研究,掌握污染物来源和去向,加强替代药物的研究,建立和实施更严格的环境法规以及标准,加强环境监测能力建设,建立POPs农药污染的信息公开机制等一系列的控制对策。  相似文献   

农药在稻田使用对地下水的风险评估研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药风险评估可为农药登记和农药的环境安全管理提供重要的科学依据。水稻生产过程中病虫草害严重,农药使用品种多、频次高,田水存留时间长,对地下水污染风险高。开展农药在稻田使用对地下水的风险评估研究具有重要的现实意义。文章详细介绍了欧盟和美国的水稻-地下水风险评估研究进展,包括风险评估程序、暴露评估模型及暴露场景等。总结了我国农药在稻田使用对地下水风险评估的研究现状,并分析了我国研究的不足之处。在此基础上,提出了加强我国农药在稻田使用对地下水风险评估的建议。  相似文献   

As a major ecosystem type, wetland provides invaluable ecological services. Environmental pollution, especially pesticides pollution should be paid more attention to keep wetlands healthy. Based on the risk quotient method, coupled with a probabilistic risk assessment model, this paper proposed a methodology suitable for ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues for wetland ecosystems. As an important industrializing and ecologically vulnerable area in China, the Taihu Lake wetland was chosen for the case study. The risks of eight pesticides in Taihu Lake wetland were assessed, as single substances and in mixtures. The assessment indicates that risks of the representative species are not significant. In general, the herbicide is found to be more toxic for algae, whereas insecticides pose more risks to zooplankton, insect and fish. For each pesticide in the wetland, the ecological risk it poses is acceptable. But the combined ecological risk posed by mixture can harm more than 10% of species of the wetland ecosystem, mainly dominated by dichlorvos, dimethoate and malathion contributions. These results imply that pesticide residues have been posing pressures on the ecosystem of the Taihu Lake wetland. It is recommended that proper countermeasures should be implemented to reduce the risks.  相似文献   

The habit of khat chewing is widespread with a deep-rooted sociocultural tradition in these regions and as such poses a public health problem. The use of pesticides is considered to be indispensable practice for the production of adequate food supply for the increasing demands by the global population and for control of insect-borne diseases. Thus, contamination of the environment with pesticides and entry of these chemicals into the food chain is unavoidable especially in developing countries. The main objective of our current study was to assess pesticide pollution of khat leaves (unknown origin) obtained while being smuggled into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to be used in Jazan area. A total of 120 khat leaf samples were extracted using solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis for the presence of 69 standard pesticides using an internal standard, tiphenyl phosphate. No pesticide residues were detected in all the studied samples. These data as preliminary and more experiments need to be performed to confirm our present findings. Routine monitoring of the pesticide residues is important for the prevention, control, and reduction of environmental pollution and also for legal decisions to minimize health risks.  相似文献   

过分省和典型地区化肥和农药使用情况对比,结合实地调查采样分析的研究方法,从不同尺度上分析了我国东南丘陵区化肥、农药扩散污染的状况及其发展趋势。结果表明,浙江、广东和福建3省化肥和农药施用量较高,引起的扩散污染也较为严重;广西、湖南、海南和江西4省化肥和农药的施用量还不高,但近期有迅猛上升的势头。  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,209(1):53-64
In this paper, a state-of-the-art is given of the current knowledge related to the occurrence and sources of pesticides in surface waters. An emphasis is put on sources and transport routes that contribute most to the pesticide loads found in river systems. Possible mitigation measures are described. Once pesticides have entered a river system, they are exposed to different physical, chemical and microbial processes which determine their fate. As mathematical models can describe the fate of pesticides in river systems and can be used for the control of environmental pollution and management of resources, an overview is given of available watershed and in-river water quality models able to predict pesticide concentrations in surface waters. Advantages and disadvantages of simple screening tools and complex watershed models are discussed. Finally, some recommendations are made concerning monitoring, modeling and their combined use in order to achieve the water quality goals set by the EU Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides (DDTs, HCHs, HCB and chlordane compounds) were determined in core samples collected from Nile River near by Cairo and Manzala Lake, Egypt in 1994. Regional difference and vertical profiles were discussed in view of historical reconstruction of environmental pollution by these chemicals. On the basis of estimated sedimentation rate (0.5 to 0.7 cm/year) in Manzala Lake, it seems that discharge of DDTs and CHLs into Egyptian environment increased rapidly from early 1960's and the maximum discharge was recorded in 1980's. However, concentration of HCHs increased continuously up to the present in spite of decreasing of DDTs and CHLs after 1980's. It was revealed that vertical profiles of organochlorine pesticides in sediment core from Manzala Lake are useful to estimate a temporal trend of pesticide use in Egypt.  相似文献   

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