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综述了淡水腹足类微卫星位点的获取方法、微卫星重复序列的特点以及微卫星标记技术在其种群遗传学研究中的应用,着重分析了微卫星多态性在淡水腹足类种群遗传多样性、种群遗传结构、遗传分化、交配系统、种群关系研究中的应用.淡水腹足类普遍表现为杂合体缺失,种群遗传多样性降低.淡水腹足类近交和自体受精现象比较频繁以及地理隔离导致种群间遗传分化.利用微卫星标记研究遗传杂合度,结合群体近交系数和基因分化系数在一定程度上反映了淡水腹足类的交配系统.根据不同种群的遗传距离和相似性进行聚类分析在判别种群间的亲缘关系上起到了很大作用.针对淡水腹足类自身的特性,微卫星分子标记技术在淡水腹足类入侵生物学、分类阶元,寄生虫的分子流行病学等研究领域有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

粗山羊草是小麦野生近缘属种,是D基因组的供体,蕴含大量的抗病资源,是进行小麦遗传改良的重要资源.选取条锈病免疫材料Y206和高度感病材料Y121杂交后代进行遗传分析和抗病性鉴定.从粗山羊草[Aegilops tauschii(Coss.)Schmal]Y206中鉴定出1个显性抗小麦条锈病基因,暂定名为YrY206.并利用SSR分子标记对该抗病基因标记定位,应用分离群体分组法(Bulked segregant analysis,BSA)筛选到Wmc11a、Xgwm71c、Xgwm161和xgwm183标记,与该基因之间的遗传距离分别为4.0 cM、3.3 cM、1.5 cM和9.3 cM.根据连锁标记所在小麦微卫星图谱的位置,YrY206被定位在3DS染色体上,可能是一个新的抗小麦条锈病基因.图2表2参22  相似文献   

小麦遗传图谱是进行小麦染色体分析和表型研究的遗传基础.构建高密度遗传图谱,针对小麦重要农艺性状进行初级定位,确定相关性状主效数量性状位点(Quantitative Trait Loci,QTL),有助于开发辅助选择的实用性标记,并为利用次级群体进行精细定位和基因挖掘奠定基础.本研究以H461×CN16的重组自交系(Recombinant Inbred Line,RIL)为作图群体,利用90k小麦SNP基因芯片技术,对包含188个家系的RIL群体(F7)进行多态性分析,构建高密度遗传图谱,并利用Map QTL5.0的多QTL模型(MQM),对旗叶长、穗粒数等8个重要农艺性状进行QTL定位分析.构建了包括43个连锁群的分子遗传图谱,成功连锁到除2D、5D、6D外的18条染色体.该图谱共含有6 573个多态性SNP标记,覆盖的遗传距离长2 647.02 c M,标记间平均距离仅为0.4 c M.A、B、D三个染色体组分别含有标记2 696、3 094和684个;覆盖染色长度分别为1 130.92 c M、1 164.82 c M和330.44 c M;分别建立19、18和5个连锁群.对8种重要田间农艺性状进行QTL分析,共检测到66个重要农艺性状QTL,其中包括26个主效QTL,包含未见报道的新位点7个.全部QTL分布于2A、4A、6A、2B、4B、5B、2D、4D、7D 9条染色体上,单个QTL可解释表型变异率7.4%-19.5%,其中62个QTL加性效应来自母本H461,其余来自父本CN16.以上结果为小麦重要农艺性状QTL精细定位打下了基础,也为分子标记辅助育种提供了参考.  相似文献   

采用直接测序法,对石杉科广布种长柄石杉(Huperzia serrata var.longipetiolata)21个居群(福建省19个居群和江西省2个居群)共计126株个体的叶绿体DNA trnL-trnF序列进行测序,用Clustal X和MEGA5.0软件进行序列分析,UPGMA法构建聚类图,以期了解序列变异与地理分布的关系,为长柄石杉资源的保护及开发利用提供参考依据.扩增获得的序列全长在928-967 bp之间,经排序后两端切平,序列长925 bp,G+C平均含量为34.05%;21个长柄石杉居群的cpDNA trnL-trnF序列存在20个变异位点,5个信息位点.UPGMA聚类结果显示,福建省居群与江西居群存在较大遗传距离,分聚为不同分支;福建省内19个居群再分聚为3个分支,其中11个居群间的遗传距离为零.研究结果表明长柄石杉居群间存在较明显的遗传分化和一定强度的基因流,居群间的叶绿体DNA trnL-trnF序列变异与地理分布尤其是山脉形成的隔离和屏障有关,较高的遗传多样性和基因流水平有利于长柄石杉种群的生存与进化.  相似文献   

水稻H14早熟性的遗传分析及基因定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
品种生育期是水稻最重要的农艺性状之一,对水稻生育期基因进行定位具有重要意义.水稻籼粳中间型材料H14具有显性早熟特性,它与多个不同类型的中、迟熟品种杂交,F1抽穗期均与早熟亲本H14相近或更早.H14与明恢63和蜀恢881等杂交F2和B1F1抽穗期呈双峰分布,从峰谷处进行分组,早熟植株与迟熟植株分离比经χ2测验分别符合3:1和1:1,表明该早熟特性主要受一对显性基因控制.以H14/明恢63 F2作定位群体,采用微卫星标记将H14所携带的显性早熟基因定位于水稻第6染色体短臂,位于微卫星标记RM314和RM276的一侧,与RM314的遗传距离为8.2 cM.认为该基因是一个新的水稻显性早熟基因,暂命名为Ef-h(t).图3表2参22  相似文献   

与薜荔性别相关的SRAP分子标记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薜荔植株的雌、雄性别在结果前难以通过枝叶等形态特征进行辨别.薜荔实生树定植后需3~5 a才能开花结果,而不同性别的薜荔植株有着不同的经济价值.本文将序列相关扩增多态性(SRAP)标记首次应用于植物性别鉴别研究,以期能够在薜荔苗期鉴别出个体的性别,从而提高栽培效益,缩短育种进程.实验以薜荔雌、雄植株生殖枝上当年生叶为材料,用优化的十六烷基三甲基溴化胺(CTAB)法提取其伞基因组DNA.利用SRAP标记技术对薜荔雌、雄株进行性别鉴别研究,建立了完整的PCR反应体系,扩增效果好,结果稳定可靠,可重复性强.在153个SRAP两引物和1 500个三引物中,只有引物me1-em2-em14扩增得到1条雌性多态性片段.此片段存在于试验所用材料的所有雌株中而雄株没有,将其命名为FPme1-em2-em14230.研究结果表明,SRAP标记可在薜荔分子生物学研究领域中广泛应用.  相似文献   

为开发猕猴桃EST-SSR标记,了解28个品种猕猴桃间的遗传多样性和遗传关系,对中华猕猴桃"红阳"的转录组序列进行分析,并根据分析结果设计SSR引物.之后采用CTAB法提取28个品种猕猴桃的DNA作为SSR-PCR的扩增模板,并根据扩增结果进行聚类分析.研究中共得到包含SSR的序列21 848条,其中重复单元为单碱基、双碱基、三碱基、四碱基、五碱基和六碱基的序列分别为1 642、15 965、3 141、248、368和484条,随机选择其中46条序列设计SSR引物.根据初步的PCR扩增,筛选出32对条带较少且明亮的引物分别对28个品种猕猴桃的DNA样本进行扩增,并对引物对应的SSR序列进行定位.结果显示,32对引物对应的序列中有19条能够得到完整的所在基因、染色体以及染色体中具体位置的信息.这些引物中有26对具有多态性,共统计到等位基因120个,每对引物得到1-11个等位基因,平均3.75个.28个猕猴桃品种之间的遗传相似性系数在0.53-0.97之间,在遗传相似系数为0.72的水平上,可将它们分为5大类,分类结果与传统形态学的划分基本一致.本研究揭示的各样本间的遗传关系可为未来猕猴桃的种质改良提供依据.图4表5参33  相似文献   

通过1对1的配对实验,选取产生全雄性杂交子一代的奥利亚罗非鱼和尼罗罗非鱼亲本,对其进行RAPD分析.在40个引物中筛选出22个重复性好的引物用于两个亲本群体的分子标记和遗传多样性研究,其中5个引物(S236、S328、S471、Opz6、Opz8)扩增出的特异性DNA片段,可以作为区分两个亲本群体的分子标记.在奥利亚罗非鱼群体内,共检出133个位点,多态位点数15,多态位点比例为11.28%,在奥利亚罗非鱼群体内,共检出134个位点,多态位点数26,多态位点比例为19.40%.两个亲本群体内较高的遗传相似指数(S分别为0.9787、0.9462),说明两个群体内的遗传变异较小,纯度高;奥利亚罗非鱼和尼罗罗非鱼的种间遗传距离较大(D=0.2595),表明有产生较强杂种优势的可能  相似文献   

利用表型鉴定以及47对均匀分布于水稻12条染色体的SSR标记,对长江上游138个杂交水稻亲本进行检测,并采用遗传相似系数及数学模型分析其群体结构,以了解其遗传多样性信息.结果显示,长江上游杂交水稻亲本的保持系、恢复系以及总体的表型性状遗传变异程度较大,适用于进行遗传多样性分析.利用47对SSR标记共检测到94个等位基因位点,平均每个位点2个;其中有效等位基因数67.05个,占71.33%,Nei氏遗传多样性指数变幅为0-0.51,平均值为0.26.供试材料可分为恢复系类群和保持系类群,与生产上利用的保持系和恢复系高度一致.本研究表明利用SSR标记能详细了解长江上游杂交水稻亲本遗传多样性信息并有效区分恢复系与保持系.  相似文献   

采用鼠伤寒沙门氏菌回复突变试验(Ames试验),用TA97,TA98,TA100和TA102菌株,加与不加S9,剂量分别设为每皿1000μg,500μg和250μg;小鼠骨髓多染红细胞微核试验,剂量设为雄性、雌性小鼠给药剂量均为250,500和1000mg*kg-1;小鼠睾丸精母细胞染色体畸变试验,剂量设为625mg*kg-1,1250mg*kg-1和2500mg*kg-1.结果表明,Ames试验中,各测试浓度的诱发回变菌落数均未超过自发回变菌落数的2倍;小鼠骨髓多染红细胞微核试验和小鼠睾丸精母细胞染色体畸变试验,各剂量组和溶剂对照组的微核率进行统计学处理,未见有显着性差异(P>0.05),表明各项试验结果均为阴性.因此,己酸二乙氨基乙醇酯无致突变作用.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,165(1):23-47
This paper describes the development, evaluation, and use of a model that simulates the effect of grazing and fire on temporal and spatial aspects of sagebrush community vegetation and sage grouse population dynamics. The model is represented mathematically as a discrete-time, stochastic compartment model based on difference equations with a time interval of 1 week. In the model, sheep graze through sage grouse breeding habitat during spring and fall, and different portions of the area can burn at different frequencies, creating a habitat mosaic of burned and unburned areas.The model was evaluated by examining predictions of (1) growth of sagebrush canopy cover after fire, (2) seasonal dynamics of grass and forb biomass under historical environmental conditions, and (3) sage grouse population dynamics associated with selected sagebrush canopy covers. Simulated changes in sagebrush canopy cover following fire correspond well with qualitative reports of long-term trends, simulated seasonal dynamics of herbaceous biomass correspond well with field data, and simulated responses of sage grouse population size and age structure to changing sagebrush canopy cover correspond well to qualitative field observations.Simulation results suggest that large fires occurring at high frequencies may lead to the extinction of sage grouse populations, whereas fires occurring at low frequencies may benefit sage grouse if burned areas are small and sheep grazing is absent. Sheep grazing may contribute to sage grouse population decline, but is unlikely to cause extinction under fire regimes that are favorable to sage grouse.  相似文献   

Ecological theory predicts that generalist predators should damp or suppress long-term periodic fluctuations (cycles) in their prey populations and depress their average densities. However, the magnitude of these impacts is likely to vary depending on the availability of alternative prey species and the nature of ecological mechanisms driving the prey cycles. These multispecies effects can be modeled explicitly if parameterized functions relating prey consumption to prey abundance, and realistic population dynamical models for the prey, are available. These requirements are met by the interaction between the Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) and three of its prey species in the United Kingdom, the Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis), the field vole (Microtus agrestis), and the Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus). We used this system to investigate how the availability of alternative prey and the way in which prey dynamics are modeled might affect the behavior of simple trophic networks. We generated cycles in one of the prey species (Red Grouse) in three different ways: through (1) the interaction between grouse density and macroparasites, (2) the interaction between grouse density and male grouse aggressiveness, and (3) a generic, delayed density-dependent mechanism. Our results confirm that generalist predation can damp or suppress grouse cycles, but only when the densities of alternative prey are low. They also demonstrate that diametrically opposite indirect effects between pairs of prey species can occur together in simple systems. In this case, pipits and grouse are apparent competitors, whereas voles and grouse are apparent facilitators. Finally, we found that the quantitative impacts of the predator on prey density differed among the three models of prey dynamics, and these differences were robust to uncertainty in parameter estimation and environmental stochasticity.  相似文献   

Among the most familiar sexual signals are red, yellow, and orange sexual traits pigmented by carotenoids. Many birds can detect near-ultraviolet (UV) light, and UV signals can play key roles in mate choice. Grouse (Tetraonidae) exhibit bright carotenoid-dependent sexual ornaments, their supra-orbital combs, which to humans appear orange-red. Combs also reflect in the UV, which is not visible to humans but is likely to be visible to grouse. In male red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus, we show that comb UV reflectance decreases with increasing comb size and redness. By removing the epidermis of combs, where carotenoid pigments are, we show that the UV reflectance is a property of the dermis, underneath the red pigmented epidermis. Carotenoid pigmentation of combs acted as a mask to reduce reflectance by the dermis in the range 400–550 nm and in the UV, 300–400 nm. Patagium skin (non-ornamental skin under the wing) also reflects in the UV, but epidermis removal on this bare part tended to reduce UV reflectance, whereas removal of the red epidermis of combs increased UV reflectance. Males in better condition (greater body mass relative to size) had bigger and redder combs, but with less UV. Thus, carotenoid pigments of grouse combs are deposited on a white background with significant UV reflectance, which can influence how the signal is perceived by conspecifics. Carotenoid-based traits exhibit UV reflectance in a number of species, but how UV reflectance and carotenoid pigmentation influence colour remains little known for integumentary ornaments compared to plumage traits. UV vision is not uncommon in birds and other animals, so future studies should investigate how UV reflectance influences the perception of carotenoid-based signals of quality.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that maternal hormones may play a role in offspring sex adjustment, but little is known about the costs of such hormone-mediated mechanisms. Recent studies have reported sex-specific effects of hormones on offspring viability. Specifically, we previously found that elevating the plasma androgen level in mothers results in a male-biased offspring primary sex ratio, but it affects the viability of sons negatively and daughters positively in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata; Rutkowska and Cichoń, Anim Behav, 71:1283–1288, 2006). In this study, we studied further fitness consequences of exposure to elevated yolk androgen levels in zebra finches. We measured growth rate and cellular immune response of nestlings that hatched from eggs laid by females injected with testosterone during egg laying and nestlings of unaffected control females. We found that sons of testosterone-treated females grew slower in comparison to sons of control females. The significant interaction between experimental group and offspring sex indicates that sons of testosterone-treated mothers suffered impaired immune responsiveness while daughters seemed to benefit from elevated androgen level in terms of enhanced immune responsiveness. We found no effects of androgens on offspring performance at adulthood—neither fecundity of females nor attractiveness of males was affected. We conclude that the benefits of biasing sex ratio towards males by increasing androgen level in the yolk may be limited due to negative effects on male offspring performance early in life.  相似文献   

Summary Demographic data relating to herd size and stability are given for a population of Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) under longterm observation. Temporal dispersion patterns of male and female offspring differed and were independent of the mother's status. Dispersion in females appeared to be related to physiological state, and dispersion in both sexes was related to age rather than changes in parental behaviour. Reproductive success of dominant and subordinate mares was equal and independent of age and social and reproductive variables. Fitness of dominant mares, however, was significantly higher than that of subordinates, the latter having a higher foal mortality, part of which could be attributable to dominants' aggression. The fitness of all males born was 1.6:1 compared with all females. Dominant mares produced significantly more daughters than sons. This trend was not found for subordinates. Mother's status was positively correlated with dominant status in her female offspring but not related to the subsequent status of her sons. Daughters had a more than twice as great a chance of breeding than sons. For maximum fitness gains, therefore, dominant mares should produce more daughters, since a high proportion of these would also have high status and fitness. This tendency is reflected in the sex ratio skewed towards females found for dominant mares.  相似文献   

Human-imprinted ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) chicks were used to evaluate grouse brood food and cover conditions on reclaimed surface mines in northern West Virginia. Reclaimed surface-mined areas did not provide the quality of habitat for ruffed grouse chicks that unmined land provided. On the surface-mined areas, grasslegume reclamation provided the poorest cover and next to the lowest feeding rates. Of the surface-mined areas a 25-year-old reclaimed mine planted to autumn olive had canopy provided a more favorable micro-climate for insects and herbaceous vegetation was established around the edge. Planting rows of shrubs in addition to the current practice of planting grasses and legumes on surface-mined areas is suggested to create ruffed grouse brood habitat.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory posits that mothers should preferentially invest in sons when environmental conditions are favorable for breeding, their mates are of high quality, or they are in good body condition. We tested these three hypotheses in rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata), monomorphic seabirds that lay a single-egg clutch, in 2 years that differed in environmental conditions for breeding. Results supported the environment and mate quality hypotheses, but these effects were interactive: offspring sex was independent of paternal traits in the poor year for breeding, while females mated to larger and more ornamented males reared more sons in the better year. Conversely, offspring sex was unrelated to female condition, as indexed by hatching date. We propose that good rearing conditions enable females to rear sons possessing the desirable phenotypic attributes of their mates. Results also supported two critical assumptions of sex allocation theory: (1) dimorphism in offspring condition at independence: daughters fledged with higher baseline levels of corticosterone than sons and (2) differential costs of rearing sons versus daughters: mothers rearing sons when environmental conditions were poor completed parental care in poorer condition than mothers rearing daughters in the same year and mothers rearing either sex when conditions were better. These novel results may help to explain the disparate results of previous studies of avian sex allocation.  相似文献   

Summary Life histories of rhesus monkey mothers (Macaca mulatta) were classified in terms of (1) whether the mothers were top ranking or not, (2) gave birth to more daughters than sons or vice versa, and (3) gave birth at intervals of one year or of more than a year. Bearing daughters at intervals of more than a year was the most common history among top ranking mothers, while bearing sons annually was most common among other mothers. The consequences for the infants and mothers of such histories were examined and (1) infants were more likely to die as neonates if they had an older sister, especially if the sister had been born in the previous birth season; (2) dyads with daughters received more aggression from other adults in the daughter's first year, but not necessarily through the year following the birth of the next infant (3) when mothers of daughters gave birth of the next infant after at least one fallow year, their daughters directed considerable amounts of harassing aggression to their next-born sibling; and (4) mothers of sons but not of daughters delayed longer when they received more aggression from other adults.We discuss the views that birth sex ratios may be affected by a mother's rank rather than how often she is involved in aggressive encounters with other adults; and that in top-ranking mothers, birth intervals may be controlled more by the infant's sex than aggression the family received. Fitting the data into a life history strategy model is done as a provisional and speculative exercise  相似文献   

Raptors and Red Grouse: Conservation Conflicts and Management Solutions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract: Recovering predator populations may present problems for conservationists if their prey are of economic or conservation value. We address this issue by examining the conflict between raptor conservation and management of Red Grouse (   Lagopus l. scoticus ) in Britain. Heather moorland is a distinctive habitat that supports an important assemblage of breeding birds. Large areas of moorland are managed by private landowners for shooting grouse. Although grouse shooting benefits conservation by retaining heather moorland, it is currently unclear whether grouse management directly benefits other upland birds. Human persecution has greatly restricted the range and abundance of most raptor species in Britain. Following the introduction of bird protection laws, the decline in gamekeeping, and the restriction of organochlorine pesticides, raptor populations have started to recover. Persecution of raptors on grouse moors is widespread and limits the range and abundance of Hen Harriers (  Circus cyaneus ), Peregrine Falcons (   Falco peregrinus ), and Golden Eagles ( Aquila chrysaetos ). In some circumstances, raptor predation can reduce both the breeding density and productivity of Red Grouse. Limitation of grouse populations through raptor predation is most likely to occur where raptors are at high density because of the abundance of alternative prey, and grouse are at low density either because of poor management or the cyclic nature of some grouse populations. In the long term, habitat management may reduce densities of alternative prey, leading to reductions in raptor densities and their predation on grouse. More active intervention may be required, however, if grouse moors are to remain viable in the short-term. Current research is focused on manipulating harrier diet through diversionary feeding. Complementary research is needed to investigate methods to reduce raptor numbers locally while ensuring their national status.  相似文献   

In haplodiploid insects, males develop from unfertilized eggs; consequently, unmated females can reproduce. In a patchy, highly structured population, where brothers compete for mates and the reproductive return through sons is lower, females should minimize the number of male offspring. Consequently, unmated females are likely to have a reduced fitness compared to mated females. Here, we tested the oviposition behaviour of the haplodiploid beetle Coccotrypes dactyliperda. In this species, the unmated female can mate with her son to produce daughters. We predicted that unmated females could increase their fitness by (1) producing only few and small sons sufficient for mother–son mating and (2) dispersing to a patch occupied by conspecific females in order to increase their or their sons’ chance of mating. We demonstrate that (1) unmated females are common (23 % of all females), (2) they oviposit more frequently than mated females in occupied patches, (3) unmated females oviposit more eggs than mated females—this is in spite of the trade-offs, evident in this study, between the number of sons and the number of the mother’s future offspring after mating, (4) unmated females have a higher proportion of dispersing sons, and (5) sons of unmated females are smaller than sons of mated females. We conclude that the incidence of unmated females in the structured populations of C. dactyliperda is explained by plasticity in their oviposition behaviour. We discuss conditions where a high incidence of unmated females can persist as a successful strategy in structured populations.  相似文献   

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