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洞庭湖浮游植物增长的限制性营养元素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年水质监测资料表明,洞庭湖水体富营养化日趋严重。洞庭湖水体主要污染物为氮和磷,而营养盐赋存形态及其含量对浮游植物生长的影响在洞庭湖尚未见报道。2011年9月至2012年8月对洞庭湖浮游植物生物量及主要营养盐赋存形态与含量进行监测,同时利用藻类增长的生物学(NEB)评价方法对限制浮游植物增长的营养盐进行了研究,并分析了浮游植物生物量与各营养元素之间的相关性。结果表明:洞庭湖主要污染物总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的年平均值分别为1.90 mg·L-1和0.093 mg·L-1,溶解态无机氮(DIN)平均占ρ(TN)比例为87%,溶解态总磷(DTP)平均占ρ(TP)比例为70%。洞庭湖水体中,DIN是TN的主要贡献者,且不同形态DIN的贡献大小依次为ρ(NO3--N)〉ρ(NH4+-N)〉ρ(NO2--N);磷形态组成中,TP主要以溶解反应性磷(SRP)存在。春季洞庭湖水体中ρ(TN)、ρ(TP)较高,这一结果可能源于春季面源污染。洞庭湖水体中ρ(Chla)与氮显著正相关,与磷显著负相关。NEB 实验结果表明氮对洞庭湖浮游植物生长有明显的促进作用,其幅度随氮浓度的增加而加强,而磷对浮游植物的生长影响不大,有时出现抑制作用,硝态氮与磷之间不存在交互作用。因此,氮可能是洞庭湖浮游植物增长的主要限制性营养因子,这一研究暗示在洞庭湖富营养化控制过程中应特别注重氮的控制。  相似文献   

绿潮藻类暴发对天鹅湖水体和沉积物磷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏权  邵雪琳  高丽 《生态环境》2014,(1):139-144
在荣成天鹅湖藻类暴发区域采集新鲜沉积物和丝状硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha spp.),进行室内模拟试验,监测了生长过程中硬毛藻的生物量、磷富集量以及不同处理水体总磷(TP)和可溶性磷(SRP)质量浓度的变化,并分析了藻类生长对沉积物中各形态磷含量的影响。结果表明,当水体磷含量较高时,硬毛藻生长较快,相对生长速率高达14.88%,之后随着水体磷浓度的下降,生长速率逐渐减小。不同处理间硬毛藻的生物量相差很大,高磷含量处理显著高于低磷处理,最大差值可达26.50 g。随着藻类的生长,水体TP和SRP含量明显降低,其中高磷含量处理的TP质量浓度由0.93 mg·L-1降至0.01 mg·L-1,低磷含量处理水体SRP质量浓度均降至0.006 mg·L-1以下。当水体磷含量降至一定水平,沉积物中磷可向水体释放,其中可还原态磷和铁铝结合态磷的降幅分别为23.98%和12.61%。在高磷含量处理组,藻体中磷的富集量显著升高,且当水体磷含量相同的条件下,有沉积物处理的富集量显著高于无沉积物处理。相关分析表明,藻体生物量与水体TP和SRP的相关性较好,其中高磷含量处理组生物量与水体TP、SRP呈高度负相关,而相对生长速率与之呈显著正相关。结果说明,水体及沉积物中磷均可作为硬毛藻生长的营养来源;另一方面,藻类生长可明显降低水体磷含量,并促进沉积物中磷的释放。  相似文献   

高振美  赵中华  张波  张路 《生态环境》2011,(6):1063-1067
采用高效液相色谱法对太湖梅梁湾水体中微囊藻毒素的质量浓度进行春、夏、秋、冬4个季节的监测,分析了梅梁湾水体中微囊藻毒素(MC-RR,MC-YR,MC-LR)质量浓度的季节变化特征及其与水体中总氮、总磷、CODMn和浮游藻类等富营养化指标的相关关系。分析结果表明:MCs夏季(8月份)质量浓度最高,为(0.78±0.99)μg.L-1,其次为春季(5月份)和秋季(11月份),分别为(0.43±0.96)和(0.50±1.12)μg.L-1,冬季(2月份)质量浓度显著降低,为(0.14±0.27)μg.L-1;水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与常规水化学指标之间相关性分析表明:MC-LR的质量浓度与TP的质量浓度呈极显著正相关与TN/TP呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01),与CODMn呈显著正相关(P〈0.05);水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与浮游藻类生物量相关性分析表明:水体中MCs的检出质量浓度与微囊藻及蓝藻生物量有显著相关关系,太湖梅梁湾的藻毒素主要由微囊藻属(Microcystis)产生。  相似文献   

在滇池外海北岸重污染水域的0.25 km2封闭性蓝藻治理试验示范区内控养水葫芦(Eichhornia crassipe),通过鉴定与计数水体浮游藻类及监测水葫芦生理指标的变化,研究大水面控养条件下水葫芦与浮游藻类间的相互作用。6月底按9.30kg·m~(-2)投放水葫芦种苗,12月底进行采收,水葫芦控养面积为2.51 hm2。结果显示,该水域共鉴定出浮游藻类隶属7门46种(属),控养水葫芦未显著影响浮游藻类群落结构;水葫芦控养区浮游藻类生物量高于对照区,控养区浮游藻类最大生物量为1.76×109 cells·L-1,是对照区的2.2倍;蓝藻门生物量占浮游藻类总生物量的88.0%以上,且以微囊藻为优势种群,控养区微囊藻生物量高达1.75×109 cells·L-1,是对照区的2.4倍;水葫芦根系对浮游藻类具有明显吸附作用,吸附的微囊藻最大生物量为1.67×109 cells·m~(-2)。吸附于水葫芦根系的高浓度浮游藻类未影响植株株高、根长、生物量的变化,对根系活力与叶片生理变化影响也较小,平均根系表面积和活跃面积分别为0.62和0.28 m2·g-1,平均叶片可溶性糖和可溶蛋白质分别为2.81和0.15 mg·g-1。综上分析,控养水葫芦改变浮游藻类空间分布特征,将其有效吸附滞留于控养区,防止其随风布满湖面;水葫芦根系吸附的高浓度浮游藻类未影响水葫芦正常生长。  相似文献   

乌梁素海是典型的寒旱区湖泊,具有多草、多藻、水浅及寒区气候等特征。针对乌梁素海湖泊富营养化及水华问题,运用AQUATOX模型对乌梁素海湖区主要营养盐的季节变化以及不同藻类(蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻)的演替规律进行了模拟。模拟结果显示,该研究建立的乌梁素海生态系统模型,能较好的模拟水域中营养盐的动态变化以及不同藻类(蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻)的季节演替规律,与乌梁素海实际水环境状况大体吻合。在模拟的基础上,对控制入湖氮、磷污染负荷后营养盐浓度及藻类生物量的响应关系进行探讨。结果显示,在氮磷与营养物响应关系方面,消减入湖氮磷负荷能有效降低乌梁素海湖区相应营养物浓度,且随消减量的加大,其浓度也不断降低。同时消减入湖N,P负荷的20%,营养物TN,TP浓度分别降低17.06%和4.83%;消减入湖N,P负荷的30%,营养物TN,TP浓度分别降低25.62%和6.92%;消减入湖N,P负荷的50%,营养物TN,TP浓度分别降低42.58%和11.56%。在氮磷与藻类响应关系方面,消减氮磷负荷可以有效降低湖内绿藻、蓝藻生物量。同时消减入湖N,P负荷的20%、30%和50%,绿藻及蓝藻生物量平均降幅分别为7.77%、12.60%、19.54%和6.05%、10.60%、13.12%。单一控制磷负荷亦能有效降低绿藻和蓝藻生物量,且作用更加明显,而单一控制氮反而会使蓝藻的生物量增加。因此,在乌梁素海富营养化的治理中,需采取同时消减入湖氮磷负荷或者单一消减磷负荷的措施,以实现抑制水华暴发、改善区域生态的目的。  相似文献   

菌根真菌处理下滇重楼对营养元素的吸收和积累   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张海珠  李杨  张彦如  张杰  黄琴  周浓 《环境化学》2019,38(3):615-625
通过室温盆栽接种实验,研究在灭菌土壤中,不同丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌处理对滇重楼不同采收期的根际土壤和药材中N、P、K、Mg、Na、Ca等10种营养元素吸收积累的影响.结果表明,接种不同AM真菌可增加果熟期重楼药材中Mg、Na、Zn、Ni等营养元素的含量,并能降低重金属离子Cu的含量,而衰老期无明显差异;还可对滇重楼根际土壤中N、P、K、Mn、Ni等营养元素浓度产生一定影响,增强滇重楼对Mg、Zn、Ni的富集能力.在滇重楼的生长过程中,根际土壤和药材中的营养元素含量间存在相关性:成熟期根际土壤中Na含量与药材中N含量呈正相关,衰老期根际土壤P含量与药材中N、Mg含量呈负相关.土壤与药材中的营养元素含量相互影响,并对药材的品质形成有较大影响.故可通过接种AM真菌增加根际土壤和滇重楼药材中相关营养元素的含量,从而起到提高重楼品质的作用.  相似文献   

岷江上游干旱河谷地区的植被恢复是目前急需解决的问题,小马鞍羊蹄甲(Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla)是干旱河谷地区的优势乡土灌木,并作为当地植被恢复过程中的重要备选物种,因而进行小马鞍羊蹄甲种群在土壤贫瘠的干旱河谷的养分限制研究十分必要。针对性地进行施肥将影响到小马鞍羊蹄甲幼苗存活、生长和定殖,而如何有效提高该物种的存活和生长速率对于干旱河谷植被恢复将具有重要的意义。采用野外调查与模拟实验相结合的方法,分别研究了干旱河谷地区3个典型群落(干旱河谷的核心区——飞虹,干旱河谷灌丛与亚高山森林的过渡区——北部的石大关、干旱河谷灌丛与温性森林的过渡区——南部的蓝新镇)中小马鞍羊蹄甲幼苗叶片的化学计量特征,和施肥试验[w(有效氮)分别为100、280、460 mg·kg–1、w(有效磷)分别为12、24、48 mg·kg–1、w(氮)分别为40、70、100 mg·kg–1、w(磷)分别为12和24 mg·kg–1]中叶片化学计量特征及幼苗生长参数(叶片数、基径和株高)和各器官(根茎叶)生物量。结果表明:在野外各演替阶段的小马鞍羊蹄甲幼苗生物量和营养元素质量分数都随着磷肥的增加而增加,表明磷素是植物生长的限制因子,同时N∶P比均大于16,也暗示其受到P养分的限制;在室内施肥试验中,施加N肥没有促进小马鞍羊蹄甲生物量的积累,反而抑制了幼苗生长;施加P肥促进了幼苗生物量的积累,表明幼苗缺乏P元素,养分限制类型为P限制。  相似文献   

不同林龄华北落叶松人工林生物量及营养元素分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示华北落叶松人工林的养分特征,以山西太岳山好地方林场3种林龄(15年生、26年生、40年生)华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,采用样地调查和实测生物量的方法,测定乔木层不同器官、林下植被层和凋落物层生物量、营养元素积累量和年存留量及土壤营养元素(C、N、P、K)含量.结果显示:1)华北落叶松人工林的总生物量由林龄从小到大的顺序分别为61.89、175.81、163.15/t/hm~2.各层生物量分配规律为乔木层凋落物层草本层灌木层.2)华北落叶松人工林乔木层树皮中的C含量最高,树根最低;N、P、K含量中树叶最高,树干最低.随着林龄增加,土壤中有机质和全N含量逐渐减少,全P和全K逐渐增加.3)15年生、26年生和40年生华北落叶松人工林营养元素的总积累量分别为26.12×103、77.29×103、69.60×103 kg/hm~2;随着林龄增加,林下植被层的营养元素积累量先增加后减小,凋落物层逐渐增加.4)26年生华北落叶松人工林林木营养元素年存留量最高.各器官中年存留量最高为树干,最低为树叶和树皮.综上,与15年生和40年生相比,26年生华北落叶松人工林的生物量、营养元素积累量和年存留量较高,因此应定期对林龄较高的华北落叶松人工林进行间伐,使林下生境条件得到改善,林下植被多样性增加,达到维持华北落叶松人工林生态系统稳定和可持续经营的目的.  相似文献   

南亚热带中幼龄针阔混交林生态化学计量特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解南亚热带中幼龄针阔混交林植物、凋落物和土壤生态化学计量特征,本研究以10-11 a、7-9 a和3-5 a林龄人工针阔混交林为研究对象,通过对植物叶片(乔木、灌木和草本)、凋落物及土壤的碳(C)、氮(N)和磷(P)含量及计量比分析,探讨了中幼龄针阔混交林生态化学计量特征、相互关系及其N、P养分限制。结果表明,1)针阔混交林乔木、灌木和草本叶片碳含量均值分别为502.88、472.18和438.31 mg·g-1,其叶片碳含量表现为乔木〉灌木〉草本;叶片全氮含量均值分别为15.87、19.61和15.72 mg·g-1,叶片全磷含量均值为1-09、1.24和0.91 mg·g-1,其叶片氮和磷含量均表现为灌木〉乔木〉草本;凋落物碳、氮和磷含量均值分别为497-07、11-36和0.45 mg·g-1,凋落物氮和磷含量均低于植物。2)针阔混交林乔木叶片C/N、C/P和N/P均值分别为34.43、517-06和15.63,灌木和草本叶片C/N、C/P和N/P均值分别为26.60和28.55、438.77和507.59、16.52和17.95,而凋落物C/N、C/P和N/P为46.50、1193.26和26.17;不同林龄杉木叶片N/P均低于14,表明杉木生长受N限制;10-11 a林龄阔叶树生长受N的限制,7-9 a和3-5 a林龄阔叶树生长受P的限制,灌木和草本生长基本受P限制。3)植物叶片全氮和全磷含量呈极显著正相关(P〈0.01),C/N与C/P呈极显著正相关(P〈0.01),而全磷含量与C/N、C/P、N/P呈极显著和显著负相关(P〈0.01,P〈0-05);土壤有机碳含量与土壤全氮含量、C/P、N/P呈极显著和显著正相关(P〈0.01,P〈0-05)。本研究为中幼龄人工林抚育及可持续经营提供科学参考。  相似文献   

滇池外海北岸封闭水域控养水葫芦对水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在滇池外海北岸污染严重的0.25 km2封闭性蓝藻治理试验示范区内控养水葫芦,以削减富营养化水体内源氮(N)、磷(P)等污染物,探讨有效改善湖泊水质的生物治理措施.6月底按9.30 kg m-2投放水葫芦种苗,控养面积2.51hm2,示范区水面覆盖度为10%.结果显示:水葫芦放养后生长迅速,特别是在7-9月份,最大生长速率达37 2.7 g m-2 d-1;整个植株干物质平均N、P含量分别为23.22 g kg-1和5.03 g kg-1,每t鲜重水葫芦吸收1.63 kg N、0.35 kg P,通过水葫芦种养示范工程,直接由示范工程水域吸收带走N 1.15 t、P 0.25 t;水葫芦生长期间(7-12月),种养区较对照区水体DO、SD和p H均有下降;水葫芦根系具有较好的吸附拦截浮游藻类效果,致使种养区水体TN、TP和CODMn浓度显著高于对照区(P<0.05),并与水体Chl-a浓度显著正相关(P<0.05);水葫芦采收后并未引起二次污染,水质无恶化趋势.综上认为,规模化控养水葫芦可显著削减水体N、P等内源污染负荷,同时对浮游藻类吸附拦截效果明显,可将其滞留于特定水域,又能吸收利用藻类衰亡释放到水体的污染物,减轻外部空白水域水质恶化的压力.  相似文献   

A one year field study of four stations in the Gulf of Bothnia during 1991 showed that the biomass was ca. two times, and primary productivity ca. four times, lower in the north (Bothnian Bay) than in the south (Bothnian Sea) during the summer. Nutrient addition experiments indicated phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton in the Bothanian Bay and the coastal areas in the northern Bothnian Sea, but nitrogen limitation in the open Bothanian Sea. A positive correlation between the phosphate concentration and the production/biomass ratio of phytoplankton was demonstrated, which partly explained the differences in the specific growth rate of the phytoplankton during the summer. Differences in photosynthetic active radiation between the stations also showed a covariation with the primary productivity. The relative importance of nutrient or light limitation for photosynthetic carbon fixation could not, however, the conclusively determined from this study. Marked differences in phytoplankton species composition from north to south were also observed. The number of dominating species was higher in the Bothnian Sea than in the Bothnian Bay. The distribution of some species could be explained as due to nutrient availability (e.g. Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon sp.), while salinity probably limits the distribution of some limnic as well as marine species. The potentially toxic phytoplankton N. spumigena, Dinophysis acuminata and Chrysochromulina spp. were common in the Bothnian Sea but not in the Bothnian Bay. The pico- and nanoplankton biomass during late summer was higher than previously reported due to a revised carbon/volume ratio.  相似文献   

J. Borum 《Marine Biology》1985,87(2):211-218
The effect of nutrient enrichment on epiphyte development was examined by following the seasonal development of epiphyte biomass on eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) at four localities along a nutrient gradient in Roskilde Fjord, Denmark between March and December 1982. In the most nutrient-poor area, epiphyte biomass followed a distinct bimodal seasonal pattern with maxima in spring and early fall. Low nutrient availability and a high rate of eelgrass leaf renewal kept epiphyte biomass at a low level throughout the summer period. Unlike phytoplankton, the epiphytic community was not stimulated by nutrient enrichment during spring, however, from May through August, the biomass of both components increased exponentially with increasing concentrations of total N in the water. Along the nutrient gradient, phytoplankton biomass increased 5- to 10-fold, while epiphyte biomass increased 50- to 100-fold. Thus differences in nutrient conditions among study sites were more clearly reflected by epiphytes than phytoplankton.Contribution No. 419 from the Freshwater-Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen  相似文献   

An approach combining nutrient budgets, dynamic modelling, and field observations of phytoplankton and nitrogen (N2)-fixing Lyngbya majuscula following changes in wastewater N loads, was used to demonstrate that Moreton Bay is potentially phosphorus (P) limited. Modelling and nutrient budgeting shows that benthic N-fixation loads are high, allowing the system to overcome any potential N-limitation. Phytoplankton biomass has shown little change from 1991 to 2006 in the sections of Moreton Bay most impacted by wastewater effluents, despite a large reduction in wastewater N loads from 2000 to 2002. This is consistent with modelling that also showed no reduction in primary productivity associated with reduced N loads. Most importantly, there have been rapid increases in the occurrence of N-fixing L. majuscula in Moreton Bay as wastewater P loads have increased relative to wastewater N loads. This is also consistent with modelling. This work supports the premise that there may be fundamental differences in nutrient limitation of primary production between subtropical and temperate coastal systems due to differences in the importance of internal nitrogen sources and sinks (N-fixation and denitrification). These differences need to be recognised for optimum management of coastal systems.  相似文献   

Edwards KF  Klausmeier CA  Litchman E 《Ecology》2011,92(11):2085-2095
Trade-offs among functional traits are essential for explaining community structure and species coexistence. While two-way trade-offs have been investigated in many systems, higher-dimensional trade-offs remain largely hypothetical. Here we demonstrate a three-way trade-off between cell size and competitive abilities for nitrogen and phosphorus in marine and freshwater phytoplankton. At a given cell size, competitive abilities for N and P are negatively correlated, but as cell size increases, competitive ability decreases for both nutrients. The relative importance of the two trade-off axes appears to be environment dependent, suggesting different selective pressures: freshwater phytoplankton separate more along the N vs. P competition axis, and marine phytoplankton separate more along the nutrient competition vs. cell size axis. Our results demonstrate the multidimensional nature of key trade-offs among traits and suggest that such trade-offs may drive species interactions and structure ecological communities.  相似文献   

土壤是陆地生态系统碳储存的重要场所,其养分变化与全球陆地碳循环密切相关。土壤养分是植物生长的重要保证,而土壤各养分之间是紧密联系的。理解土壤养分变化与环境因素的关系有助于更好地了解陆地生态系统碳、氮、磷循环。本研究以东北北部自东向西沿降水量梯度变化纬度带上的温带森林与干草地生态系统为研究对象,利用气象数据和野外土壤实测数据,分析了纬度带上不同植被类型土壤的有机碳、全氮、碳氮比、速效磷的空间分布格局及其与环境因子(年降水量、年均温、土壤pH值)的关系。研究纬度带上降水量自东向西逐渐减少,植被类型从温带森林过渡到干草原,与降水量和植被类型对应,植被生物量也自东向西呈现从高到低的分布梯度。研究结果表明:从整个研究带上来说,降水量与土壤pH值是土壤养分空间分布的决定因素,沿纬度带从东到西,随着降水量逐渐减少,土壤pH值逐渐增加,而土壤有机碳、全氮、碳氮比、速效磷含量逐渐减少。但如果将森林和草地分别讨论则发现,森林和草地生态系统的土壤养分环境控制因素有较大差别。对于草地生态系统而言,降水量和土壤pH值仍然是其土壤养分含量的控制因子,但森林生态系统由于所处区域降水量充足,降水量不再是其土壤养分的控制因子,降水量只与森林土壤碳氮比呈显著正相关。研究还发现森林土壤的速效磷含量与温度呈正相关,与土壤pH值呈负相关,说明温度对东北北部温带森林的土壤养分含量具有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of warming on a natural phytoplankton community from the Baltic Sea, based on six mesocosm experiments conducted 2005–2009. We focused on differences in the dynamics of three phytoplankton size groups which are grazed to a variable extent by different zooplankton groups. While small-sized algae were mostly grazer-controlled, light and nutrient availability largely determined the growth of medium- and large-sized algae. Thus, the latter groups dominated at increased light levels. Warming increased mesozooplankton grazing on medium-sized algae, reducing their biomass. The biomass of small-sized algae was not affected by temperature, probably due to an interplay between indirect effects spreading through the food web. Thus, under the higher temperature and lower light levels anticipated for the next decades in the southern Baltic Sea, a higher share of smaller phytoplankton is expected. We conclude that considering the size structure of the phytoplankton community strongly improves the reliability of projections of climate change effects.  相似文献   

Nutrient resorption from seagrass leaves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The resorption of nutrients (C, N and P) from senescent leaves of six seagrass species from nine different locations in tropical (Indonesia and Kenya), Mediterranean (Spain) and temperate (The Netherlands) regions has been investigated. Resorption was quantitatively assessed by calculating the difference in nutrient content between the leaves with the highest content, and the oldest leaves. In order to do so, the leaves were classified according to their age. The nutrient contents of leaves of a given age category were calculated by multiplying the measured nutrient concentration in this age category with its corresponding modelled leaf biomass. N- and P-concentrations declined during ageing and senescence of the leaves in all of the investigated situations but two. The decline in concentration varied up to 58% for N and up to 66% for P. The C-concentration declined on three of the investigated occasions and varied up to 24%. Despite a decline in concentration, the leaf C-content did not change, indicating no resorption of carbon. The efficiency of N-resorption from intact seagrass leaves varied between 3.8 and 29% (average: 15%), while the efficiency of phosphorus resorption varied between 0 and 51% (average: 21%). The resorption efficiency was not significantly different in seagrasses with a relatively high and a relatively low nutrient concentration, although within-species comparisons showed that in some cases resorption efficiency was positively related to the nutrient concentration of the leaves. Premature loss of leaves and leaf fragments (by e.g. herbivory) may substantially interfere with the resorption process. In Indonesian seagrasses we estimated that as a result of fragmentation and premature detachment only between 56 and 77% of the physiological resorption potential actually was realised. It is concluded that internal resorption may play a role in the nutrient dynamics of seagrass plants, but that its quantitative importance probably is limited. Nutrient resorption from senescent seagrass leaves may reduce the nutrient requirements for seagrass leaf production by approximately 10% for nitrogen and 15% for phosphorus. Received: 28 September 1996 / Accepted: 7 November 1996  相似文献   

Growth and nutrient uptake of seven tree species were evaluated with the goal of selecting the species that can be used for wastewater enhancement by dendro-purification, or green tree filtering, and for restoration of riparian woodlands. Trees were grown in pots with an inert mixture of perlite and vermiculite and irrigated with either nutrient solution or treated wastewater We measured the effects of species and irrigation water on biomass and nutrient content of leaves, stems and roots. For most of the species, treated wastewater had a positive effect on final biomass and above ground: below ground ratio compared to that of nutrient solution. However, growth of Cupressus sempervirens and Populus nigra were inhibited by water sodium concentration. Nerium oleander, Tamarix africana and Vitex agnus-castus were the species with the greatest final biomass. Pistacia terebinthus had the highest nitrogen and phosphorus content in leaves, stems and roots, while N. oleander and V. agnus-castus showed the best potassium accumulation. In general, P. terebinthus, N. oleander, T. africana and V. agnus-castus were the best qualified species for purification of wastewater.  相似文献   

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