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生态廊道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生境破碎化导致生物多样性降低,生态功能受损。构建生态廊道可以连通彼此隔离的景观元素,达到保护和恢复生物多样性、维护和传递生态功能的重要作用。该研究全面介绍了生态廊道的概念、起源和发展历程,从生物多样性保护、生态环境保护、生态安全格局建设及全球气候变化应对等方面分析生态廊道的生态学功能。介绍了生态廊道构建的关键理论和方法,并提出考虑生物生境、廊道长度和廊道质量对生态廊道有效性的影响。我国生态廊道研究起步相对较晚,多局限于城市绿化、景观审美以及小范围生态保护等方面,因此,通过分析国际大型生态廊道案例的构建依据、方法及其获得成果,为我国生态廊道建设提供借鉴。提出我国生态廊道应注重其在景观和区域尺度上的生态功能发挥,并可依托于已有的生态规划基础进行构建。  相似文献   

农业集约化引起的景观变化是导致农业景观生物多样性丧失的重要原因,为评估农业景观结构变化对物种多样性的影响,探索生物多样性未来的变化趋势,研究基于Meta分析(Meta-Analysis)构建我国农区不同土地利用强度的生物多样性数据库,收集了来自全国298个农业景观样地的15 042条物种记录。依据线性混合效应模型构建我国农区土地利用强度-生物多样性关系模型,并以浙江省为例,结合浙江省退耕还林、生态农业发展等土地利用政策和规划,基于Dyna-CLUE模型模拟不同情景下土地利用的空间分布,将土地利用空间分布模拟和土地利用强度-生物多样性关系模型结果输入Flus-Biodiversity模型,从而模拟典型农区生物多样性的空间分布格局,提出浙江省农田生物多样性保护目标优化方案。Meta分析显示,无论在景观尺度还是局部管理尺度上,随着农田土地利用强度的增加,生物多样性均呈显著下降趋势。情景模拟发现,在所有情景中生物多样性都呈下降趋势,其中生态保育情景下降幅度最小,将常规农田转换为生态农田时生物多样性有所提高。因此,为进一步保护多样性、提升生态系统服务、改善生态环境,一方面应尽量保护农田周围的自然和半自然生境,以减少土地利用改变对农业生物多样性的破坏;其次,适当增加农业景观中的半自然生境,如人工林等,构建合理的农业景观格局;第三,适度推动有机管理或生态管理,合理化减少化肥和农药的施用,有利于区域生物多样性的保护;第四,在保证耕地红线的前提下,应深入推进退耕还林政策,严格限制生态功能区的土地开发,同时注重生物多样性完整性损失严重区域的保护。  相似文献   

全国重要生态功能区生态安全评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
《全国生态功能区划》提出的50个国家重要生态功能区域,对于国家和区域生态安全保障具有重要指导意义。从生态胁迫和生态结构与功能2个方面选取指标构建生态安全评价体系,以2000、2005和2010年生态系统遥感数据为基础,分区对全国重要生态功能区生态安全进行评价,识别生态安全状况呈恶化趋势的区域,为全国重要生态功能区的生态安全保障工作提供理论基础和科学依据。结果显示,水源涵养区和生物多样性保护区的生态安全指数相对较高,土壤保持重要区的生态安全状况较差;重要生态功能区总体生态安全状况呈下降趋势,比较显著的变化包括洞庭湖洪水调蓄重要区和藏东南山地热带雨林生物多样性保护重要区的生态环境状况改善明显,黑河中下游防风固沙重要区的生态安全指数值最小且呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

农业生物多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,可提供人类可持续发展所需的多种生态服务,但公众对于其重要性的认识远不及自然保护。作为全球生物多样性最为丰富之一、最早加入《生物多样性公约》及重要的农业国家,中国进一步加强农业生物多样性保护,对履行公约及推动农业可持续发展具有重要意义。该研究回顾了过去几十年中国农业生物多样性保护政策的发展过程、具体措施及成效,指出中国农业生物多样性的保护程度逐年加强,在种质资源保护、渔业资源保护、牧业资源保护、外来物种入侵防治方面开展了很多工作,并取得一定成效,但是仍然面临生境退化和破坏、外来物种入侵、遗传资源锐减、环境污染、气候变化等威胁。鉴于2020年后农业生物多样性保护在全球生物多样性保护中的受重视程度增加,笔者对于中国如何进一步加强农业生物多样性保护提出了6个方面的建议,包括:建立农业生物多样性调查和监测体系;建立农区生物多样性保护的国家计划,整合农业多样性保护、生态修复和农业可续发展,推动多目标的协同实现;推动建立完善的农业生物多样性保护政策、法律和生态补偿措施;完善针对外来物种防控的法律和政策;加强农业生物多样性保护利用的方法和技术研究;加强科普教育和推动公众参与。  相似文献   

土地整理中生态环境保护问题及对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
土地整理是一项旨在通过对土地利用方式、利用结构及利用布局进行综合整治,以达到改善农业生产条件和生态环境,提高土地生产力,实现土地集约化利用的利国利民的活动。从当前实际情况来看,对通过土地整理增加耕地面积,提高土地生产力这个目标比较重视,也做得比较好;但由于对保护农业生态环境这一目标重视不够,同时缺乏一整套完整的农地整理生态绩效的评价体系和方法,导致土地整理对农业生态环境产生了一些不良影响,影响了土地资源可持续利用。文章从生态学的角度分析了当前我国土地整理过程中存在的环境保护问题,并针对问题提出了保护生物多样性、实施景观生态规划、建立评价体系等对策,以达到土地资源可持续利用;最后对广东典型区域农地整理生态环境保护问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

自然圣境在生物多样性和文化多样性保护方面具有特殊地位。采用关键人物访谈、重要值、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数等方法,对浙西南钱江源-百山祖国家公园片区及其周边8个代表性村寨的4种自然圣境[风水林、水口林(水尾林)、古坟林和古道林]及其植物群落和植物物种多样性特征进行调查。结果发现,裸子植物在浙西南圣境乔木层中占有明显优势,但不同的自然圣境乔木层优势科和物种多样性存在差异。由于文化信仰和当地管理的作用,圣境中保存一些我国特有的珍稀濒危动植物,并且圣境中许多植物具有较高的食用、景观、科研、生态和经济等价值。然而,随着人口外流,文化信仰逐步消失,已难以保护这些自然圣境,急需创新管护机制,将重要但遭受威胁的自然圣境纳入现代保护体系中。  相似文献   

黄山是我国著名的风景名胜区及世界重要的人类自然和文化遗产,具有观赏游览、科学研究及文化艺术活动等功能。为了实现旅游经济与生态环境的协调和可持续发展,提出了在黄山风景区内划分特殊自然及人文景观保护小区的观点,并划出第四纪冰川遗迹、花岗岩石林地貌、泥炭藓沼泽、松林及温泉等景观生态保护小区。主要探讨黄山风景区第四纪冰川遗迹景观生态保护小区的分布、特征及保护措施。  相似文献   

现代城郊农业的功能定位及其评价研究——以北京市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李洪庆  刘黎明 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1428-1433
现代城市郊区化趋势下的城郊农业功能发生了质的转变,由提供农副产品的单一性功能逐渐转变为多样性功能,为城乡一体化布局和城市功能互补发挥了独特的作用。剖析了现代城郊农业的功能定位问题,并从生产服务功能、生态保育功能、景观文化功能三个方面构建了评价指标体系。采取类比法评价了北京市城郊农业的功能特征,估算其总经济价值量约为1100亿元,其中生产服务功能占28%,生态保育功能占66%,景观文化功能占6%。在此基础上,提出了北京市城郊农业发展模式应以生产服务为基础,生态保育为重点,景观文化为特色,探讨了京郊农业可持续发展的相应对策。  相似文献   

宋健主任在讲话中分析了当前国内外的政治、经济和环境保护形势。针对当前世界各国都面临着保护和建设生态环境的重大问题,论述了以保护生物多样性为中心的全球生态环境保护工作。根据我国的具体情况,宋健提出,建立自然保护区是保护生物多样性和控制生态环境恶化的最有效的途径,同时指出,加强自然保护区管理的措施是;1.要走向法制轨道;2.要科学管理;3.要广泛开辟经费渠道。  相似文献   

围绕生态住宅和住区的5大主题(健康、自然和环境保护、生态良性循环、风水、生态文明)中的健康与自然和环境保护2个主题,从建材、布局和结构、服务与管理4个方面阐述维护人的身心和环境健康;从合理利用和保护水、土、气、生物多样性等生态资产和生态服务功能方面阐述保护自然和环境的内容和措施.  相似文献   

人类活动对上海市生物多样性空间格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示人类活动对城市化地区生物多样性空间格局的影响及其景观生态学机制,文章将上海市作为研究对象,选择3个人类活动指标、3个主要类型生态系统的4个景观特征指标与8个生物多样性指标,探讨人类活动强度、野生动植物生境景观特征及生物多样性三者之间的相互关系。结果显示,人口增长和城市扩张对上海市生物多样性的空间格局产生了显著影响。在上海地区,人口密度较高、交通较为发达的区域,湿地和农田的景观连续性较低,生物多样性也较低,外来入侵物种丰度较高。这表明在快速城市化过程中,人类活动通过改变野生动植物栖息地景观质量来对区域生物多样性产生影响。本研究还显示,经济发展并非一定对生物多样性具有负面影响。因此,在保持经济发展的同时,通过优化产业结构与加强生物多样性管理,可实现对生物多样性有效保护。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The widespread conversion of rural land to low-density residential development poses an immediate threat to biodiversity and to the provision of ecosystem services. Given that development will continue and environmental stakes are high, analyzing alternative growth strategies is critical. Conservation development is one such strategy that has the potential to benefit ecosystems and diverse stakeholders including developers, homebuyers, governments, and society as a whole. Conservation development clusters homes on one part of a property to manage the most ecologically important land for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. We draw on lessons learned from landscape ecology, open-space development, and regional planning to weigh the biophysical, economic, and institutional evidence for and against conservation development. Conservation development offers many potential environmental and economic advantages: relatively high home values and appreciation rates, lower development costs, and social and ecological benefits to society including landscape connectivity, protection and active stewardship of important ecological assets, and the maintenance of ecosystem services. But this approach also has shortcomings: it may require enlightened institutional regulations and regional planning (and/or ecologically aware developers), it is not always more profitable than conventional development and thus may require subsidies or incentives, and additional research is required to fully understand its benefits and drawbacks. With more information on the effects of clustering, the development of flexible zoning laws, and effective regional planning, conservation development could be a viable strategy for sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in changing landscapes.  相似文献   

南昌市生态空间和生态保护红线划定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态保护红线作为生态空间的刚性约束区域,是保障和维护国家生态安全的底线和生命线。结合国土空间规划双评价技术,以南昌市为例,选取水源涵养功能、水土保持功能、水质保护功能、生物多样性保护功能4种重要性指标和土壤侵蚀、酸沉降、水污染3种敏感性指标,采用模型评估法和净初级生产力定量指标评估法,开展生态空间和生态保护红线划定研究。结果表明:南昌市生态保护红线面积为1648.43 km2,占总面积的22.27%,以水质保护与水污染敏感红线和生物多样性维护功能生态保护红线为主,面积分别为787.93 km2和628.96 km2,主要分布在南昌市梅岭森林公园及周边地区、中部赣江与瑶湖范围、东部军山湖与青岚湖地区、西部鄱阳湖湖域以及近鄱阳湖部分区域,以水域、农田、森林3种地类为主;生态空间面积为4271.43 km2,占总面积的57.70%,主要分布在南昌东部、南部以及西南方向,以农田、森林地类为主;其他空间面积为1482.67 km2,占总面积的20.03%,主要分布在南昌市中部以及市区周边部分地区,以建设用地为主。研究结果可为区域国土空间规划和生态安全提供参考。  相似文献   

Sustainability standards and certification serve to differentiate and provide market recognition to goods produced in accordance with social and environmental good practices, typically including practices to protect biodiversity. Such standards have seen rapid growth, including in tropical agricultural commodities such as cocoa, coffee, palm oil, soybeans, and tea. Given the role of sustainability standards in influencing land use in hotspots of biodiversity, deforestation, and agricultural intensification, much could be gained from efforts to evaluate and increase the conservation payoff of these schemes. To this end, we devised a systematic approach for monitoring and evaluating the conservation impacts of agricultural sustainability standards and for using the resulting evidence to improve the effectiveness of such standards over time. The approach is oriented around a set of hypotheses and corresponding research questions about how sustainability standards are predicted to deliver conservation benefits. These questions are addressed through data from multiple sources, including basic common information from certification audits; field monitoring of environmental outcomes at a sample of certified sites; and rigorous impact assessment research based on experimental or quasi‐experimental methods. Integration of these sources can generate time‐series data that are comparable across sites and regions and provide detailed portraits of the effects of sustainability standards. To implement this approach, we propose new collaborations between the conservation research community and the sustainability standards community to develop common indicators and monitoring protocols, foster data sharing and synthesis, and link research and practice more effectively. As the role of sustainability standards in tropical land‐use governance continues to evolve, robust evidence on the factors contributing to effectiveness can help to ensure that such standards are designed and implemented to maximize benefits for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Conservation and protection of soil and water resources and visual aspects of landscape, as well as the promotion of biodiversity, are some of the central tasks of environmental policy development and social politics in the future. One of the main questions is: ‘which agricultural systems are able to guarantee sustained resource-conserving land use?’ Based on the ecological risk concepts of the 1970s and 1980s, a potential impact model was developed using a universal assessment algorithm derived from fuzzy logic. The model estimated the potential impact of agricultural land use on ecosystem function using a few resource indicators. Intervention intensities of agricultural land-use are set in relation to site conditions and aggregated for each of several defined potential impact categories. The interpretation with respect to risk and the calculation of potential impact values are explained.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Tradable permits are increasingly becoming part of environmental policy and conservation programs. The efficacy of tradable permit schemes in addressing the root cause of environmental decline—economic growth—will not be achieved unless the schemes cap economic activity based on ecological thresholds. Lessons can be learned from the largest tradable permit scheme to date, emissions trading now being implemented with the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol caps neither greenhouse gas emissions at a level that will achieve climate stability nor economic growth. If patterned after the Kyoto Protocol, cap-and-trade schemes for conservation will not ameliorate biodiversity loss either because they will not address economic growth. In response to these failures to cap economic growth, professional organizations concerned about biodiversity conservation should release position statements on economic growth and ecological thresholds. The statements can then be used by policy makers to infuse these positions into the local, national, and international environmental science-policy process when these schemes are being developed. Infusing language into the science-policy process that calls for capping economic activity based on ecological thresholds represents sound conservation science. Most importantly, position statements have a greater potential to ameliorate biodiversity loss if they are created and released than if this information remains within professional organizations because there is the potential for these ideas to be enacted into law and policy.  相似文献   

Ecotourism contains the integration from ecological integrity and economic benefits to environmental and historically sensitive areas. One of the major keys of ecotourism-planning strategies is to ensure the sustainability of unique natural and cultural resources by a balance strategy between protection and use. It causes both the increase of the ecotourism awareness of local people and visitors and the decrease of the environmental problems and visitor pressures on the landscape resources of potential ecotourism areas. For this reason, the study presents the example of Iznik which is an ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman city of Nicaea with its lake, historical walls and gates, churches and early-period mosques, ceramic tiles, and agricultural activities on the southeast of Marmara Region, Turkey. It has been declared to have a different protected area status. However, the number of unsuitable management and uncontrolled economic activities has caused damage to sensitive landscape values. The aim of this research is to define ecotourism criteria for Iznik and it offers ecotourism strategies for the sustainability of sensitive landscape areas. Fieldwork, field observation, interviews and survey study with integrated multiple-criteria decision analysis and strengths-weakness-opportunities-threats (SWOT) analysis conducted with locals, tourists and experts were performed for this purpose. According to the results, among the 4 main and 15 sub-criteria of ecotourism to be in UNESCO Tentative List, the opportunity for ecotourism-planning strategy was found as the highest priority ranking. This research proposes a framework by using a priority-ranking method for the development of ecotourism strategies in the town.  相似文献   

中国农业发展正呈现现代化、结构优化、产业化、标准化、信息化、生态良性化等发展趋势。在经济全球化背景下 ,中国加入WTO后 ,农业生态学也面临着新的问题和任务 ,主要包括 :(1 )农业结构调整中的生态学问题 ;(2 )农业生物安全问题 ;(3)食物安全与生态农业建设问题 ;(4)农业资源与物种多样性保护问题 ;(5)农业生态管理与生态补偿问题 ;(6)农业与农村生态环境建设与生态恢复问题 ;(7)农业人口迁移与城市化过程中的生态学问题 ;(8)贫困地区的农业生态经济与可持续发展问题  相似文献   

种间联结的研究对于人工林群落的生物多样性保育和可持续经营与管理具有重要的意义,目前对巨桉人工林灌木层物种之间的作用关系知之甚少。根据野外60个样方的调查数据,运用x^2检验、Jaccard指数和Spearman秩相关系数研究了巨桉(Eucalyptusgrandis)人工林灌木层18个优势种的种间关联和相关关系。结果表明,灌木层优势种具有总体上的正联结性,但在153个种对中,具有显著正联结性的种对数约占总种对数的10%,绝大数种对表现为弱联结性或无联结性,种间关系较为松散,表明巨桉林下灌木种群具有相对独立分布的特性。研究种间关系时,种间关联结合种间相关得出的结果较好。根据分析结果将18个优势种划分为4个生态种组,生态种组内的种其资源利用方式和生态要求相似,而组间表现出明显的差异。生态种组的划分能为巨桉人工林林下灌木层的管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The unlimited economic growth that fuels capitalism's metabolism has profoundly transformed a large portion of Earth. The resulting environmental destruction has led to an unprecedented rate of biodiversity loss. Following large-scale losses of habitats and species, it was recognized that biodiversity is crucial to maintaining functional ecosystems. We sought to continue the debate on the contradictions between economic growth and biodiversity in the conservation science literature and thus invite scholars to engage in reversing the biodiversity crisis through acknowledging the impacts of economic growth. In the 1970s, a global agenda was set to develop different milestones related to sustainable development, including green–blue economic growth, which despite not specifically addressing biodiversity reinforced the idea that economic development based on profit is compatible with the planet's ecology. Only after biodiversity loss captured the attention of environmental sciences researchers in the early 2000s was a global biodiversity agenda implemented. The agenda highlights biodiversity conservation as a major international challenge and recognizes that the main drivers of biodiversity loss derive from economic activities. The post-2000 biodiversity agendas, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the post-2020 Convention on Biological Diversity Global Strategy Framework, do not consider the negative impacts of growth-oriented strategies on biodiversity. As a result, global biodiversity conservation priorities are governed by the economic value of biodiversity and its assumed contribution to people's welfare. A large body of empirical evidence shows that unlimited economic growth is the main driver of biodiversity loss in the Anthropocene; thus, we strongly argue for sustainable degrowth and a fundamental shift in societal values. An equitable downscaling of the physical economy can improve ecological conditions, thus reducing biodiversity loss and consequently enhancing human well-being.  相似文献   

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