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环境标志与清洁生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ISO14000系列国际环境管理标准始终贯彻清洁生产思想,尤其是体现在ISO14020系列环境标志标准中.环境标志不仅能为清洁生产提供有效的市场机制,是企业实施清洁生产的原动力,同时也是对清洁生产成果的权威认证,而实施清洁生产则是获得环境标志的有效手段,因此,只有做到环境标志与清洁生产相互促进、共同发展,才能真正实现经济、社会、环境三效统一.  相似文献   

ISO14000系列国际环境管理标准始终贯彻清洁生产思想,尤其是体现在ISO14020系列环境标志标准中.环境标志不仅能为清洁生产提供有效的市场机制,是企业实施清洁生产的原动力,同时也是对清洁生产成果的权威认证,而实施清洁生产则是获得环境标志的有效手段,因此,只有做到环境标志与清洁生产相互促进、共同发展,才能真正实现经济、社会、环境三效统一.  相似文献   

本文回顾了中国的清洁生产实践,总结了中央、地方政府的清洁生产政策和活动、清洁生产的国际合作活动;分析了推广清洁生产已取得的进展,并且讨论了各种挑战;为在中国更为广泛实现清洁生产,提出了10条建议.在本文的编写期间,涂瑞和先生受中国国家环保总局派遣在联合国环境署技术、工业与经济局工作.  相似文献   

2002年6月29日,第九届全国人大常委会第28次会议审议通过了<中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法>,该法自2003年1月1日起施行.我国清洁生产促进法的公布和实施,标志着我国环境战略由"末端治理"向全过程控制的转变,将为我国实现可持续发展奠定良好的法律基础.  相似文献   

在中国推广清洁生产:综述与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文回顾了中国的清洁生产实践,总结了中央,地方政府的清洁生产政策和活动清洁生产的国际合作活动分析了推广清洁生产已取得的进展,并且讨论了各种挑战,为在中国更为广泛实现清洁生产,提出了10条建议。  相似文献   

浅议清洁生产技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清洁生产技术的辨识与推广一直是清洁生产推行的重要内容.然而,有必要对清洁生产技术的界定和现行清洁生产技术的推广模式进行反思.本文从技术系统整体的角度首先回顾了人类对于技术与环境问题关系的反思,明确技术进步并不必然导致环境危机,反之清洁生产技术也不必然带来可持续发展;接着,从技术轨迹出发探讨了清洁生产技术的识别和实现途径.最后,给出几点建议.  相似文献   

清洁生产技术的辨识与推广一直是清洁生产推行的重要内容.然而,有必要对清洁生产技术的界定和现行清洁生产技术的推广模式进行反思.本文从技术系统整体的角度首先回顾了人类对于技术与环境问题关系的反思,明确技术进步并不必然导致环境危机,反之清洁生产技术也不必然带来可持续发展;接着,从技术轨迹出发探讨了清洁生产技术的识别和实现途径.最后,给出几点建议.  相似文献   

推行清洁生产 预防工业污染   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
推行清洁生产是环境保护政策政策的发展趋势,是协调经济发展与环境保护的重要对策。文章综述了末端治理存在的种种弊端,提出了实现清洁生产的主要途径。  相似文献   

资金匮乏仍然是阻碍企业广泛实施清洁生产的主要原因之一.这一问题在中小企业中尤为严重,因为资金提供方往往认为投资它们比投资大企业的风险大,而收益却很小.这种状况非常不利于拉丁美洲实现清洁生产,因为中小企业在拉丁美洲工业部门中占的比例非常之大(约为 95%).联合国环境署( UNEP)赞助的拉丁美洲清洁生产信贷计划将利用清洁生产中心的经验和技术、国际绿色基金以及财力雄厚的地方商业银行帮助该地区实现清洁生产.  相似文献   

Lu  SP 《产业与环境》1999,21(3):48-50
上海市政府已经采取了一种可持续发展思路来实现其长远发展目标,清洁生产被认为是上海地区技术现代化的一个组成部分。上海市环保局和市经委目前正在编制“上海市促进清洁生产框架计划”。  相似文献   

实施ISO14000标准与清洁生产相结合推动经济可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分析实施ISO14000标准与清洁生产的关系,论述了实施ISO14000标准与清洁生产相结合是推动经济可持续发展的重要手段,同时指出了当前实施ISO14000标准与清洁生产中存在的问题。  相似文献   

汽车制造行业清洁生产分析方法及实例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以天津丰田汽车项目为例,从生产工艺先进性、能源与资源利用合理性、产品清洁性等方面对汽车制造行业清洁生产进行分析。根据有关资料,介绍国内及国际汽车工业涂装漆现状及发展趋势,进而说明汽车制造行业实行清洁生产的必要性。  相似文献   

I analyze the pricing and investment behavior of a firm that signals the environmental attributes of its production technology through its price to uninformed environmentally conscious consumers. I then analyze the effect of change in environmental regulation on the signaling outcome and the firm's ex ante incentive to invest in cleaner technology. When regulation is weak, a firm signals cleaner technology through higher price; in this case, the firm earns lower profit when it has cleaner technology and thus, has no incentive to invest in cleaner technology. The price charged by the clean firm declines sharply beyond a critical level of regulation. When regulation is sufficiently stringent, the firm with cleaner technology charges lower price but earns higher signaling profit, and ex ante the firm has positive incentive to invest in cleaner technology. With weak regulation, the incentive of the firm to directly disclose its environmental performance rather than signal it through price is increasing in the level of regulation; the opposite holds when regulation is sufficiently stringent.  相似文献   

I analyze the pricing and investment behavior of a firm that signals the environmental attributes of its production technology through its price to uninformed environmentally conscious consumers. I then analyze the effect of change in environmental regulation on the signaling outcome and the firm's ex ante incentive to invest in cleaner technology. When regulation is weak, a firm signals cleaner technology through higher price; in this case, the firm earns lower profit when it has cleaner technology and thus, has no incentive to invest in cleaner technology. The price charged by the clean firm declines sharply beyond a critical level of regulation. When regulation is sufficiently stringent, the firm with cleaner technology charges lower price but earns higher signaling profit, and ex ante the firm has positive incentive to invest in cleaner technology. With weak regulation, the incentive of the firm to directly disclose its environmental performance rather than signal it through price is increasing in the level of regulation; the opposite holds when regulation is sufficiently stringent.  相似文献   

在区域开发项目中合理地利用资源是反映区域内经济布局,产业结构及生产工艺先进与清洁的一个方面,其合理性分析是区域环境评价与环境规划中必不可少的一部分。本文列举了天津市近年来完成的有代表性的区域环境规划与环境评价项目中有关内容的类比分析方法。  相似文献   

I develop an innovative environmental new growth model driven by researchers striving for monopoly profits. Skilled labour is allocated between production vintages and two forms of research, ordinary and environmentally oriented. The intermediate sector includes fixed costs and decreasing returns, limiting the number of vintages used. I solve for planner's, laissez-faire, and regulator's solutions, and examine welfare implications and the various distortions in the model (monopoly power, knowledge spillovers, business stealing, environmental externalities). A regulator may wish: (i) to encourage environmentally oriented research; (ii) to concentrate production labour on recent (cleaner) vintages; (iii) to switch labour from production to research. An environmental sales tax may under some circumstances achieve all three—such taxes not only give incentives to reduce pollution, but also shift profits from old vintages to new, thus raising incentives to come up with newer (cleaner) vintages. An environmental tax may even lead to an increase in the rate of production growth.  相似文献   

我国污水处理的发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
目前我国污水处理的总体发展趋势;一是普及城市污水处理,二是提高工业废水排放达标率,三是推广污水回用。论文重点介绍了城市污水的强化一级处理、数学模型用于精确控制的技术,清洁生产在提高工业废水排放达标方面的作用,以及再生水作为环境用水的回用方式。  相似文献   

通过对清洁生产与绿色产业的阐述以及临安市社会经济发展现状的分析,指出临安市工业经济发展面临一次必然的选择,即以清洁生产与绿色产业为发展目标,并提出相应的一些设想和措施。  相似文献   

The paper explores the objectives, strategies and barriers to cleaner production (CP) implementation in China. Successful demonstration projects in China have shown that CP is a strategy for reducing pollution and costs, increasing competitiveness and achieving an integrated balance between economic and environmental benefits. As such, it is an inevitable choice and important contribution to sustainable development. However, it has not progressed enough as a strategy for continuous improvement since its effects are limited to industrial sectors or regions. CP implementation can be assisted by further popularization, policy system improvement, perception and awareness raising and technology innovation. These dimensions are the key tasks and incentives for all levels of government, enterprises and social organizations in moving toward sustainability.  相似文献   

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