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丝瓜是长江流域度过"春淡"的重要瓜菜之一.在珠江三角洲地区与东南沿海地区以及云贵高原种植面积逐年增加,近7年的推广,早冠丝瓜种植面积已达15万亩.为了更好的推广丝瓜新品种,现将早冠丝瓜系列品种推广及栽培技术介绍如下.  相似文献   

丝瓜对食品废水的净化功能及经济效益   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文研究了丝瓜(Luffacylindrica)在水面上的水培技术,对食品工业废水(啤酒废水)的净化功能及其经济效益。其试验结果表明:采用水培技术将丝瓜栽种在水面上是完全成功的。该法已经被应用到无锡市酿酒总厂食品工业废水净化处理。在5月份,丝瓜对啤酒废水中污染物TN的净化率为78.6%,TP78.0%,NH+_4-N99.6%,COD22.5%,浊度80.9%。在6月份,丝瓜的净化率为TN89.1%,TP90.4%,NH+_4-N99.2%,COD44.1%和浊度86.4%。由此可见,丝瓜是一种对食品废水净化的优良植物,其经济效益也很显著,每亩水面丝瓜(果实)可达2000kg~2500kg,经济价值达2000元~2500元。  相似文献   

不同温度下四川马尔康岷江柏种子的发芽特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对不同温度下岷江柏(CupressuschengianaS. Y. Hu)种子的发芽特征研究,分析了种子的发芽周期和最适发芽温度,以及温度对种子发芽的影响,并讨论了岷江柏的发芽特征与环境温度的关系.结果表明,种子发芽周期为20d,其中0~5d为准备期, 5~15d为对数期.种子发芽温度为5~30℃,适宜发芽温度为10~25℃, 5℃和30℃均不利于种子发芽.在贮藏过程中,贮藏开始阶段10℃不利于种子发芽, 10~25℃贮藏4~10mo后的发芽率没有差异.种子最适发芽温度在2003年1月、4月、7月和10月分别为25℃、10℃、15℃和25℃.在不同温度下,种子发芽率没有差异,而种子发芽势和达到50 %发芽的天数有显著差异.岷江柏种子的发芽周期和最适发芽温度,以及贮藏过程中的发芽特征与环境温度有着密切的关系,这是它对自然环境的一种适应表现. 图3表2参30  相似文献   

不同电场对大豆种子萌发的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
分别对大豆种子进行低压电场长期处理和高压电场短时处理 ,测定了不同电场处理后种子发芽势、浕 -淀粉酶和过氧化物酶活性、可溶性蛋白含量以及种子超弱发光的变化 .发现低压长期处理 (± 0 .2~ 1.0kV/cm ,每天 8h)对大豆种子的萌发没有明显影响 ,高压短时处理 (2~ 6kV/cm ,30min)能促进种子萌发 ,显著提高种子的发芽势、浕 -淀粉酶、过氧化物酶活性和可溶性蛋白含量 ,高压短时处理吸胀种子比处理干种子的效果更为明显 .短时高压电场处理后 ,种子的超弱发光明显增强 ,并且种子超弱发光的变化与生理生化指标的变化具有显著相关性 ,提示超弱发光有可能成为一种准确、快捷、灵敏筛选种子最佳电场处理剂量的物理指标 .图 1表 3参 17  相似文献   

以南亚热带常见的先锋乡土树种藜蒴(Castanopsis fissa)为研究对象.通过室内萌发试验,分析了种子质量、凋落物覆盖和掩埋对种子萌发及幼苗早期生长的影响.结果表明,藜蒴种子能否成功萌发并形成幼苗的决定性因素是种子的掩埋深度.掩埋显著抑制了藜蒴种子萌发及形成幼苗的过程,随掩埋深度的增大,这种抑制作用越明显.掩埋对幼苗的存活和生物量没有显著影响,但可提高幼苗根部生物量的分配.深度掩埋时,质量大的种子在幼苗形成过程中具明显优势;而置于土壤表层或浅埋的种子成苗率与种子质量的相关性较低.大质量种子形成的幼苗更易于存活,在生物量的积累方面也表现H{一定的优势.凋落物覆盖未抑制幼苗的出土,且对幼苗的存活和生长具有明显的促进作用,表现在可提高幼苗的相对生长率以及生物量的积累.另外,凋落物的覆盖明显提高了幼苗生物量在其冠部的分配.因而,若利用直接播撒藜蒴种子的方式改造南亚热带退化草坡.理论上应尽可能选用大质量的种子直接播种于地表,并覆以原有的地表凋落物,以促进藜蒴幼苗成功建立.  相似文献   

部分菊科入侵种种子(瘦果)的萌发能力和幼苗建群特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对入侵种种子生物学各方面的了解有助于更好地预测入侵趋势和评估可持续管理的策略.研究通过对部分菊科入侵种种子(瘦果)进行的室内萌发实验和土壤埋藏实验,通过与相关研究的对比和分析,对这些入侵种的萌发能力和幼苗建群特性进行了研究.10个入侵种种子室内萌发实验的结果表明,在25℃、12h光照的情况下,除钻形紫菀和一年蓬以外,被研究的其它8个种的终萌发率超过了50%,而且都显示出早期快速萌发的特点.用SPSS的曲线拟合工具对10个种的累积萌发趋势进行了曲线回归分析,对应的最佳模型均为三次曲线方程.不同土壤埋藏深度下幼苗出苗实验的结果表明,菊科8个入侵种的种子在表土的出苗率均最高,随着覆土厚度的增加,种子的出苗率逐渐降低,当覆土厚度超过3 cm以上时,所有种子均不能出苗.种子在不同的埋藏深度的出苗情况与种子的大小有关,较大种子破土能力相对较强;种子在不同的埋藏深度的出苗情况与种子本身的萌发能力也相关.土壤埋藏期限的实验结果表明,随埋藏时期的增加,小蓬草、苏门白酒草和一年蓬3个人侵种种子的活力逐步降低,在土壤中埋藏12个月后,其活力分别为21.34%、18.15%和27.38%.这些入侵种较广的种子萌发温度适应范围和高萌发率为防除工作带来了困难.在生产上,可通过不同时期的翻耕、将种子深埋等措施减少这些入侵种的危害.  相似文献   

西南部分地区麻疯树种子油的理化性质及脂肪酸组成分析   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
从西南6个地区采集了麻疯树种子并分析比较了其生物学性状和种子油的理化性质及脂肪酸组成.所有样品的百粒重范围为41.80~71.39g,出仁率60.02%~81.43%,种仁含油率51.76%~57.93%,种子含油率31.07%~47.17%,不饱和脂肪酸含量74.89%~79.68%.其中永胜产麻疯树的种子品质最好,其出仁率为81.43%,种仁含油率57.93%,种子含油率47.17%,不饱和脂肪酸含量79.68%.攀枝花和宁南产麻疯树的种子品质次之.双柏和罗甸麻疯树的种子油酸值为0.81,在所有样品(0.81~9.46)中最低.对麻疯树种子及种子油性质的相关数据进行方差分析,结果表明,产地不同,麻疯树种子的生物学性质、种子油理化性质和脂肪酸组成都有一些差异.图2表3参18  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷地区不同含油量麻疯树种子的差异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据金沙江干热河谷地区麻疯树种子的含油量,将麻疯树种子分为组Ⅰ(26%~30%)、组Ⅱ(30%~34%)、组Ⅲ(34%~38%)、组Ⅳ(38%~42%).该地区种子体积介于1.544~1.680 cm3之间;其中组Ⅱ的种子最大(1.680 cm3),组Ⅳ的种子最小(1.544 cm3).组Ⅱ种子的百粒重同样为最高(69.367 g),组Ⅲ的种子最轻(62.313 g).出仁率从低到高依次为:组Ⅰ(61.752%)<组Ⅲ(63.352%)<组Ⅱ(64.132%)<组Ⅳ(65.192%).百粒种子产油量从组Ⅰ到组Ⅳ逐渐升高(17.731~25.342 g).1H-NMR图谱分析发现,各组种子之间的脂肪酸组成无明显差异,而脂肪酸成分的含量存在显著差异.种子的发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数随含油量的增加而升高,种子的吸胀速率则相反.种子含油量与种子大小的相关性不显著,与种子质量、出仁率、种子产油量、脂肪酸组成、发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和吸胀速率之间则都有着极显著的相关性.图3表4参30  相似文献   

以4种辣椒种子为试验材料,研究了不同浓度ABA(0~100 mg/L)对种子萌发的影响.结果表明:低浓度ABA对种子的发芽势和发芽率没有显著影响,高浓度ABA极显著抑制种子的发芽势和发芽率,辣椒品种(系)不同,种子萌发对ABA浓度的敏感性也不同.不同浓度ABA溶液极显著降低了种子的发芽指数,随着ABA浓度的增加,对发芽指数的抑制程度逐渐加强,种子的发芽起始时间也被推迟,浓度越高,萌发延迟天数越多.ABA溶液极显著抑制种子胚根和胚轴的分化和生长,ABA浓度越高,抑制程度越强.图6,表1,参17.  相似文献   

采用室内控制实验研究了蓝白龙胆种子萌发对种子贮藏时间、萌发温度、土壤水分、光照强度、土层厚度的响应.结果显示:贮藏时间、萌发温度、土壤水分、光照强度和土层厚度均影响种子萌发.(1)种子成熟后0~30 d萌发率最高,之后随贮藏时间增加其萌发率开始下降,180 d后萌发率不足3%;(2)种子萌发温度幅较宽,10~30℃均能使其萌发;(3)随土壤含水量的增加,种子萌发率呈现先增加后降低的趋势,20%~25%土壤含水量是种子萌发的最佳湿度;(4)光照促进种子萌发,但黑暗抑制其萌发;(5)随土层厚度的增加,萌发率显著降低.实验结果说明蓝白龙胆种子萌发受许多因素影响,是长期适应生境的结果.  相似文献   

Vamosi SM  Mazer SJ  Cornejo F 《Ecology》2008,89(9):2461-2472
A well-known, but largely untested, prediction in plant reproductive ecology is that dioecious taxa should produce larger, more, higher-quality, or better-defended seeds than cosexual taxa. Using a data set composed of 972 species in 104 families, representing the flora of the Tambopata Wildlife Reserve (Madre de Dios, Peru), we evaluated the first component of this prediction, examining ecological and evolutionary relationships between breeding system and mean seed size with two kinds of tests. First, we conducted cross-species analyses to determine whether species with different breeding systems differed significantly with respect to mean individual seed size. Second, we used a hypothesized phylogeny to identify pairs of the most closely related taxa or clades within the Tambopata community that differed with respect to breeding system. Comparing pair members allowed us to determine whether evolutionary divergence in breeding system (between taxa with unisexual vs. cosexual individuals) was consistently associated with evolutionary change in seed size. In both analyses, we controlled for potentially confounding effects of growth form by examining these relationships within woody and nonwoody taxa. Cross-species analyses revealed that dioecious species produced larger seeds than cosexual species among woody species, shrubs, lianas (each growth form analyzed separately), and all species pooled, but not among trees. Phylogenetically independent contrasts upheld the significant association between breeding system and seed size among woody taxa, lianas, and all taxa pooled, but not among shrubs. We discuss the implications of our findings for evolutionary hypotheses regarding associations between dioecy and seed size.  相似文献   

Bricker M  Maron J 《Ecology》2012,93(3):532-543
Loss of seeds to consumers is common in plant communities, but the degree to which these losses influence plant abundance or population growth is often unclear. This is particularly the case for postdispersal seed predation by rodents, as most studies of rodent seed predation have focused on the sources of spatiotemporal variation in seed loss but not quantified the population consequences of this loss. In previous work we showed that seed predation by deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) substantially reduced seedling recruitment and establishment of Lithospermum ruderale (Boraginaceae), a long-lived perennial forb. To shed light on how rodent seed predation and the near-term effects on plant recruitment might influence longer-term patterns of L. ruderale population growth, we combined experimental results with demographic data in stage-based population models. Model outputs revealed that rodent seed predation had a significant impact on L. ruderale population growth rate (lambda). With the removal of postdispersal seed predation, the projected population growth rates increased between 0.06 and 0.12, depending on site (mean deltalambda across sites = 0.08). Seed predation shifted the projected stable stage distribution of populations from one with a high proportion of young plants to one in which larger adult size classes dominate. Elasticities of vital rates also changed, with germination and growth of seedlings and young plants becoming more important with the removal of seed predation. Simulations varying the magnitude of seed predation pressure while holding other vital rates constant showed that seed predation could lower lambda even if only 40% of available seeds were consumed. These results demonstrate that rodent granivory can be a potent force limiting the abundance of a long-lived perennial forb.  相似文献   

Abstract: Populations of the endangered Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides (Asteraceae) have been reestablished in conservation reserves to reduce their risk of extinction in the wild. The reproductive success (number of seeds per inflorescence, percent seed set, germinability) of five small reestablished populations (at 5–10 years after establishment) was compared to that of two large natural remnant populations from which they were derived. Initial growth rates under glasshouse conditions were compared for seedlings derived from seed from remnant and reestablished populations. Seed set per inflorescence in all five reestablished populations was equal to or greater than seed set in remnant population plants. The resulting seed was as germinable, and in some cases more germinable, than seed derived from remnant populations; the seedlings then grew as large or larger than remnant population seedlings grown under glasshouse conditions. Fitness reductions in small reestablished populations of R. leptorrhynchoides are not evident at the reproductive stage. Hence, these populations have some potential to maintain natural regeneration processes and might therefore positively contribute to the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Beckman NG  Muller-Landau HC 《Ecology》2011,92(11):2131-2140
The importance of vertebrates, invertebrates, and pathogens for plant communities has long been recognized, but their absolute and relative importance in early recruitment of multiple coexisting tropical plant species has not been quantified. Further, little is known about the relationship of fruit traits to seed mortality due to natural enemies in tropical plants. To investigate the influences of vertebrates, invertebrates, and pathogens on reproduction of seven canopy plant species varying in fruit traits, we quantified reductions in fruit development and seed germination due to vertebrates, invertebrates, and fungal pathogens through experimental removal of these enemies using canopy exclosures, insecticide, and fungicide, respectively. We also measured morphological fruit traits hypothesized to mediate interactions of plants with natural enemies of seeds. Vertebrates, invertebrates, and fungi differentially affected predispersal seed mortality depending on the plant species. Fruit morphology explained some variation among species; species with larger fruit and less physical protection surrounding seeds exhibited greater negative effects of fungi on fruit development and germination and experienced reduced seed survival integrated over fruit development and germination in response to vertebrates. Within species, variation in seed size also contributed to variation in natural enemy effects on seed viability. Further, seedling growth was higher for seeds that developed in vertebrate exclosures for Anacardium excelsum and under the fungicide treatment for Castilla elastica, suggesting that predispersal effects of natural enemies may carry through to the seedling stage. This is the first experimental test of the relative effects of vertebrates, invertebrates, and pathogens on seed survival in the canopy. This study motivates further investigation to determine the generality of our results for plant communities. If there is strong variation in natural enemy attack among species related to differences in fruit morphology, then quantification of fruit traits will aid in predicting the outcomes of interactions between plants and their natural enemies. This is particularly important in tropical forests, where high species diversity makes it logistically impossible to study every plant life history stage of every species.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Many plant species have been introduced to new continents, but only a small subset of these have become invasive. It has been predicted that self-compatible species, particularly those that do not need the services of pollinators, are more likely to establish and spread after long-distance dispersal. We tested whether this hypothesis, commonly called Baker's law, applies to 361 species that have invaded the United States from Europe. Species capable of autonomous seed production occurred in significantly more states than species requiring a pollen vector. Moreover, of the species that are not capable of autonomous seed production, self-compatible species occurred in significantly more states than those that are not self-compatible. The positive effect of autonomous seed production on the range of invasion was larger for abiotically pollinated species than for biotically pollinated species and for monocarpic species than for polycarpic species. These results support Baker's law, and we recommend that screening protocols for predicting invasiveness of species considered for introduction should include assessment of their breeding system.  相似文献   

Messor bouvieri is a seed-harvesting ant species in which workers forage in trails from the nest to a search area. A previous observation of seed transfer events between workers returning to the nest suggested potential task partitioning. In this study, we describe seed transportation and analyze the role of task partitioning in the foraging strategy of this species in terms of seed intake efficiency in relation to costs and benefits based on transport speed and task reliability. We assess the harvesting efficiency of task partitioning by comparing cooperative seed transport (CST) and individual seed transport (IST) events. Our results show task partitioning in the form of a sequence of transfer events among workers going from the search area to the nest. Importantly, and despite the weak worker polymorphism of this species, this sequence involved workers of different sizes, with seeds usually being passed along from smaller to larger workers. In addition, we show that small workers are better at finding seeds (spend less time finding a seed), and large workers are better at transporting them (were faster when walking back to the nest and lost fewer seeds). However, we failed to demonstrate that workers of different sizes are specialized in performing the task in which they excel. Overall, sequential CST in M. bouvieri results in a greater seed intake because seed search time decreases and task reliability increases, compared to IST. The determinants and adaptive benefits of CST are discussed.  相似文献   

Scatter-hoarding rodents influence the population dynamics of plants by acting as seed predators and dispersers. Therefore, rodent foraging preferences for certain seed traits (species, size, condition) have been extensively studied. However, to what extent these preferences are fixed or they track the temporal changes on seed characteristics due to phenological differences has been seldom explored. We studied the temporal variability in seed preferences by wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), according to phenological changes in seed characteristics of two co-occurring oaks (Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens). The phenology of acorn abundance and the acorn predation/dispersal patterns by rodents were monitored over an entire seeding season. Results revealed temporal changes in rodent preferences for acorns of the two oaks, matching their different seeding phenology (earlier in Q. pubescens and later in Q. ilex). On the other hand, whatever the species considered, rodents preferred larger and sound acorns along the entire season, although the dispersal of infested ones increased slightly during the peaks of acorn drop. The observed influence of seeding phenology on seed choices by rodents warns about inferring definite conclusions regarding their foraging behavior when arising from short-term experiments. Indeed, this study reveals that foraging preferences may be highly dynamic and context-dependent for some seed traits (e.g., species and condition), rather than fixed behavioral patterns. Plasticity in rodent foraging choices may allow them to successfully exploit different oaks with uncoupled seeding phenologies, while potentially favoring their coexistence.  相似文献   

Mast seeding involves the episodic and synchronous production of large seed crops by perennial plants. The predator satiation hypothesis proposes that mast seeding maximizes seed escape because seed predators consume a decreasing proportion of available seeds with increasing seed production. However, the seed escape benefits of masting depend not only on whether predators are satiated at high levels of seed production, but also on the shape of their functional response (type II vs. type III), and the actual proportion of available seeds that they consume at different levels of seed production. North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) are the primary vertebrate predator of white spruce (Picea glauca) mast seed crops in many boreal regions because they hoard unopened cones in underground locations, preempting the normal sequence of cone opening, seed dispersal, and seed germination. We document the functional response of cone-hoarding by red squirrels across three non-mast years and one mast year by estimating the number of cones present in the territories of individual red squirrels and the proportion of these cones that they hoarded each autumn. Even though red squirrels are not constrained by the ingestive and on-body (fat reserves) energy reserve limitations experienced by animals that consume seeds directly, most squirrels hoarded < 10% of the cones present on their territories under mast conditions. Cone availability during non-mast years also reached levels that satiated the hoarding activity of red squirrels; however, this occurred only on the highest-quality territories. Squirrels switched to mushroom-hoarding when cone production was low and mushrooms were abundant. This resulted in type III functional response whereby the proportional harvest of cones was highest at levels of cone availability that were intermediate within non-mast years. Overall, more cones escaped squirrel cone-hoarding during a mast event than when cone production was low in non-mast years, which supports the predator satiation hypothesis. However, the highly variable seed escape in non-mast years may help to explain why all spruce cone production is not concentrated into fewer, larger, mast years.  相似文献   

Habitat-specific impacts of multiple consumers on plant population dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Maron JL  Kauffman MJ 《Ecology》2006,87(1):113-124
Multiple consumers often attack seeds, seedlings, and adult plants, but their population-level consequences remain uncertain. We examined how insect and small mammal consumers influenced the demography and abundance of the perennial shrub, bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus). In grassland and dune habitats we established replicate experimental lupine populations in 81-m2 plots that were either protected from, or exposed to, herbivorous voles and granivorous mice (via fencing) and/or root feeding insects (via insecticide treatment). Populations were initiated with transplanted seedlings in 1999 and 2000. We followed the demography of these cohorts, subsequent generations, and the seed bank for 5.5 years. Voles and insects killed many seedlings in dune (1999 only) and grassland (1999 and 2000) habitats. After 2000, insects and voles had minimal effects on seedling or adult survival. Seed predation by granivorous mice, however, greatly depressed seedling recruitment, resulting in lower adult lupine abundance in control plots vs. those protected from rodents. In grasslands, initial effects of voles and insects on seedling survival produced large differences among treatments in adult plant density and the cumulative number of seeds produced throughout the experiment. Differences among grassland populations in seed rain, however, had little influence on the magnitude of seedling recruitment into this habitat. Instead, recruitment out of a preexisting seed bank compensated for the lack of seed production in populations exposed to consumers. Shading by dense adults in plots protected from consumers limited seedling establishment within these populations. Although differences among populations in cumulative seed rain did not influence adult establishment, populations protected from consumers accumulated substantially larger seed banks than controls. These results illustrate how density dependence, habitat-specific seed dynamics, and particular demographic impacts of consumers interact to shape plant population responses to consumers.  相似文献   

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