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为评估"有色金属之乡"——南丹典型村庄常住居民蔬菜消费中重金属暴露风险,对矿业活动影响区大厂镇、车河镇和长老乡及对照区六寨镇典型村庄蔬菜和菜地土壤重金属含量进行调查。通过连续3 d入户膳食调查获得蔬菜消费量数据,并采集37个菜地土壤样品及166个蔬菜样品,分析其As、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn和Sb含量,通过污染指数法和重金属摄入量评估暴露接触的人体健康风险。结果表明,不同地区土壤与蔬菜中重金属含量由高到低依次为大厂镇、车河镇、长老乡和六寨镇;矿业影响区蔬菜As、Pb和Cd的超标率分别为5.60%、71.1%和32.3%,对照区蔬菜Pb和Cd的超标率分别为57.1%和37.5%;大厂镇和车河镇成人经蔬菜途径进入人体的As、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn和Sb含量显著高于六寨镇;4个地区蔬菜As、Pb、Cd和Sb对应的目标危险系数均高于Cu和Zn。风险评价结果表明,大厂镇和车河镇蔬菜As的年健康风险分别为10.64×10-5和10.20×10-5a-1,远高于国际放射防护委员会推荐的标准,表明居住在矿业密集区的居民面临较严重的重金属接触暴露风险,且显著高于对照区。  相似文献   

通过采集白银市城郊周边农田土壤,运用电感耦合等离子体质谱和原子荧光光谱测定了其Cr、Co、As、Cd、Cu、Hg、Ni、Pb和Zn的重金属等含量,分析了土壤中重金属元素的污染特征.采用聚类分析和主成分分析来解析重金属来源.结果表明,研究区域土壤中部分重金属的含量已超过农用地土壤污染风险筛选值(GB 15618—2018...  相似文献   

选取戈壁荒漠景观生态环境脆弱区典型铜矿区为研究区,采集308个表层土壤样品,对Cu、Ni、Cd、Cr、Pb、Zn、Hg、As等8种重金属元素进行测试分析,综合运用相关性分析、主成分分析和系统聚类等多元统计和地统计学方法分析了矿区土壤重金属的空间分布特征,运用地累积指数法和潜在生态风险评价法评价了重金属累积程度和潜在生态风险危害程度,并对重金属的可能来源进行了解析.结果表明,研究区表层土壤重金属中Cu、Ni累积程度相对较高,超背景值比例分别为17.53%、14.94%.重金属地质累积程度由强至弱依次为:CuZnCrNiHgPbAsCd;0.65%的土壤样品中Pb属重度污染水平,2.92%土壤样品中Cu属重度污染水平.98.38%的土壤样品重金属污染潜在生态风险危害较轻,重金属迁移影响范围有限.重金属Cu、Ni为主要特征污染物,来源于成土母岩风化和矿业活动共同作用;As、Hg、Cd元素污染程度较低,受人为因素影响较小;Pb元素污染呈点状分布,来源主要为矿区交通运输.  相似文献   

海南岛西部农用地表层土壤重金属富集研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对海南岛西部农业用地表层土壤进行了7种重金属元素含量测定,重金属元素的富集指数计算和相关性分析。结果表明:海南岛西部农业用地表层土壤中重金属元素富集程度大小依次为As〉Pb〉Zn〉Cu〉Ni〉Cd〉Cr。各采样点Cr、Cd和Cu元素处于贫乏状态,As和Pb元素达到严重富集,可能与当地农业活动密切相关。相关性分析表明,研究区土壤表层中重金属As与Pb元素可能存在复合富集与复合污染,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

南昌地区不同企业周边重金属分布及影响规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合GIS技术和主成分分析方法,综合评价南昌地区钢铁、化工、电镀和塑料4种类型6个不同企业周边红壤-蔬菜系统的环境质量.结果表明,4种元素的污染程度依次为:Cd>Cu>Zn>Pb,其中Pb含量未超过土壤环境质量二级标准.重金属Cd、Zn和Cu具有良好的同源性,其分布均呈辐射状,从南到北逐渐降低,东南方向的电镀厂和钢铁厂2周边区域为最高浓度区.企业周边蔬菜地中白菜(Brassica chinensis)未受Pb污染,Cu、Zn和Cd已在白菜体内达到了一定程度的积累.白菜中重金属与土壤中对应重金属全量极显著相关.说明蔬菜中重金属主要来源于表层土壤中所积累的重金属.  相似文献   

湘中某工矿区农户菜园重金属污染分析与健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究湘中某工矿区对周边农户菜园土壤和蔬菜的影响,采集矿区周边18个蔬菜样地15个品种计80个蔬菜样品,分析土壤及蔬菜中重金属Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn的含量,并采用污染指数法和健康风险评价模型对土壤和蔬菜重金属污染进行评价.研究表明,矿区蔬菜地土壤受到严重的重金属污染,Cd污染最为严重.从综合污染指数来看,蔬菜均受到中、重度污染,苋菜污染最严重.各元素在蔬菜中的富集能力大小为:Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb.重金属暴露接触对人体的风险评估结果表明,蔬菜可食部分Cd与Pb的危险度(HQ)均大于1,居民通过蔬菜途径摄入的Pb和Cd对人体健康存在较大的潜在风险.建议农户菜园在不能改制改种的情况下,种植根茎类蔬菜.  相似文献   

矿冶区周边水稻对不同来源重金属污染的指示作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
有色金属开采与冶炼可对周边环境造成严重的重金属污染,查明重金属污染来源对于矿冶周边重金属污染管理与控制具有重要意义.为探索利用矿冶周边水稻对As、Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu的富集与水稻体内元素的含量平衡特征指示重金属污染来源的可行性,选择了我国著名的水口山Pb-Zn矿山开采与冶炼周边区,根据重金属污染排放和迁移扩散特征,结合当地气象和地貌条件,确定了3个典型采样区,其中两个采样区分别邻近冶炼厂和尾砂库,另一处为位于两者之间的过渡区.采用蛇形采样法在稻田内采集33个成熟水稻及土壤样品,分析水稻不同部位(包括根、茎叶、籽粒)及土壤中As、Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu5种重金属和其他16种元素的含量.结果表明,3个采样区之间土壤中的As、Cd、Pb、Zn和Cu含量均存在显著性差异;各采样区水稻中除根际和籽粒中Cd含量外,各部位重金属含量也均有显著差异.靠近冶炼厂的水稻茎叶中As、Pb含量高于离冶炼厂较远的采样区水稻茎叶.尽管As、Pb在靠近尾砂库采样区土壤中含量最高,但在该区水稻茎叶中的含量却最低;在除As、Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu5种重金属以外的其他16种元素中,水稻根部仅有5种元素含量在各采样区之间存在差异,指示相同的土地利用类型及土壤母质条件;而在茎叶和籽粒中则分别有多达11和10种元素含量出现采样区差异,指示重金属污染来源影响水稻茎叶及籽粒中元素的含量平衡.多元统计分析结果显示,3个采样区水稻茎叶中元素含量平衡存在显著的分异,显示出明显的采样区属性.结合采样区域空间位置、污染物来源、水稻对重金属的富集与转运特征分析,3个采样区重金属主要污染特征可分别确定为水-气混合来源型、大气来源型和尾砂来源型.论文结果证明利用水稻茎叶指示矿冶周边重金属污染来源是可行的.  相似文献   

包头市南海湿地土壤重金属污染评价及来源解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
包头市南海湿地位于中国西北地区的高纬度寒旱区,具有独特的河流湿地生态系统。以南海湿地土壤为研究对象,对湿地28个点位表层土壤(0~20 cm)中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Mn、Pb、Zn 8种重金属进行检测分析,采用环境质量指数与Hakanson环境生态潜在风险指数相结合的方法,探讨土壤中8种重金属的累积污染现状及潜在生态风险,利用相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析区分了南海湿地重金属的来源,以期为南海湿地土壤环境保护提供理论依据。结果表明,As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Mn、Pb和Zn重金属平均值分别为75.18、1.27、56.98、111.18、87.67、622.71、54.10和209.33 mg·kg~(-1)。以包头市南海公园树木林土壤重金属含量为评价基准,南海湿地土壤重金属普遍超标,研究区域所有样方中As、Cd、Cu、Mn和Pb均超标,Cr有64.29%的样点超标,Ni有96.43%的样点超标,Zn有89.29%的样点超标。单因子污染指数表明,Cd处于中度污染;As、Cu、Pb和Zn处于轻度污染;Cr、Ni和Mn处于轻微污染。农田区和景观大道两侧处于重污染水平,鱼塘区和湿地植物区处于中污染水平。潜在生态风险指数表明,Cd处于强风险等级;As、Cr、Cu、Ni、Mn、Pb、Zn处于低风险等级。;研究区整体上都属于中等风险等级。来源解析表明:As、Cd、Cu、Ni、Mn的来源受到周边工业活动和农业活动的影响;Pb和Zn的来源与道路交通有关,Pb还受到工业活动的影响;Cr来源与土壤母质和农业活动有关。  相似文献   

新疆焉耆盆地农田土壤重金属污染及健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究新疆焉耆盆地绿洲农田土壤重金属的污染及潜在健康风险,选取194个样点采集土壤样品,测定As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn共7种重金属元素含量。利用地质累积指数(I_(geo))评价农田土壤污染水平,采用US EPA健康风险评价模型,对农田土壤重金属污染的潜在健康风险进行评估。结果表明,研究区农田土壤7种重金属平均含量均未超出《食用农产品产地环境质量评价标准》中的限值,但Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb和Zn含量平均值分别超出新疆灌耕土背景值的1.67、1.41、1.30、3.01和6.78倍。农田土壤中Zn呈现轻度污染,Cd与Pb呈现轻微污染,As、Cr、Cu与Ni呈现无污染态势。健康风险评估结果表明,经手-口摄入是研究区农田土壤重金属日均暴露量及健康风险主要途径。农田土壤7种重金属通过3种暴露途径的非致癌风险商(HQ)与非致癌风险指数(HI),单项致癌风险指数(CR)与总致癌风险指数(TCR)均小于安全阈值,属于可接受风险水平。研究区农田土壤重金属对儿童的非致癌风险低于成人,致癌风险高于成人。研究区农田土壤中As与Pb是最主要的非致癌风险因子,As是最主要的致癌风险因子,研究区农田土壤中As对人体的健康风险应当引起重视。  相似文献   

矿区周围稻米重金属积累及健康风险分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
选用杂交稻、常规稻和糯稻3个水稻品系共21个水稻品种在广东大宝山矿区周围重金属污染土壤中进行大田试验,研究Cu、Zn、Pb、As和Cd 5种重金属元素在不同水稻品种(品系)稻米中的积累状况,并进行健康风险评价分析。结果表明,供试水稻稻米中Cd和Pb超标率很高,分别为100%和71.43%;Cu和As超标现象不严重,超标率分别为4.76%和14.29%;Zn含量均不超标。供试水稻品系中常规稻和糯稻稻米对Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd的积累能力较高,杂交稻则较低;但杂交稻稻米对As的积累能力高于其他2个品系。稻米中Cu、Zn、Pb、As和Cd含量与稻谷生物量均呈负相关关系,其中Pb含量与稻谷生物量呈显著负相关。供试水稻稻米对5种重金属的富集能力由高到低排序为Cd>Zn>Cu>As>Pb。本研究表明供试土壤中Cd和Pb对人体健康存在比较严重的潜在威胁,Cu、Zn和As对人体健康的潜在危害较小,应重点关注大宝山矿区稻米Cd和Pb的重金属污染问题及其对人体健康的潜在危害。  相似文献   

Heavy metals and soil microbes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heavy metal pollution is a global issue due to health risks associated with metal contamination. Although many metals are essential for life, they can be harmful to man, animal, plant and microorganisms at toxic levels. Occurrence of heavy metals in soil is mainly attributed to natural weathering of metal-rich parent material and anthropogenic activities such as industrial, mining, agricultural activities. Here we review the effect of soil microbes on the biosorption and bioavailability of heavy metals; the mechanisms of heavy metals sequestration by plant and microbes; and the effects of pollution on soil microbial diversity and activities. The major points are: anthropogenic activities constitute the major source of heavy metals in the environment. Soil chemistry is the major determinant of metal solubility, movement and availability in the soil. High levels of heavy metals in living tissues cause severe organ impairment, neurological disorders and eventual death. Elevated levels of heavy metals in soils decrease microbial population, diversity and activities. Nonetheless, certain soil microbes tolerate and use heavy metals in their systems; as such they are used for bioremediation of polluted soils. Soil microbes can be used for remediation of contaminated soils either directly or by making heavy metals bioavailable in the rhizosphere of plants. Such plants can accumulate 100 mg g?1 Cd and As; 1000 mg g?1 Co, Cu, Cr, Ni and 10,000 mg g?1 Pb, Mn and Ni; and translocate metals to harvestable parts. Microbial activity changes soil physical properties such as soil structure and biochemical properties such as pH, soil redox state, soil enzymes that influence the solubility and bioavailability of heavy metals. The concept of ecological dose (ED50) and lethal concentration (LC50) was developed in response to the need to easily quantify the influence of pollutants on microbial-mediated ecological processes in various ecosystems.  相似文献   

A regional survey of Jamaican surface soils has been conducted in which more than 200 samples were collected at a sample density of 1 per 64 km2 across the island and analysed for total concentrations of 31 elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The aim of the survey was to begin the construction of a high-precision geochemical database to provide information on elemental levels in soils for application to environmental studies, agriculture, and human and animal health. Results on the regional scale are presented for As, Cd, Cu, Hg and Pb. Although Jamaican surface soils are enriched in several heavy metals compared with world soil means and crustal abundances, lead is of particular importance at this stage because of its occurrence in residential areas. Except for Cu, the distribution maps of these elements are highly correlated with bauxite which in Jamaica is associated with white limestone geology and residualterra rossa soils.  相似文献   

Heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Sn) concentration has been determined on 39 coastal sediment samples collected in Albania. The relationship between the heavy metals content and the grain size has been considered. All metals, except Cu and Cd, resulted accumulated in the finest fraction, which constituted up to 95% of most of the considered sediments. A good correlation has been found for Ni, Cr, Fe, Zn, Cu in the entire area, indicating a common origin for these metals in the analyzed sediments. Concentration values fall in the range reported for Dinaric chain derived sediments, revealing, generally, a natural origin of the metal contents. Though in some selected areas such as the Drin and the Skumbin Bay, an antropogenic input of Cr, Fe, Ni and Cu can be observed, as the result of discharging of mines and smelter activities.  相似文献   

Accumulation of metals by marine picoplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pumping rates in undisturbed suspension-feeding bivalves were measured with a thermistor microflowmeter. Pumping rates are related to the dry weight of Clinocardium nuttallii, Macoma nasuta, Mytilus californianus and Chlamys hastata as the following equations: P=0.85 W0.84, P=0.23 W0.855, P=2.216 W0.715, and P=2.419 W0.943 respectively. Pumping rate and gill area increase at the same rate in C. nuttallii, M. californianus and C. hastata. The pumping rate per unit gill area is highest for C. nuttallii (approximately 0.14 cm3/s/cm2), with intermediate values for M. californianus (0.08 cm3/s/cm2) and C. hastata (0.11 cm3/s/cm2); the lowest rate was found in the deposit-feeder M. nasuta (0.0057 to 0.0089 cm3/s/cm2), which also has the smallest gill to body weight. C. nuttallii has the relatively smallest gill of the suspension feeders and the highest pumping rate per unit gill area. The absolute pumping rates, however, were highest for the filibranchs M. californianus and C. hastata. Indications are given that these differences are the results of different fluid-mechanical/ecological strategies to minimize the cost-benefit ratio.Contribution No. 132 of the Marine Science and Maritime Studies Center, Northeastern University  相似文献   

Removal of heavy metals by biosorption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Industrialization and urbanization have resulted in increased releases of toxic heavy metals into the natural environment comprising soils, lakes, rivers, groundwaters and oceans. Research on biosorption of heavy metals has led to the identification of a number of microbial biomass types that are extremely effective in bioconcentrating metals. Biosorption is the binding and concentration of adsorbate from aqueous solutions by certain types of inactive and dead microbial biomass. The novel types of biosorbents presently reviewed are grouped under fungal biomass, biomass of non-living, dried brown marine algae, agricultural wastes and residues, composite chitosan biosorbent prepared by coating chitosan, cellulose-based sorbents and bacterial strains. The reports discussed in this review collectively suggest the promise of biosorption as a novel and green bioremediation technique for heavy metal pollutants from contaminated natural waters and wastewaters.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments and epilithic periphyton (biofilm) were sampled from six sites on the River Churnet and five sites on the River Manifold in Staffordshire and analysed for cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn). The sites demonstrated a wide range of sediment trace metal concentrations determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and atomic absorbtion spectroscopy (AAS). Biofilm was removed from the substrate using physical abrasion and 0.005 M ethylenediaminoethanetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) extractant. The European Standards, Measurements and Testing Programmes (BCR) operationally defined geochemical speciation scheme was used to determine the exchangeable, acid soluble fraction of the sediments. Significant positive correlations were determined between the EDTA extractable biofilm and the exchangeable sediment fraction for Cd, Cu and Zn but not for Pb. Natural epilithic periphyton may be a potential metal biomonitor particularly of Cu, Cd and Zn in aquatic systems and provide supporting information in relation to potential sediment toxicity.  相似文献   

The heavy metal content in sewage sludges from a big Chinese city was investigated. Concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) in the sludges were 258–4050 mg kg‐1, bd: 994 mgkg‐1, 8.3–566 mg kg‐1, 26.3–370mgkg‐1 4.2–113 mg kg‐1 0.9–6.4 mg kg‐1 and 1.8–12.4 mg kg‐1 respectively. The concentrations of Zn and Pb in the sewage sludges from the residential areas were higher than those in the mixed ones (from both residential and industrial areas). The concentrations of heavy metals in the flocculently dewatered sewage sludges were higher than those in the sediment of the centrifuged undewatered sewage sludges. After centrifuging, more than 60% of heavy metals remained in the sludge sediment with an exception of Cd. The content of organic matter, total phosphorus (T‐P) and total potassium (T‐K) in these sewage sludges was also measured.  相似文献   

Studies concerning bioaccumulation kinetics and bioconcentration factor (BCF) of heavy metals like zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), and copper (Cu) in earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae tissues including integument, gizzard, clitellum, and head region were undertaken. Calculated BCF, predicted K ow, and predicted K oc showed a significant correlation between heavy metals in different earthworm tissues, in substrate spiked with heavy metals. The regression coefficient (r 2) between heavy metal uptake concentration and exposure time varied between 0.73 and 0.99, indicating significant correlation. The K oc was a maximum of 13.9016 in case of Cu and integument at an exposure time of 100 days and a minimum of 0.1114 in case of Cr with respect to head at the same exposure time. Earthworms accumulated heavy metals following chronic exposure to municipal solid waste containing heavy metals. BCF and uptake rate kinetics of heavy metals were calculated and showed increased values in head tissue followed by integument.  相似文献   

重金属污染物的免疫学检测技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江天久  牛涛 《生态环境》2005,14(4):590-595
重金属的免疫学检测是一种新型的重金属检测方法,与传统检测方法相比,具有省时、省力、费用低廉、便于携带、易于操作等优点,能用于重金属污染物的现场快速检测和常规检测,这对于重金属污染地区的补救和恢复工作具有很大的意义,因而发展和普及应用潜力很大。国外学者通过选择或合成双功能鳌合剂鳌合重金属离子并与载体蛋白偶联制备出完全抗原,进一步制备出金属特异性单抗。目前应用免疫学检测方法检测环境中的重金属离子还处于实验室的试验阶段,初步实验结果表明KinExA免疫检测法具有用作重金属免疫检测传感器的能力,并且越来越多的重金属检测模型被开发出来。金属特异性抗体一抗原的结合属性的初步研究表明,影响抗体对抗原识别的主要因素有:金属离子的半径、电子和形态上的并协性;鳌合剂的结构;金属离子一鳌合剂复合物三维结构和价态结构;抗体中的某些氨基酸残基能与抗原中金属离子直接配位以及与抗原中的鳌合剂部分发生相互作用(疏水作用、氢键作用等)。  相似文献   

Reproductive toxicity of metals in calanoid copepods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigated the effect of exposure route on metal accumulation, tissue distribution, and toxicity in the marine copepods Acartia hudsonica and A. tonsa. Sublethal toxicity was measured as decreases in egg production, hatching rate, ovarian development and protein (yolk) content of the egg. When algal food, exposed to Hg at 1 nM or Cd at 5 nM resulting in cells containing 34 and 64 nmol metal g-1 dry weight, respectively, was ingested over a 4-h period by copepods, the total copepod body burden increased nine-fold for Hg and two-fold for Cd over background concentrations, and egg production decreased by 50%. Sublethal concentrations of metals were >2 orders of magnitude lower than LC50 concentrations. Hatching rate, ovarian development and egg protein content all decreased following trophic exposure to metals, implying that the process of yolk accumulation (vitellogenesis) was affected. Exposure to dissolved Cd had no effect, but dissolved Hg at concentrations as low as 0.25 nM did affect egg production. Different toxic effects following different exposure routes were related to different metal distributions in the copepods: exposure to dissolved metal resulted in metal deposition in the exoskeleton, whereas exposure to dietary metal resulted in metal deposition in internal tissues. These findings indicate that enrichment of metal concentrations in internal tissues, which occurs primarily after exposure to dietary metal, affects vitellogenesis. The reproduction rate decreases by about 75% at metal concentrations only moderately higher than levels in coastal waters. Toxicity tests involving aquatic animals need to consider effects following uptake by different pathways, including the trophic transfer of metals.  相似文献   

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