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上海佘山国家森林公园空气负离子动态及其主要影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以上海佘山国家森林公园为研究地,通过定点观测,对比分析了林内与空地的空气负离子在日变化和季节变化上的规律。研究结果表明:在一日内的上午、中午、下午3个时段,林内与空地的空气负离子浓度和安培空气离子评价系数(CI)值均无显著性差异;而在这3个时段,林内的空气负离子浓度和CI值均显著高于空地;季节上,林内与空地的负离子浓度、CI值以及空气清洁程度均为夏秋季大于春季大于冬季,林内和空地在夏秋两季负离子浓度和CI值都显著大于空地。同时林内的空气清洁程度在4个季节皆高于空地。通过多元回归分析得出,总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)是影响夏秋两季林内负离子浓度和CI值的主要影响因素;相对湿度是影响夏秋两季空地空气负离子浓度和CI值的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Immunoreactive metallothionein has been demonstrated in formalin fixed sections of rat and human tissue using a DNP hapten sandwich staining procedure and antibody to zinc-induced rat liver metallothionein II.MT was found in rat liver, duodenum, jejunum and ileum and in human liver and ileum both intracellularly in hepatocytes and enterocytes and extracellularly in portal vessels, sinusoids and canaliculi in the liver and in the lamina propria of the intestine.Changes in intensity of staining were related in the rat to the feeding/fasting status of the animal and whether exogenous zinc had been administered. In man least MT was found in the ileum of patients with Crohn's disease and most in patients with non-inflammatory bowel disease.These results confirm that MT is an important physiological metal-binding protein in man and animals and is concerned in zinc transport and binding in rats.  相似文献   

于2008年植被生长季,在芦芽山荷叶坪亚高山草甸及森林-草甸过渡带内布设观测样带,应用FDR土壤剖面水分测量仪测量10~40 cm深度土壤含水量,并分析其空间分布特征和影响因素。结果表明:(1)根据所处位置及地上植被状况可将样带分为林地样带和草甸样带,林地样带土壤含水量随深度增加呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,草甸样带则恰好相反。(2)10和40 cm深度为土壤含水量稳定层,20和30 cm深度为活跃层,且林地样带10 cm深度土壤含水量小于草甸样带,20、30和40 cm深度土壤含水量则大于草甸样带。(3)降雨发生后,阴坡上部树岛样带土壤含水量增幅最大,阳坡上、中、下部草甸样带土壤含水量增幅也较大;不同土层深度比较而言,10cm深度土壤含水量增幅最大,20、30和40 cm深度土壤含水量增幅较为接近,土壤含水量对降雨的响应存在1~2d的时滞。(4)10、20和30 cm土壤含水量变化值与坡度呈显著正相关,30、40 cm土壤含水量变化值与初始土壤含水量呈显著负相关,20、30 cm土壤含水量变化值与地形湿度指数呈显著负相关。研究区内土壤含水量空间分布格局及其动态变化受植被和降雨影响显著,初始土壤含水量、坡度以及地形湿度指数对其也有一定影响。  相似文献   

中国华南地区持续干期日数时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用华南地区46个地面气象站1960-2012年逐日降水数据,分析该地区各季节持续干期日数的时空分布特征。结果表明:1)近53年来,华南地区春季和夏季的持续干期日数呈波动下降趋势,下降速率分别为0.042和0.108 d·(10 a)-1;秋季和冬季的持续干期日数呈波动上升趋势,上升速率分别为1.911和0.118 d·(10 a)-1。广东省春季和夏季持续干期日数呈下降趋势,下降速率分别为0.171和0.243 d·(10 a)-1;秋季和冬季持续干期日数呈增加趋势,增加速率分别为1.737和0.32 d·(10 a)-1。广西省春、夏和秋季持续干期日数呈增加趋势,增加速率分别为0.109、0.046和2.117 d·(10 a)-1;冬季为减小趋势,减少速率为0.106 d·(10 a)-1。2)华南地区持续干期日数在春季呈从北向南逐渐增多的趋势,夏季呈自西南向东北逐渐增加的趋势,秋季呈自西向东逐渐增加的趋势,冬季呈从北向南逐渐增多的趋势。冬季的持续干期日数是4个季节中最长的,大致在20~44 d。3)华南地区春季持续干期日数变化倾向率在-1.20~1.00 d·(10 a)-1之间,增加趋势最明显的区域是广西省的南部地区,减少趋势最明显的区域是广东省的沿海地区;夏季在-1.00~0.60 d·(10 a)-1之间,呈增加趋势的区域主要位于广西省的中部和南部,呈减少趋势的区域位于广东省大部分地区和广西省的东部;秋季在0~3.50 d·(10 a)-1之间,整体呈现增加趋势,变化倾向率较大的区域主要位于广西省的中部和广东省的东北部沿海地区;冬季在-1.50~2.00 d·(10 a)-1之间,呈增加趋势的区域主要集中在广东省的中南部和东部地区,以及广西的东部边缘,呈减少趋势的区域主要集中在广东省的北部以及广西的中部和西北部地区。持续干期日数增加趋势最明显的季节是秋季。4)持续干期日数与降水量表现出负相关性,与气温和无降水日数表现为正相关性。降水量和无降水日数的变化对持续干期日数的变化起着重要的作用,而温度对持续干期日数的影响比较小。  相似文献   

Soil reclamation via additives can cause contradictory effects on the mobilization of toxic elements in soils under dry and wet conditions. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the impact of compost and sulfur in two rates (1.25 and 2.5%) on fractionation, mobilization, and phyto-availability of cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) to sorghum (dry soil) and barnyard grass (wet soil) in a fluvial soil spiked with 25 mg Cd or 200 mg Ni/kg soil. Compost decreased the solubility and mobilization of Cd (especially in dry soil) and Ni (in both soils). Sulfur increased the solubility of Cd (31% in dry soil—49% in wet soil) and Ni (4.6% in wet soil—8.7% in dry soil). Sulfur altered the carbonate fraction of Cd to the soluble fraction and the residual fraction of Cd and Ni to the non-residual fraction. Compost decreased Cd and increased Ni in sorghum, but enhanced Cd and degraded Ni in grass. Sulfur increased Cd and Ni in both plants, and the increasing rate of Cd was higher in grass than in sorghum, while Ni was higher in sorghum than in grass. These results suggest that compost can be used as an immobilizing agent for Cd in the dry soil and Ni in the wet soil; however, it might be used as mobilizing agent for Cd in the wet soil and Ni in the dry soil. Sulfur (with rate 2.5%) can be used for enhancing the phyto-extraction of Cd and Ni (especially Cd) from contaminated alkaline soils.  相似文献   

Water-quality parameters and concentrations of various metals in bed sediments of the River Kali and the River Hindon in India were analysed to understand their behaviour in subtropical fluvial systems. Variations in the physico-chemical parameters of the river water and metal content in the bed sediments were recorded in four seasons of the year (post-monsoon, winter, summer and monsoon). Results show that water and sediments contain high cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn). Total and soluble Cd and Zn profiles show that in summer, metals in the water phase exist predominantly in the bound form. Cd and Zn in bed sediments increase from the post-monsoon to the summer season. During and after the monsoon season, metal concentrations in sediments fall rapidly. Correlation coefficients of metals in sediments represent their common source and identical behaviour during transport.  相似文献   

为了研究山东省参考作物蒸散量(ET0)的变化特征,选取属于湿润气候的成山头站以及属于半湿润气候的惠民站、济南站、潍坊站、定陶站、兖州站6个气象站,利用国家气象资料中心提供的1960—2011年的逐日气象资料,采用距平分析、回归分析和地理信息系统分析了山东省ET0的年代际、年际和年内的时空变化趋势,并通过偏相关分析及标准化偏回归系数对各站ET0的影响因素进行研究。结果表明:半湿润区ET0年代均值大于湿润区ET0年代均值,其中济南站最大,最大值出现在20世纪70年代,达到1269.2 mm,成山头站最小,最小值也出现在20世纪70年代,为900.8 mm;6个站点中,济南站ET0值年际间的变化最大,极差达到351.9mm,定陶的极差最小,为157.8 mm。潍坊的ET0年际波动最大,标准差达到74.4 mm;定陶的年际ET0标准差达到51.4 mm,波动最小。6个站点的ET0年均值随时间呈现不同程度的降低,其中潍坊和兖州为极显著,济南和定陶为显著降低。ET0年均值在空间上的分布规律为:济南站〉潍坊站〉惠民站〉兖州站〉定陶站〉成山头站;6个站点的ET0都是夏季最高,冬季最低。春季平均ET0值中部地区最大,达到409.0 mm,东北部沿海区最小,只有237.2 mm。夏季平均ET0值的空间分布与全年平均ET0值的空间分布较为一致,只在惠民站为中心的小区域内出现降低,与周围区域有反差。秋、冬季平均ET0值在中部及东北部均较大,东北部最大,西南部及西北部较小,最小值出现在西南地区。半湿润气候的惠民站、济南站、潍坊站、定陶站、兖州站的ET0随时间的年内变化曲线为单峰型,峰值均出现在夏季6月,全年的第162天。湿润气候下成山头站的ET0随时间的年内变化曲线呈双峰型,峰值分别出现在春季5月,全年第150天以及秋季9月,全年第270天;山东省ET0与气象要素间的相关性很好,除成山头站的最低气温外,均达到极显著水平。影响山东省湿润气候和半湿润气候ET0变化的主要气象要素分别为最高气温和平均气温。  相似文献   

In this study, we determined variations in ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations in the gonads and liver, and of the innate immune response (lysozyme activity and antiprotease) in the plasma of Engraulis ringens (anchoveta) and Strangomera bentincki (common sardine) during their reproductive seasons of 2007 and 2008 in the central area of the Humboldt Current. During the main spawning season in 2007, colder environmental conditions, higher phytoplankton biomasses, low dinoflagellate abundance and the dominance of large copepods in winter-early spring and of small copepods in late spring contributed to explain higher AA concentrations in anchoveta tissues. During the warmer year of 2008, lower phytoplankton biomasses, a notable increase of dinoflagellate abundance and the dominance of small-size copepods in winter and of larger copepods in spring occurred along with a drastic drop in AA concentrations in anchoveta tissues. These results contrasted with those in common sardine, a species in which AA did not vary as much as in anchoveta. An inverse trend between AA concentration in the liver and the gonadosomatic index suggested the AA utilization during gonadic maturation. Innate immune parameters were determined for the first time in small pelagic fish and constitute a new baseline data to evaluate their natural response to environmental changes. Changes in the distribution and abundance of edible taxa containing AA and edible for fish along with variations in AA in fish tissues during their reproductive season could become good indicators of the overall fish physiological condition resulting from variations in the trophic web structure.  相似文献   

Season-dependent mineral accumulation was recorded in fruits of Okra and Tomato. The highest concentration was in summer in Okra and in winter in Tomato. Lowest concentrations were in winter in Okra and rainy in Tomato. Both crop plants indicated that the mineral contents were in the order of P > K > Ca > Mg > Na > Fe which also signify their relative functional importance in growth and metabolism.  相似文献   

复合垂直流人工湿地基质氧化还原酶活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对复合垂直流人工湿地系统(IVCW)基质中5种常见的氧化还原酶活性进行了研究.结果表明,氧化还原酶活性存在显著性季节差异,过氧化物酶在春、夏、秋三季的酶活性显著高于冬季的酶活性(P<0.05);多酚氧化酶和过氧化氢酶的活性最高在秋季;脱氢酶在夏、冬两季时酶活性显著高于秋季和春季的酶活性(P<0.05);硝酸盐还原酶在春、冬季时显著高于夏、秋季(P<0.01).空间分布上,除过氧化物酶外,湿地下行流池的酶活性显著高于上行流池,并且随着基质深度的增加递减;但基质硝酸盐还原酶各层之间差异不显著.图6表3参17  相似文献   

我国农田土壤碳氮耦合特征的区域差异   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
利用中国第2次土壤普查数据,分析了稻作和旱作方式下农田耕层土壤有机碳和全氮特征及其区域差异。结果表明,水田土壤有机碳和全氮含量分别为旱地的147.8%和145.5%,但水田碳氮含量的区域变异低于旱地。全国水田和旱地土壤有机碳氮比值分别为10.8和9.9,各区域水田土壤碳氮比值普遍高于旱地,其中东北水田最高,而华东旱地和西北旱地最低。旱地碳氮比值的区域变异显著,水田则不显著。农田耕层土壤有机碳和全氮含量呈显著正相关,除华北地区外,各区域无论水田还是旱地其碳氮含量之间相关系数都超过0.8,达极显著水平。由此可见,我国农田耕层土壤有机碳和全氮含量之间存在显著耦合关系,而且不同利用方式和区域之间差异显著;相同氮水平下,水田土壤可能储存更多的有机碳。  相似文献   

水质恶臭的评价及测定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国水污染状况日益严重,而水质的恶臭问题逐渐成为关注的焦点,国内外关于水体恶臭测定尚无统一的评价方法和标准.通过对国内外水质恶臭评价方法的探讨和测定方法的对比分析,认为日本的三点比较式烧瓶法更适用于我国水质恶臭监测,建议在我国水污染控制指标中增加水质恶臭指标,并建立水质恶臭评价标准体系.  相似文献   

岩石中氟的赋存状态研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
使用逐级化学提取方法对岩石中氟的赋存状态进行了研究.结果表明:岩石中氟主要与K和Al呈显著相关,高氟岩石中氟与P呈显著正相关,氟主要以氟磷灰石的形式存在;经逐级提取后残渣中的氟与Ca呈显著负相关关系,碳酸盐岩和磷块岩中的氟主要以水溶态和碳酸盐结合态等易溶形式存在;而硅质岩、黑色页岩、硅质碳板岩和碳质板岩中的氟主要存在于难溶矿物中.  相似文献   

Five centuries of mining and processing of mercury ore in the Idrija area have resulted in widespread contamination of different environmental compartments. Environmental impacts on a regional and local scale, caused by atmospheric emissions from the Idrija ore roasting plant, were established in the investigations of mercury spatial distribution in soil and attic dust in 160 km(2) area. Very high values were determined in the Idrijca River valley, and they decrease exponentially with the distance from Idrija. Mercury concentrations in attic dust are higher than in surrounding soils and the attic dust/soil ratio changes with distance. Measurements of mercury in the air confirmed widespread dispersion of mercury and showed highly elevated mercury concentrations around roasting plant and mine ventilation shaft. Beside, systematic monitoring of mercury contents in the stream sediments has demonstrated that huge amounts of mercury are stored in areas where ancient overbank sediments were deposited, and there was no decrease in mercury concentration in active sediments during the last 15 years. Recently, interesting and extremely polluted locations of historical small-scale roasting sites in the Idrija surroundings were discovered. Ongoing geochemical study aims to determine the extreme pollution and significance of these sites for wider contamination of soils and aquatic systems. Presented studies have shown that Hg mining in Idrija caused intense pollution of local and regional environment including the aquatic systems in the Gulf of Trieste, which is seen as the final sink of a major part of the Hg stored in soils and river sediments in the Idrija area.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle of sexual reproduction in the corallimorpharian sea anemone Corynactis californica (Calgren, 1936) was studied for 18 consecutive months (July 1987 to December 1988) at a subtidal area in the Hopkins Marine Refuge (HMLR), Pacific Grove, Monterey Bay, California. Samples were collected, histological sections were prepared, and gametocytes were examined and measured. C. californica grows by multiple or longitudianl fission to form single-sexed clones of various color and size. In female clones, oocytes appeared in late August and early September; they increased in size steadily in fall, and peaked in early December in both years. In male clones, spermatogenesis was synchronous with the female oogenic cycle, and motile sperm were observed in most testes in early December. Spawned gonads were found in both sexes from late November to early December. Spawning was induced in the laboratory in early December, and external fertilization was followed by development of free-swimming larvae. Gametogenesis and spawning are correlated with seasonal increases in seawater temperature and phytoplankton abundance, and we discuss and compare timing of sexual reproduction in this corallimorpharian to those in several actiniarian and scleractinian species.  相似文献   

饮用水是人体暴露于有毒物质的重要暴露源,为了定量描述饮用水中污染物对暴露人群所造成的危害,世界各国的科学家们对饮用水的健康风险评价做了大量的研究. 通常,健康风险评价需要污染物毒理学数据和暴露人群的暴露剂量数据. 目前,针对很多的有毒污染物,国际上已经建立了应用于健康风险评价的毒理学数据库,同时积累了大量可用的有效数据. 而对于暴露人群的暴露剂量数据,则是健康风险评价所要研究的重点. 正确估计暴露人群的暴露剂量需要消费者提供大量的消费信息. 例如,暴露人群每天消费的饮用水水量. 美国环保局(EPA)认为成人每天消耗的饮用水水量为2L·d-1,此外,饮用水的消耗量会随着暴露人群的身体活动状况和所处环境状况(温度,湿度等)的改变而改变. 目前,许多研究都是关于饮用水消费信息的,总体来讲这些研究结果基本上与美国环保局所采用的饮水消耗数据相一致. 需要说明的是中国居民有完全不同于西方人的饮用水消费方式,如果在进行中国居民饮用水健康风险评价过程中应用美国环保局的假设会带来较大的不确定性. 饮用水健康风险评价工作在我国开展并不多,尤其缺少中国居民饮用水消费习惯的数据库. 这些客观条件使得在我国进行饮用水健康风险评价时只能从基础做起,积累有效的数据. 本研究以北京和上海两座城市居民为研究对象,2002年到2004年分冬夏两季分别进行了4次饮用水消费习惯调查. 研究采用随机入户方式(2004年至2005年),与中央电视台-索福瑞联合调查有限公司合作进行. 参加调查的家庭从中央电视台入户收视率调查的基础数据库中随机抽取,在抽取过程中兼顾了不同城区、年龄结构、知识结构、收入水平等因素. 研究表明,北京和上海居民冬夏两季的日均饮水量分别为2.2L·d-1、1.7L·d-1、2.0L·d-1和1.8L·d-1,这一结果和美国环保局的假设基本一致. 同时本研究考察了性别、年龄、职业和季节对应用水消费习惯的影响. 研究表明,日均饮水量随年龄的增加有增加的趋势,这一趋势在北京的夏季调查中趋势明显(p=0.01);男性的日均饮用水量大于女性,在上海冬季和夏季调查中均存在显著的差异(冬季:p=0.01;夏季:p=0.04);季节也同样影响被访者的日均饮水量,但是在4次调查中均未发现显著性差异. 在北京冬季和夏季的调查中均发现了工作地点对饮用水消费习惯的显著影响(夏季p=0.01 和冬季p=0.00). 研究同样考察了居民饮用水消费类型,调查结果表明,煮沸后的自来水是中国居民最主要的日常饮品(上海夏季:58.3%;上海冬季67.9%;北京夏季:42.7%;北京冬季:60.0%). 同时消费桶装纯净水的被访者也占有相当的比重(上海夏季:36.2%;上海冬季:24.7%;北京夏季:30.7%;北京冬季:60.0%). 研究同时表明,在中国居民的日常生活中牛奶和豆奶已经成为重要的日常饮品. 极少量的居民(北京夏季:10.7%;北京冬季5.7%;上海夏季1.2%;上海冬季0.6%)有直接饮用自来水的习惯. 研究表明滞留水(在自来水水管中滞留6h以上的自来水)是对人体健康影响最大的水,而在我们的调查中,中国居民几乎不直接饮用滞留水. 当前,饮用水健康风险评价在世界范围内蓬勃展开,但是这一技术在我国还处于起步阶段. 本研究作为饮用水健康风险评价的前期工作,为其在中国的进一步发展提供了基础性的数据.  相似文献   

从天气形势、卫星遥感火点监测、物理量诊断和后向轨迹模拟等方面分析了2008和2010年秸秆焚烧导致南京及周边地区空气污染事件过程的异同点。结果表明,2008年污染过程受大气底层切变线的控制,2010年污染过程受高压天气形势的控制;2008年火点仅出现在江苏地区,而2010年江苏、安徽和浙江地区均有出现;2008年大气底层气流为弱上升运动,导致高浓度的污染,2010年因受下沉气流控制而导致大范围的污染;2008年污染物来源为江苏地区,2010年则受江苏和安徽地区火点的共同影响,这些差异导致2次污染过程影响的范围和强度有所不同。  相似文献   

氯虫苯甲酰胺在甘蓝和土壤中的残留及消解动态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
参照《农药残留试验准则》,采用田间试验方法,研究了济南和杭州两年两地的氯虫苯甲酰胺在甘蓝和土壤中的消解动态和最终残留。结果表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺最终残留在甘蓝、土壤中的质量分数分别是〈0.297 mg.kg-1,〈0.097 mg.kg-1;在甘蓝、土壤中的降解均符合一级动力学方程,降解半衰期分别为7.2~8.9 d和6.9~10.7 d;统计分析表明,两地区甘蓝中的残留消解行为无显著性差异,土壤中的残留消解行为差异性显著,土壤性质的不同是影响消解过程的主要因素。文章为制定该农药在甘蓝上最大残留限量标准和合理使用准则以及风险评估提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

高州水库水质与浮游生物动态分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为评价分析流域治理对水质的影响,于2000年丰水期和枯水期调查了高州水库(石骨库区)营养状态及浮游生物分布,并与历史资料进行比较分析。从2000年的数据来看,水库营养水平属于寡中营养型;丰水期的营养水平,浮游植物丰度及Chl a含量均高于枯水期,丰水期以蓝藻,绿藻和硅藻为主要优势种,而枯水期主要为蓝藻,浮游动物丰度枯水期远高于丰水期,以桡足类的广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti),无节幼体,桡足幼体以及枝角类的角突网纹Sao(Ceriodaphnia cornuta)和长额象鼻Sao(Bosmina logirostris)为主,与1988年的数据相比,总磷含量大幅度下降(0.021-0.006mgL^-1),尽管总氮含量呈上升趋势(0.405-0.820mgL^-1),但总的营养水平有所下降,浮游生物种类与丰度发生了较大变化。浮游植物种类组成由蓝藻占绝对优势演变为以蓝藻,绿藻和硅藻为主要优势种,浮游动物则由桡足类和枝角类取代原生动物和轮虫,成为主要的优势种群。浮游植物和浮游动物丰度均大幅度下降,说明经过近十年的流域治理,水库水质得到一定的改善。图3表4参19  相似文献   

杨冬梅  李俊年  何岚  薛立群 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1300-1305
研究采用食管瘘、体外消化实验,于2006年4月、8月和11月分别测定湘西地区土壤、牧草和养殖于湖南省湘西地区湖南群博公司的200只波尔山羊(boergoat)血液钙镁含量,以期揭示湘西地区不同季节钙镁在土壤-牧草-山羊体内含量及动态变化。结果表明:(1)土壤全镁、全钙在11月份最低,分别为197.21±3.14μg·g-1和3607.8±39.41μg·g-1;(2)牧草中钙含量在8月份最高,为8927.5±127.21μg·g-1;牧草三季节镁含量差异不显著;(3)山羊体内钙在4月份和11月份出现负沉积,分别为-6.03±3.17g·d-1,-7.08±3.35g·d-1;4月份,8月份山羊血浆镁含量分别为8.83±0.45μg·g-1和8.56±1.07μg·g-1,低于动物低镁血症最低限27.1μg·g-1。  相似文献   

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