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以西枝江流域为研究对象,结合GIS技术,建立了AnnAGNPS模型数据库,对流域内非点源污染主要影响因素的特征以及非点源污染的时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:流域内降雨侵蚀力、径流深、土壤侵蚀和沉积负荷的年际问变化很大,降雨侵蚀力月问分布极不均匀,季节变化十分明显,后三者的变化趋势都与平均降水量表现出较好的对应关系,但是又并不完全一致;流域内的径流深空间分布极不均匀,而土壤侵蚀、沉积负荷空间变化相对不是十分明显,三者都有沿河道向两边逐渐递减的趋势,在人口密集地区及河塘密集地区,径流相对其他区域比较大。本文为西枝江流域的非点源污染模拟研究提供了基础数据平台,也为该模型在整个东江流域的合理应用奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

采用澳大利亚源流域水量水质模型模拟东山小流域内2001-2010年9种不同土地利用类型产生的降雨径流及总氮和总磷的污染负荷,模拟结果为:流域内多年平均径流量为6 150万m3/a,总氮输出负荷为270 t/a,总磷负荷为22 t/a。模拟结果表明:水产养殖塘和高地茶果树是东山地区主要的营养物来源。通过三个情景方案的模拟,说明当地环境管理方案可以有效地削减入湖的营养负荷,其中第二个情景方案的削减量最大,总氮和总磷负荷分别削减了18%和25%。  相似文献   

本研究采用美国农业部农业研究所开发的SWAT模型(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)对茫溪河流域非点源污染进行了模拟研究,构建了适用于茫溪河流域的非点源污染模型,对流域的非点源污染进行了模拟和分析。模拟结果显示:茫溪河流域污染特征以非点源污染为主;东茫溪河水系的泥沙、氮、磷等负荷均大于西茫溪河水系;单位泥沙负荷最大的区域为流域东北部、东部和东南部一带的深丘地区,是茫溪河流域的主要泥沙输出区;氮、磷负荷最大的区域为茫溪河中下游一带的平坝、浅丘地区,是茫溪河流域的主要氮、磷输出区;研究区内泥沙、营养物质的输出具有很强的时间规律,有机氮、有机磷的输出在雨季(6月~9月)会出现高峰,因此雨季是流域内非点源污染源输出的重点时段。  相似文献   

基于GIS的数字化水文过程模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统水文模型中,一般只能通过降水、蒸发、下渗、气温的输入模拟流量的变化,流域下垫面因素对径流的影响在径流模型中视为“灰箱”。地理信息系统技术的引入。把地面空间特性数字化。利用地形图。土壤分布图、土地利用图、土湿等资料模拟下垫面的地质地貌,把河道、流域的土壤植被等地理因素数字化应用到产汇流理论中。“灰箱”变为“白箱”。为流域研究提供了一种新的思维方法。  相似文献   

三峡库区中小城镇城市降雨径流污染特征及现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱骏  文行秀 《四川环境》1993,12(3):56-59
本研究采用从微观到宏观,在库区沿岸城镇诸多相关因素相似前提下,选择涪陵市为典型试验区;从水文因素,街道地表物累积冲刷规律研究着手,建立累积、冲刷计算模式,计算出涪陵市年降雨径流污染负荷和库区污染荷载因子,同时选择具有代表性的集水闭合小区进行水质、水量同步观测试验进行验证;确定外推因子,计算三峡库区城市降雨径流年冲刷入长江的总固体,SS,BOD5,COD,T-N,T-P3量分别为53968吨,380  相似文献   

建立种植业非点源污染负荷函数,确定了种植业非点源污染负荷量的主要决定因素为降水径流,在此基础上,分析了海河流域降水径流的时空分布特征。自20世纪50年代至21世纪前8年,海河流域降水量呈现明显的逐年代下降趋势,累计下降16.5%;受降水量下降和人类活动的影响,径流量的下降幅度更大,累计下降64%。从地区分布来看,降水径流由太行山、燕山迎风坡分别向西北和东南减少。由于降水径流逐年减少,海河流域种植业非点源污染对水体污染的影响也将逐年下降。在一般的年份(除丰水年以外的年份),种植业非点源污染对水体污染的影响微乎其微;如果发生全流域洪涝灾害,种植业非点源污染对水体污染构成威胁。海河流域汛期易发生暴雨,在发生暴雨的局部地区,种植业非点源污染对水体污染构成局部威胁。徒骇马颊河平原是海河流域最重要的农作物种植区,单日降水量可达100 mm,为平原区最高,因而发生种植业非点源污染的可能性最大。  相似文献   

环境因子对伊乐藻光合作用影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了温度、pH值、光照三种环境因子对伊乐藻光合作用的影响,实验得出伊乐藻顶枝光合作用的产氧量与温度、光照呈曲线相关,与pH值呈线性负相关。华南河网地区的环境因子基本处于伊乐藻适宜的生长范围之内,选择其作为该地区受损水域生态修复的沉水植物是比较合适的。  相似文献   

通过对广州市白云区某菜地在天然降雨条件下氮磷养分随地表径流输出的定位动态研究,结果表明:径流量与氮、磷流失量呈显著线性相关。菜地径流流失的氮素以硝态氮为主,雨季期间(4月—7月)其他形态N流失量占总N流失量的比例上升,铵态氮含量一直很低;整个试验期间,TN与NO3--N呈极显著正相关;磷素径流迁移以颗粒态为主。与未施肥对照组相比,菜地常规施肥显著增加N径流流失量,对P未造成显著影响;因而菜地常规施肥对径流水体N富营养化具有较高风险。  相似文献   

应用基于CIS AreView的AnnAGNPS模型,进行了宁波市章溪河流域的非点源污染负荷的时空分异研究。结合航片解译,利用ArcGIS9.0、TOPAZ模块等建立了研究区非点源污染空间数据库;结合现场资料、相关文献收集,并利用模型参数的CIS提取技术,建立了研究区非点源污染属性数据库。结果表明:在空间分布上,各子流域吸附态氮空间分异较大,溶解态磷的空间分异最小,不同土地利用类型中林地和果园相比农田非点源污染负荷小,不同土壤类型中,水稻土比黄壤和红壤的污染负荷大;在时间分布上,非点源污染负荷主要集中在汛期,超过全年的55%,枯水期低于全年的4%。  相似文献   

以轻质陶块为填料,探讨了生物膜填料塔净化处理高气体流量负荷下低浓度甲苯废气的生物降解性能。实验结果表明:生物膜填料塔对甲苯具有较强的降解能力,净化效率维持在40.6%~61.9%;随着气体流量负荷和入口气体甲苯浓度负荷的增加.甲苯的净化效率也随之下降。结合实验数据对“吸附-生物膜”理论的动力学模式进行模拟研究,对比验证结果表明:动力学模拟计算值和实验值之间均有很好的拟合性,从而验证了该模型的正确性。  相似文献   

设施蔬菜种植中存在不合理施肥现象,土壤养分严重失调。为了解设施蔬菜地高氮肥力水平下不同氮素水平对磷素的养分吸收影响,2004—2007年在山东寿光进行不同氮素水平调控和秸秆还田试验,并于2007年冬春季进行裂区淋滤试验。结果表明,不同水平的氮素调控影响磷素含量变化,空白(NN)、有机肥(MN)、有机肥+秸秆(MN+S)供氮水平下土壤全磷含量逐年下降,降幅NN〉MN〉MN+S,全磷增幅传统氮素(cN)〉传统氮素+秸秆(CN+S)〉氮素优化+秸秆(SN+S)〉氮素优化(sN)。CN、CN+S供氮水平下土壤速效磷含量达到213.7、225.4mg·kg^-1,增长了17.1%、23.5%,磷素累积明显;其他供氮水平下速效磷含量逐年下降,降幅NN〉MN〉MN+S〉SN+S〉SN〉CN〉CN+S,减少氮素供应有利于减缓磷素累积,促进磷的吸收利用。除NN供氮水平下土壤有机磷含量下降外,其他处理均不同程度增加,CN、CN+S供氮水平下土壤有机磷含量累积明显(308.4、331Amg·ks。),分别增长了28.5%、38.2%。SN+S供氮水平下磷的吸收系数(HO,,rrg·100g。)达到了1571,增长了143.6%;CN、CN+S供氮水平下磷的吸收系数出现了负增长,CN供氮水平下达到了416(P2O5,mg·100g^-1),下降了35.5%。添加麦秸秆极大地提高了磷的吸收能力,在一定程度上能减缓土壤速效磷的累积。淋溶液中全磷含量SN〉SN+S,有机磷含量SN〉SN+S,秸秆还田对阻控有机磷素淋溶有一定的作用,但整个冬春生长季渗滤液中全磷含量在2.6~12.0mg·L^-1,有机磷含量在OA2~4.1mg·L^-1,淋出液水质仍超过了国家安全水质标准。因此,在高肥力水平下进行氮素调控,优化氮素供应量,促进了磷素的吸收利用,对农民在高肥力水平下施肥具有指导意义。建议农民在以后的种植中减少氮肥供应量及添加高碳源秸秆进行还田,以提高肥料的利用率,减少氮磷对土壤及水体的污染。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Loading functions are proposed as a general model for estimating monthly nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in stream flow. The functions have a simple mathematical structure, describe a wide range of rural and urban nonpoint sources, and couple surface runoff and ground water discharge. Rural runoff loads are computed from daily runoff and erosion and monthly sediment yield calculations. Urban runoff loads are based on daily nutrient accumulation rates and exponential wash off functions. Ground water discharge is determined by lumped parameter unsaturated and saturated zone soil moisture balances. Default values for model chemical parameters were estimated from literature values. Validation studies over a three-year period for an 850 km2 watershed showed that the loading functions explained at least 90 percent of the observed monthly variation in dissolved and total nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in stream flow. Errors in model predictions of mean monthly fluxes were: dissolved phosphorus - 4 percent; total phosphorus - 2 percent; dissolved nitrogen - 18 percent; and total nitrogen - 28 percent. These results were obtained without model calibration.  相似文献   

Effects of calibration on L-THIA GIS runoff and pollutant estimation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Urbanization can result in alteration of a watershed's hydrologic response and water quality. To simulate hydrologic and water quality impacts of land use changes, the Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) system has been used. The L-THIA system estimates pollutant loading based on direct runoff quantity and land use based pollutant coefficients. The accurate estimation of direct runoff is important in assessing water quality impacts of land use changes. An automated program was developed to calibrate the L-THIA model using the millions of curve number (CN) combinations associated with land uses and hydrologic soil groups. L-THIA calibration for the Little Eagle Creek (LEC) watershed near Indianapolis, Indiana was performed using land use data for 1991 and daily rainfall data for six months of 1991 (January 1-June 30) to minimize errors associated with use of different temporal land use data and rainfall data. For the calibration period, the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.60 for estimated and observed direct runoff. The calibrated CN values were used for validation of the model for the same year (July 1-December 31), and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.60 for estimated and observed direct runoff. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.52 for January 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 using uncalibrated CN values. As shown in this study, the use of better input parameters for the L-THIA model can improve accuracy. The effects on direct runoff and pollutant estimation of the calibrated CN values in the L-THIA model were investigated for the LEC. Following calibration, the estimated average annual direct runoff for the LEC watershed increased by 34%, total nitrogen by 24%, total phosphorus by 22%, and total lead by 43%. This study demonstrates that the L-THIA model should be calibrated and validated prior to application in a particular watershed to more accurately assess the effects of land use changes on hydrology and water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Field studies were conducted to investigate the effects of tillage practices on the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and quantity and quality of surface runoff water resulting from the application of the liquid swine manure as a fertilizer. As part of the study, infiltration experiments were conducted on silt-loam soil with no-tillage (NT) and disk tillage (DT) practices. Liquid swine manure was applied on test plots, and the rainfall was applied by the portable rainfall simulator. The infiltration data was analyzed for the saturated hydraulic conductivity (K8) and runoff volume determinations. The surface runoff water was analyzed for total N, total P, ammonia, and nitrate concentration determinations. The study indicated that the tillage had significant effects on Ks, and quantity and quality of runoff water. The Ks values of the NT plots were found to vary from 0.693 to 1.734 mm/min, with a mean of 1.494 mm/min, while they varied from 1.056 to 2.543 mm/min, with a mean of 2231 mm/mm in the DT plots. The total N, total P, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations were lower in runoff generated from DT plots, compared to that from the NT plots. The chemical concentration levels were significantly different in runoff waters collected one-day after manure application than in those collected 40-days after the manure application. Study suggested that the DT practice must be preferred over the NT practice if liquid swine manure is used as the fertilizer. The study is further continued to assess the long-term impacts of swine manure application and tillage on the quantity and quality of surface runoff water.  相似文献   

在内蒙古贝加尔针茅草原,分别设对照(N0)、1.5 g·m^-2(N15)、3.0 g·m^-2(N30)、5.0 g·m^-2(N50)、10.0 g·m^-2(N100)、15.0 g·m^-2(N150)、20.0 g·m^-2(N200)和30 g·m^-2(N300)(不包括大气沉降的氮量)8个氮素(NH4NO3)梯度和模拟夏季增加降水100 mm的水分添加交互试验,研究氮素和水分添加对草原土壤养分、酶活性及微生物量碳氮的影响。结果表明:氮素和水分添加对草原土壤理化性质和生物学特性有显著影响。随施氮量的增加土壤总有机碳、全氮、硝态氮、铵态氮含量呈增加的趋势,相反,土壤pH值呈降低的趋势。土壤脲酶和过氧化氢酶的活性随施氮量的增加而升高,多酚氧化酶则随施氮量的增加呈下降的趋势。氮素和水分添加对草原土壤微生物量碳氮含量有显著影响,高氮处理(N150、N200和N300)显著降低了微生物碳含量,微生物氮含量随施氮量的增加呈上升趋势。水分添加能够减缓氮素添加对微生物的抑制作用,提高微生物量碳、微生物量氮含量。草原土壤养分、土壤酶活性及土壤微生物量碳氮含量间关系密切,过氧化氢酶与全氮、总有机碳、硝态氮呈显著正相关,多酚氧化酶与铵态氮、硝态氮、全氮呈显著负相关。微生物量氮含量与土壤全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮含量以及过氧化氢酶和磷酸酶活性呈显著正相关,与多酚氧化酶呈负相关;微生物量碳与过氧化氢酶呈负相关,与多酚氧化酶活性呈正相关。  相似文献   

为研究广西坡耕地主要经济作物甘蔗、玉米和花生农民常规施肥及不施肥处理对植株生长情况、经济产量及养分径流流失的影响,探寻提高广西经济作物经济效益、减少成本、减少环境污染的最佳施肥量,在坡耕地,观测降雨过程的养分径流流失,运用SPSS统计分析软件对试验数据进行分析,寻找成本低、效益高的种植方法。结果表明,对照与常规施肥相比,甘蔗、玉米、花生作物的生长情况差异不明显。对照处理的玉米经济产量、生物产量、淀粉含量分别为851.42kg·667m-2 3640.4kg·667m-2.68.40%;比玉米(常规施肥)高100.62kg·667m-2.485.98kg·667m-2 7.5%;花生对照的粗脂肪比其常规施肥高了45g·kg-1;径流养分总氮、总磷、总钾、硝态氮、铵态氮径流流失总量最高的均是花生常规施肥,其次是甘蔗对照,最少的玉米对照。径流量与总氮、总磷、总钾、硝态氮、铵态氮的相关系数,常规施肥处理偏高于对照。玉米对照的养分径流流失总量最少;花生常规施肥养分径流率最大;玉米比花生更适合在广西肥沃的坡耕地中种植。  相似文献   

为了明确氮肥形态对土壤养分流失通量及途径的影响,采用随机区组试验设计,利用模拟径流小区观测的方法,研究在地膜覆盖与不覆盖情况下氮肥形态对坡耕地雨季土壤养分流失通量及途径的影响。研究结果表明:壤中流氮、磷和钾的流失量分别占总径流流失量的71.30%、6.36%和8.85%,说明磷和钾流失的主要途径是地表径流,而氮流失的主要途径是壤中流,地膜覆盖降低酰胺态氮肥和缓控释肥处理氮素流失量,其中酰胺态氮肥处理地膜覆盖较不覆盖壤中流氮流失浓度和径流氮素流失量分别降低40.40%和29.32%。在无覆盖条件下,各处理径流氮素流失顺序表现为:酰胺态氮肥〉铵态氮肥〉缓控释肥〉硝态氮肥,施用硝态氮肥氮素流失量最低,较施用酰胺态氮肥氮素流失少40.86%。在地膜覆盖条件下,各处理径流中氮素流失顺序表现为:铵态氮肥〉酰胺态氮肥〉硝态氮肥〉缓控释肥,施用缓控释肥氮素流失量最低,较施用铵态氮肥氮素流失少59.60%。结果表明在四川紫色丘陵区为了有效控制水土养分流失,在肥料形态的选择上,以无覆盖条件下施用硝态氮肥较好,以地膜覆盖条件下施用缓控释肥较好。  相似文献   

This study used monitoring in the waterways of agricultural fields to understand the use of the runoff curve number (CN) in continuous simulation models. The CN has a long history as a design tool for estimating runoff volumes for large, single storms on small watersheds, but its use in continuous simulation models to describe runoff from smaller storms and relatively small areas is more recent and controversial. We examined 788 nonwinter rainfall events on four agricultural fields over five years (2004‐2008) during which runoff was generated in 87 events. The largest 20 runoff events on each field generated approximately 90% of the total runoff volume. The runoff event CNs showed an inverse correlation with storm depth that could not consistently be explained by previous precipitation. We review how small areas of higher runoff generation within larger areas will systematically increase the apparent CN of the larger area as the storm size decreases. If this variation is not incorporated into a model explicitly, continuous simulation modelers must understand that when source areas are aggregated or when runoff generation is spatially variable, the overall CN is not unique when smaller storms are included in the calibration set.  相似文献   

At Ensenada de La Paz, a coastal lagoon on the western side of the Gulf of California, nutrient and salinity data before and after rain events were evaluated using a mass balance model to estimate the exchange of conservative and non-conservative variables with the adjacent sea. Surface salinity, nitrogen (N-NO3, N-NO2), and phosphorus (PO4) were used in the model to obtain the hydraulic balance, water residence time, and nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes. Results showed that residual volume was mainly influenced by evaporation. Rainfall and runoff increased the mixed volume and reduced water residence time. Pre-rainfall hydraulic balance conditions were reestablished about 10 days after a rain storm. Rainwater inputs also modified the quality of the coastal lagoon: the pre-rainfall scenario showed that more nitrogen is consumed than produced, and there is a phosphorus sufficiency. A rain disturbance induces a nitrogen and phosphorus increase. Eleven days after a rain storm, nitrogen and phosphorus levels did not return to the pre-rainfall scenario. Rain disturbances in arid zone coastal lagoons modify their water quality and exchange with the adjacent ocean; some management strategies are suggested.  相似文献   

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