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收集和处理信息是高校党政办公室的重要工作,也是高校党政办公室的重要职能。在市场经济条件下,信息工作在高校管理工作中起着越来越重要的作用。做好信息工作,要求高校党政办公室工作人员不断提高自身素质,努力做到信息收集“全”,提供“精”,利用“准”,反馈“快”。  相似文献   

党政办公室在高校的发展与建设中承担着组织、协调、服务、督办等重要的职能与作用.面对新形势、新任务、新要求,党政办公室要跟上时代的步伐,就必须不断开拓进取,建立一种新的、现代的、更加先进的工作理念、工作方式、工作机制,充分调动工作人员的创造性和积极性,提高高校党政办公室工作的效率,建设一流部门,争创一流业绩.  相似文献   

多年来通过组织内容丰富、形式多样、寓教于乐的环境宣传教育活动和绿色创建活动,强力推进公众环境保护参与机制,在提高公众环境意识的实际工作中取得显著成绩。汪璞自1992年调入武汉市环境宣传教育中心工作至今,历任《武汉环境》编辑、编辑部主任、武汉电视台环保记者站副站长、宣传科副科长、科长、中心办公室主任、中心副主任,分管中心办公室、教育科,具体负责行政管理、环境教育、绿色创建、精神文明建设、目标管理、环保社团管理等相关工作。他长年工作在环境宣传教育的第一线,为武汉市环境宣传教育事业的发展作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

吴芳云1962年7月毕业于原北京石油学院炼制系石油加工专业。毕业后留校工作期间,担任过学生政治辅导员,石油大学北京研究生部教务处主任,石油大学科技开发办公室主任,研究生院副院长等职务。现任中国石油天然气总公司环境工程研究开发中心主任。主持教务处工作期间,她和同  相似文献   

生态环境和自然资源是人类赖以生存和社会活动的物质基础和基本条件。环境资源的保护程度如何,直接关系到社会经济的发展,关系到城乡人民活水平的提高。因此,我们河北海鹿县把环境资源的保护工作当做重中之重,加强领导,环何工作取得了显著成绩,有力地促进了全县经济的发展。一、加强组织领导,把保护环境资源工作纳人全县社会经济发展计划为做好资源保护,我们建立了一支精干的环保队伍。1984年,我县成立了城乡建设环境保护局,次年又成立了县环境监测站和县环何委员会,下设办公室。县环保委员会主任由主管环保工作的常务副县长担任…  相似文献   

岁末,省环保厅厅长王国才、副厅长王林溪、副巡视员兼办公室主任张旗威、规划财务处处长陈绍辉、科技标准处处长梁冬梅、人事处副处长李阳一行分别到省环境科学研究院、省环境保护宣传中心就直属单位工作情况进行调研,听取了工作汇报,并看望了两家直属单位的部分工作人员。  相似文献   

2013年7月29日至30日,《中国环境管理》杂志理事会在天津市召开工作会议。环境保护部信息中心程春明主任、天津市环境保护局谢华生副局长、环境保护部固体废物管理中心邱琦副主任、天津市危险废物处理处置中心袁倩主任出席会议,各理事单位17位成员及理事会执行委、秘书处成员参加了会议。会议由《中国环境管理》杂志王玉振主编主持。会上,程春明主任总结了理事会上半年完成的工作,理事单位成员分别就目前的生态文明建设下的环境形势,结合本企业的工作性质,对未来的环境信息化的建设工作提出了相应的建议和需求。  相似文献   

在国家水专项办公室和浙江省政府的正确领导下,以及浙江省各有关部门的全力支持和配合下,浙江省水专项工作取得了积极地进展。一、领导重视、组织健全浙江省政府领导对水专项工作高度重视。2007年9月,吕祖善省长批示成立浙江省水专项工作领导小组,切实加强对专项工作的组织领导和统筹协调。陈加元副省长多次对水专项工作作出重要批示,要求按国家水专项办公室的要求,  相似文献   

2011年9月,商务部信用工作办公室和国资委行业协会联系办公室联合下发《关于公布第七批行业信用评价参与单位名单的通知》,批准中国环境保护产业协会在中国环保产业行业内开展企业信用等级评价工作。经过近三个月的前期准备,中国环境保护产业协会已于今年初正式启动评价工作。  相似文献   

一九九三年十一月八日,副省长、省环委会主任王汉民,副省长、青海湖生态环境保护委员会主任马元彪主持召开了青海省环境保护委员会、青海湖生态环境保护委员会二届一次会议。会议听取了省环委会副主任、省环保局局长周永玲作的青海省环境保护工作情况报告,省环委会副主任、省财经委副主任关风强作的关于参加第二次全国工业污染防治工作会议情况及我省贯彻意见的报告,青海湖生态环境保护委员会办公室副主任、省环保局副局长王玉学作的青海湖生态环境保护委员会工作总结报告以及周永玲同志作为中国政府代表参加联合国环境规划署第十七届理事会情况报告。讨论审议了青海省环境保护委员会职责和组成,青海湖生态环境保护委员会职责和组成。会议结束时,副省长王汉民、  相似文献   

Deliberative public participation and hexachlorobenzene stockpiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with the quality of citizen involvement in relation to the governance of industrial risks. Specifically, it explores the hexachlorobenzene (HCB) case relative to best practice public participation, which is consistent with deliberative democratic theory. The case could be judged a public participation failure given that the community committee in combination with the corporate sponsor was unable to agree on a mutually acceptable technological pathway. This stalemate might have been attributable in part to the time spent on the task of review. A diligent participation working party could have created a much more effective public participation plan, grounded in the core values of professional public participation practice.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate cognitive, emotional, and physiological effects of two open-plan office noise conditions (high noise: 51 LAeq and low noise: 39 LAeq) during work in a simulated open-plan office, followed by four restoration conditions (river movie with sound, only river sound, silence, and office noise) after the work period. Students (N = 47) went through one practice session and two experimental sessions, one each with the low and high noise conditions. In each experimental session they worked for 2 h with tasks involving basic working memory processes. We also took physiological measures of stress (cortisol and catecholamines) and self-reports of mood and fatigue. Analyses indicate that the participants remembered fewer words, rated themselves as more tired, and were less motivated with work in noise compared to low noise. In the restoration phase the participants who saw a nature movie (including river sounds) rated themselves as having more energy after the restoration period in comparison with both the participants who listened to noise and river sounds. Remaining in office noise during the restoration phase also affected motivation more negatively than listening to river sounds or watching the nature movie. The findings bear on the appropriateness of open-plan office designs and the possibilities for restoration available in office settings.  相似文献   

Summary This paper looks at the problems of science and technology education in Mexico, and proposes ways in which the quality of education at every level can be improved. It advocates an interdisciplinary approach, and from that approach to science education, the development of environmental education.Prof. Gutiérrez-Vázquez received his training in microbiology and biochemistry in the National Polytechnic Institute in his native Mexico City, receiving his degree in 1954. He went from instructor to assistant professor (1950–1960), becoming a full professor, deputy dean and then dean of the Faculty of Biology in the same Institute (1961–1969); he published two books and some 20 papers dealing with the physiology of tubercle bacillus and other mycobacteria, as well as with other topics on microbiology. More recently (1970 to date), he became a full professor in the Center for Advanced Studies of the same Institute, where he has been head of the Department of Educational Research (1972–1981) and carried out research and development projects on science education for children and adolescents. During this period he has published some 20 more books and 30 odd papers, and written more than 80 science programmes for commercial television.  相似文献   

将适应性环境管理的模式应用于深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会生态环境保障工作,对生态环境保障总目标层层分解落实,由第三方评估机构对任务逐项跟踪管理,定期评估各部门绩效,根据外部条件和内部因素的变化对工作方案和阶段性目标进行动态调整,最大限度地降低了环境管理工作的不确定性。经过六个月的实践应用,大运赛事期间深圳市生态环境保障工作取得了十分显著的成效。  相似文献   

The study assesses the effects of ambient temperature, humidity and air ionization in an office environment on the rating of thermal comfort, stuffiness, alertness, well-being and other subjective responses. The incidence of headache, nausea and dizziness was also recorded. A total of 106 male and female subjects made daily records of their assessment of the environment and their health over a 12-week period. Temperatures above 23°C were associated with increased sensations of stuffiness, discomfort and unpleasantness, but appeared to produce a decrease in the number of complaints of headaches.The office environment was found to be depleted in small air ions. The introduction, on a double-blind basis, of a negative ion generator increased the subjective rating of alertness, atmospheric freshness and environmental and personal warmth. Ions reduced the complaint rate for headache by 50% and also significantly reduced the number of complaints of nausea and dizziness. Night-shift working was associated with a very high complaint rate of both subjective discomfort and ill-health. Air ions appeared to be particularly effective in reducing these problems at night.  相似文献   

Territoriality is an emerging concept of importance in organizations. Unfortunately, there does not exist currently a valid measure of territoriality with which to conduct research on territoriality in organizations. I developed a theoretically driven four-factor measure of territoriality. Six hundred and sixty-three people working in office settings completed an online survey about their territorial behaviors. Using confirmatory factor analysis I found that the four-factor structure had acceptable fit. I also found preliminary evidence of construct validity. Collectively, the results support the validity of the measure, thus providing an instrument for studying territoriality in organizations. I then discuss specific implications of this measure for both research and practise.  相似文献   

低碳技术创新的双重外部性与“搭便车”风险严重制约了我国低碳技术创新联盟的稳定发展。基于此背景,运用随机博弈模型分析多主体惩罚机制对低碳技术创新联盟演化的影响,结果表明:多主体惩罚机制的实施能有效提升低碳技术创新联盟的稳定性。其中,第二方惩罚机制是影响低碳技术创新联盟稳定性的主要因素,第一方与第三方惩罚机制及随机干扰则对联盟的稳定速率有重要影响。为促进我国低碳技术创新联盟稳定发展,助力“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的实现,进一步从政策制定与管理实践角度提出优化我国低碳技术创新联盟稳定性的对策建议。  相似文献   

Participatory planning is becoming increasingly integral to governance. Numerous planning innovations are developed which aim to increase democratic legitimacy and improve decision making. This paper critically reflects on a typical Dutch innovation: the area committee. Based on two individual case studies, we investigate whether area committees realise democratic legitimacy in existing planning practices. Analytically, we focus on four democratic goods: inclusiveness, popular control, considered judgement and transparency. Based on the interdependencies between area committees and government structures we discuss the potential and dilemmas for the area committee to contribute to the democratic legitimacy of environmental policy and rural development.  相似文献   

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