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韩毓海 《绿叶》2008,(7):56-62
人们对时间和空间的理解,是文化认同的基础。随着五四以来西方时空观的进入,先进、落后的时间概念,内陆、海洋的空间概念,使得中国原本多样性的文化生态被单一性压倒。传统的、乡村的、西部的、民族的、百姓的文化被看成是愚昧的、低俗的、落后的,现代的、城市的、西方的、美国的文化被看成是高级的、优雅的、先进的。一个国家的文化认同能力,决定了这个国家的团结程度。根植基层、民间、百姓,重建自主的、中国式的时空观念,重建老百姓日常生活中的多元文化,是中华复兴、国人安康的重头。  相似文献   

于婕 《环境教育》2011,(11):76-76
我生长在一个四面环山的小城镇里,我打心眼里热爱这片土地,我爱她的文化悠久、爱她的号色优美、爱她满山的绿荫、爱她干净的马路……在我的印象里,我的周围都是干净的、清新的。马路上尽是身着橘色的清洁天使,她们的笠帽下遮不住的是那被烈日常年照射下的“健康色”,在黝黑的健康色下遮不住的是因为满足而绽放的笑容,烈日的余辉遮不住那一抹抹橘色身影,他们是道路的清洁者,是城市的美容师,他们用爱着土地的心感染着周围的人们,所以,他们扫过的地方人们便不再忍心丢下手中的杂物,他们有个美丽的名字——环卫清洁工。  相似文献   

正将自然的风,清洁的风,绿色的风;自然的能源,清洁的能源,绿色的能源;旋转成自然的力,清洁的力,绿色的力。然后呢,自然的电,清洁的电,绿色的电,就诞生了。向北,向北,走在晋北旷阔的土地上,我久久地仰望着这个世界。我看着刺破天空的铁塔银线,也欣然看见了远去归来的两片蓝天。一片是我头顶高悬着的山西北高原的自然的  相似文献   

说到田野的诱惑,人们首先想到的是无边的草甸,缤纷的花朵;是起伏的麦浪,沉甸甸的谷穗;是感官的享受,心胸的开阔。不过我这里讲的田野却不是这些。我要说的是一种职业,田野工作,以及从事这种职业的人,田野工作者。他们是一些非常有学问,却长年待在野外,从事科学考察和研究的科学家。他们把自己的生命和丰富多彩的大自然相融会,而魅力无穷的大自然也会向他们撩起自己的面纱,揭示自己的神秘。他们是一群令人羡慕的人,他们和大自然的亲密无间,他们和大自然以心灵而不是感官的交流,还有他们亲身经历的那些神奇,都是身居闹市的人们只能一辈子望洋兴叹的。  相似文献   

正一个作家的写作资源通常是伴随他一生的心中意象而进行,即使躲进了城市,海仍在周建新的梦里醒着。少年的记忆是顽强的,它缠绕着一个人的灵魂,从生到死。周建新生态文学《斑海豹》的创作依托大海,面向大海,同时也在沉思着大海。它见证着海的历史、海的繁盛、海的丰饶和海的沉落。少年的海,青年的海,中年的海,诗意从瞻望的桅杆上飘下,人的欲望与生  相似文献   

人类本是大自然之子。茂密的森林,肥沃的土地,清澈的河水,湛蓝的天空……不仅养育了人类,给人类以生命的源泉,也给人类的思维插上了理想的翅膀。有了自然的哺育,才有了人类今天的物质繁荣;有了大自然的恩泽,才有了人类高度发展的社会文明。即使在自然环境遭到无情破坏的今天,当黄色的沙土覆盖了充满生机的绿色草原,当荒漠取代了沃野,当多少年来奔腾不息的河流变得污浊、干涸,当蓊郁茂盛的森林被无情地砍伐……伤痕累累的大自然展现在人类面前的仍然是她那宽阔的胸襟、磅礴的气势和秀美山川的至真至善至美。所有这一切,无时无刻不在撞击着人类的心灵,洗涤着人类的灵魂。“本刊特稿”和“名家走笔”栏目刊登的《九寨冲击波》、《穿越林海两题》,展示的正是这种人  相似文献   

谢意 《四川环境》2021,(2):198-203
河长制作为一种综合管理制度,明确了河湖治理的权利和责任,实现了外部性的内化与交易费用的降低,河长制的起源是内生性变化的结果,其制度变迁的过程受制于路径依赖的惯性及其所处的社会环境变化,河湖水质的改善和水治理能力现代化的提升验证了河长制是制度创新的成功实践。中国河湖治理制度的演进符合制度变迁的进程,河长制的实施是历史的必然选择。基于制度变迁理论,以首创河长制的江苏省为例,通过展开江苏省河湖治理政策的演变过程分析河长制的成效和实施动因,进而总结制度变迁理论为河长制变迁提供的启示。  相似文献   

生活在地球上的人类和其它动植物,无一不是直接的,就是间接的以土壤为其生存的条件,土壤环境的优劣对他们的兴衰起着极为重要的作用。从环境科学来看,土壤在环境中起三种作用:起蓄积物质的“仓库”作用;起迁移、转化和再分配的作用;起净化作用。有害物质在土壤中的行为和这些作用的发挥,受土壤性质的影响和制约,这些性质主要包括:土壤的pH值;土壤的氧化还原电位;土壤胶体数量的多少和它们的性质;土壤有机质的多少和性质。土壤的这些性质,有各自独立的含  相似文献   

走进郑州市民罗长红的家,一进门映入眼帘的便是一片窗明几净,室内清新的空气中弥漫着淡淡的花香,几株绿色盆栽植物正在撒满阳光的房间里懒洋洋的舒枝展叶。其中,最吸引人们的莫过于无处不在的花朵装饰:茶几上摆放着精美的插花,沙发旁的铁艺花篮中牡丹和杜鹃在怒放,房门的把手上缠绕着五彩缤纷的花带,就连经过室内的暖气管道也被女主人装饰上了绿色的藤萝花。令人称奇的是,这些精致的花朵装饰并非鲜花或市场上出售的塑料绢花,  相似文献   

环境问题可以说主要是一个经济问题。一方面,环境问题的产生是由于经济的发展,人类从环境中获取的资源超过环境的补给和再生增殖能力,造成了资源的稀缺;这些取得的资源经过人类的生产和消费又以废物的形式排入环境,造成环境质量的下降,资源的匮乏和环境的恶化又反过来制约经济的  相似文献   

李国林 《四川环境》2003,22(4):83-86
本文以德阳市城市生活垃圾的研究及垃圾处理工程的建设为主线,论述了德阳市在生活垃圾处理实践中不断探索和改造的实情;以满足城市发展需要的垃圾处理方式及转运工作为主线,介绍了生活垃圾处理场不断进行科研和实践的工作。  相似文献   

The present article, based on a study of five village ecosystems, assesses the energy efficiency of rain-fed agriculture in a dry tropical environment and the impact of agricultural activity on the surrounding natural ecosystems. Agronomic yield is insufficient to meet the food requirement of the human population, hence 11.5%–49.7% of the required amount of food grains are imported from the market. Energy requirements of five studied agroecosystems are subsidized considerably by the surrounding forest in the form of fodder and firewood. Natural ecosystems supply about 80%–95% of fodder needs and 81%–100% of fuelwood needs. The output-input ratio of agriculture indicated that, on average, 4.1 units of energy are expended to obtain one unit of agronomic energy. Of this, 3.9 units are supplied by the natural ecosystem. In addition, 38% of the extracted firewood is marketed. The illegal felling and lopping of trees result in ever-increasing concentric circles of forest destruction around the villages and together with excessive grazing results in savannization. The forests can be conserved by encouraging fuelwood plantations (0.7 ha/ha cultivated land) and developing village pastures (1.6 ha/ha cultivated land) and reducing the livestock numbers. Agricultural production in the region can be stabilized by introducing improved dry farming techniques such as intercropping, planned rainwater management, and adequate use of fertilizers.  相似文献   

以协商的方式确定水污染物间接排放标准的规定打破了人们对标准确定性、强制性的传统认识。协定标准的优势在于充分利用污水处理厂的污水处理能力,减轻企业的污水处理负担,使企业可以集中力量搞生产。协定标准具有灵活性和优越性,应充分利用。通过对协定标准概念和重要性的分析,指出协定标准存在效力不确定、缺少对协定范围的限制等问题,造成协定标准在实践中通常被忽视或者滥用。并从明确协定标准的范围、加强排污企业的管理和协定标准的监督等方面,进一步提出了限制和完善水污染物间接排放标准的建议。  相似文献   

The functions of packaging are derived from product requirements, thus for insight into the environmental effects of packaging the actual combination of product and package has to be evaluated along the production and distribution system. This extension to all related environmental aspects adds realism to the environmental analysis and provides guidance for design while preventing a too detailed investigation of parts of the production system. This approach is contrary to current environmental studies where packaging is always treated as an independent object, neglecting the more important environmental effects of the product that are influenced by packaging. The general analysis and quantification stages for this approach are described, and the currently available methods for the assessment of environmental effects are reviewed. To limit the workload involved in an environmental assessment, a step-by-step analysis and the use of feedback is recommended. First the dominant environmental effects of a particular product and its production and distribution are estimated. Then, on the basis of these preliminary results, the appropriate system boundaries are chosen and the need for further or more detailed environmental analysis is determined. For typical food and drink applications, the effect of different system boundaries on the outcome of environmental assessments and the advantage of the step-by-step analysis of the food supply system is shown. It appears that, depending on the consumer group, different advice for reduction of environmental effects has to be given. Furthermore, because of interrelated environmental effects of the food supply system, the continuing quest for more detailed and accurate analysis of the package components is not necessary for improved management of the environmental effects of packaging.  相似文献   

This case study details the difficulties of landscape management, highlighting the challenges inherent in managing natural resources when multiple agencies are involved, when the land users have no incentive for conservation, and when government agencies have too few resources for effective management. Pumping of groundwater from the aquifer of La Costa de Hermosillo in the state of Sonora, Mexico, began in 1945 and developed so quickly that by the late 1950s salinity intrusion from the Gulf of California was occurring in the wells. In the 1970s, the irrigatable land in La Costa peaked at 132,516 ha and the extracted volume of water from the aquifer peaked at around 1.14 billion cubic meters annually. By the 1980s, 105 wells of the total of 498 were contaminated with seawater and, therefore, identified for closure. At present La Costa de Hermosillo still represents 15% of the total harvested land, 16% of the total annual production, and 23% of the gross agricultural production of the state of Sonora. However, there are approximately 80,000 ha of abandoned fields due to salt water intension, lack of water and/or lack of credit available to individual farmers. This unstable situation resulted from the interplay of water management policies and practices, and farm-land policies and practices. While government agencies have been able to enforce better water use for agricultural production, there remains a significant area that requires restoration from its degraded state. For this piece of the ecosystem management puzzle, government agencies have thus far been unable to affect a solution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The geochemistry and nature of the flow of ground water not only control the supply potential but constitute clues to the whole geology of an area. A study has been made of the largest available assemblage of data from 161 wells for the Island of Montreal collected by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1951–53. Data indicated that the system is generally subartesian, flowing from the principal topographically high areas towards the shores of the Island. As the probable use is about 13% of the estimated recharge of 140 million liters per day, most wells could be supplied by local recharge. The study has confirmed the predominance of calcium bicarbonate ground water from the carbonate sequence. The waters appeared to be saturated with respect to CaCO3 in all but 10 wells. The presence of other types of waters suggests the effects of the igneous intrusions of the area, the post-glacial marine submergence and the upward movement of waters from deep sources through fault and other structural zones. Confirmation of the significant variations in chemical composition in some neighboring wells indicated the future need for repetitive sampling from specific horizons for chemical and isotopic analyses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Winterkill, the death of fish under ice due to oxygen deficiency, threatens hundreds of shallow lakes in the upper Midwest of the United States every winter. For decades, attempts have been made to prevent winterkill, usually through aeration, with mixed results. In large part, the failure of strategies to prevent winterkill can be linked to a lack of understanding of winter limnology and in particular, of oxygen dynamics under ice. Most winterkill lakes behave as closed systems with regard to oxygen. Consequently, the oxygen content of an ice and snow covered lake is essentially a function of the amount of initial storage and the rate of depletion. Should the stored oxygen be insufficient to prevent near anoxia before melting of the ice cover occurs, winterkill will result. Most oxygen consumption in ice covered lakes is due to bacterial respiration and chemical oxidation at the sediment/water interface, the remainder occurring in the water column. Oxygen consumption (and thus depletion) is a function of the velocity and oxygen concentration of the near sediment water. This is due to the fact that oxygen transport to the sediment is mediated by a diffusive boundary layer adjacent to the sediment surface. Winter oxygen depletion rates decrease when the oxygen concentration of the overlying water falls below about 3 mg/l. Aeration techniques which increase the oxygen concentration and velocity of the near-sediment water also increase the oxygen consumption (depletion) rate.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of the absence of trust in shaping relationships between officers and managers in Copacabana, Bolivia, particularly regarding the construction of a sanitary landfill for the city. The article builds on an abductive thematic analysis of observation and interview data. The data suggest that prior negative experiences and the absence of shared values are common arguments used by the residents to negotiate the conditions of public programme implementation. The study is inspired by the literature identifying the specific components of trust and the literature on lack of trust and distrust as it highlights the positive effects of scepticism. I conclude that a climate in which trust is absent leads residents to counter the risks involved in accepting the project. These findings can be used to revise and refine the well-established thesis that lack of trust leads to rejection.  相似文献   

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