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嫩玉米香甜可口,营养丰富,人人爱吃.然而嫩玉米采摘季节正值生长旺盛期,贮藏保存难度非常大.目前市场上跨季节销售的嫩玉米,基本上采用冷冻法贮存保鲜,一次性设备投资大、成本高、口味差、难于普及推广.虽然近年来一些单位也相继推出几种常温下嫩玉米保鲜方法,如烘干(晾干)——复水保鲜法、杀菌机(臭氧发生器)保鲜法等,但操作复杂,保鲜期短,效果不佳.本文介绍的一种嫩玉米常温保鲜技术,不需冷冻、烘干和日常管理,只要将采摘后的嫩玉米浸泡在事先配制好的保鲜液中,即可达到长期贮存保鲜的目的,保鲜期长达8个月以上,口味纯正,品质鲜嫩如初,而保鲜成本每穗仅0.03元左右.此法不需设备投资,操作简单易行,原料易购价廉,极具普及推广价值.  相似文献   

本品由多层库壁、发泡保温层和可随机抽真空的保温夹层的库体与库门组成。库内设传感器;库体上设三通或直通接口;真空通道上设控制阀和真空压力表,末端与控制电路、真空泵、气泵、臭氧发生器、截止阀相连接,实现了集中控制和分散管理。用本品贮藏食物不冷冻、不脱水,确保了长期贮藏食物的新鲜和无菌毒,可作粮食、蔬菜、水果、肉食品、水产品的保鲜贮藏库低恒温结构真空保鲜仓库  相似文献   

本工艺的具体工艺流程为:择季采摘→挑选→浸泡涂层→打捞→沥干→速冻→喷箱处理→装箱→低温贮藏。通过本工艺加工的鲜红枣,抑制了水份蒸发和有害物质的生成,延长了红枣保鲜期,硬度保持8个月~12个月,而色、香、味、形、质地及糖酸营养新鲜不变。本工艺提高了红枣的经济价值、食用价值和市场占有率,对陕北乃至全国红枣产区的资源开发利用将起到积极的推动作用速冻保鲜红枣的加工工艺  相似文献   

栀子切花衰老与膜脂过氧化及保护酶活性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了栀子切花衰老过程中保护酶活性的变化情况和膜脂过氧化水平.结果表明,瓶插过程中细胞膜相对透性增强,过氧化物酶活性上升,超氧物歧化酶活性先上升后下降.  相似文献   

香椿的贮藏保鲜与深加工技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
香椿嫩芽采摘于春末 ,季节性强 ,在湖北鄂东大别山区鲜供时间短 ,不能周年供应满足市场需要。为了解决这一难题 ,我们采用立体快速培育法 ,即利用种子生长的嫩苗代替传统香椿芽 ,这样可在温室、大棚露地、楼顶、阳台等地种植 ,陆续上市 ,生产效率高 ,产品无污染。但近两年又出现香椿芽生产过剩、鲜售不完就腐烂抛弃的状况。为了解决这一问题 ,我们对香椿芽进行了贮藏、保鲜及加工试验。1 香椿的贮存与保鲜短期贮存保鲜 :如香椿芽不能及时售完时 ,可将椿芽平摊在通风、凉爽的室内席上 ,厚 10cm左右 ,切忌堆挤发热 ,引起腐烂变质 ;或者把香椿…  相似文献   

情人草的组织培养快速繁殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情人草的组织培养快速繁殖技术郑丽屏,张小雷,纳晓燕,陈丽华,李宗菊(云南省农科院生物技术研究所,昆明650223)近年来利用天然干切花作插花、服装、挂画装饰之风渐盛,干切花栽培省工、成本低、价格稳定、可自然干燥、长期保持花型,因而花卉市场对干花的需求...  相似文献   

菠萝蜜的保鲜及其市场开发前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了菠萝蜜的基本生物特性,综合分析了食用价值,提出了对其进行速冻或凝胶保鲜的加工方法,这为消费者常年提供营养、美味的热带水果-菠萝蜜成为可能,同时也为加工企业提供了一条合理、有价值的开发途径。  相似文献   

本方法为一种可工业化生产保鲜食品期长,不破坏食品营养成分、外形和特有口感好的加工方法。它采用具有20~40根棒的花篮结构钴源,用照射剂量为5KGy~10KGy照射被加工食品15h,控制辐照食品最大吸收剂量与最小吸收剂量之比保持在13~14比率。本方法实现了工业化加工...  相似文献   

欧版磨粉机在脱硫石灰石制粉中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环保脱硫工艺中的脱硫剂大都为石灰石粉,石灰石粉的品质、细度及粒径分布是影响脱硫效果的关键性因素之一,而选择合适的石灰石粉制备的工艺和装备则对整个脱硫过程起着至关重要的作用;本文重点介绍了欧版磨粉机制备脱硫石灰石粉的技术特点及其在环保脱硫石灰石制粉中的应用。  相似文献   

菹草的经济价值及其栽培与养鱼技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
菹草是渔业水域生态系统中的初级生产者,为渔业生产的重要自然资源之一、根据近年来的试验研究成果,本文探讨了菹草的自明、药用、饲用价值及其在渔业水域中对自然国类资原的增殖与保护作用,介绍了菹草人工栽培与养鱼的技术措施。  相似文献   

从鲜切花生产面积、切花主栽品种及分布地区、种苗来源、繁育栽培方式、生产水平状况等方面对四川省鲜切花生产现状进行了阐述。分析了目前切花生产存在的主要问题,并对该省鲜切花发展的市场前景作了初步阐述,提出了促进该省鲜切花产业的发展对策。  相似文献   

Our attitudes toward human culpability for environmental problems have moral and emotional import, influencing our basic capacities for believing cooperative action and environmental repair are even possible. In this paper, I suggest that having the virtue of forgivingness as a response to environmental harm is generally good for moral character, preserving us from morally risky varieties of pessimism and despair. I define forgivingness as a forward-looking disposition based on Robin Dillon’s conception of preservative forgiveness, a preparation to be deeply and abidingly accepting yet expecting human error. As with other virtues, however, preservative forgiveness is available to some of us more than others; in the second half of this paper, I consider the deep challenge posed by rational pessimism, especially on the part of those who have been given many reasons not to hope for the very moral improvements for which they strive. I conclude that for those of us with the power roles and personal resources especially conducive to environmental activism, preservative forgiveness inclines us to remain engaged in environmental activism with fellow flawed human beings, recognizing our own mutual depredations while committing us to cooperatively respond.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the influence the time of brush-cutting can have on plant regrowth and attractiveness to herbivores that browse in linear corridors. The influence of cutting time on leaf flush and senescence, shoot morphometry, and biomass was measured for 3 consecutive years after initial brush-cutting. Results indicate that morphological and phenological attributes of three woody deciduous plants were influenced by the timing of brush-cutting for up to 3 years after initial cutting. Brush-cutting generally stimulated plants to produce larger than normal shoots and delay leaf senescence. The degree to which plants were affected, however, varied with the timing of initial cutting and the species in question. Generally, plants cut later in the year resprouted more vigorously and were taller in the third year after cutting but produced less overall biomass than when cut earlier. In the years following brush-cutting, plants cut earlier flushed leaves earlier in the spring but delayed leaf senescence in the fall when compared to uncut controls. Results of these trials suggest that brush-cutting time influences plant response and several plant attributes known to influence plant attractiveness to moose and other herbivores. We therefore recommend that roadside and railside vegetation management plans consider the influence of cutting time on plant regrowth. Such considerations can ensure that brush is cut to reduce the attractiveness of plant regrowth in these linear corridors, reduce the utilization of such brush by herbivores, and, as such, mitigate collision risk between motorists and herbivores such as moose.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the cut flower market as an example of an invasion pathway along which species of non-indigenous plant pests can travel to reach new areas. The paper examines the probability of pest detection by assessing information on pest detection and detection effort associated with the import of cut flowers. We test the link between the probability of plant pest arrivals, as a precursor to potential invasion, and volume of traded flowers using count data regression models. The analysis is applied to the UK import of specific genera of cut flowers from Kenya between 1996 and 2004.There is a link between pest detection and the Genus of cut flower imported. Hence, pest detection efforts should focus on identifying and targeting those imported plants with a high risk of carrying pest species. For most of the plants studied, efforts allocated to inspection have a significant influence on the probability of pest detection. However, by better targeting inspection efforts, it is shown that plant inspection effort could be reduced without increasing the risk of pest entry. Similarly, for most of the plants analysed, an increase in volume traded will not necessarily lead to an increase in the number of pests entering the UK. For some species, such as Carthamus and Veronica, the volume of flowers traded has a significant and positive impact on the likelihood of pest detection. We conclude that analysis at the rank of plant Genus is important both to understand the effectiveness of plant pest detection efforts and consequently to manage the risk of introduction of non-indigenous species.  相似文献   

对海水中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的日常监测分析方法进行了调查,结果表明在调查范围内阳极溶出伏安法使用数量最高。通过实验研究了不添加保存剂、加浓HNO3、加浓HClO4对阳极溶出伏安法测定海水Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的影响。发现不添加保存剂时4种金属峰电位变化范围大、出现频次分散,分析方法灵敏度下降。不同类型酸对阳极溶出伏安法测定Pb、Zn、Cd时的峰电位变化影响不大,加浓HNO3时Cu的峰电位变化小于加浓HClO4。根据实验结果,推荐使用保存剂为浓HNO3。  相似文献   

This study used the stable 15N isotope to quantitatively examine the effects of cutting on vegetative buffer uptake of NO3(-)-N based on the theory that regular cutting would increase N demand and sequestration by encouraging new plant growth. During the summer of 2002, 10 buffer plots were established within a flood-irrigated pasture. In 2003, 15N-labeled KNO3 was applied to the pasture area at a rate of 5 kg N ha(-1) and 99.7 atom % 15N. One-half of the buffer plots were trimmed monthly. In the buffers, the cutting effect was not significant in the first few weeks following 15N application, with both the cut and uncut buffers sequestering 15N. Over the irrigation season, however, cut buffers sequestered 2.3 times the 15N of uncut buffers, corresponding to an increase in aboveground biomass following cutting. Cutting and removing vegetation allowed the standing biomass to take advantage of soil 15N as it was released by microbial mineralization. In contrast, the uncut buffers showed very little change in 15N sequestration or biomass, suggesting senescence and a corresponding decrease in N demand. Overall, cutting significantly improved 15N attenuation from both surface and subsurface water. However, the effect was temporally related, and only became significant 21 to 42 d after 15N application. The dominant influence on runoff water quality from irrigated pasture remains irrigation rate, as reducing the rate by 75% relative to the typical rate resulted in a 50% decrease in total runoff losses and a sevenfold decrease in 15N concentration.  相似文献   

对雄性材料SF-M-1花期、花量、花径大小、花粉量等相关指标进行了综合观察测定.研究发现,SF-M-1在花期上与红肉新品种"红什1号"完全适配,且萌芽率、花枝率、母枝单位长度花枝数、每花枝着花数、花序数、花径大小、雄蕊数和花粉生活力等指标符合优良雄株选育目标,认为该雄株材料可入选为"红什1号"的适配雄株,将进一步开展授粉试验.  相似文献   

在对气田废水处理中产生的污泥进行处理时,普遍存在着干化周期长、含水率高等问题,严重影响了废水处理装置的处理能力。脱水剂优化选择实验以及污泥脱水性能实验结果表明:先加入聚合氯化铝并搅拌15 s,再加入阴离子聚丙烯酰胺并搅拌混合30 s,最后加入FO4190SH搅拌,混合凝聚30 s后静止分层,其凝聚效果较好。在污泥脱水性能的各项指标中,真空脱水均好于重力脱水,特别是对于新鲜污泥滤层,真空(45 kPa)脱水速度比重力脱水速度约高8倍。  相似文献   

本文分析了四川发展花卉业的优势和存在的问题,提出了四川花卉产业化发展的指导思想与基本原则、区域布局以及应采取的对策.  相似文献   

An experimental analysis of heat transfer efficiency in double glazing solar water heating system having full-length Horizontal wing cut twisted tapes having twist ratio 3 fitted with rod or spacer of dimensions 125 mm, 250 mm, and 500 mm as length at the trailing edges has been dealt in this work. The experimental results have been compared with a plain tube with similar operating conditions and concluded that variation in the Nusselt number, as well as friction factor, are ±12.56% and ±10.17%, respectively. The result of empirical correlation concludes that Nusselt number is maximal for horizontal wing cut twisted tapes having rod or spacer at its ends while comparing with full-length horizontal wing cut twisted tapes. The friction factor is low for full-length horizontal wing cut twisted tapes than the horizontal wing cut twisted tapes fitted with rod or spacer. The horizontal wing cut twisted tapes fitted with rod has superior performance than twist fitted with spacer.  相似文献   

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