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国内第一套自主研发、拥有自主知识产权的利用水泥回转窑处置城市工业废弃物生产示范项目,目前已在北京市成功运行,实现了建材行业与环保产业的顺利对接,标志着我国工业废弃物处置技术进入无害化的国际先进水平,为构建资源节约型、环境友好型城市发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

静脉产业是循环经济的重要组成部分,通过静脉产业活动实现各种废弃物减量化、资源化和再利用。文章在梳理静脉产业相关文献的基础上,从静脉产业体系(横向体系、纵向体系、产业发展环境支撑体系和产业参与主体关系)、静脉产业发展(产业规划与产业布局、产业发展模式、产业发展影响因素和发展评价)两方面进行了论述,并对废弃物再生和循环利用的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

<正>发展循环经济是建设生态文明的重要手段,是实现区域经济社会可持续发展的根本途径。苏州高新区虽自然条件优越,但经济快速发展,企业和人口大量集聚,对资源和环境产生巨大压力。当前,在生态文明建设的大背景下,发展循环经济对区域发展尤为重要。从健全循环型产业体系、构建生态集约的生产行为模式、完善废弃物再生利用体系和健全循环型社会发展体系四个方面,阐述苏州高新区发展循环经济具体实践,为提升生态文明建设水平提供支撑。  相似文献   

当前,我国生态环境日益恶化,减排压力巨大,城市生活废弃物带来的环境负面影响突出。针对不断凸显的"邻避"效应挑战,如何优化配置城市生活废弃物处理设施,保证城市具有良好的市容市貌及居住环境,是亟需研究解决的重要课题。本文提出一种低碳化的城市生活废弃物综合处理技术路线,其以建设城市生活废弃物综合处理静脉产业园为平台,以设置各类再生资源利用设施为核心,通过生活废弃物分类预处理、化石能源替代、碳汇基地培养等一系列低碳化技术的应用,达到温室气体减排效益最大化,为城市提供"环境保护—气候减排—经济增长"的三赢模式,确保其环境和经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

农村林产品废弃物是一种潜在的可以回收利用的资源,具有成分复杂、分类粗、杂质多等特点,开展农村林产品废弃物循环利用具有重要的现实意义。以浙江省为例,通过对农村林产品废弃物产量、利用现状的调查和“三环”循环总体发展思路的剖析,提出今后浙江省农村林产品废弃物回收利用应当以循环经济理论为指导,建立健全林产品废弃物回收体系,制订林产品废弃物分类标准和检测方法,加强林产品废弃物循环利用技术研究,出台有利于林产品废弃物循环利用的政策法规。  相似文献   

2011年海峡两岸电子废弃物回收利用技术与设备展览会最近在北京举办,这是国内首届专门针对电子废弃物回收利用企业举办的展览会。我国是全球电器电子产品的第一生产、消费大国,电子废弃物回收处理产业,与传统的单质再生材料回收利用有本质区别,突出表现在科技含量高、商务模式复杂、运作流程长及受相关政策影响大等方面。  相似文献   

正随着畜禽养殖业的集约化和规模化发展,畜禽养殖废弃物在区域内引起的污染越来越严重,推进畜禽养殖废弃物处理及循环利用已经上升为国家导向。本文通过对我国区域畜禽养殖废弃物的排放现状和存在问题进行归纳分析,探究区域畜禽养殖废弃物循环利用模式,提出主体小循环、园区中循环和区域大循环相结合的循化利用方式,为畜禽养殖废弃物合理利用提供参考。一、畜禽养殖废弃物排放现状随着我国养殖业集约化和规模化发展,畜禽养殖废弃物的不合理处置直接影响到养殖业的正常发展和人类的健康,并对环境造成很大的破坏。  相似文献   

21世纪是世界城市化高度发展的世纪,更是中国加速城市化进程的世纪。城市是发展现代化不可或缺的重要指标,由城市化高速发展而引发的城市特有的环境侵权正日益突显并极可能在不久的将来集中爆发,法律作为最为有效的制度手段,应该也必须为解决这一问题作出积极的回应。通过分析城市化所引发的环境侵权以及考察城市环境侵权救济的现状,对这一现状的形成原因进行探讨,并对城市化背景下如何完善我国环境侵权救济制度提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

本文对目前我国固体废弃物再生利用产业的分析,借鉴国外的经验,提出国家的政策引导、行政干预与建立固体废弃物再生利用统一市场相结合的市场运作模式,是解决废弃物再生利用的有效方式。  相似文献   

本文对目前我国固体废弃物再生利用产业的分析,借鉴国外的经验,提出国家的政策引导、行政干预与建立固体废弃物再生利用统一市场相结合的市场运作模式,是解决废弃物再生利用的有效方式.  相似文献   

Solid waste management is gaining significant importance with the ever-increasing quantities of industrial by-products and wastes. With the environmental awareness and scarcity of space for landfilling, wastes/by-product utilization has become an attractive alternative to disposal. Several industrial by-products are produced from manufacturing processes, service industries and municipal solid wastes. Some of these industrial by-products/waste materials could possibility be used in cement-based materials.Coal combustion by-products (CCBs) represent incombustible materials left after combustion of coal in conventional and/or advanced clean-coal technology combustors. These include fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) by-products from advanced clean-coal technology combustors. This paper briefly describes various coal combustion products produced, as well as current best recycling use options for these materials. Materials, productions, properties, potential applications in manufacture of emerging materials for sustainable construction, as well as environmental impact are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

我国废物进口综合管理技术对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着废物进口数量的增长、废物再生利用行业的成长、废物越境转移形势的变化和环境保护事业的不断发展,废物进口环境管理经历了从无到有并且逐步完善的过程,成为我国固体废物环境管理工作的重要内容。当前我国废物进口管理还存在着部分种类废物进口行业利用水平较低、废物非法越境转移压力长期存在和能力建设步伐与管理需求不相适应等问题。针对存在的问题,采取合理有效的应对措施,进一步完善相关法律、法规,推进“圈区管理”,鼓励统一管理和污染集中防治,探索建立企业环保信誉管理机制,加强源头风险控制,完善国际合作机制,使我国进口废物管理向兼顾环境、经济协调发展的综合管理模式转变。  相似文献   

In an unequal society, undesirable wastes often end up in the poorest and least powerful communities, becoming part of the economic and environmental milieu of the inner city. Two contradictory responses to waste reflect contrasting theoretical paradigms. Some wastes can become assets in local economic development, creating incomes through scavenging, industrial jobs in recycling plants or new businesses using locally available materials. Other wastes are an assault on the community that receives them; toxic wastes, polluting facilities and industrial by-products often create local health hazards rather than development. Waste as an asset is consistent with the free market model of economics. The inner city, 'endowed' with waste materials and low-wage labour, has a comparative advantage in labour-intensive processing of materials that the rest of society has discarded. Waste as an assault on the community is consistent with a different model of environmental risk. Some by-products of industry are so hazardous that they should not be produced, or should be tightly regulated. Each model has a realm of validity; the balance between the two depends on which wastes are hazardous, and which are just ugly resources waiting to be discovered.  相似文献   


In an unequal society, undesirable wastes often end up in the poorest and least powerful communities, becoming part of the economic and environmental milieu of the inner city. Two contradictory responses to waste reflect contrasting theoretical paradigms. Some wastes can become assets in local economic development, creating incomes through scavenging, industrial jobs in recycling plants or new businesses using locally available materials. Other wastes are an assault on the community that receives them; toxic wastes, polluting facilities and industrial by-products often create local health hazards rather than development. Waste as an asset is consistent with the free market model of economics. The inner city, 'endowed' with waste materials and low-wage labour, has a comparative advantage in labour-intensive processing of materials that the rest of society has discarded. Waste as an assault on the community is consistent with a different model of environmental risk. Some by-products of industry are so hazardous that they should not be produced, or should be tightly regulated. Each model has a realm of validity; the balance between the two depends on which wastes are hazardous, and which are just ugly resources waiting to be discovered.  相似文献   

The lack of landfill capacity, forthcoming EU waste disposal and landfill management legislation and the use of non-renewable and energy intensive natural resources for the end-treatment of old landfills increase pressures to develop new landfill management methods. This paper considers a method for the end-management of old landfills in Finland, which is based on the utilization of forest and paper industry waste flows, wastes from paper recycling (de-inking) and wastes from forest industry energy production. Fibre clay wastes from paper mills, de-inking sludges from de-inking of recovered waste paper and incineration ash from forest industry power plants serve to substitute the use of natural clay for the building of landfill structures for closed landfills. Arguably, this method is preferable to existing practices of natural clay use for landfill building, because it (1) substitutes non-renewable natural clay, (2) consumes less energy and generates less CO2 emissions than the use of natural clay, and (3) eliminates considerable amounts of wastes from paper production, paper consumption and from forest industry energy production. Some difficulties in the application of the method are considered and the waste flow utilization is incorporated into a local forest industry recycling network.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical assessment of the existing Lebanese industrial sector, namely the current status and classification of industrial establishments based on a comparative synthesis and analysis of recent nationwide surveys and studies pertaining to industrial-waste management. Characterisation of solid and liquid industrial wastes generated, including hazardous wastes, is presented together with current and projected waste loads, recycling opportunities, and export/import practices. Institutional capacity and needs pertaining to the enforcement of relevant environmental legislation, staffing and resources, monitoring schemes, and public participation are critically evaluated. Finally, realistic options for industrial-waste management in the context of country-specific institutional economic and technical limitations are outlined. The industrial sector in Lebanon consists of small-scale industries (84% employ less than 10 persons), primarily involved in light manufacturing (96%). These industries which are distributed among 41 ill-defined zones and deficient in appropriate physical infrastructure, generate solid, liquid, and hazardous waste estimated at 346,730 tons/year, 20,169,600 m3/year and between 3000 to 15,000 tons/year, respectively. Although the growth of this sector contributes significantly to the socio-economic development of the country (industry accounts for 17% of the gross domestic product), in the absence of a comprehensive environmental management plan, this expansion may not be sustained into the coming millennium. The anticipated expansion will inevitably amplify adverse environmental impacts associated with industrial activities due to rising waste volumes and improper waste handling and disposal practices. These impacts are further aggravated by a deficient institutional framework, a lack of adequate environmental laws, and lax enforcement of regulations governing industrial-waste management.  相似文献   

Recycling of construction material helps save the limited landfill space. Among various types of materials, concrete waste accounts of about 50% of the total waste generation. Current off-site practices for ready mixed concrete batching plant generate a significant quantity of fresh concrete waste through over-order from construction sites. The use of concrete reclaimer is one of the methods to reclaim these concrete wastes, which separates coarse aggregate, sand and cement from fresh concrete. Although there are some concrete producers in Hong Kong providing concrete reclaimers in their plants, they are only used to flush and dilute the cement slurry from the concrete, which will still be ultimately send all to dumping areas. The reluctance of most concrete producers in reclaiming aggregate from the concrete waste is due to its high cost of treatment and lack of space around the plant. Therefore, this paper puts forth a scheme of economical considerations in recycling over-ordered concrete by concrete reclaimer. A comparative study on costs and benefits between the current practices and the proposed recycling plan is examined. The study shows that the costs of the current practices in dumping over-ordered fresh concrete waste to landfill areas are double that of the proposed aggregate recycling plan. Therefore, the adoption of concrete reclaimer in recycling the over-ordered fresh concrete can provide a cost-effective method for the construction industry and help saving the environment.  相似文献   

Construction and demolition wastes (CDW) have increasingly serious problems in environmental, social, and economic realms. There is no coherent framework for utilization of these wastes which are disposed both legally and illegally. This harms the environment, contributes to the increase of energy consumption, and depletes finite landfills resources. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of two alternatives for the management of CDW, recycling and disposing. The evaluation is carried out through developing a dynamic model with aid STELLA software by conducting the following steps: (1) quantifying the total cost incurred to mitigate the impacts of CDW landfills and uncollected waste on the environment and human health; (2) quantifying the total avoided emissions and saved energy by recycling waste; (3) estimating total external cost saved by recycling waste and; (4) providing a decision support tool that helps in re-thinking about waste disposal. The proposed evaluation methodology allows activating the stringent regulations that restrict waste disposal and developing incentives to encourage constructors to recycle their wastes. The research findings show that recycling CDW leads to significant reductions in emissions, energy use, global warming potential (GWP), and conserves landfills space when compared to disposal of wastes in landfills. Furthermore, the cost of mitigating the impact of disposal is extremely high. Therefore, it is necessary to recycle construction and demolition wastes.  相似文献   

Sanitary landfilling is considered to be the most appropriate means of final disposal of solid wastes. Currently in Tanzania, the cheapest method of developing a landfill is by making use of natural depressions or former borrow pits and mine pits. This paper examines the impacts associated with the relocation of a waste disposal site from a crude disposal site at Vingunguti to a new landfill site at New MECCO quarry in Kunduchi area, both in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The paper focuses on the fate of scavenging and solid waste recycling which are currently taking place at Vingunguti site and mining as well as food vending activities at the proposed new landfill site. Scavenging and waste recycling were found to be important sources of income for some individuals in the city. Various items collected for recycling were found to be an important source of raw materials for some industries in Dar es Salaam. A total of 94% of all the miners were entirely dependent on stone mining and crushing as a sole means of income generation, and 68% of the miners had practised this activity for between 1 and 9 years. Finally the paper recommends that, selection of a waste disposal site should favour abandoned mines or borrow pits rather than operational ones. It also recommends that, waste recycling and scavenging be accommodated in other stages of the waste stream since they can not be practised at a sanitary landfill.  相似文献   

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