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广东省通过对全省建设项目环境执法情况进行全面检查摸底后。针对存在的问题提出了改进的对策措施。一、存在的问题1.一些部门和领导环境意识不高,部分地方政府和领导为了当地经济利益和眼前利益,在项目选择时出现“饥不择食”的短期行为,绕过环保部门审批项目,甚至存在不正当行政干预现象。2.区域环境规划和建设项目环境影响评价仍需进一步协商,区域开发建设项目、非污染型生态项目、第三产业项目等环境管理仍有待加强,尤其是电磁辐射项目,绝大部分没有办理环保审批手续。二、对策措施为全面贯彻落实国务院《建设项目环境保护管…  相似文献   

环境维权破解地方保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄铿 《绿叶》2006,(10)
地方保护为违法排污企业提供了生存的土壤,是环保工作中经常遭遇的“拦路虎”。在此次甘肃徽县“血铅事件”中,酿成悲剧的直接原因之一,便是当地政府为违法排污企业——徽县有色金属冶炼公司——提供了行政上的保护。如何破解地方保护的干预,是推进环保事业面临的首要问题。破解地方保护的途径无非有两条,加强环境监督和强化环境执法,近年来,中国政府在这两方面都做过许多努力,但效果却并不明显。原因很简单,无论是环境执法还是环境监督,最后总要由地方环保机关来执行,而按照我国现行体制,地方环保机关归地方政府管理,是地方政府的组成部分…  相似文献   

汤伟 《绿叶》2011,(8):74-79
环境问题本质上是市场失灵造成的外部性问题,这决定了环境保护法应是一部以行政规范为主的法律,由此赋予了政府可根据客观现实对企业、公民涉及环境的权利义务做出相应调整,政府环境责任和环境治理绩效也由此产生了明显的正相关关系。由于发展阶段、政治架构的影响,地方政府面对环境与经济矛盾时更多选择的是经济而非环境,因此政府的环境责任并不简单在于环境主管部门,而在于整个政府。笔者认为要严格禁止地方政府保护主义和主要领导人的不当干预,必须确保政府的可诉权和环境公益诉讼的实现。在经过各方利益的博弈之后,《环境保护法》将体现它的基本功能。  相似文献   

压覆矿产资源管理涉及中央政府、地方政府的利益诉求,影响着国家资源战略和地方经济建设发展,问题十分复杂。运用"双重任务委托代理"模型,从压覆矿产资源管理的大局着眼,结合地方经济建设,对中央政府和地方政府在压覆矿产资源管理中存在的博弈进行分析。结果表明,地方政府对压覆矿产资源管理工作的重视程度受到风险规避特征(ρ)、工作风险程度(σ)、努力成本系数(β)、努力绩效系数(m)的影响,因此提出央地政府在压覆矿产资源管理中的对策和建议。  相似文献   

环境保护工作和地方政府工作有一致的一面,也有各自的独立性。如果能在地方政府的工作安排中做到超前环境保护工作的管理,则会对环境的保护与治理起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制改革的进一步深入,我国的环境管理基本上建立了以国家及城市政府为核心的有权威的环境管理体系,而且由于国家及地方环保法规及管理条例的进一步完善,社会对企业环境保护方面要求的逐步提高,地方环境保护机构对工业企业排污的管理越来越严。作为对生态环境构成主要威胁的一些工业企业来说,环境管理已不能单。纯停留在简单的、说教式和被动型的管理  相似文献   

构建以政府为主导、企业为主体的环境治理体系,落实企业环境治理主体责任是我国的重大战略任务。目前地方政府环境监管亟待改善,需要加强企业生产规制,基于"污染者付费"原则促使"三废"达标排放。本研究抓住政府和企业两大主体,建立以政府为上层、企业为下层的双层优化环境治理模型,确定上层-下层目标函数及约束条件,研究地方政府环境奖罚政策与企业利润及环境行为的关联性,提出模型"乐观最优解"与"悲观最优解"及地方政府奖惩机制最优解。该模型可反映地方政府与企业的博弈过程,为寻求合理的污染奖惩方式和税费比例,促使企业在自身利润最大化的同时积极治理"三废"污染,平衡经济效益和社会效益,为企业长期粗放式生产排污严重、地方政府环境监管有待加强、西北生态安全屏障和黄河流域健康发展受到严重威胁的宁蒙沿黄地带及类似地区环境管理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

公共事务的积累只是为制度化解决提供了必要性,当政者维护政权的根本利益需要决定了公共事务处理的优先序列。客观问题的属性和解决的迫切程度只有在政府最高层统治集团认为维系权力存续的手段具备充分的支撑条件时,才会愿意在正式制度上进行调整,为解决问题提供制度供给。新中国成立后很长一段时间内,我国环境问题并不突出,中央政府根据社会主要矛盾需要制定了以发展经济为重心的制度体系。这种制度结构使地方政府和辖区企业形成了利益共容关系。为适应竞争的需要,地方政府庇护辖区企业环境行为,机会主义地执行环境管理制度,使环境问题积累成为影响安全价值的显著因素。在国内外政治压力下,中央政府最终做出了战略调整,地方政府在中央政府制度调控下,自发地合作治理环境问题。  相似文献   

1988年国务院机构改革之后,国务院决定选择河北省、哈尔滨市、青岛市、宝安县等1省4市9县作为地方机构改革的试点地区。1991年中央决定进一步扩大试点范围,以期通过试点,为今明两年地方机构改革的全面铺开,积累经验,探索路子。地方各级环保机构作为地方政府环境保护的行政主管部门,同样面临着改革的需要;而就环保机构自身建设而言,确实也有必要通过机构改革来转变职能,理顺关系,进一步提高环境管理的总体水平,以更好地为经济建设这一中心任务服务。本文拟就地方机构改革的总体要求和环保机构改革的走向,目前机构存在的问题,环境管理职能以及环保机构的设置提出几点想法与建议,谨以此作  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,我国将目标责任制引入政府管理。引入初期,由于对目标责任制管理作用的认识不一致,没有形成统一的管理运行体制,目标责任制的效用一直未得到发挥。近年来,为了探索政府管理新模式,目标责任制开始在政府管理中被全面运用。现阶段,环境保护目标责任制是我国现行的环境管理基本制度之一,而海洋生态环境保护目标责任制建设还处于地方探索阶段。尽管有的地区在积极尝试着建设海洋生态环境保护目标责任制,并积累了一些经验,但还存在问题,需要总结和梳理后在全国推广。  相似文献   

环境行政强制包括环境行政强制措施和环境行政强制执行.在基层环境执法实践中,环境行政强制措施尤其是环境行政强制执行存在许多困惑和问题,拓展环境行政强制措施,给予环保部门一定的行政强制执行权是提高基层环境执法效率和遏制环境污染的有效途径.  相似文献   

Local governments in Australia, especially in large urban areas, have faced a challenge of the growing quantity of waste generated and the diminishing space for waste disposal in recent years. The central government has demonstrated the importance of developing strategies to make full environmental costs and impacts of waste disposal and material recovery accountable for waste management decision-making. However, research into this field is limited. This paper investigates environmental accounting practices in local government waste management. From a survey conducted with local government authorities in New South Wales (NSW) Australia, it is found that overall the level of direct waste flow and activity accounting is higher than the level of hidden and external environmental cost accounting, though local governments tend to identify and use more physical information associated with waste flows and activities than relevant monetary information. External environmental impacts of waste disposal are often overlooked and show the lowest level of practices. The survey results also indicate that urban local governments have taken more environmental information into account than rural local governments, but such difference is not significant between local governments of different sizes. The complexity of waste technical services and operations is confirmed to have a positive and significant effect on the level of environmental accounting for waste management across local governments surveyed.  相似文献   

This case study concerns the effect of meanings and use of language by a local newspaper in relation to an environmental incident in a town in south-east England that will be called Woodbridge. It explores the implications of insensitive, or misleading, use of language over a four-month period towards the end of 1995 through recordings and observations made at the time. The event is explored through the eyes of a local teenager called Tim who was involved in a school environmental education research project and who became a key player in the developing out-of-school conflict. Although the account concerns a controversy that raged several years ago, it nevertheless raises general concerns regarding newspaper coverage of environmental issues at the local level, the tension between profits and reporting truth and the apparent lack of a medium- to long-term approach to environmental issues. All names are fictitious to ensure anonymity in what remains a sensitive memory.  相似文献   

There has been little research on the differential aspects of the local/global dichotomy, yet there is every suggestion that such a distinction could be crucially important in terms of understanding the public's perceptions and attitudes towards environmental problems as well as understanding their subsequent behaviour. This research sought to address three questions. First, are people only able to relate to environmental issues if they are concrete, immediate and local? Second, do people consider environmental problems to be more serious at a global or a local level? Third, what is the effect of the public's perceptions of the seriousness of environmental problems on their sense of responsibility for taking action?Three studies were undertaken in Australia, England, Ireland and Slovakia. The results of each study consistently demonstrate that respondents are not only able to conceptualize problems at a global level, but an inverse distance effect is found such that environmental problems are perceived to be more serious the farther away they are from the perceiver. An inverse relationship was also found between a sense of responsibility for environmental problems and spatial scale resulting in feelings of powerlessness at a global level. The paper concludes with a discussion of various psychological theories and perspectives which informs our analysis and understanding of what might be seen as environmental hyperopia.  相似文献   

本文利用1996-2014年我国30个省份的面板数据,从行政、法律、经济和技术四个领域来刻画环境规制,实证检验了不同环境规制手段的减排效果是否具有门槛效应。研究发现,环境规制的强度确实因环境规制的手段不同而有所不同,其中,法律手段、技术手段未因地方政府的异质性表现出明显的门槛特征,而行政手段在政府规模较小(地方财力不足)地区的减排效果显著,经济手段在政府规模较大(地方财力雄厚)地区的减排效果显著。  相似文献   

The ISO 14001 implementation process among certified firms in China was examined by conducting a questionnaire survey distributed to all certified firms as of December 1998. Results showed that the ISO 14001-based environmental management system (EMS) has a significant effect on firms' daily environmental activities and performance. Recycling, natural resource consumption and released pollutants have been managed in a better way and, in some cases, pollutants have been reduced. The study showed that firms' main targets for adopting the system were to: enhance the firm's public image; enhance employees' environmental awareness; improve the EMS inside the firm; improve the environmental aspects and performance inside the firm; and improve relations with government offices and local citizens. ISO 1400-based EMS implementation showed that it is a promising tool for helping build a better partnership between three main stakeholders, government, local citizens and enterprises. The system has enabled firms to consider the role of the local people in a more effective way. For example, special consideration is given to involving local citizens in health and emergency preparedness during firms' daily environmental activities. Moreover, enhancing environmental awareness among the local citizens and giving more consideration to co-operation with other firms from the same industrial groups are reported by certified firms. Finally, there are strong demands for government support to build more reliable information systems, ISO 14001-related research, more incentives for eco-labelling and tax exemptions.  相似文献   


This case study concerns the effect of meanings and use of language by a local newspaper in relation to an environmental incident in a town in south-east England that will be called Woodbridge. It explores the implications of insensitive, or misleading, use of language over a four-month period towards the end of 1995 through recordings and observations made at the time. The event is explored through the eyes of a local teenager called Tim who was involved in a school environmental education research project and who became a key player in the developing out-of-school conflict. Although the account concerns a controversy that raged several years ago, it nevertheless raises general concerns regarding newspaper coverage of environmental issues at the local level, the tension between profits and reporting truth and the apparent lack of a medium- to long-term approach to environmental issues. All names are fictitious to ensure anonymity in what remains a sensitive memory.  相似文献   

2006年,从中央到地方都大幅度强化了环境保护的施政力度。中央提出了环境保护与经济增长要并重、同步和综合的要求,这被称为“环境保护的历史性转变”。与此同时,国家出台了20多项以环境保护为重要内容或与环境保护有关的产业政策和其他经济政策。新成立了11个环境保护和核安全的区域督查机构,层层下达了主要污染物排放消减指标。各地也把主要精力放在了推动新型工业化和城市化进程上,出台了大量加强和支持环境保护的经济政策和管理措施。  相似文献   

叶新才 《四川环境》2009,28(3):54-57
生态旅游是一项具有保护自然生态与文化多样性,提高旅游者环境意识及维护当地居民生活双重责任的旅游活动,具有较强的环境教育功能。但其功能的发挥不是旅游活动的自然结果,而有赖于人的自觉和切实有效的环境教育。本研究基于对生态旅游环境教育功能及其影响因素正确认识基础上,构建生态旅游环境教育功能实现的基本框架,并系统阐述环境解说、产品设计、舆论监督、宣传教育、环境管理等途径。本研究对促进生态旅游健康发展和国民环境教育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用灰色关联分析,找出了影响工业固废量的主要社会经济因素,认为第二产业是影响工业固废的主要因素。第二产业结构比重加大,工业固废量增加。从减少工业固废的角度来看,调整产业结构已是当务之急;环境污染治理投资与工业固废因子关联度最小,说明环保投资已远不能满足环境治理的实际需要,需加大环保投资。  相似文献   

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