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“龙山红”是从四川省龙门山南段的野生彩色猕猴桃中筛选出的一个两性花品种,平均单果重65.59g,可溶性固形物含量14.6%、总糖含量10.2%,果实酸甜适口,香气浓厚。果实成熟后中柱外围(即种子外侧)的果肉成淡红色,果实较耐贮运。首次发现雌雄同体且充分发育的两性花猕猴桃品种,在理论上和生产上都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

山桐子(Idesia polycarpa)是油脂、用材、观赏兼备的树种之一。它具有:①有前途的油料树种。山桐子树结实早、产量高,3~5年开花结果,15年生单株果实为50kg 以上,盛果期可达200~300kg,果实和种子均可榨油,含油率为20.9~32.1%。山桐子油为半干性油,可代替桐油,供制造油漆和肥皂等,并可食用。此外,山桐子油中维生素 E 的含量较高,能中和血液中的胆固醇,调节人体生理机能,对高血压、冠心病等老年性疾病有一定疗效。②速生用材树种。山桐子树宜于做板材、箱柜、家具及工艺品用  相似文献   

袋装控释铁肥压根法矫治桃树黄叶病的效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了袋装控释铁肥压根法矫治桃树缺铁黄叶病的效果。该法具有大幅度增加叶绿素含量.提高果实产量,改善果实品质,降低矫治成本,安全可靠,效果好的特点。  相似文献   

对峨眉拟单性木兰的果实、种子性状及种子内部结构进行了初步研究,并对其种子进行了离体培养.结果表明,峨眉拟单性木兰果实近卵圆形,红褐色;种子约扁,卵圆形似豆子,具假种皮,橘红色,含油脂;种皮黑褐色,坚硬光滑,具深浅不同的纹理;种子内含胚乳,种子萌发缓慢且萌发率低.  相似文献   

目的:研究黄丝郁金不同采收期对产量和质量的影响,以确定适宜的采收时期。方法:设定10月、11月、12月、1月2、月5个不同采收时间,定期采收,测产,测试挥发油和姜黄素含量。结果:10—12月郁金产量有明显增加,12月至次年2月产量无明显差异;10—12月郁金的姜黄素和挥发油含量显著增加,12月至次年2月含量无明显差异。结论:总体看来,黄丝郁金的采收期以12月底为宜。  相似文献   

一、采种和选种棕籽是棕树的果实,一般在立冬后即每年的11月或12月成熟,呈灰黄色。当种子呈黑褐色时,便可采种。采种时应选择树杆粗壮、棕节紧密、果实饱满的棕树采种。采回的棕籽应用清水或木灰水浸泡1~2天,搓去果皮,捞出种子,选择籽粒饱满的种子,去掉嫩子、扁子、虫蛀子,阴干贮藏备翌年播种用。在收藏期应注意勿使种子发烧、生霉变质,以免影响种子发芽。  相似文献   

采用盆栽法,研究大理石矿粉对小麦产量及对成熟期小麦根、茎叶、果实中重金属含量的影响。结果表明:添加大理石矿粉会显著影响小麦的生长及产量(P<0.05),添加矿粉的量不大于60g/kg时,小麦的结实小穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和产量随添加量的增加而增加,而含量再继续增大时,对小麦产量的促进作用将减弱;低含量的大理石矿粉能缓解Pb、Cu、Zn对小麦的毒害,而高含量的对小麦的影响各异,小麦各器官中重金属Cd、Cr与添加大理石矿粉含量呈显著正相关;重金属对小麦各器官的影响排序,根:Cd>Cr>Pb>Cu>Zn,茎叶:Cd>Cr>Cu>Pb>Zn,果实:Cd>Cr>Pb>Zn>Cu。在大理石开采区应该采取一定的措施,避免大量的大理石矿粉散入周围的耕地。  相似文献   

为探讨原油伴生卤水对农作物的影响,进行了种子发芽率试验和田间试验,确定了土壤氯化物含量影响棉花生长的临界值。结果表明,当土壤中氯离子含量大于306.7 mg/kg时,可明显影响棉花的正常生长,使产量明显下降,并污染土壤环境。  相似文献   

本方法对植株休眠期进行有效地控制 ,在定植、开花、幼果生长及成熟期给予适宜的环境条件 ,在普通日光温室条件下 ,达到 1月份~ 2月份果实成熟上市 ,产量达 1 5万kg/ha以上。本方法解决了李属果树只能在我国北方结果的难题 ,结束了我国南方不能露地种植李属果树的历史。  相似文献   

本文首次对亚热带水果蒲桃的果实营养成份进行了系统的分析,发现其营养全面丰富,VB1和VB2含量是普通水果含量的4~24倍和3~10倍,人体必需矿物质营养元素钙、磷、镁、锌的含量也超过一般水果的含量,其综合营养价值较高。目前蒲桃资源的利用主要作为家庭用果和作绿化树种,应尽快开展蒲桃综合利用的研究,开发蒲桃资源。  相似文献   

葡萄酒副产品深度利用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了葡萄皮渣、葡萄籽、酒脚的深度利用途径:葡萄皮渣可用于酿酒、酿醋、提取色素和多酚、吸附重金属;葡萄籽可以提取葡萄籽油、葡萄籽蛋白和抗氧化物质;酒脚可以提取酒石酸盐。开展葡萄酒副产品的深度利用,不仅可以获得良好的经济效益,而且可有效减轻环保压力,获得巨大的社会效益。  相似文献   

通过熏气的方法,比较了在硫氧化物混合污染气体的作用下,木本花卉(月季Rosa chinensis,杜鹃Rhododendron simsii,一品红Euphorbia pulcherrima,茉莉花Jasminum sambac),一、二年生花卉(一串红Salvia splendens,凤仙花Impatiens balsamina),宿根花卉(君子兰Clivia miniata),室内观叶植物(文竹Asparagus setacens,吊兰Chlorophytum comosum,沿阶草Ophiopogon bodinieri,朱蕉Cordyline fruticosa,吊竹梅Zebrina pendula,白斑万年青Dieffenbachia bowmannii)中13种花卉植物的叶片伤害症状及植物抗性表现,并对植物受害后的恢复情况进行了追踪观察。发现在同种污染气体的作用下,不同种类的植物表现出不同的伤害症状。植株不同叶龄的叶片对污染气体的敏感性存在一定的差异,幼龄叶不一定比中老龄叶敏感性强。当污染浓度不超过一定阈值时,花卉植物都有不同程度的恢复能力。利用“花卉植物叶片伤害评价系统”对试验植物叶片伤害症状进行了评价,依据评价结果,对试验植物进行了抗性分级。为保证对植物抗性等级划分的准确性,建议制定统一的熏气浓度标准和评价标准。  相似文献   

The cultivation of white rot edible fungus Pleurotus florida was performed in polybags. The corn cob was employed as basal substrate while eight different additives such as urea, ammonium sulphate, gram flour, soybean meal, ground nut cake and molasses were used with corn cob. Three different levels of variable combinations with corn cob were evaluated in response to different parameters of mushroom viz., mycelial growth, spawn running, primordial initiation, fruit body yield and its biological efficiency. Each additive at different combinations showed variable impact on the different stages of mushroom life cycle. The primordial initiation was observed for the first time during 20.2–35.1 days. The biological efficiencies in every supplemented set were increased over un-supplemented control set. Increasing the level of additives, the biological efficiency was negatively affected at higher levels. The cotton seed cake was found the best supplement producing 93.75% biological efficiency while soybean meal was the second best additive producing 93.00% yield. The highest growth rate, rapid mycelia run, early primordial initiation, highest yield and biological efficiency were recorded in the combination of corn cob and cotton seed cake at 2% (98 + 2) level.  相似文献   

Jatropha has gained interest as a potential biodiesel feedstock. Nevertheless, its oil production decreases significantly in frost- and drought-prone regions. In this study, we characterized the flowering pattern of Jatropha in Botswana in the 2014/2015 season. Extensive springtime pruning synchronized Jatropha regrowth in summer and effectively stimulated growth after frost damage. Flowering started in February 2015 and peaked in April and May. Wide variations in flowering frequency were observed among different Jatropha accessions. Trees flowering in February and March produced fruit in May, but most trees only flowered in April and May and did not yield fruit because of cold snaps. These observations suggested that harvesting seed before wintertime is the key to improve Jatropha production in the Botswana climate. This study highlighted the importance of inducing early flowering by developing new agricultural managements. These may include frost cover and sun shades to prevent stress-induced damage, canopy control by pruning, optimization of fertilization practice, and/or introduction of superior Jatropha varieties.  相似文献   

东南亚珠芽魔芋多苗接力生长特性及应用前景   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以珠芽魔芋人工诱导开花进行规模化无性育种,可将魔芋繁殖系数从1位数提高约330倍;采用催苗技术让种子及叶面球茎提早出苗,可显著延长魔芋生长周期,使魔芋种植周期由3年缩短为1年;魔芋种子1年生长最高膨大率超过5000倍,当年即形成1180g球茎;魔芋叶面球茎最大膨大率超过100倍,两者种植一季魔芋即可用于加工.突破了魔芋繁殖系数低、膨大率低导致种植周期长的双重困局,显著降低了病害风险,大幅度缩短了魔芋种植周期,从而突破魔芋传统种植区域的地理限制,使魔芋总产量超常规增长.  相似文献   

The composition of the herbaceous cover and the seed bank of old and recent hedge banks in Brittany were studied and compared. Concentration method was used for seed bank samples. Grimes plant strategies were used to explain observed patterns. The analysis of the seed bank of these hedge banks showed that the species richness and diversity differed in relation to the date of construction of the hedge banks. The seed banks of recent hedge banks were richer and more diversified than those of old hedge banks. Differences in the floristic composition of the established plant cover between the recent and old hedge banks were determined by multivariate analyses. The species exclusively found in the seed bank and in the herb cover of recent hedge banks were mainly grassland species, whereas the species that only occurred on old hedge banks tended to be woodland species. The floristic composition of the two compartments (established vegetation and seed bank) was very different. A multivariate analysis revealed that the difference between the composition of the seed banks of recent and old hedge banks was less than that between the composition of the established vegetation and seed bank of hedge banks of the same age. Both seed bank and vegetation of recent hedge banks were dominated by ruderal species, whereas old hedge vegetation was dominated by stress-tolerant woodland species, indicating that mechanically constructed hedge banks may impose limitations on colonization by late woodland species.  相似文献   

经过实验分离到一株纤维素降解真菌CD-Q1,通过形态及分子生物学鉴定该真菌为匍匐根霉。该菌能够以滤纸、秸秆和脱酯棉为唯一碳源生长,8 d内可将26.5%的秸秆降解,可将7.5%的滤纸糖化。当以滤纸为唯一碳源时,pH=5条件下,滤纸失重及还原糖产生量最高,45 h内可将3%滤纸降解,生成0.845 mg/ml的还原糖(以葡萄糖计)。该纤维素降解真菌的分离为纤维素糖化及进一步利用提供了较好菌源,为纤维素降解性能的基因改良提供了理想的出发菌株。  相似文献   

The success of calcareous grassland recreation following abandonment depends to a large extent on the composition of the soil seed bank. We studied the species richness and composition of the seed bank along a chronosequence from well-developed calcareous grassland to scrub and forest vegetation, which had developed on calcareous grassland over the last 225 years. The seed bank density was highest in the calcareous grassland soils (930 seeds/m(2)). However, the seed bank was mainly composed of rather common species of nutrient poor grassland, which were poorly represented in the surface vegetation. There were no significant differences in soil seed bank density and species composition between the calcareous grassland and scrub vegetation that was less than 15 years old, largely because several grassland species had persisted in the scrub vegetation and were therefore able to replenish the soil seed bank. In contrast seed density and species richness declined significantly after 40 years of grassland abandonment. Indeed, forest soils had the lowest seed densities (214 seeds/m(2)) with only a few grassland species represented. This reflects the lack of grassland species in the field layer of the forest, and, therefore, the lack of seed production and seed bank replenishment. It is clear that recreation of calcareous grassland on long abandoned sites cannot rely on germination of target species from the seed bank alone. Even in the calcareous grassland soil, seeds of target species are not abundant as the majority produces transient seeds, which decay rapidly if they do not germinate immediately. Successful grassland recreation on such sites therefore may require seeds of target species to be introduced artificially (e.g. as seed mixtures, green hay, etc.). Alternatively, reinstatement of traditional practices, such as grazing or mowing, will increase the natural dispersal potential of these species, allowing population reestablishment in the long term.  相似文献   

Although many aspects of environmental accounting methodologies in food production have already been investigated, the application of environmental indicators in the fruit sector is still rare and no consensus can be found on the preferred method. On the contrary, widely diverging approaches have been taken to several aspects of the analyses, such as data collection, handling of scaling issues, and goal and scope definition. This paper reviews studies assessing the sustainability or environmental impacts of fruit production under different conditions and identifies aspects of fruit production that are of environmental importance. Four environmental assessment methods which may be applied to assess fruit production systems are evaluated, namely Life Cycle Assessment, Ecological Footprint Analysis, Emergy Analysis and Energy Balance. In the 22 peer-reviewed journal articles and two conference articles applying one of these methods in the fruit sector that were included in this review, a total of 26 applications of environmental impact assessment methods are described. These applications differ concerning e.g. overall objective, set of environmental issues considered, definition of system boundaries and calculation algorithms. Due to the relatively high variability in study cases and approaches, it was not possible to identify any one method as being better than the others. However, remarks on methodologies and suggestions for standardisation are given and the environmental burdens of fruit systems are highlighted.  相似文献   

Man’s increased demand for food and better living conditions has led to over exploitation of resources and the consequent generation of enormous amounts of liquid and solid waste materials. This is one of the global challenges for mankind. In Malaysia, palm oil mill waste (POMW) contributes the highest proportion of industrial solid wastes produced yearly. Wastes from the mills include palm oil mill effluent, decanter cake, empty fruit bunches, seed shells and the fibre from the mesocarp. Direct application of POMW into agricultural soil has resulted in a number of problems such as water pollution, leaching. However, with application rates specific for targeted plant species, land application can be employed as a permanent solution to the problem of waste from palm oil mills. This review examines the characteristics of each of the palm oil wastes and their potential for use as a future fertilizer supplement.  相似文献   

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