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郭文英 《青海环境》2007,17(3):132-134,142
文章在分析中国城市环境问题的基础上,提出了城市环境承载力的新内涵。强调城市可持续发展的前提是城市环境负荷必须处在环境承载力极限范围内,并提出了实现城市可持续发展的环境对策。  相似文献   

建立网络生态水库系统实现城市河流的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜跃良  罗麟 《四川环境》2003,22(3):33-34,41
城市河流在城市及周边地区经济发展和生态保护中地位十分重要。网络生态水库系统可以克服我国水资源时空分配不均的弊端,优化水资源配置,满足各城市生产生活需要,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

张书芹 《青海环境》2001,11(4):165-168
随着世界范围城市化进程的加快和可持续发展观念的兴起,努力实现城市化与可持续发展的协调统一,已成为世界各国共同的发展目标。在我国加快推进城市化的进程中,必须认真分析城市可持续发展所取得的成绩及存在的主要问题,总结和借鉴国内外城市的经济教训,从实验出发,科学制定城市可持续发展的目标和对策,以实现中国城市经济、社会与人口、资源、环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

张孝德 《绿叶》2014,(12):4-11
城镇化,是中国百年来尤其是改革开放30多年来,经济社会发展的一个重要引擎与载体。如何进一步协调城乡统筹发展,破除城乡二元结构,消弭城乡差别,是中国今天正在继续的现代化进程所无法绕过的、必须着手解决的问题。城镇化一头牵着城市,一头牵着乡村,一面承载着经济社会发展的需求,一面担负着修复生态与保护环境的重任。农民的出路问题、农业的生态问题、城市的健康可持续发展问题,等等,都需要在推进城镇化这一实践过程中去解决。  相似文献   

城市发展可持续性评价的理论探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内已开展对可持续发展指标体系的研究工作,但大多限于指标体系的框架和理论探讨,我们通过对国内外几十个城市社会、经济和环境的指标进行分析研究,建立了一套城市可持续发展指标体系、研究评价标准,并用以评价分析石家庄市的现状,预测2000年和2010年规划的可持续发展程度,进而提出问题和建议。一、城市可持续发展指标体系的制定原则1、针对性原则。城市可持续发展指标体系必须针对城市的性质以及环境、经济和社会的特点,兼顾城市的现状和未来功能的规划,确保所选出的指标体系的可行性和代表性。2相关性原则。从可持续发展…  相似文献   

农业是经济社会发展和人民生活的物质基础,农业的可待续发展是我国可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。对如何实现农业的可持续发展,许多专家学者从不同角度进行了阐述。笔者拟就我国农业发展及其生态环境保护的方向来探究我国实现农业可持续发展的出路。一、转变粗放的资源消耗型农业增长方式农业的可持续发展,是既要满足当代人对农产品(或生物资源)的需求,又不危及和影响后代的满足其需要的发展。因为生态环境是农业发展的基础和保障,所以这里农业发展的基本条件——生态环境的保护十分重要。换句话说,农业的可持续发展,必须是农业的…  相似文献   

1.可持续发展——是指既满足当代人的需要,又不对后代人满足其需要的能力构成危害的发展。2. 三同时——国家规定“建设项目的防治污染设施必须和主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产”,这一规定简称“三同时”。3.水体富营养化——水体中氮、磷等营养物质含量过多所引起的水质污染现象。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾处理向产业化发展的对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市生活垃圾污染问题是影响城市环境质量的重要因素。世界各国对城市生活垃圾的处理问题都予以高度的重视。当今世界,垃圾处理已不是一个单纯的技术问题,它涉及到环境保护与资源利用的社会可持续发展的各个方面。所以,搞好城市生活垃圾的处理,必须从战略高度来认识,不但要在生活垃圾处理的无害化、资源化、减量化上下功夫,还必须不断加快生活垃圾处理的产业化步伐。 一、认清城市生活垃圾处理向产业化方向发展的制约因素 1、体制因素。 长期以来,作为市政管理范围内的生活垃圾处理问题一直被人们认为是公益性的福利事业,应该由政…  相似文献   

正城镇化,是中国百年来尤其是改革开放30多年来,经济社会发展的一个重要引擎与载体。如何进一步协调城乡统筹发展,破除城乡二元结构,消弭城乡差别,是中国今天正在继续的现代化进程所无法绕过的、必须着手解决的问题。城镇化一头牵着城市,一头牵着乡村,一面承载着经济社会发展的需求,一面担负着修复生态与保护环境的重任。农民的出路问题、农业的生态问题、城市的健康可持续发展问题,等等,都需要在推进城镇化这一实践过程中去解决。党的十八大提出,要"坚持走中国特色新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代  相似文献   

城市垃圾与可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了城市垃圾问题的现状。指出要实现城市的可持续发展,必须实现思想意识上的革命性转变,将垃圾视为推动经济、社会持续发展的“资源”,有效地管理和综合利用垃圾,使垃圾为人类造福。  相似文献   

资源型城市的经济转型与可持续发展已经成为一个世界性的课题,也是现阶段我国全面建设小康社会过程中凸现出来的一项新课题.在生态环境危机和区域矛盾日益加剧的社会背景下,构建生态补偿机制已成为资源型城市可持续发展的重要措施,有利于缩小区际间的差距,促进环境建设,同时也符合时代发展的主旋律.从资源型城市生态环境问题突出、转型动力不足、社会问题突出、地方财政困难等方面阐述了构建资源型城市生态补偿机制的必要性,在此基础上着重从法律保障、补偿标准、横向财政转移支付、生态保护与经济增长、体制机制等方面分析我国资源型城市生态补偿面临的障碍因素,并对我国资源型城市生态补偿运行机制做了进一步探讨.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify principal factors controlling the Degree of Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources (DSDMR) of mining cities and then to measure their DSDMR and reveal their developing trends. To do this, 78 Chinese mining cities are used as an example. These cities are classified on a hierarchical level of the DSDMR in order to support decision-making of sustainable development. Six principal factors controlling the DSDMR are recognized using factor analysis. They are used to measure the DSDMR of the Chinese mining cities and their developing trends. The results show that in terms of the type of mineral resources, the DSDMR decreases from petroleum to multi-resources to non-metal to coal to metal cities. It decreases also from middle to old to young aged cities and from eastern to central to western cities in geographical location. In addition, large and very large cities have higher DSDMR values than middle- and small-sized cities. These Chinese mining cities are classified into six clusters by cluster analysis, which forms the basis for policy making.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to metropolitan management have placed stress upon the achievement of physical and economic growth. In recent years attention has turned to environmental concerns and the achievement of sustainable urban development. It is important to define the objectives for the sustainable development of cities and to identify the principles upon which such development can be based.  相似文献   

通过建立评价指标体系,利用多层次灰色关联分析模型对陕西各市2005年经济发展、生态环境保护、社会进步以及综合可持续发展能力分别进行比较。结果表明:西安、汉中、咸阳分别为经济发展、生态环境保护和社会进步可持续发展能力最高城市,渭南市处最低水平;综合可持续发展能力,西安、宝鸡和汉中排名最前,综合指数分别为0.6643、0.6622和0.6579,渭南市最低,仅为0.4451,其余各市综合指数在0.5115~0.6323之间。最后,结合部分城市现状,对其综合可持续发展能力建设提出建议措施。  相似文献   

从区域可持续发展的观点出发,根据湖北省具体区域特征,通过构建湖北省区域可持续发展指标体系和评估方法,得出湖北省12个地市人口、资源、环境、经济和社会5个系统的可持续发展指数以及区域综合可持续发展指数。从总体上看,湖北省区域可持续发展水平处于偏低水平,其中武汉市是唯一具有强可持续发展能力的城市,但优势地位不明显;其它城市可持续发展5个系统均存在发展不平衡状况,且城市特色不突出。  相似文献   


This paper aims to initiate a debate through which the gap between rhetoric and the local-level implementation of sustainable development might be addressed. It seeks to contribute towards a conceptual as well as a practical basis for the understanding of what contribution sustainable development can make in the context of the post-apartheid reconstruction of South African cities. The analysis draws on an examination of the incorporation of sustainable development in post-apartheid policy as it relates to the urban environment, and its implications for implementation as experienced by formal (local government) and informal (community groups) local-level institutions. In order to ensure that capacity exists for the implementation of sustainable development, it is argued that this rethinking of sustainable development should be informed by the present transformation of formal and informal institutions, whilst the transformation of institutions should occur in a manner that reflects these new conceptual understandings.  相似文献   

Environmental Management System (EMS) has been one of the important tools for sustainable construction for around two decades. However, many issues concerning sustainable development have not been properly addressed, and there is a need for the introduction of green specifications to advance green performance in construction through contract management. This paper defines green specifications, identifies the reasons for adopting green specifications and highlights the environmental issues that may not be addressed by solely adopting EMS. It also presents the results of a recent survey of practitioners concerning their opinions towards green specifications and possible impacts arising from their adoption. From the results of the survey, a framework for developing green specifications is deemed valuable for the cities striving for sustainability. Interestingly, the level of acceptable changes brought about by green specifications as perceived by different industry stakeholders is found to be unrelated to whether they were from organizations implementing EMS or not.  相似文献   

生态足迹分析方法及其在国内的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒋玲燕  闻岳  周琪 《四川环境》2006,25(4):43-47
生态足迹分析方法是90年代提出的可以定量的反映一个国家、地区、城市的可持续发展程度分析的计算模型。本文介绍了生态足迹模型的理论依据和计算方法,分析了生态足迹分析方法在我国的应用,并且指出了生态足迹分析方法的优缺点及其改进。  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》2005,30(1):7-19
It is generally considered that the non-renewable nature of mineral resources will make them gradually depleted over time. However, in the perspective of development availability of mineral resources in a long-term depends not only on their currently available amounts but also on future potential mineral resources (e.g. those undiscovered and low-grade ores) and substitutive renewable resources. In addition, it is influenced by factors like technology and capital. These factors interact with each other. As a result, it is possible to make the sustainable development of mineral resources by appropriate coordination between these factors. A new concept of Degree of Sustainable Development of Mineral Resources (DSDMR) and its conceptual model are proposed in this paper in the viewpoints of system science and sustainable development to evaluate the ability of sustainable development of mineral resources for a mining city. DSDMR refers to the ability of meeting needs of present and future generations for mineral resources by their logical distribution and substitution. An indicator system and a fuzzy integrated judgment model, which involve factors of resources, economy, society, environments and intelligence, are presented. They are used to evaluate DSDMR of Huangshi city, which is the most ancient and yet one of the most important mining cities producing iron and copper in China.  相似文献   

申立 《资源开发与保护》2013,(12):1291-1294,F0002
近年来我国1/3以上的沿海城市正在积极建设海洋生态城,呈现“组团-分带”型、“核心-放射”型、“陆岛-网链”型等空间模式,努力实现陆海生态环境约束下生态、生产、生活的整合,但当前初步的规划建设却潜藏着生态恶化、体制摩擦、功能冲突等风险.因此,今后的发展应突破“重陆轻海”的范式局限,从陆海统筹的战略高度努力实现海洋生态城的过程化、区域化和协同化管理,对沿海城市陆海统筹发展等具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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