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结合大连市环保设施运营检查工作,分析了当前环保设施运营中存在的主要问题,并对环保设施运营工作的改善提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

濮阳市元光科技有限公司拥有一支具有丰富理论和现场实践经验的环保工程技术专家队伍,在环保工程项目建设和管理方面积累了丰富的经验,集科研、设计、生产制造、安装调试、售后服务五位一体,具备了从环保项目前期投融资、咨询、工程设计、建设和运营管理在内的整个项目生命周期全程服务能力。  相似文献   

本文就建立环保设施运营监督管理法律体系进行了探讨,并提出了环保设施运营监督管理条例的基本框架和内容,为建立环保设施运营监督管理的法律法规体系提供了思路。  相似文献   

公司简介 濮阳市元光科技有限公司拥有一支具有丰富理论和现场实践经验的环保工程技术专家队伍。在环保工程项目建设和管理方面积累了丰富的经验,集科研、设计、生产制造、安装调试、售后服务五位一体,具备了从环保项目前期投融资、咨询、工程设计、建设和运营管理在内的整个项目生命周期全程服务能力。  相似文献   

介绍为解决我国环保产业发展中的资金瓶颈问题,需要建立和完善融资服务→建设服务→运营服务的环保产业的价值链,以解决资金瓶颈问题,促进环保产业的发展。  相似文献   

大力推进环保设施运营服务业的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对如何推进环保设施运营服务业发展的问题进行了探讨,指出了发展环保设施运营服务业的必要性,并针对环保设施运营服务业发展的进展情况及目前存在的主要问题,提出了推进环保设施运营服务业发展的总体设想。  相似文献   

濮阳市元光科技有限公司拥有一支具有丰富理论和现场实践经验的环保工程技术专家队伍。在环保工程项目建设和管理方面积累了丰富的经验,集科研、设计、生产制造、安装调试、售后服务五位一体。具备了从环保项目前期投融资、咨询、工程设计、建设和运营管理在内的整个项目生命周期全程服务能力。  相似文献   

分析环保设施运营市场化产生的背景,介绍广东省环保设施运营市场化现状和问题.并提出了建议。  相似文献   

宜兴鹏鹞阳光环保有限公司(原名宜兴市高塍建筑设备工业公司),成立于1984年,2000年集团进行资产重组,在新加坡设立亚洲环保控股有限公司,2003年在新加坡主板上市。公司专业从事研发、设计、工程总承包、设备供应和运营服务的一站式服务,并进行水务投资、建设、运营及项目收购。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国社会经济高速发展,但生态环境问题也日益凸显,生态文明建设与环境治理已经成为社会各界关注的焦点。与欧美发达国家相比,我国公众的环保知识水平、意识不高,这直接影响着其对生态文明建设与环境治理的认知和行为。而环保政务微博在促进生态文明建设与环境保护的信息公开、舆情引导、环境教育、环境政策文化传播等方面发挥着重要作用。本文以新浪微博官方认证的川陕革命老区内10个市(县)的生态环境部门环保政务微博作为研究对象,通过整理分析其话题设置、发文情况、粉丝互动情况等,考察其生态环保政务微博运营情况,从而分析生态环保政务微博在生态文明教育与环境保护宣传教育中存在的问题,如社会影响力不高,互动有限、运行效率低,信息发布少、运营绩效水平较低等,据此提出加强环保政务建设,提升环保政务微博社会影响力;围绕环保政务微博特点,加强与受众之间的互动;创新宣传内容形式,提升环保教育水平等对策建议。  相似文献   

Integrated management and policy models suggest that solutions to environmental issues may be linked to the socioeconomic and political characteristics of a nation. In this study, we empirically explore these suggestions by applying them to the wetland management activities of nations. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate a model of national wetland management effort and one of national wetland protection. Using five predictor variables of social capital, economic capital, environmental and political characteristics, and land-use pressure, the multivariate models were able to explain 60% of the variation in nations' wetland protection efforts based on data from 90 nations, as defined by level of participation in the international wetland convention. Social capital had the largest direct effect on wetland protection efforts, suggesting that increased social development may eventually lead to better wetland protection. In contrast, increasing economic development had a negative linear relationship with wetland protection efforts, suggesting the need for explicit wetland protection programs as nations continue to focus on economic development. Government, environmental characteristics, and land-use pressure also had a positive direct effect on wetland protection, and mediated the effect of social capital on wetland protection. Explicit wetland protection policies, combined with a focus on social development, would lead to better wetland protection at the national level.  相似文献   

The paper commences with an analysis of the nature and status of private capital investment in the minerals industry in China. Based on the analysis, the authors examine the main barriers in terms of the mineral rights market, industry access and investment security that impede the participation of private capital into exploration and development of China's mineral resources. The discussion addresses how to encourage the participation of private capital into mining investment and it concludes that it is of significant importance to ensure the soundness of mineral rights market, impartiality of industry access, and security of mineral rights.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法对甘肃省农村居民的环境知识、环境认知、环境保护参与意愿与行为进行了调查与分析。结果表明,甘肃农村居民总体环境知识欠缺,环境意识薄弱;农村居民环境保护的支付意愿受支付额度的影响,环境行为尚有较大的改善空间;较低的文化素质是引起农村环境问题的主要原因之一。甘肃省新农村建设环境保护应做好以下工作:加大教育力度,提高农村居民的整体素质;加大资金投入,加强环境基础设施建设;改变不合理的生产生活方式,加强各方面的监督和管理。  相似文献   

Assessment of public vs private MSW management: a case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Public-private partnerships in urban environmental services have witnessed increased interest in recent years primarily to reform the weak performance of the public sector, reduce cost, improve efficiency, and ensure environmental protection. In this context, successful public-private partnerships require a thorough analysis of opportunities, a deliberate attention to process details, and a continuous examination of services to determine whether they are more effectively performed by the private sector. A comparative assessment of municipal solid waste collection services in the two largest cities in Lebanon where until recently municipal solid waste collection is private in one and public in the other is conducted. While quality of municipal solid waste collection improved, due to private sector participation, the corresponding cost did not, due to monopoly and an inadequate organizational plan defining a proper division of responsibilities between the private and the public sector.  相似文献   

本文从我国环境保护公众参与进程缓慢的历史和参与意识日益提高的现状出发,分析了目前我国环境保护的公众参与存在缺乏相应的法律制度保障、公众主动了解环保知识不足、参与机制不健全、渠道不顺畅等问题,提出了以加强环境信息公开、环境决策民主化,建立和发展环保社团等办法推动公众参与环境保护的对策。  相似文献   

公众参与是搞好我国环境保护工作的重要途径之一,但我国有关法律对公众参与环境保护既无明确的法律依据,又无制度化的具体保障,使得公众无法有效地参与。本文从确认公民环境权、环境自卫权和提高环境意识以及规定公众参与环境保护的具体形式和途径等方面,阐述了实现公众参与环境保护的制度化。  相似文献   

The article analyses the recent development of public participation in environmental assessment and indicates some unfortunate and unintended results. A number of Danish cases show how the tools involved are employed for a kind of ‘acceptance planning’, instead of actual environmental protection, and that the legitimacy which public inclusion was supposed to bring to environmental assessment has instead been replaced by considerations of legality, which frees entrepreneurs and authorities from including real environmental considerations in their planning. Thus, the undesirable handling of public participation that the article analyses is not only due to the actual difficulties of practising inclusion and the indisputable complexity of the environmental issues but also to a very large extent due to considerations of economic efficiency and an unwillingness among investors – public as well as private – to take account of environmental consequences as a long-term issue. The article ends with a range of recommendations for securing public inclusion in matters of environmental assessment through independent public initiatives or institutions that do not answer to authorities and entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

本文基于国内已有的相关政府引导基金和环保基金的运行管理模式,经分析和比较提出适合中央和地方层面环保类引导基金的运行管理模式。除了要符合基金运作的一般规律,本文认为中央层面设立政府环保类引导基金适合契约制形式,引导基金内只有中央财政出资,按照母基金参股子基金的方式来运作,同时达到撬动社会资本和引入先进基金管理公司的目的;地方层面设立相应基金适合采用有限合伙制形式,直接吸引社会资本与政府共同建立引导基金,投资方式以直接投资为主、参股子基金为辅,可以发挥金融机构的融资优势和环保类专业机构的技术和经验优势。  相似文献   

论公众参与的环境伦理观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公众参与(Public Participation)是环境影响评价(EIA)和战略影响评价(SEA)的重要内容,也是环境保护事业发展的基础.影响公众参与的因素有环境法律、环境经济、环境文化和环境伦理四个方面,其中环境伦理在公众参与和环境行为方面发挥巨大的作用.本文从伦理学角度论述了人类环境伦理观的形成,环境伦理对公众参与环境保护的影响以及可持续发展的环境道德原则.  相似文献   

公众参与环境决策是一项重要的公众民主权利。我国已经将环境公众参与作为一项重要的环境保护法律制度,但是由于目前我国环保法律制度的不完善,在实施公众参与环境决策机制上存在着诸多问题,本文从法制的角度探讨了公众参与环境决策的理论依据,分析和论证建立适合我国国情的公众参与环境决策制度的主要方式,并提出完善公众参与环境决策制度的建议。  相似文献   

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