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由大连贝斯特环境工程设备有限公司开发的高盐度矿井废水\海水反渗透(RO)循环利用技术,适用于海水淡化及苦咸水淡化,锅炉给水及电子超纯水制备,饮用纯净水生产,废水处理及特种分离过程等。主要技术内容一、基本原理煤矿矿井废水属高盐度高硬度苦咸水、海水属高盐度水。其用于工业循环利用需深度处理。本工艺利用RO  相似文献   

反渗透预处理技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反渗透是当今先进的水处理技术,为了满足反渗透膜对水质的要求,原水进入膜之前必须进行妥善的预处理,本文详细探讨了反渗透装置之前的各种预处理技术,并对其存在问题提出了优化思路。  相似文献   

针对炼化一体化污水处理工艺特点,结合水量、水质情况,选择了适合的炼油、化工污水处理与回用工艺处理流程,重点分析了各污水处理装置的工艺设计特色,包括根据水质不同采用不同的气浮及絮凝处理,在二沉池后设置承上启下的高密度沉淀池与V型滤池,回用水的双膜处理中选择浸没式超滤与一级三段反渗透,反渗透排水采用臭氧氧化加生物滤池的高效短流程。运行结果表明,一体化污水处理装置排水指标远优于GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》的一级标准,污水与雨水的回用率合计70%以上。  相似文献   

锦州石化公司采用COBR(高级氧化与生物氧化组合工艺)组合工艺处理反渗透(RO)浓水,论述了COBR工艺流程、基本原理、工艺控制指标以及该工艺在锦州石化公司浓水处理装置的应用经验。结果表明,该工艺在一定的控制条件下,运行平稳,对RO浓水中的COD去除效果明显:COD去除率为57%;当进水浓度升高、波动较大时,该工艺仍具有很强的抗冲击能力:当进水浓度波动较大时,通过适当调节参数,出水COD仍可维持在50mg/L左右。  相似文献   

该技术由玻尔过滤器(北京)有限公司和北京天地人环保科技有限公司共同开发. 主要技术内容 一.工艺路线 采用两级反渗透处理渗滤液.垃圾渗滤液排入调节池.  相似文献   

某钢铁公司采用量子管通环技术处理热法海水淡化装置的结垢现象,结果表明,量子管通环技术可有效减缓热法海水淡化装置的结垢速率,并大幅度提高热法海水淡化装置的产水量,经济效益显著,可在热法海水淡化装置上推广应用。  相似文献   

在反渗透技术中,浓缩液的处理是最关键的问题之一。随着反渗透技术在水处理上的广泛使用,浓缩液的处理和资源化利用已经成为急需解决的大问题。介绍了目前国内外处理浓缩液的方法,包括Fenton法、混凝—吸附法、膜法、蒸发法、浓缩液回灌和海水淡化浓缩液再利用。  相似文献   

在生活垃圾焚烧发电厂生产的过程中,稳定合格的锅炉补给水对机组的安全高效运行非常重要。介绍了"超滤+二级反渗透+EDI"工艺及主要设计参数,并对运行情况和运营成本进行了分析,结果表明:该工艺完全满足了生活垃圾焚烧发电厂锅炉补给水水质的要求。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场渗滤液属于高浓度氨氮废水,其水量、水质特性变化大,成分复杂,因此较难处理。反渗透分离技术能有效截留垃圾渗滤液中溶解态的有机和无机污染物。采用三级反渗透处理垃圾渗滤液工艺处理后的出水水质,能够满足《生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准》(DB16889-2008)要求,并把渗滤液浓缩液回灌于填埋场。  相似文献   

海水烟气脱硫是利用天然海水作为SO2吸收剂进行脱硫的工艺过程,其工艺成熟可行,脱硫后的海水经处理符合海洋环境水质标准后可以直接排入大海,并且该工艺过程无废物排放和处置问题,适于在邻海发电厂应用。本文通过对秦皇岛热电厂海水脱硫实例的分析,进一步体现海水脱硫工艺在邻海发电厂运用的可行性与价值。  相似文献   

针对我国钢铁行业产生的废水特征,分析了膜分离法在废水处理中的应用,包括微滤法在去除废水中的悬浮物、胶体和微生物的应用,超滤法在冷轧废水中除油的工艺和超滤在反渗透进水前的预处理过程,以及反渗透法对废水的脱盐工艺;总结了膜分离技术存在的问题。  相似文献   

通过对反渗透装置初次化学清洗时进水水质、运行情况、反渗透系统进水端和浓水端情况、保安过滤器滤芯情况分析,确定造成膜污染的主要原因,并针对这些原因采取化学清洗、运行管理等一定措施。措施实施后:反渗透运行周期均有所增加,特别是1#反渗透装置,运行周期增至2 414h,达到健康运行要求。  相似文献   

The risk associated with storage of carbon dioxide in the subsurface can be reduced by removal of a comparable volume of existing brines (e.g. Buscheck et al., 2011). In order to avoid high costs for disposal, the brines should be processed into useful forms such as fresh and low-hardness water. We have carried out a cost analysis of treatment of typical subsurface saline waters found in sedimentary basins, compared with conventional seawater desalination. We have also accounted for some cost savings by utilization of potential well-head pressures at brine production wells, which may be present in some fields due to CO2 injection, to drive desalination using reverse osmosis. Predicted desalination costs for brines having salinities equal to seawater are about half the cost of conventional seawater desalination when we assume the energy can be obtained from excess pressure at the well head. These costs range from 32 to 40¢ per m3 permeate produced. Without well-head energy recovery, the costs are from 60 to 80¢ per m3 permeate. These costs do not include the cost of any brine production or brine reinjection wells, or pipelines to the well field, or other site-dependent factors.  相似文献   

Parts of the USA are facing impending shortages of freshwater. One proposed solution is the construction of desalination plants to turn seawater into freshwater. Although seawater desalination plants are widely used in the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, there are few desalination plants in the USA. In 2003, Tampa Bay Water built the largest desalination plant in North America. Persistent operating problems and escalating costs have caused the utility to re-evaluate its reliance on the seawater desalination plant as part of a long-term regional water supply strategy. In addition, environmental effects of the plant are uncertain. Advances in reverse osmosis technology have significantly reduced desalination costs. However, desalination of seawater is still more expensive than other freshwater supply sources and demand management measures. With time and research, seawater desalination may prove to be a sustainable, cost-effective source of new freshwater supplies, especially if plants are coupled with renewable energy sources. Until then, the development of small-scale groundwater desalination plants, the re-use of water, water conservation, and a more efficient allocation of water through higher prices and rising block rates will be important strategies in meeting growing water demand. Moreover, it is important to improve the coordination between water supply planning and land use planning as populations continue to increase.  相似文献   

Pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO) is a method for converting salinity gradients to power by allowing water to flow through a semi-permeable membrane against an applied hydraulic pressure. PRO already has a long history, starting from the middle of the last century, and has rapidly improved in recent years. In this paper, we present a historical development of PRO since its inception: the development of this renewable energy process has gone through several stages, depending on technological developments, worldwide energy demands, and environmental concerns. The technological progress of the process is also studied, as well as its cost viability and environmental impact. Finally, some ideas to further develop the PRO process and mitigate its detrimental effects are discussed.  相似文献   

利用沸石负载型二氧化钛对炼化企业的反渗透浓缩水进行研究,考察了催化剂对浓缩水的处理效果及影响降解的因素。由实验结果可知:沸石负载型二氧化钛对反渗透浓缩水TOC降解率达到67.4%,降解浓缩水的最佳条件为:pH值为4~6,温度30~40℃,光照时间2.5h,催化剂投加量为1.5g/L。实验为浓缩水处理技术的发展提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

本文通过在线实时监测研究了三醋酸纤维(CTA)正渗透膜的活性层在朝向料液(AL-FS)和汲取液(AL-DS)两种模式下的正渗透水通量、反向溶质通量、特性反向溶质通量等因素及其变化规律。在实验室条件下模拟了三醋酸纤维膜(CTA)对于不同浓度苦咸水的处理,当苦咸水浓度为2000ppmNaCl、5000ppmNaCl、8000ppmNaCl时,CTA膜活性层朝向对脱盐率几乎没有影响,AL-FS模式和AL-DS模式的脱盐率分别为96.49%和96.13%、97.40%和96.38%、98.04%和96.81%。研究结果对于进一步开发CTA正渗透系统和实用化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对己内酰胺生产过程废水的回用处理工艺进行了研究。以某己内酰胺化工厂的LUCAS出水作为研究对象,采用膜生物反应器和反渗透膜处理工艺,研究此系统对己内酰胺废水的处理效果。试验结果表明,膜生物反应器工艺适用于该化工厂的生产废水,出水COD平均值为31.33mg/L,平均浊度为0.2NTU,氨氮平均值为2.81mg/L,可以满足反渗透膜的进水要求。在浓缩倍数为3时,反渗透膜系统运行稳定,且产水可以满足化工部循环冷却水用再生水水质标准。  相似文献   


Nanofiltration (NF) membrane is an alternative lower energy membrane type compared to reverse osmosis membrane. NF is suitable for rejection of ions and molecules with molecular weight greater than 200 Da. In this study leachate wastewater from a sanitary landfill site in Malaysia was filtered through a NF membrane in order to determine the rejection capability of the membrane towards pollutants such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), conductivity, nitrate, ammonia-nitrogen, and heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe. The NF membrane used was HL membrane, which under the atomic force microscope (AFM) imaging, showed visible discrete pores. The overall rejections of the pollutants were more than 85% except for nitrate and ammonia nitrogen. NF can be considered an alternative for advanced filtration especially within a hybrid treatment system combining biological–physical treatment and membrane filtration.  相似文献   

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