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正深圳市南山区月亮湾小学一直重视生态文明建设,以争创"国际生态学校"为抓手,把"创建绿色学校,培养绿色使者"作为学校环保教育的育人目标,不断优化育人环境,培养具有现代文明意识和环保意识的合格公民,取得了优异的成绩。2015年1月,月亮湾小学被国家环境保护部授予"国际生态学校"荣誉称号。随着环境教育工作的开展和推进,月亮湾小学的环境教育形成了四大特色:  相似文献   

正北京青年政治学院附属中学于1960年建校,是朝阳区教委直属的"十二年一贯制"公立普通学校和美术特色校,也是朝阳区中学和小学素质教育示范学校、北京市学校文化建设示范校北京市艺术教育特色学校和全国百强特色学校。学校占地3万多平方米,建筑面积2万多平方米。校园环境优美,办学设施先进。有160多人的高素质教师队伍,是朝阳区师德师风建设先进集体,在校师生共有1500余名。学校始终坚持"环境育人、管理育人、  相似文献   

张敏  张同军 《环境教育》2013,(4):102-102
蒋峪初中,十分重视环境育人工作,将环境建设放在各项工作的首位,把开展环境教育活动当做学校建设和发展的大事来抓。学校因此先后获得"省级规范化学校"、"潍坊市平安建设示范校园"、"潍坊市教学创新50强"等诸多荣誉称号,赢得了社会各界的广泛赞誉。用心经营,树立一种理念学校建立环保教育教学长效机制,专门成立了由校长任组长、分管校长为副组长、各处室主任、教研组长、班主任和部分学科教师为组员的工作领导小组,负责制订学校的环境教育工作计划并依据计划开展工作。学校先后制  相似文献   

长沙市望城区职业中等专业学校多年来坚持"以人为本,持续发展,创建和谐校园"的理念,深入开展环境教育和环境建设,以创建国家级绿色学校作为优化教育环境、培养高素质人才的重要内容来抓,把环境育人的理念注入到学校的管理、校园的建设和教育教学工作中。营造深厚环境教育氛围2001年开始,学校成立以校长为组长的环境教育领导小组,切实保障创建绿色学校的人力、物力、财力。同时,积极协调各部门工作,确保相关工作正常运转。为增强师生的生态环境意识和绿色文明意  相似文献   

滨海县实验小学在环境教育工作中将不断进取,努力创建国家级生态绿色学校,以先进的育人理念和良好的育人环境促进学校向更高更远的目标迈进,让未来的天空更美、更蓝!滨海县实验小学始建于1941年,占地面积50多亩,现有学生4900多名,教职员工250余名,是江苏省规模较大的省级合格实验小学。在"小学就是一所大学"的理念下,滨海实小紧紧围绕"创新管理、提高质量、彰显特色,提升品位"的思路开展各项工作,办学效益显著,  相似文献   

中国环境管理干部学院在各项工作中实践着特色育人的思想.学院坚持“以服务社会需求为导向,以提高教育教学质量为核心,以培养高素质、高技能人才为根本,培养大学精神,积淀大学文化,铸就大学灵魂,彰显环境教育特色,创建绿色和谐校园“的办学理念,发挥了环境教育特色所带来的优势,注重遵循教育发展的规律,取得了可喜的办学成绩.  相似文献   

正山东省青岛寿光路小学不断深化对生态文明建设重要性的认识,在育人过程中创新思维和方法,把生态文明教育与学校德育品牌建设有机融合,营造绿色生态环境,打造绿色校园文化。山东省青岛寿光路小学不断深化对生态文明建设重要性的认识,在育人过程中创新思维和方法,把生态文明教育与学校德育品牌建设有机融  相似文献   

安向东  曲华  段鹏 《环境教育》2012,(7):102-102
乳山第二实验小学一直将环境教育作为学校素质教育的重要支点和提升教育整体水平的突破口。学校立足现实,着眼未来,走出了一条环境育人、以德育人、以智育人、以美育人的新路子,同时,学校结合校情和学情,抓住了在学科课中讲绿色,隐性课中现绿色、活动课中添绿色的思路,将《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要》落到实处,培养了学生的环境意识和道德行为。  相似文献   

王杰 《环境教育》2014,(1):86-88
营造良好的环境教育物质情境,就是要建设以育人为中心的、人与自然和谐相处的、绿色的可持续发展的校园环境,使之成为环境教育的重要内容和载体。  相似文献   

正邹城市实验中学是邹城市委、市政府于1997年投资兴建的一所现代化重点高级中学。学校注重加强环境建设,优化育人氛围,努力实现教书育人、环境育人、管理育人和服务育人的有机统一,学校环境优美,环保意识深入人心。学校绿化面积达到37600平方米,绿化率达到51.8%,  相似文献   

"素质教育"是我们在新的历史时期对教育中出现问题的有所针对的强调提法.可是,这恰恰说明了我们在教育理念认识上的偏差,"素质教育"这一概念本身就已经切割了教育的整体内涵,说明我们在教育中已经将文化素质的培养作为教育的全部,忽视了教育对其他素质的培养功能.正是由于我们教育理念的偏差,忽视了心理素质、道德素质、思想素质、政治素质等综合素质的培养,直接导致了教育的畸形与"迫害性".  相似文献   

人才是一切事业发展的重要资本和资源,而人才的陪养关键在教育,教育的质量在很大程度上又取决于教育的水平,没有高素的教师队伍,一切高素质的教育计划都会限于空谈。当前提高教育质量所遇到的困难,在很大程度上来自于教师整体素质不高,抓住教师教育,就抓住了整个教育工作的根本和关键的环节。因此,大力发展教育,培养优秀教师是当前摆在我们面前的一项刻不容缓的任务。  相似文献   

继续教育是我院教育教学工作的重要组成部分。继续教育生具有"自学为主、限时多学、积极多研、追求速成",但利用图书馆较少的特点。图书馆应结合实际,以提高对继续教育的服务质量为宗旨,从转变思想观念,加强制度建设和馆藏建设,以及如何进行图书宣传等方面为继续教育服务。  相似文献   

孟子教育思想中的理想人格,不仅对我国教育发展有重大影响,而且对当代大学生的素质教育也有深刻的启示。从理想人格的涵义入手,分析了孟子理想人格的重要内容及其实现方式,并研究了孟子理想人格对大学生素质教育的启示。  相似文献   

素质教育的提出与实施,是我国教育改革发展的必然趋势,是提高全民素质,迎接21世纪挑战、参与国际竞争的迫切需要,是全面贯彻教育方针,建设中国特色社会主义教育体系的时代要求.  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的推进,高校中非正式群体的作用越来越大,如果忽视了对这一群体的教育和引导,势必会造成教育工作中阵地的缺失。对此本文提出了把加强正式群体建设与重视保护非正式群体的积极作用相结合、把群体需要与满足个人的需要结合起来、把党团建设与社团建设相结合三种教育对策  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Integrated watershed management encompasses complex physical and social issues that have impacts on environmental resources. A key aspect of this holistic effort is public education. Most researchers and practitioners agree that an informed public is a crucial part of the environmental management process. Yet, educational programs that provide stakeholders with information about physical processes in watersheds are often unavailable. This paper assesses the effect of an education program for residents of the New York City watershed. Surveys evaluated certain knowledge levels and attitudes of participants and compared three groups: individuals who utilized the educational materials completely (full users), those who received the materials but did not use them completely (partial users), and watershed residents who did not receive the educational program (nonrecipients). Full users displayed a higher level of knowledge concerning specific watershed processes than did partial users and nonrecipients. In terms of applying that knowledge across linked concepts, however, we observed no significant differences between the three readership levels. Furthermore, partial users engaged in less evaluation of issues that related to the broader watershed context. The findings from this project have implications for educational and regulatory institutions and program development relating to watershed protection.  相似文献   

Summary In showing that substantially more than three-quarters of the population of England and Wales at some stage in their career receive education or training in the further education sector, the author advocates the case for environmental education to be extensively developed at this educational level. An expanded programme in technical and allied colleges should contain elements of environmental education for nearly all technicians as well as specialist full-time training schemes for persons such as environmental monitoring technicians.Dr John F. Potter has been Hon. Secretary of the Institution of Environmental Sciences (UK) over the last five years. He is Editor of that Institution's News Sheet and Proceedings as well as being one of the General Editors of the IES/Wiley Environment Monograph Series. Trained as a geologist at the Universities of Manchester and London, he is currently Principal of Farnborough College of Technology, Hampshire, UK, where he has overall responsibility for a large number of educational programmes, many of which are concerned with the development of skills required by technicians and technologists.  相似文献   

Loglinear modelling techniques were used to identify the interactions and interrelationships underlying categorical environmental concern data collected from 9062 respondents in Iran. After fitting various loglinear models to the data, the most parsimonious model highlighted that a combination of interacting factors, namely educational attainment, age, gender, and residential location were responsible for influencing personal concern for the environment. Although high educational attainment had a close correspondence with high concern for the environment the loglinear results, when visualized with a geographical information system, demonstrated wide spatial variations in educational attainment and concern for the environment. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents were not highly educated, and were therefore not highly concerned for the environment. The finding that both rural and urban male and female respondents in the 15-24 years age category, with 10-12 years of education, had the strongest interaction with personal concern for the environment could be beneficial for policy planners to utilize education as the primary instrument to enhance environmental governance and prospects for sustainable development.  相似文献   

The author uses two publications, Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe (Alesina and Glaeser) and Poetry magazine, to underscore the important role that educational institutions play in developing a person’s political philosophy and imagination. European nations, for instance, have better funded social welfare programs than the US because their system of public education incorporates more liberal or left-leaning teachings into their standard curricula. The author sees implications for a more intentional approach to education in the US for those who are interested in changing the food system. If American educational institutions viewed their role as producing food competent citizens, he argues, then we would be more successful in addressing obesity, promoting a more sustainable food system, and even reducing poverty. Food system activists, dieticians and nutritionists, parents, and elected officials should take a more aggressive position with educational institutions to develop programs, services, and curricula capable of achieving these ends.  相似文献   

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