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土壤对钻井废水中有机污染物吸附作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析了钻井废水中有机污染物在土壤中吸附的机理,对吸附量和有机负荷的关系进行了阐述;针对钻井废水有机污染物在土壤中的吸附和解吸过程进行了实验研究。实验表明:钻井废水中有机污染物在土壤中的吸附量与土壤有机负荷的关系符合初始质量等温线;土壤中天然有机质含量越高,对钻井废水中有机污染物吸附能力越强;土壤对钻井废水中有机污染物具有一定的持久吸附作用;天然有机质含量越高的土壤对钻井废水中有机污染物的持久吸附能力越强。  相似文献   

根据京津冀地区典型城市水环境污染的主要来源,选取工业COD排放量,工业氨氮排放量、工业废水排放量、生活COD排放量、生活氨氮排放量、生活污水排放量共6项指标,对区域经济发展水平与水污染物排放之间的关系进行研究。基于经济发展水平和污染排放特征,利用系统聚类法划分城市类型,利用回归分析研究污染排放指标对GDP的贡献。结果表明:京津冀地区废水及主要污染物排放特征存在明显的行政区划差异性:A类城市中,生活污染源已超越工业污染源成为该地区水污染物排放的重中之重;B类城市和C类城市污染控制重点仍需放在工业污染源减排上。经过多年努力,主要工业污染物排放量已得到了有效的控制,生活污水排放量已成为京津冀地区不容忽视的减排对象。今后,应在此基础上针对不同行政区划内的污染排放特征,加强政策的针对性。  相似文献   

史箴  罗彬  刘中光  李抗美 《四川环境》2002,21(3):77-78,83
采用红外光谱法、色谱-质谱联用技术和气相色谱法,对新都县某厂废水和桂花村地下水中有机污染物种类进行了定性、定量分析,找出了桂花村地下水中的有机污染物质,并界定了污染范围。  相似文献   

印染废水是高浓度难降解处理的工业废水之一,印染废水的色度大,有机污染物含量高,可生化性差,水量不稳定。针对废水特点,在生物膜法处理工艺中,采用辫带式生物填料作为微生物载体处理印染废水,取得了良好的处理效果。在进水COD浓度800~1200mg/L、色度350~500倍的情况下,经处理后出水COD浓度为200mg/L、色度在80倍以下,达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 4287—2012)表2间接排放标准。  相似文献   

通过测定受洗井废水影响的土壤及作物中的重金属、有机污染物以及作物的生长发育和籽实中的营养成分,并与大庆地区无此类污染的相应作物比较表明:土壤和作物中的石油污染物随洗井废水灌入量的增加而有增高的趋势,这种趋势尤以硫化物为重,而重金属和3,4-苯并芘(BaP)的含量水平均在本地区正常范围内。在试验浓度条件下,洗井废水对作物没有不良影响,各浓度组都有利于作物的生长和营养物质的合成与积累。  相似文献   

利用过滤试验与粒径分布试验分析了钢铁工业达标外排废水的各类污染物特征,结合正交试验对混凝处理效果及混凝工艺中各主要影响因素的影响情况进行研究。结果表明,废水中颗粒物主要以粗分散胶体和悬浮态物质为主,PAC/PAM联用对钢铁废水具有较好的处理效果,可有效降低主要影响废水回用的铁锰类污染物,还去除了大部分的有机物及磷类等污染物,各项出水水质指标均达到《城市污水再生利用工业用水水质》(GB/T19923—2005)所规定的循环冷却水回用水质标准。  相似文献   

瓦勃氏呼吸仪测定乐果合成废水的可生化性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张本兰  裴健 《四川环境》1992,11(2):16-18,26
本文概述了瓦勃氏呼吸仪测定有机污染物的可生化性的基本原理和方法。通过测定用乐果合成废水驯化后的微生物的生化呼吸线和相对耗氧速度曲线,结果表明:乐果合成废水是有毒的,但是完全可以被特异驯化后的微生物所降解;其降解速度与时间和废水所含污染物的浓度有关。  相似文献   

介绍了挥发性有机化合物的定义,分析了不同行业的有机废气主要污染物,对目前主要有机废气处理工艺进行了概括性描述,重点分析了根据有机废气不同的工况条件如何选择一个安全、有效、稳定、经济、合理的处理工艺。  相似文献   

文章通过对通用住宿野营房室内环境主要污染物的确定和测定值的分析,得出住宿野营房室内环境主要污染物甲醛、苯和总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)三项中,总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)浓度超标严重;在现有装饰装修材料水平状况下,使用前和使用中,要加强室内空气流通,降低室内环境污染物的浓度。  相似文献   

1 引言随着工业的迅猛发展,工业污染源排放的废水量日益增多,尤其是食品工业废水的有机污染物浓度高、数量多,属于高浓度有机废水。例如,我国目前年排放酿酒废水总量约10~7m~3,COD 浓度为3~4mg/L;年排放味精废水总量达2.4×10~6m~3,COD浓度为4~5×10~4mg/L。这些废水大部分未经处理而排放,对环境造成严重的危害。食品工业废水的有机成分主要是糖类、蛋白质和脂肪,大多数以糖类为  相似文献   

耿亮  陆光华 《四川环境》2006,25(1):70-73,105
氯代芳烃及其衍生物是一类毒性强、难降解的持久性有机化合物。在我国江河水体中检出率高,其中许多是优先监测污染物。水中的难降解有机污染物,可能通过几种微生物的一系列共代谢作用得到大部分,甚至是彻底的降解。本文针对水环境中的氟代芳烃污染物,分析了共代谢的类型、发生原因及影响因素。对利用共代谢机制修复水中氯代芳烃的最新研究进展进行了综述,并对本领域的发展前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This study estimates the contribution from the open burning of municipal wastes in some of Nigeria's major cities to atmospheric levels of air pollutants. Information obtained on open burning emission factors and municipal solid waste (MSW) generation estimates was combined to estimate annual levels of the pollutants from the open burning of MSW. Per capita distributions of pollutants were calculated on the basis of cities’ populations. The estimates of inorganic emissions across the cities studied were from 913.73 to 81,600 tons per year (TPY) of particulate matter; 4,797 to 428,400 TPY of oxides of nitrogen; 342.65 to 30,600; and 57 to 5,100 TPY of sulfur dioxide, while the estimates for methane ranged from 742 to 66,300 TPY and for other nonmethane organic compounds ranged from 1,713 to 153,000 TPY. Given the composition of MSW in these cities, the nonmethane organic compounds are likely to be composed of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds. Given the wide varieties of both inorganic and organic air pollutants released during the open burning of MSW and the associated human health and environmental impacts, it is high time that stakeholders at all levels of government came up with policies and regulatory measures for the management of MSW in the country.  相似文献   

焦化厂排水中微量有机污染物分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用XAD-2树脂/色谱/质谱(GC/MS)技术分析鉴定某焦化厂排水中的微量有机物。结果表明:焦化厂达标排放的废水中仍然含有芳香族及稠环类化合物如二苯乙醇酮、3,4-二氯-异氧杂萘邻酮、1,8-萘二甲酸酐,约占废水总有机碳含量的19.02%。特别是经氯氧化剂处理后生成许多卤代化合物,约占总有机碳含量的57.81%;其中包括毒性很大的二溴-氯甲烷、1-氯.1,2-二溴乙烷等,约占总有机物的7.54%。  相似文献   

臭氧氧化水中有机污染物作用规律及动力学研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对臭氧氧化水中有机污染物的作用规律及氧化动力学研究方法进行了综述。臭氧是一种强氧化剂,它能通过臭氧直接反应或产生羟基自由基进行间接反应以及两者的结合对有机和无机化合物进行氧化。臭氧有选择性地氧化有机污染物,主要与双键、活性芳香系统和未被质子化的胺类发生反应,而羟基自由基则可以和水中绝大多数化合物无选择性地快速反应,臭氧动力学的研究也涉及到臭氧和羟基自由基的问题,其反应速率常数的测定多采用溶质消耗法和竞争动力学法。  相似文献   

文中介绍了国外用土壤空气抽取法和堆肥法清除土壤中有机溶剂、芳香烃类和石油污染物的技术及其应用。这两种方法单独使用均可成功地治理有害废弃物。实践证明,将这两种技术串联使用可更有效地处理土壤中污染物及加速生物降解过程。根据现场特点,利用多种治理技术综合治理土壤污染物是治理污染物的发展方向。  相似文献   

文中介绍了国外用土壤空气抽取法和堆肥法清除土壤中有机溶剂、芳香烃类和石油污染物的技术及其应用。这两种方法单独使用均可成功地治理有害废弃物。实践证明,将这两种技术串联使用可更有效地处理土壤中污染物及加速生物降解过程。根据现场特点,利用多种治理技术综合治理土壤污染物是治理污染物的发展方向。  相似文献   

The role of structural fractions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from wastewater in the sorption process of hydrophobic organic compounds is still not clear. In this study, DOM from two wastewater treatment plants (Lachish and Netanya, Israel) was fractionated to hydrophobic acid (HoA) and hydrophobic neutral (HoN) fractions. The fractions were characterized and their sorptive capabilities for s-triazine herbicides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied. For all sorbates, the binding to the HoN fractions was much higher than to HoA fractions. The HoA fractions were more polar than the HoN fractions, containing a higher level of carboxylic functionalities. However the higher binding coefficients of atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamine-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) and ametryn [2-(ethylamino)-4-isopropylamino-6-methyl-thio-s-triazine] obtained for the HoN fractions suggest that their sorption is governed by hydrophobic-like interactions rather than H bonding. The values of binding coefficients of PAHs measured for the HoN fractions were within the range reported for humic acids and much higher than other fractions, suggesting that this fraction plays an important role in the overall sorption of these compounds by DOM. Higher sorption coefficients were measured for the Netanya DOM sample containing higher level of hydrophobic fractions (HoA + HoN) than the Lachish DOM, suggesting that the sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds by DOM is governed by the level of these structural substances. The evaluation of mobility of organic pollutants by wastewater irrigation requires not only assessment of the total carbon concentration but also, more importantly, the content of the hydrophobic fractions.  相似文献   

Sorption of organic pollutants by subsurface materials has been found to not only correlate with the total organic carbon (TOC) content, but also depend on the types of soil and sediment organic matter (SOM). Characterization of geochemically heterogeneous SOM is key to elucidating sorption mechanisms and predicting pollutant transport in ground water systems. In this study, kerogen, a nonextractable organic material, was isolated with an acid demineralization procedure from a sandy aquifer material (Borden, Ontario, Canada) having a TOC content of approximately 0.021% (w/w). Petrographical examinations reveal that the kerogen has three major types of macerals including bituminite (Kerogen Type I and II), vitrinite (Type III), and fusinite (Type IV or charred kerogen). The solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum shows two dominant peaks, aliphatic and aromatic carbons, for the isolated material. Sorption isotherms measured using phenanthrene, naphthalene, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (TCB), and 1,2-dichlorobenzene (DCB) as sorbates showed that both the isolated kerogen and the original sand exhibited nonlinear sorption and that the phenanthrene and TCB isotherms measured for the kerogen material are more nonlinear than the respective isotherms for the original sand. The single-point organic carbon--normalized sorption capacity measured for the isolated kerogen can be several times greater than that measured for the original sand for a given sorbate. The study suggests that kerogen plays a major role in overall sorption isotherm nonlinearity and could yield higher-than-predicted sorption capacities for the subsurface material even though the content of this organic material is very low.  相似文献   

地表水中51种有机污染物加标回收率的质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据全国多家实验室的监测数据,系统地研究了地表水中51种有机物的加标回收率质量控制水平,提出了两种概率下的质量控制指标。研究表明,51种有机物的实际样品加标回收率的控制范围比空白样品的加标回收率范围宽,大部分有机化合物的加标回收率可控制在60%~120%之间,个别化合物的回收率需要放宽至40%~140%。  相似文献   

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