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采用化学法自动控制处理含铬和含镍电镀废水,选择合适的化学药剂和pH、ORP控制参数,连续式处理电镀废水.运行结果表明:该工艺简单、处理效果良好、运行稳定、可操作性好、运行成本适中、能很好的适应水质的波动,处理后的水质完全符合排放标准.  相似文献   

电镀工业园区废水集中处理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对电镀废水的特点,将电镀工业园区各厂家废水进行分类后再分别排至污水处理站进行处理.并运用在线监测仪表对各类废水的水质、水量进行监测和记录,根据监测情况及时切换废水至各相应处理系统.根据分清分流、先预处理再综合处理的原则进行合理的细化分类,对不同的废水水质进行分类预处理,再集中中和沉淀,降低了运行费用.该处理技术具有工艺合理、操作简便、自动化程度高、经济合理等特点.  相似文献   

将某电镀废水原水按水质分类,分别进行沉淀、氧化等预处理,然后综合进行中和、生物接触氧化、沉淀等工艺,出水水质指标达到地方污水排放标准,对部分出水进行砂滤、活性炭吸附、膜过滤处理等深度处理后达到回用要求。结果表明,该方法对中小企业处理含氰及多种重金属的电镀废水是经济、可行的。  相似文献   

微生物法处理电镀废水技术概况与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微生物法处理电镀废水技术倍受关注,文章在介绍国内外微生物法处理电镀废水的试验研究和大规模工业生产的基础上,总结了微生物法处理电镀废水的机理、工艺流程,优点及存在问题,并指出了这一技术的研究热点和发展前景。  相似文献   

采用离子交换工艺对电镀废水原有处理系统出水进行树脂过滤吸附后,能够稳定达到《电镀废水排放标准》(GB 21900—2008)中表3的要求.该工艺运行稳定可靠,可为同行业类似废水处理提供工程经验.  相似文献   

膜分离技术作为一种新型分离技术,具有分离效率高、过程能耗低等特点,被广泛应用于废水处理领域。由于电镀废水污染物种.是多样,纳滤、反渗透、聚合物强化超滤、电渗析等膜分离过程作为电镀废水的处理与资源化技术被深入研究,纳滤、反渗透及其组合工艺等被应用于电镀废水的处理及其资源化,有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

电镀废水含有大量的多种金属离子,酸根阴离子、络合物及有机物,对环境造成严重的污染。化学法处理电镀废水是一种应用早而广泛的方法,在电镀废水的治理工程中起着积极和重要的作用。可是目前有一些人却认为,化学法处理电镀废水已经过时了。他们只见其存在的问题,不见其优点和前景,不注重化学处理法的应用和研究。结果追求过高要求,热中于贪大求洋,使处理工艺复杂化,消耗的投资和运行费用较多,使一些小厂难以实施。从国外情况看,目前,采用化学法处理电镀废水,美国约为85%,日本约为80%。化学法处理电镀废水具有很多的优点。一、设备投资少,运行费用低,经济效  相似文献   

介绍了永嘉县电镀废水的产生及排放现状,针对其电镀废水的性质及污染状况,提出了具体的治理措施,并以永嘉县电镀企业现状为参照,从电镀企业污染源控制技术上提出了一些综合电镀污水处理技术方案以及统一规划、统一管理的集中控制建议。  相似文献   

微生物治理电镀废水新技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报导在基础研究、小试、中试的基础上,设计了微生物治理电镀废水及污泥的新工艺,在成都锦江电机厂建成生产性示范工程,运行效果好。接着在成都红光实业股份有限公司、中国人民解放军5701厂等已建成的四个工程日处理废水1t—175t,两年多来,运行稳定、安全可靠,排放水中的钻、锌、铜、镍、镉、铅、COD、BOD、SS、pH、色度和氨氢等均优于国家GB8978-88污水综合排放标准;水循环使用,污泥中重金属的回收率大于85%,四个工程均已通过了有关部门主持的验收,被评为优质工程。  相似文献   

由南京源泉环保科技股份有限公司开发的电镀废水零排放在线循环处理装置,适用于电镀行业对漂洗废水及其中夹带的贵重金属有回收需求的企业。  相似文献   

针对高浓度油田压裂废水黏度高、浊度大、含油量高等特点,强化预处理工艺,降低CODCr值。文章通过实验证明了强氧化剂(Fenton试剂)与混凝剂PAC+PAM相结合的工艺可有效降低高浓度含油废水CODCr值,进而通过Fenton试剂与混凝剂的投药量、pH值等因素对高浓度油田压裂废水的影响进行分析,得出采用该化学预处理方法出水水质清澈,可直接进入生化处理系统进行后续处理。  相似文献   

川西地区气田废水处理技术及应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了川西地区气田废水的水质特征,阐述了物理及化学处理、生物处理、气田废水回注在川西地区的应用,其中齐福废水处理站经过物理及化学处理之后、袁家废水处理站经过生物处理后,基本达到了《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996),并对川西气田废水处理技术的发展做了展望。  相似文献   

论述了炼油污水深度处理的常用技术--过滤、膜分离及化学氧化技术,对炼油污水深度处理进行了中试试验,并结合试验结果对动态砂滤系统、PAN膜处理系统和高级氧化系统处理炼油厂二级排放水的适用性进行了论证。结果表明,二级排放水经动态砂滤系统和NF纳滤系统处理后,COD、氨氮、SS、硫化物、酚、浊度、总铁等指标均达到循环水补水水质要求,可以回用于循环水场;经PAN膜制成的UF超滤和RO反渗透系统处理后,各种污染物指标和盐类指标都降至微量,且脱盐效果明显。  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment using waste materials (refuse concrete, waste paper and charcoal) and natural indigenous rocks (andesite, limestone, granite and nitrolite) in the form of multilayer media was investigated. The removal of suspended solids (SS), phosphate ion, nitrate ion, ammonium ion, toxic metals and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were evaluated for the multilayer wastewater treatment system. Effective removal of heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, mercury and lead was demonstrated. SS and phosphate ion were removed with relatively high efficiency and the COD after treatment was lessened using certain combinations of media. The present wastewater treatment system is simple, convenient and low cost. Therefore, this method can be applied in small scale plants for wastewater treatment in local and nonexclusive areas.  相似文献   

The Hangu Reservoir, located in Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China, receives mixed wastewater from a chemical industrial park. The aging chemical industrial wastewater is less biodegradable and contains complex hazardous substances, thus having an adverse effect on local ecological service function of the reservoir and on local economic and social development. In this study, key toxicants in the aging chemical industrial wastewater from the Hangu Reservoir were systematically identified by the toxicity identification evaluations (TIEs), and the treatment efficiency of the aging chemical industrial wastewater was examined and optimized by a municipal wastewater treatment process simulated in a laboratory. According to the TIE results using and wheat seeds as tested organisms, Cl, Cu, Pb, and Zn were identified as key toxicants in the aging chemical industrial wastewater, with concentrations of 7349.11, 0.01, 0.07, and 0.07 mg L, respectively, which were confirmed by subsequent spiking approaches. Based on the TIE results, the aging chemical industrial wastewater could be classified as high-salinity wastewater. The co-treatment of the aging chemical industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater may be an effective and low-cost method. The treatment efficiency of the mixed wastewater increased with an increase in the volume ratio of municipal wastewater to aging chemical industrial wastewater. When the volume ratio was 10:1, the best removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand, total N, and total P were up to 85.1, 89.3, and 96.5%, respectively, whereas the toxicity unit of the treated wastewater was reduced to 0.50.  相似文献   

针对钻井废水含油量高、化学需氧量高、悬浮物浓度及色度高的特点,综述了化学破乳法在钻井废水处理中的应用,详细阐述了化学法破乳的机理、絮凝剂的种类和性能。并提出絮凝剂逐渐由无机向有机和天然高分子化合物,由单一型向复合型转化的发展方向。  相似文献   

文章介绍了新疆油田在稠油污水处理和回用方面的关键技术和成熟经验,采用强酸性树脂软化技术和化学清洗技术实现了稠油污水回用注汽锅炉。六九区污水处理站采用高效水质稳定技术,使处理后的污水达到了GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》的二级标准,稠油污水在处理后符合GB 1576—2008《工业锅炉水质》的要求,大幅度降低了注汽锅炉的运行成本;将60℃以上的稠油污水替代清水回注稀油油藏,热水驱油,改善了驱油效果,同时根据污水温度较高的特点,对注水井井口的保温工艺进行改进,实现了稠油污水热能的综合利用,为油田污水治理和回用提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Wastewater management in small and medium-sized enterprises representing the chemical and food industries was investigated. The results showed that wastewater discharged from an ink-production factory was highly contaminated with organic pollutants. Anaerobic biological treatment followed by chemical coagulation using ferric chloride aided with lime proved to be very effective and produced an effluent that complied with national regulatory standard for wastewater discharge into public sewage network. Also, management of wastewater from a confectionery factory representing the food sector was carried out. Aerobic biological treatment using plastic-packed trickling filter proved to be an effective treatment method. However, application of in-plant control measures alleviated the requirement for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. The applied pollution prevention and cleaner production measures involved good housekeeping, recovery of spent chocolate, modification of floor cleaning and installation of suction devices for the removal of sugar and starch powders. All improvement measures were documented by cost/benefit analysis.  相似文献   

采用莱特生物强化技术(LTBR—Littoral BioReactor),对兰州石化公司化工园区高浓度有机废水进行了中试试验,进行了正常运行的常规标定、水量冲击标定、浓度冲击标定。结果表明:采用LTBR生物处理工艺,使用特效微生物和营养基质,可以在高COD、高含盐等不利条件下正常进行有机物降解,达到了必须将废水中的COD降至2000mg/L以下的试验要求,为处理高浓度有机化工废水的工程应用开辟了新思路。  相似文献   

This paper presents result from an economic and technical point of view evaluation study, which has sought to establish the potential for replacing well-water that is currently used at the Piaggio industrial plant in Pontedera with recycled wastewater. The study is based upon a pilot wastewater treatment plant, which has been used to test wastewater treatment processes and to compare with achieved quality of recycled waters with that of water drawn on-site from physical/chemical pre-treatment and end with a reverse osmosis and air stripping stage. However, after the physical/chemical pre-treatment, the first option uses oxidation with ozone followed by activated carbon filtration, whereas the second method uses ultrafiltration. The first method is more effective at reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD) whereas the second method is more effective in removing bacteria. Nonetheless, both methods deliver water for re-use of a quality comparable with or better than that of well-water. In principle, the reverse osmosis permeate from either process could be re-used in all production phases at the industrial plant. However, the method base upon oxidation with ozone followed by activated carbon filtration is preferred, because, the process is simpler and continuous. The economic analysis of this process gives an estimated cost of Euro 0.55 per m3 for treated water. This compares favorably with other treatment processes and with the cost of other forms of water supply, which are projected to increase in any case.  相似文献   

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