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温室气体CO2的减排问题已经引起了国际社会的极大关注。火电行业是CO2排放量的主体。燃煤电厂实施碳减排和碳零排放是走向清洁能源必由之路。目前,燃煤电厂实施CO2的减排主要是从常规燃煤电厂烟道气分离CO2,其中,电厂CO2捕集技术路线主要包括燃烧后脱碳、燃烧前脱碳、富氧燃烧以及化学链燃烧技术。  相似文献   

以新疆某地集约化养猪场粪便管理甲烷回收项目为案例,利用《气候变化框架公约》清洁发展机制理事会批准的小规模甲烷回收系统方法学(AMS Ⅲ.D)分析了该项目的减排效应和带来的经济效益。本项目可实现减少CO2排放量9 366 t,每年可带来65万元人民币的经济效益,在提高项目收益情况下减少温室气体排放,减少对当地环境的污染,能够在很大程度上提高其他类似项目的企业及项目业主的积极性。  相似文献   

日钢铁企业制定减排目标日本钢铁联盟最近宣布,为了大幅度削减钢铁生产过程中二氧化碳排放量,将与各钢铁企业合作共同实施开发减排技术项目。通过该项目减排技术和CO2分离回收技术开发,实现在2050年之前削减CO2排放量30%的目标。日本钢铁行业排放的CO2,占  相似文献   

在国内外研究工作的基础上,介绍了畜禽废弃物的各种有效利用途径,简述了我国的畜禽废弃物利用状况,对浙江省畜禽养殖场开展清洁发展机制项目活动做了具体调查和潜力研究,量化了浙江省通过畜禽废弃物沼气发电CDM项目活动对于节能减排所能起到的促进作用。研究结果显示,浙江省每年畜禽养殖业产生粪尿总量达到523.94万t,污水总量达到1554.25万t,预计每年可减排CO2372.9万t,预计发电总装机容量可达100MW,基于CDM的沼气发电项目在节能减排方面发展潜力巨大。  相似文献   

本文结合扬州市农业生产的实际,重点从化肥投入量的控减、农作物秸秆和畜禽粪便的资源化再利用等三个方面,分析扬州市农业节能减排的潜力。结果表明,扬州市农业节能减排的潜力巨大,只要完善相应的节能减排措施,通过农业生产节能和农业生产废弃物的能源化利用,每年可产生330万t煤炭的节能效益。据此,提出了推进扬州市农业节能减排的对策。  相似文献   

CO2捕集是温室气体减排与利用的重要技术步骤之一。文章介绍了CO2捕集的气源及特点、捕集溶剂与填料的研究进展、能量集成和工艺优化以及化工流程模拟研究,提出该技术研究的重点与方向。  相似文献   

以红山嘴油田红浅1井区火驱先导试验烟道气处理为例,火驱烟道气中非甲烷总烃(NMHC)含量及H_2S浓度无法满足GB 16297—1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》、GB 14554—1993《恶臭污染物排放标准》,必须对此进行处理。文章对比分析了常用处理工艺技术特点,提出蓄热式氧化工艺处理烟道气具有对NMHC、H_2S、CO等摧毁效率高;对火驱低热值含硫采出气处理负荷调节范围大,处理后烟气满足环保排放标准等技术优势;经过矿场试验,验证了热氧化工艺处理含H2S低浓度烷烃气体的可行性,处理后的气体满足上述标准排放要求,为后续火驱开发提供了技术支持,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

简要介绍了清洁发展机制(CDM)及我国政府对推进CDM项目的要求,对国内外开展CDM项目的现状进行了简述。根据《京都议定书》要求及新疆的具体情况,分析了CDM在新疆的潜力,认为新疆开展CDM项目优先领域为:煤田灭火、提高能源效率、建筑节能、可再生能源利用、造林,以减排CO2为主;预计2008—2012年CO2减排量为1 785×104t,可带来8.9亿元~12.5亿元人民币的CERs收益,CDM项目潜力较大。在减排CO2同时,SO2、TSP排放量相应减少,从而促进大气环境质量的改善。  相似文献   

CO2的过量排放对全球的气候变暖有着不可推卸的责任,同时CO2又是一种重要的碳资源,对它的回收和利用将具有很大的经济效益和社会效益。CO2回收的方法主要是膜吸收法、变压吸附法、化学吸收法和低温分离法,特别是离子液体对CO2的吸收,为CO2的减排提供了良好的手段。  相似文献   

本文对新疆某焦化厂污染状况和人群健康情况进行了调查。焦化厂有害物质浓度测定为:苯同系物、CO_2、NH_3、H_2S、NO_X 均未超标,已烷、酚、氰化物个别点有超标,CO 和3.4苯并(a) 均超标,大气污染物测定为:SO_2、NO_X 未超标,CO、3.4苯并(a)、总悬浮微粒均超标,提示此三种超标物质对该地区大气污染严重。人群健康检查为:焦化厂工人出现神经系统自觉症状、职业性皮肤损害、血象异常变化;厂区附近居民出现身高发育降低、鼻炎发率增高、心肺检查异常率增高、非特异性免疫能力下降、心脑血管及恶性肿瘤死亡率上升。说明大气污染对该地区人群健康已产生一定影响。  相似文献   

通过对我国二氧化硫污染现状及控制要求的分析,提出了氨/硫铵法作为一种资源回收型脱硫方法,具有反应速度快、工艺流程简单、吸收剂利用率高、适用范围广及可实现资源回收利用的特点;以工程案例的形式分析了氨/硫铵法的技术经济指标,并对氨/硫铵法的应用前景和市场需求进行了预测。  相似文献   

Sustainability of wastewater treatment technologies   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A set of indicators that incorporate environmental, societal, and economic sustainability were developed and used to investigate the sustainability of different wastewater treatment technologies, for plant capacities of <5 million gallons per day (MGD) or 18.9 x 10(3) cubic meters (m(3)/day). The technologies evaluated were mechanical (i.e., activated sludge with secondary treatment), lagoon (facultative, anaerobic, and aerobic), and land treatment systems (e.g., slow rate irrigation, rapid infiltration, and overland flow). The economic indicators selected were capital, operation and management, and user costs because they determine the economic affordability of a particular technology to a community. Environmental indicators include energy use, because it indirectly measures resource utilization, and performance of the technology in removing conventional wastewater constituents such as biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, phosphorus, and pathogens. These indicators also determine the reuse potential of the treated wastewater. Societal indicators capture cultural acceptance of the technology through public participation and also measure whether there is improvement in the community from the specific technology through increased job opportunities, better education, or an improved local environment. While selection of a set of indicators is dependent on the geographic and demographic context of a particular community, the overall results of this study show that there are varying degrees of sustainability with each treatment technology.  相似文献   

文章介绍了陆梁油田通过对采出水处理工艺进行优化,并将其应用于油田水处理厂罐内喷淋除气技术等工艺;污水回收工艺作业废液处理采用二段式自然除油沉降原理进行预处理;利用反应吸附技术进行废液二次处理,生活污水一元化处理等工艺,对油田废水进行处理回注。年节约费用671.8万元,实现废水零排放,达到了环境保护和经济效益双赢的目的,为沙漠油田污水处理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了氨法脱硫技术在国内外的应用情况以及氨法烟气脱硫工艺的工作原理和工程应用难点;分析了热电厂煤粉锅炉烟气脱硫的工艺路线特点及新型氨法脱硫工艺应用后取得了的显著效果;提出了氨法脱硫工艺存在的问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is one of the most well-known biomass resources that can be utilized to produce renewable energy. Numerous countries are plagued by the proliferation of waste, particularly organic waste that can be utilized for energy recovery. Palestine suffers from inefficient solid waste management, and only recently have a few projects focused on bioenergy production been implemented. Throughout the years, the city of Tulkarm experiences power outages which cause a challenge to the Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie campus in Tulkarm. Thus, the possibility of energy recovery from the organic portion in Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie was evaluated. The analysis of an economic impact included discussions of a number of economic aspects, including Levelized cost of energy, internal rate of return, present worth, annual worth, and payback period. On the other hand, a carbon dioxide savings analysis and gas emission were evaluated. The outcomes of the energy optimization demonstrated that the suggested system could supply the institution with an average of roughly 7 MWh of electrical energy. According to the economic study, this project offers 0.25 million dollars in present value, 0.144 million dollars in annual value, a 13 percent internal rate of return, a payback period of 6 years, and a levelized cost of energy of 0.11 dollars for each kWh generated. Additionally, the environmental assessment revealed that this system might reduce CO2 emissions by around 8,343,778 tons. For effective waste management, energy recovery, and emission reduction, it is advised to implement anaerobic digestion technology.  相似文献   

In this work the feasibility of a CO2 capture system based on sodium carbonate–bicarbonate slurry and its integration with a power plant is studied. The results are compared to monoethanolamine (MEA)-based capture systems. Condensing power plant and combined heat and power plant with CO2 capture is modelled to study the feasibility of combined heat and power plant for CO2 capture.Environmental friendly sodium carbonate would be an interesting chemical for CO2 capture. Sodium carbonate absorbs CO2 forming sodium bicarbonate. The low solubility of sodium bicarbonate is a weak point for the sodium carbonate based liquid systems since it limits the total concentration of carbonate. In this study the formation of solid bicarbonate is allowed, thus forming slurry, which can increase the capacity of the solvent. With this the energy requirement of stripping of the solvent could potentially be around 3.22 MJ/kg of captured CO2 which is significantly lower than with MEA based systems which typically have energy consumption around 3.8 MJ/kg of captured CO2.Combined heat and power plants seem to be attractive for CO2 capture because of the high total energy efficiency of the plants. In a condensing power plant the CO2 capture decreases directly the electricity production whereas in a combined heat and power plant the loss can be divided between district heat and electricity according to demand.  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂应对气候变化采取的CO2减排技术路线和适合燃煤电厂的CO2捕集技术,调查了对当前燃煤电厂捕碳项目和清洁煤技术的发展情况.  相似文献   

/ The travel cost method was used to estimate the economic value of seven major power boating resources in Pennsylvania. A significant relationship between number of visitor trips and cost per visitor trip existed for five of the seven water bodies. The annual total value for those five resources was $396 million, which was 2.5 times greater than the total out-of-pocket expenditures of approximately $157 million visitors spent to visit them. Research results can help resource managers plan and craft programs and policies that are founded on economic values of the natural resources involved.  相似文献   

Although there is a burgeoning literature on the effects of international trade on the environment, relatively little work has been done on where trade most directly effects the environment: the transportation sector. This article shows how international trade is affecting air pollution emissions in the United States' shipping sector. Recent work has shown that cargo ships have been long overlooked regarding their contribution to air pollution. Indeed, ship emissions have recently been deemed "the last unregulated source of traditional air pollutants". Air pollution from ships has a number of significant local, national, and global environmental effects. Building on past studies, we examine the economic costs of this increasing and unregulated form of environmental damage. We find that total emissions from ships are largely increasing due to the increase in foreign commerce (or international trade). The economic costs of SO2 pollution range from dollars 697 million to dollars 3.9 billion during the period examined, or dollars 77 to dollars 435 million on an annual basis. The bulk of the cost is from foreign commerce, where the annual costs average to dollars 42 to dollars 241 million. For NOx emissions the costs are dollars 3.7 billion over the entire period or dollars 412 million per year. Because foreign trade is driving the growth in US shipping, we also estimate the effect of the Uruguay Round on emissions. Separating out the effects of global trade agreements reveals that the trade agreement-led emissions amounted to dollars 96 to dollars 542 million for SO2 between 1993 and 2001, or dollars 10 to dollars 60 million per year. For NOx they were dollars 745 million for the whole period or dollars 82 million per year. Without adequate policy responses, we predict that these trends and costs will continue into the future.  相似文献   

We studied the environmental impact (gaseous emissions) of using scrap tires as a fuel substitute at a cement plant that produces one million tons of cement per year. Using a combination of tires and coal as opposed to only coal caused variations in the pollutant emission rate. The study recorded a 37% increase in the rate of emission for CO, a 24% increase for SO2, an 11% decrease for NOx, and a 48% increase for HCl when tires were included. The rate of emission for metals increased 61% for Fe, 33% for Al, 487% for Zn, 127% for Pb, 339% for Cr, 100% for Mn, and 74% for Cu, and decreased 22% for Hg. On the other hand, the emission rate of organic compounds dropped by 14% for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 8% in naphthalene, 37% in chlorobenzene, and 45% in dioxins and furans. We used a Gaussian model of atmospheric dispersion to calculate the average pollutant concentration (1-h, 24-h, and annual concentrations) in the ambient air at ground level with the help of the ISC-ST2 software program developed by the USEPA. When tires were used, we observed (i) a 12 to 24% increase in particulate matter, this range considering the concentration variation depending on the average used (1-h, 24-h, and annual basis), 31 to 52% in CO, 22 to 34% in SO2, 39 to 52% in HCl, 12 to 27% in Fe, -3 to 8% in Al, 30 to 37% in Zn, and 270 to 885% in Pb; (ii) a decrease of 8 to 13% in NOx, 9 to 13% in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 6 to 7% in naphthalene, 32 to 39% in chlorobenzene, and 32 to 45% in dioxins and furans. The results obtained showed that the maximum ground-level concentrations were well within the environmental standards (for operation with only coal as well as for operation with a combination of coal and tires).  相似文献   

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