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粤北地区芳香植物资源及其综合利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤北地区芳香植物资源丰富.经调查统计,该地区的芳香种子植物有105科240属470种(含种以下等级),分别占该地区所有种子植物科、属、种的54.6%、28.9%、20%.区系成分分析结果显示,该地区芳香植物以热带亚热带成分为主,多种成分并存;优势科较显著,如樟科、芸香科、菊科、伞形科、木兰科、金缕梅科等.作者认为应采取一系列有效措施,对本地区芳香植物资源进行综合开发利用.  相似文献   

特有植物的研究对于植物区系的历史发展和现状具有重要意义。以县域为单位,调查了山东省中国特有种子植物种类、区系性质及其空间分布格局。结果表明,山东省共有中国特有种子植物226种,隶属于59科143属;按生活型进行划分,有木本植物52属98种,草本植物91属128种;按分布区类型划分,可分为14个分布型;从空间分布来看,中国特有种子植物在120个县域单元中的种类数介于10~153之间,呈现出鲁中南山地和胶东丘陵区特有物种丰富多样,鲁西北平原区特有物种种类单调贫乏的特征。  相似文献   

泰山植物资源丰富,共有野生种子植物107科401属762种。本文按经济用途将泰山的资源植物主要分为11类,提出了对它们进行合理开发利用的措施  相似文献   

重金属具有长期性和滞后性,它能抑制植物的生长,并且富集在植物体内,人类作为食物链的顶端最终会摄入体内,进而对人类健康造成危害。探究联合重金属毒性作用对植物种子萌发的影响。分别配置5种不同浓度梯度的铬和镉重金属实验溶液,培养7 d后观察小白菜种子的发芽率、发芽势、根长、芽长情况,同时设置3个平行实验进行对照,记录培养皿中种子的发芽个数,最后测量植物芽及根的长度,通过绘制曲线来说明种子的生长趋势,讨论不同浓度重金属溶液组合对种子萌发的影响。实验表明,当Cd(≤30 mg/L)+Cr时,重金属对小白菜种子萌发有轻微的促进作用;Cd浓度大于30 mg/L后,开始出现抑制的效果。随着重金属溶液浓度的增加,会一直对种子起到抑制的影响,曲线显现出下滑趋势。  相似文献   

对山海关滨海盐生植物及盐生植被景观和群落配置情况进行实地调查并参考历史文献,发现山海关滨海湿地共有盐生种子植物26科44属51种。结合山海关海岸带的气候、土壤理化性质及土地覆盖和利用的现状,选择乔、灌木类盐生植物3种,藤本类盐生植物1种,中生草本盐生植物5种,旱生草本盐生植物2种,湿生植物4种,共计15种作为滨海地区盐碱地改良和植被恢复的野生植物种类。  相似文献   

鸡公山种子植物区系和植物资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文田 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(7):625-626,658
鸡公山自然保护区共有种子植物161科639属1450种,其植物区系组成丰富、成分复杂,植物区系成分以温带类型为主并具有明显的南北过渡性质。鸡公山自然保护区内的植物资源可分为8大类,许多植物具有重要的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

据英国南极局(BAS)的考察结果表明,受地球温暖化的影响,狗尾草及石竹一类的高等植物在南极大陆生长繁茂。这是英国科学家首次向人们展示了反映南极植物分布变化的具体资料。目前,在南极生长开花的高等种子植物有两种,一种是属于石竹科的南极绿石竹,另一种属于禾本科的南  相似文献   

黄山植物资源的永续利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄山是一座驰名中外的旅游名山,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产.黄山的生物资源十分丰富,有高等植物222科827属1800余种,其中中国特有属种植物22个、珍稀濒危及国家保护植物25种、以黄山命名的植物8种、以黄山称谓的植物20余种以及众多的古树名木.对黄山生物资源的永续利用提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

庙台子森林风景名胜资源的可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西留坝庙台子风景区属暖温带针阔混交林夏绿叶林带 ,林业用地占 99 5% ,森林覆盖率 92 8% ;有种子植物 1 4 80种 ,其中国家珍稀濒危保护植物 1 8种 ,中国种子植物特有属 2 6属。庙台子集山地森林和风景名胜为一体 ,是秦岭主要的生态旅游地之一 ,建议把庙台子建设为森林生态系统 -风景名胜国家级保护区 ,同时探讨了可持续发展规划。  相似文献   

动手实验一:寻找植物的种子;动手实验二:植物中的天然色素。  相似文献   

Domestic animals potentially affect the reproductive output of plants by direct removal of aboveground plant parts but also could alter the structure and fertility of the upper soil and the integrity of biological crusts through trampling. We asked whether sheep selectivity of plant patches along grazing paths could lead to negative changes in biological crusts and soil seed banks. We randomly selected ten floristically homogeneous vegetation stands distributed across an area (1250 ha) grazed by free ranging sheep. Vegetation stands were differently selected by sheep as estimated through sheep-collaring techniques combined with remote imagery mapping. At each stand, we extracted 15 paired cylindrical soil cores from biological crusts and from neighboring soil without crusts. We evaluated the crust cover enclosed in each core and incubated the soil samples at field capacity at alternating 10-18 °C during 24 months. We counted the emerged seedlings and identified them by species. Sheep selectivity along grazing paths was largest at mid-distances to the watering point of the paddock. Increasing sheep selectivity was associated with the reduction of the cover of biological crusts and the size and species number of the soil seed bank of preferred perennial grasses under biological crusts. The size of the soil seed bank of annual grasses was reduced with increasing sheep selectivity under both crust and no crust soil conditions. We did not detect changes in the soil seed banks of less- and non- preferred species (shrubs and forbs) related to sheep selectivity. Our findings highlight the negative effects of sheep selectivity on biological crusts and the soil seed bank of preferred plant species and the positive relationship between biological crusts and the size of the soil seed bank of perennial grasses. Accordingly, the state of conservation of biological crusts could be useful to assess the state of the soil seed banks of perennial grasses for monitoring, conservation and planning the sustainable management of grazing lands.  相似文献   

Through the MGU – Useful Plants Project (2007–2015) led by the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, high-quality seed collections and research information have been gathered on useful indigenous plants selected by communities in Botswana, Kenya, Mali, South Africa, and Mexico. Local communities were trained in seed conservation, plant propagation, and planting activities, while revenue generation was promoted directly through the sustainable use of plants and plant products and indirectly through wider environmental and cultural services. The success of this project was determined by its participative approach, involving local communities in plant conservation activities and using plant research to support it. However, the promotion of sustainable use and income generation highlighted issues that confirmed the importance of using a ‘holistic approach’ to address the objective of poverty reduction and contribute to improved livelihoods in the communities.  相似文献   

特、稀、濒危植物的数量与特征研究是自然资源保护的主要环节。本文根据它们的保护等级、分布局限性、稀有值、物种吸引力、保护指数以及理论研究值6个标准,对江苏15种国家级保护植物、24种省级保护植物的生态学意义作出初步评价。  相似文献   

It is often difficult to measure and predict the impacts of toxic chemicals, such as herbicides, on natural communities. This is especially true under conditions of spray drift when the amount received by the organisms downwind from the sprayer may be at sub-lethal doses. Laboratory experiments are either artificial, or have not been generally carried out over long enough time periods, to be realistic. Field experiments are often difficult because of the high variability inherent in natural populations. Here an intermediate microcosm approach was used, where standardized artificial communities (eight dicotyledons with and without a grass) were tested. The artifical communities included species typical of British woodland margins, hedgerows and field margins; communities with a high conservation interest, yet potentially under threat from spray drift. The microcosms were placed downwind of a sprayer and exposed to one of the following herbicides: glyphosate, mecoprop and MCPA. This approach ensures that the communities were standardized at the start and have been exposed to realistic doses of herbicide. The experiments reported here were carried out for at least three years with exposures to herbicides repeated each year. The effects of differential herbicide exposure downwind of the sprayer were measured on species yield, flowering performance, seed production, seed viability and invasion by new species. Responses were extremely variable, but all species showed some effects in some years. Some patterns emerged. For example, one group of species appeared to be more successful near to the sprayer. This was particularly true of the grass when exposed to MCPA and mecoprop. The performance of most species was reduced under the sprayer, and there was a general recovery with increasing distance downwind. A few species showed increased performance in the intermediate downwind zone (2–4 m) and this may be due to a hormonal effect on growth processes, or an effect of reduced interference from other community members. Generally, there were few effects on seed production or seed viability. An important result was that most effects were confined within an 8 m zone, as there were few significant differences between plants exposed at 8 m and those untreated. Although damaging effects were found in the immediate downwind zone from the sprayer, the restriction of effects to 8 m suggests that a buffer zone of this size would be adequate to protect sensitive habitats from most deleterious impacts on community processes.  相似文献   

岑王老山自然保护区药用植物资源及其开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岑王老山自然保护区内药用植物资源丰富,通过查阅相关文献,初步确定有药用植物186科666属1186种,并提出了保护区内药用植物资源的开发途径,对其中具有开发前景的种类做了重点介绍,为保护和合理开发保护区内药用植物资源提供参考。  相似文献   

Nothofagus pumilio [Poepp. et Endl.] Krasser is a deciduous tree species that grows in Chile and adjacent Argentina between 36 and 56 degrees S, often forming the Andean tree line. Silvicultural systems proposed for this species integrate both regeneration and intermediate level operations in an orderly process for managing forest stands. The seed-tree method of regeneration has been used to manage even-aged stands of this species. This paper investigates the effect of seed tree cuttings on the regeneration of Nothofagus pumilio [Poepp. et Endl.] Krasser forest located in the Magallanes region (Chile). The studied forest was managed on an even-aged basis using a seed tree silvicultural system for regeneration with an intensity of cutting of 65-70% of the basal area and a minimum of 15 dominant lenga trees per hectare retained. A regeneration inventory sampling was used to quantify regeneration attributes in the study area. Regeneration was found to be significantly affected by the seed tree cuttings. In fact, the number of established individuals rose from 0.39 to 26.7 plants m(-2) pre-harvest to 9.2-21.5 plants m(-2) post-harvest, depending on the particular development stage. Total regeneration ranged from 9.5 to 48.2 plants m(-2). The number of plants established over the period 1992-1997 was related to the residual basal area, coverage and number of trees. However, mean tree height was not significantly related to any regeneration variable. Significant variables were used to establish a regeneration prediction model using single and multiple linear equations (R2<0.418). Consequently, the seed tree method of regeneration can be considered feasible for commercially valuable lenga forests, although this method, in its strictest application, will create many large, irregularly shaped, even-aged groups.  相似文献   

Sardinia hosts 186 endemic plant species and represents an important centre for Mediterranean biodiversity. In view of the threats facing its flora, 27 terrestrial vascular plants have been listed in international regulations and 124 sites designated for species and habitat conservation. This study analyses gaps in the Natura 2000 network and the current and future distribution of four representative plants. Each plant population was georeferenced and the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network was compared according to conservation status and distribution. Future species distributions were modelled by considering current climatic conditions and future scenarios. In apparent discordance with other results, we found that the Natura 2000 network represents most plant species well. This research shows a forward-looking survey on the regional effectiveness of protection measures which led us to confirm the need to enhance the current state of the Natura 2000 network by implementing local legislation and regulations.  相似文献   

This work presents a method of assessing plant conservation effectiveness in a given region, which takes into account the legal, species-centered protection, ecosystem conservation, ex situ conservation, restorations and translocations, reintroductions, and monitoring. In order to illustrate the conservation effectiveness, both legally protected species of plants and threatened species were examined. The conservation effectiveness of legally protected species was estimated to have a low value of 23.328 points (pts) according to the methods of calculation. Habitat conservation is insufficient for these species. Almost 40% of all localities are deprived of any ecosystem protection. The conservation effectiveness of the threatened group of species scored a very low value of 13.46 pts. The major reason for this result is a very low level of species protection. Less than 30% of the threatened taxa are under legal preservation and some species from the Orobanche and Cuscuta genera are treated as harmful organisms, which it is obligatory to control within the province territory. Almost 30% of all localities of threatened species are deprived of any ecosystem protection and only 10% lie inside nature reserves. It is suggested that the conclusion of this investigation be used in the preparation and realization of the regional floristic diversity preservation strategy.Published online  相似文献   

To use models of species distributions effectively in conservation planning, it is important to determine the predictive accuracy of such models. Extensive modelling of the distribution of vascular plant and vertebrate fauna species within north-east New South Wales has been undertaken by linking field survey data to environmental and geographical predictors using logistic regression. These models have been used in the development of a comprehensive and adequate reserve system within the region. We evaluate the predictive accuracy of models for 153 small reptile, arboreal marsupial, diurnal bird and vascular plant species for which independent evaluation data were available. The predictive performance of each model was evaluated using the relative operating characteristic curve to measure discrimination capacity. Good discrimination ability implies that a model's predictions provide an acceptable index of species occurrence. The discrimination capacity of 89% of the models was significantly better than random, with 70% of the models providing high levels of discrimination. Predictions generated by this type of modelling therefore provide a reasonably sound basis for regional conservation planning. The discrimination ability of models was highest for the less mobile biological groups, particularly the vascular plants and small reptiles. In the case of diurnal birds, poor performing models tended to be for species which occur mainly within specific habitats not well sampled by either the model development or evaluation data, highly mobile species, species that are locally nomadic or those that display very broad habitat requirements. Particular care needs to be exercised when employing models for these types of species in conservation planning.  相似文献   

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