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汽车用材料耐久性试验评价技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析概述环境条件和环境因素对汽车用的塑料、涂装等材料的影响和国内的现状,介绍国内外有关的评价试验方法和标准及试验技术,对国内提高汽车用材料的耐候性和耐久性水平提出探讨性建议意见。  相似文献   

由石油化工研究院大庆化工研究中心编制完成的一项评价塑料抗氧化性的国家标准,日前通过了塑料标准化技术委员会塑料树脂产品分会的审查验收,经呈送国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准,即将在全国发布实施。  相似文献   

无公害食品包装容器ThePollution-FreeContainerforPackingFoods目前,食品包装容器绝大部分都是塑料制品以及塑料与其它材料的复合制品。如塑料袋,发泡塑料饭盒、碗、杯、盘等。这些塑料制品最大的特点是不易分解和腐烂,在地...  相似文献   

进入双简望远镜的视野是一片片白色的物体在波浪中浮动.走近一看.原来是工程、工事用过的塑料制头盔。这是哪里来的?怎么会有这样的东西?调查人员惊讶地发出疑问。这是日本国水产厅于I98g年夏,在距离北美大陆约1800公里、北太平洋的中心地带实施的海洋漂流物目视调查时.在水面上见到的情形。更令人吃惊的是在日本近海,随着塑料类的生活用品大量增加.随处可见塑料制酒瓶、各种清洁剂的容器、塑料水桶、速食方便面的容器、各种点心的包装袋……如同美洲大陆的无数浮水在水中漂荡.成了让人触目惊·C的自然景观。根据水产厅的调查·海…  相似文献   

随着塑料橡胶工业的发展,高新技术与传统产业的融合,橡塑材料的应用已经与人类生活密不可分,其覆盖领域包括汽车、通讯设备、建材、电子电器、包装、体育用品、医疗设备以至航天设备等各行各业。  相似文献   

本文通过机械工业产品常用的橡胶、塑料样品,进行湿热环境适应性试验,分析评价其耐候性,以供从事湿热地区机械工业产品科研、设计、工艺等方面的技术人员参考使用.  相似文献   

魏艳平 《四川环境》2014,(2):127-131
层状双金属氢氧化物(Layer double hydroxides,简称LDHs)类材料因具有阴离子交换、记忆效应、耐高温、耐酸碱等特殊性能,在功能高分子材料、化妆品、医药、电工、塑料、环境保护等行业具有广泛的研究和应用价值。根据近年来国内外相关学者研究成果,本文分析了LDHs材料在阴离子有机物和重金属的去除、工业废水处理、污染物指示材料、废物回收、材料加工等方面的技术研究和实际应用进展,有助于全面了解层状双金属氢氧材料在水处理领域的研究应用情况,为进一步发掘其潜在应用价值提供思路。  相似文献   

目前塑料消费量平均增长率为8%左右。 本文简介国外塑料代金属和塑料耐候性研究的情况。建议利用我国地大和气候类型齐全的有利条件,认真抓好包括塑料在内的工业材料的天然曝晒试验。  相似文献   

正要建立健全塑料废弃物回收体系,结合实施垃圾分类,加大塑料废弃物回收和处理力度。推动电商外卖平台、环卫部门、回收企业等开展多方合作,最大限度地减少塑料废弃物的随意丢弃和堆放。塑料是现代生产生活中最重要的基础材料。稍微留意一下就会发现,我们每天都会接触到塑料、用到塑料制品。然而,不规范的生产、使用塑料制品和回收处置塑料废弃物,造成了能源资源浪费,加剧了环境污染、生态破坏,加大了资源环境的压力。积极应对塑料污染,事关人民群  相似文献   

对我国当前包装食品所用塑料的形式、品种和特性做以介绍,并对其中几种常见产品(如塑料袋、一次性饭盒、保鲜膜)的成份、使用情况、毒性及对环境的污染情况进行了分析与探讨。在此基础上,提出了一些合理建议,如减少塑料食品包装的使用,加强对塑料的再生利用,寻找和开发更环保、经济的材料作为塑料替代品等,希望能够尽量减少或避免塑料食品包装对人体和环境的危害。  相似文献   

随着塑料资源的大量消耗,废塑料的利用引起了社会的高度重视。工艺简单,投入成本少,入行门槛低导致部分废塑料加工利用企业技术水平低、管理模式差、环境污染重。为规范进口废塑料行业,通过调研统计、实验分析、咨询论证和研究了进口废塑料环境保护管理规定,对进口废塑料企业的规模、设备、人员和管理等方面提出了要求,为进一步规范提升进口废塑料行业提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

中小镁厂清洁生产初探   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
魏婷  吴长年  王勇  侯文胜 《四川环境》2005,24(4):89-91,96
以小型镁厂为例,分析其设备选型、生产工艺、原材料和能源消耗、污染防治,提出中小镁厂进行清洁生产的建议和措施。以期为中小镁厂今后的工程设计、技术改进及工程投运后的环境管理决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Management of flame retarded plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has been posing a major challenge to waste management experts because of the potential environmental contamination issues especially the formation of polybrominated-dioxins and -furans (PBDD/F) during processing. In Nigeria, large quantities of electronic waste (e-waste) are currently being managed—a significant quantity of which is imported illegally as secondhand electronics. As much as 75% of these illegal imports are never reused but are rather discarded. These waste electronic devices are mostly older equipment that contains brominated flame retardants (BFRs) such as penta-brominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) which are presently banned in Europe under the EU WEEE and RoHS Directives. Risk assessment studies found both to be persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic. The present management practices for waste plastics from WEEE in Nigeria, such as open burning and disposal at open dumps, creates potential for serious environmental pollution. This paper reviews the options in the environmentally sound management of waste plastics from electronic wastes. Options available include mechanical recycling, reprocessing into chemicals (chemical feedstock recycling) and energy recovery. The Creasolv® and Centrevap® processes, which are the outcome of the extensive research at achieving sound management of waste plastics from WEEE in Europe, are also reviewed. These are solvent-based methods of removing BFRs and they presently offer the best commercial and environmental option in the sound management of waste BFR-containing plastics. Because these developments have not been commercialized, WEEE and WEEE plastics are still being exported to developing countries. The industrial application of these processes and the development of eco-friendlier alternative flame retardants will help assure sound management of WEEE plastics.  相似文献   

Plastics have become an indispensable ingredient of human life. They are non-biodegradable polymers of mostly containing carbon, hydrogen, and few other elements such as chlorine, nitrogen etc. Rapid growth of the world population led to increased demand of commodity plastics. High density poly ethylene is one of the largest used commodity plastics due to its vast applications in many fields. Due to its non bio degradability and low life, HDPE contributes significantly to the problem of Municipal Waste Management. To avert environment pollution of HDPE wastes, they must be recycled and recovered. On the other hand, steady depletion of fossil fuel and increased energy demand, motivated the researchers and technologists to search and develop different energy sources. Waste to energy has been a significant way to utilize the waste sustainably, simultaneously add to meet the energy demand. Plastics being petrochemical origin have inherently high calorific value. Thus they can be converted back to useful energy. Many researches have been carried out to convert the waste plastics into liquid fuel by thermal and catalytic pyrolysis and this has led to establishment of a number of successful firms converting waste plastics to liquid fuels. This paper reviews the production and consumption HDPE, different methods of recycling of plastic with special reference to chemical degradation of HDPE to fuel. This also focuses on different factors that affect these degradations, the kinetics and mechanism of this reaction.  相似文献   

The floatability of seven plastics (POM, PVC, PET, PMMA, PC, PS and ABS) in the presence of methyl cellulose (MC) and separation of plastics mixtures were investigated in this paper. It was found that the seven plastics can be separated into three groups by using the wetting agent MC. Group one includes POM and PVC. They are depressed at very low MC concentrations. Group two, including PET, PMMA and PC, has an intermediate floatability. Group three (ABS and PS) has a high floatability. They are almost not depressed within the given MC concentration range. In order to understand the mechanism of selective flotation of plastics and the chemical conditioning process, surface chemical factors, such as wettability of plastics and surface tension of flotation medium, and gravity factors, such as particle density and shape, were studied. It was found that the depressing effect of MC on plastics is ascribed mainly to its adsorption on the plastics surfaces. The MC molecules absorbed on plastics expose some of their polar groups oriented towards the aqueous phase, hence making the plastics surfaces hydrophilic. In addition, flotation selectivity for the plastics is dominated not only by wettability of plastics, but also by particle size, density and shape.  相似文献   

Material efficiency improvement saves energy and reduces the consumption of primary resources and reduces the volume of waste. In this article an approach for analysing the potential for material efficiency improvement is proposed and discussed. In this approach the product functions performed by the materials and various improvement measures are taken into account. The potential for material saving and associated energy saving is assessed and evaluated economically. In this paper the approach is tested in an analysis of the potential for material efficiency improvement with respect to plastic packaging in the Netherlands. The technical reduction potential is found to be 34 ± 7% (157 ± 30 ktonne virgin plastics). Realization of this potential would improve the energy efficiency of the lifecycle of plastic packaging by 31% (10 PJ in 1988). From our study we conclude that our approach can indeed be used to investigate the potential for material efficiency improvement. However, a reliable technical and particularly an economical assessment of reduction measures cannot be made until more detailed data become available.  相似文献   

To verify the effectiveness of a new automatic sorting technique that combines a weight meter and a laser 3D shape-detection system, elemental analysis of lightweight metal scraps generated in end-of-life vehicle (ELV) shredder facilities was conducted using a handheld XRF analyzer. According to their 3D shape and chemical composition, aluminum scraps were classified into cast alloy (Alc) and wrought alloy (Alw) fragments, and magnesium scraps were classified into irregularly shaped and rod-like fragments. The average chemical composition of a group of fragments was estimated before and after the separation test using the developed automatic sorting technique. The results show that the production of wrought aluminum alloy from the mixture of Alc and Alw fragments is not realistic because the contents of some alloying elements greatly exceed the standard values, although these alloying elements greatly decrease after the Alc fragments are separated out. For the magnesium scraps, after the rod-like magnesium fragments originating from the steering column were separated from the irregularly shaped fragments, the average chemical compositions of the rod-like products and the irregularly shaped products clearly approached the standard compositions of AM60B and AZ91D alloys, respectively. Thus, it was confirmed that the developed automatic sorting technique contributes to recycling of lightweight metal scrap in the automobile industry.  相似文献   

Plastic products used for packaging are often discarded after a single use resulting in an inexhaustible supply of waste polymeric materials. The stiffness and strength of polymeric materials have been known to improve with the addition of lignocellulosic fibres available in abundance in nature. Hence, composite materials containing natural fibres and waste plastics would result in the reduction of solid wastes and the use of cheap, renewable resources. Composite specimens, consisting of waste plastics obtained from a Kerbside collection (high density polyethylene (HDPE) waste, Janitorial waste, Kerbside waste I and Kerbside waste II) and Pinus radiata woodfibres (medium density fibres (MDF)), have been produced through melt blending and injection moulding. The effects of fibre content, matrix type and interfacial bonding on the tensile and flexural properties of these composite materials have been determined through extensive testing at various conditions. The mechanical properties of these composites at room temperature and humidity depend on the amount of woodfibres, the mechanical properties of the waste plastics used and the presence of a suitable coupling agent. The tensile strengths of MDF/waste plastic composites do not generally change with fibre content except for 40% MDF/HDPE waste and 40% MDF/Kerbside waste II (plus 1% Epolene™) composites, where the tensile strengths increase by about 25% compared to those of the corresponding waste plastics. Flexural strengths of MDF/waste plastic composites increase with the addition of medium density fibres with the exception of MDF/Kerbside waste I composites. The tensile and flexural moduli of MDF/waste plastic composites mostly increase with increasing fibre content.  相似文献   

Waste plastics in the form of two examples of real world municipal solid waste plastics and a simulated mixture of municipal waste plastics were pyrolysed and liquefied under moderate temperature and pressure in a batch autoclave reactor. In addition, the five main polymers which constitute the majority of plastics occurring in European municipal solid waste comprising, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate and polyvinyl chloride were also reacted. The plastics were reacted under both a nitrogen (pyrolysis) and hydrogen pressure (liquefaction) and the yield and composition of products are reported. The hydrocarbon gases produced were mainly methane, ethane, propane and lower concentrations of alkene gases. A mainly oil product was produced with the mixed plastic waste with significant concentrations of aromatic compounds, including single ring aromatic compounds. The composition of the oils and gases suggested that there was significant interaction of the plastics when they were pyrolysed and liquefied as a mixture compared to the results expected from reactions of the single plastics.  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会垃圾组分的预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了便于2010年上海世博会期间生活垃圾的处理与处置,选择了和世博园区垃圾性质相近似的南京路步行街为参照区,进行垃圾组分的调研,预测模拟世博园区垃圾的组成与性质。研究结果表明:南京路步行街垃圾中食物垃圾占50%左右,塑料和纸张占45%左右,而一般的城市生活垃圾中塑料和纸张只占20%~30%左右,可见对于类似的垃圾资源化程度非常高。因此对于世博园垃圾进行分选,实现各组分垃圾的分流,可以更好地实现垃圾的资源化、减量化。  相似文献   

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