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污染环境罪的犯罪对象中,争议较大的是其他有害物质的认定。物质本身的复杂性、有害物质种类繁多、条文间的二次援引等,直接导致有害物质定义不清。为实现环境保护的目的,应当适当放宽"有害物质"的评判标准,扩大刑法规制的范围;明确行政标准仅具有参考价值,是否属于有害物质应当结合其他事实综合认定。  相似文献   

电子产品制造企业的管理工作必须要有相应的手段和实际的控制方法.本文总结了在电子制造企业中对有害物质的管理工作的体会和经验,阐述了电子制造企业应建立适应有害物质管理的组织机构和在企业内部应实施对有害物质控制的管理方法.对电子制造企业加强对有害物质的管理有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

以往气污染源有害物质的测定,通常是用采样管从烟道中抽取一定体积的烟气.再通过捕集装置将有害物质捕集下来,然后根据捕集的有害物量和抽取的烟气量,求出烟气中有害物质的浓度,再根据有害物质的浓度和烟气的流量计算其排放量.  相似文献   

本文从服装的作用分析入手,介绍了服装中常见的有害物质,提出了有害物质对人体的危害及防护措施。  相似文献   

胡军 《环境技术》2013,(5):33-35
本文分析了汽车禁用有害物质现状及相关法规和政策要求,探索汽车产品禁限用有害物控制方法,建立汽车产品绿色材料数据系统。企业通过实践,有效控制汽车产品禁限用有害物质的使用。  相似文献   

皮肤过敏者皮肤敏感性强的人不宜使用化妆品,尤其是某些含化学药品或香气过浓的化妆品。否则,很容易诱发过敏性皮炎或皮肤瘙痒症。月经不调者月经不调妇女的皮肤对外界不良刺激的抵抗力很低,使用化妆品不仅会影响皮肤呼吸,而且极易诱发皮肤病变,影响健康和美容。怀孕期妇女妇女妊娠期间,使用美容化妆品容易引起面部斑疹。  相似文献   

<正>化妆品装盛的容器,与质量、卫生、取用、保存皆息息相关。对消费者来说,除了欣赏品牌的美学与创意之外,更要知道怎么挑选最适合的包装材质来保障化妆品的质量,还要学会怎么使用与保存,才能让擦在脸上的化妆品无后顾之忧。  相似文献   

一淼 《环境教育》2006,(12):57-59
2006年9月,SK-Ⅱ被国家工商质检总局认定含违禁物品铬和钕.10月,国家质检总局、卫生部就SK-Ⅱ化妆品问题联合发表声明,称从9种SK-Ⅱ化妆品中检出铬和钕,属生产技术无法避免的因素.这使化妆品的环境健康问题激起了人们的关注.  相似文献   

绿色和平 《绿叶》2012,(8):97-103
家庭室内灰尘是考察室内污染情况的"晴雨表"。近期,针对目前国际国内关注度较高的四类有毒有害物质,绿色和平采集了中国五个城市十一个家庭的室内灰尘样本进行检测。结果显示全部样本中都存在上述四类有毒有害物质,且浓度范围与其他国家和地区的研究相一致。这表明中国公众可能通过室内灰尘暴露于多种有毒有害物质的复合影响之下。有此,绿色和平建议完善中国化学品管理体系,为公众创造一个"无毒"的未来。  相似文献   

正在黄岛区第二实验小学和黄岛区广播电视台的倡导和组织下,我和其他五位同学和六名家长,参观了黄岛区的知食馆。知食馆位于黄岛区食品有害物质监督检验中心一楼。在去的途中,妈妈告诉我,知食馆是国内首家以食品有毒有害物质为主题的食品安全科普教育基地,通过文字、图片、声光电、多媒体等方法,让参观者客观、科学地了解各种食品有害物质,认识检测工作在食品安全中  相似文献   

综述了2012年我国噪声与振动控制行业的发展环境以及行业的生产经营情况;阐述了行业总体技术进展、新技术的开发应用概况,以及行业市场特点及重要动态;分析了行业主要骨干企业的发展情况及企业的国内国际竞争力状况;针对行业发展中存在的主要问题,提出了解决对策和建议,并对行业的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Of Bodies, Place, and Culture: Re-Situating Local Food   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the US, an increasingly popular local food movement is propelled along by structural arguments that highlight the inequity and unsustainablity of the current agri-food system and by individually based arguments that highlight personal health and well-being. Despite clear differences in their foci, the deeper values contained in each argument tend to be neglected or lost, while local innovations assume instrumental and largely market-based forms. By narrowing their focus to the rational and the economic, movement activists tend to overlook (or marginalize) the role of the sensual, the emotional, the expressive for maintaining layered sets of embodied relationships to food and to place. This paper seeks to show that cultural and nonrational elements are fundamental to local food discussions. It proceeds from the assumption that, without them as full partners, the movement cannot be sustained in any felt, practiced, or committed way. To this end, it discusses the concept of place and bodies in place, as well as the connections between the ecological and the cultural, the sensual and the scientific. It offers a new set of questions and conceptual tools with which advocates and activists may “ground,” and thereby revalue and restore, the promise and practice of local food.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Texas Water Development Board, the principal water resource planning agency of the State, has been conducting extensive estuarine data collection activities and associated research to determine the required quantity and quality of fresh water inflows necessary to maintain various environmental conditions in Texas estuaries to preserve the estuarine ecosystems. These activities are a consequence of a statutory directive to the Board to make provisions in its State Water Plan for the effects of upstream water resource development on the associated estuaries. This paper reports on the results of the first phase of an extensive estuarine research project. The objectives of the research project are to (1) define the interrelationships between estuarine ecosystems and fresh water and nutrient inflows, and (2) develop and test quantitative simulation techniques which describe these relationships. In order to accomplish the first objective, physical and chemical water quality data and biological data on the estuarine ecosystems are being collected, compiled and analyzed. The second objective is being satisfied by the development of hydrodynamic and ecologic simulation models of the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

The Groundwater Protection Project at the US Department of Energy Hanford Site in Washington State is currently developing the means to assess the cumulative impact to human and ecological health and the regional economy and cultures from radioactive and chemical waste that will remain at the Hanford Site after the site closes. This integrated system is known as the System Assessment Capability (SAC). The SAC Risk/Impact Module discussed in the article uses media- and time-specific concentrations of contaminants estimated by the transport models of the integrated system to project potential impacts on the ecology of the Columbia River corridor, the health of persons who might live in or use the corridor or the upland Hanford environment, the local economy, and cultural resources. Preliminary Monte Carlo realizations from the SAC modeling system demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale uncertainty analysis of the complex relationships in the environmental transport of contaminants on the one hand and ecological, human, cultural, and economic risk on the other. Initial impact results show very small long-term risks for the 10 radionuclides and chemicals evaluated. The analysis also helps determine science priorities to reduce uncertainty and suggests what actions matter to reduce risks.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of the dimension stone and black granite industry in Zimbabwe in the 1990s, a result of increasing domestic and international demand for black granite, has ushered in new challenges and opportunities for producers and beneficiaries alike. This article investigates the social, environmental and economic challenges emanating from the export boom, the economic opportunities presented by the expanding market and the potential role the robust industry could play in regional economic development and poverty alleviation. The article evaluates the long-term sustainability of the dimension stone industry and recommends the reinvestment of revenues into diversification of the regional economic base, upgrading of local infrastructure, further processing of rough stone before export and encouragement of micro-businesses to enhance sustainability. The author argues for modification of economic incentives to incorporate environmental and social objectives in order to enhance sustainability. The need for a holistic approach to policies affecting the exploitation, processing and marketing of granite resources and their products is recognized. More research on the operations of the industry is called for.  相似文献   

海洋石油开发中含油污水处理与溢油防治技术   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
海洋石油工业清洁生产的关键是防止油污染,而油污染的主要来源是日常排放的含油污水中的油及事故性溢油。首先概述了海上含油污水的处理方法及其原理,并结合实际论述了主要采用的处理工艺,并分析了各工艺技术的处理效果和存在的问题。文章还叙述了海上溢油事故及防止溢油事故发生所应采取的多方位预防措施;建立管理体系,加强管理,通过培训来提高全员操作管理水平,建立溢油处置应急计划和组织系统。在溢油控制方面建立海上溢油漂移模拟程序,对溢油进行实时监控,并对采用的溢油处理装置及方法进行了评述  相似文献   

This assessment of the environmental protection regulatory system for the $2.2 billion iron and steel plant, oil refinery, and thermal generating station composing the core of the greenfield Nanticoke industrial complex is based upon: the use of governmental and industrial research in project management; technology and institutional arrangements for environmental protection; evidence of environmental changes to date; analysis of government and industrial approval files; and interviews with government, industry, and interest group representatives. Planning, regulation, and management have been reasonably efficient and effective to the beginning of the operational stage for all three major industries as of spring 1980. Of major future concern, however, is management of the cumulative and synergistic impacts of the industries and associated development on air quality as well as the lands, waters, and sensitive ecosystems of the nearby Lake Erie coast. Continuous monitoring, more comprehensive research, and better overall coordination of government, industrial, and public interests are required if Nanticoke benefits are to be achieved without undue cost to pre-project resource users within and outside the Haldimand-Norfolk region.  相似文献   

This article considers the environmental impacts and the governance framework of the domestic and international supply of iron, zinc, copper and nickel concentrates smelted and refined in Finland. The metals industry in the country is heavily dependent on imported concentrates, and the research is thus focused on defining the level of impacts related to mining and mineral processing abroad, and the change in the impacts between 2000 and 2010. The estimations of environmental impacts are based on waste minerals and CO2eq emissions, and the quality of governance in the set of indicators measuring different aspects of governance. The total amount of waste minerals and CO2eq emissions related to metal concentrates decreased over the ten-year period. At the same time, the quality of governance improved in all concentrate groups except nickel. Ore grade, mine type and transportation distance appear to be the most influential factors on environmental impacts. The results suggest that the country of origin can have a noticeable effect on the environmental impacts and the quality of governance of the mining and processing of metal concentrates.  相似文献   

生态文明党内法规是中国特色社会主义法治体系的重要组成部分。党的十八大以来,随着生态文明写入党章,生态文明专门党内法规及相关党内法规对生态文明的规定得到丰富和发展。但由于建设时间短,加上我国正处于经济社会发展的转型期,生态文明党内法规体系建设存在相关党内法规制定的规范性和权限的明确性不够、法规的系统性和体系的层次性不够、条文的清晰性和规范的可操作性不够、适用的涵盖性和内外的衔接性不够等问题。为此本文建议:①统筹规划,开展生态文明党内法规的系统性和规范性建设;②重点建设,分级分领域制修订生态文明建设和改革的专门党内法规;③全面融入,将生态文明的建设和改革要求分解到各级各类党内法规中;④厘清关系,加强与国家生态环保法律法规的衔接和协调。  相似文献   

Located on the northeast Brazilian coast, Olinda is one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites, which is economically dependent on tourism, commerce, industry, and the informal economy. Despite its environmental and socioeconomic importance, the city of Olinda (understanding the coast as part of it) has suffered several environmental and human disturbances over the last decades. This work describes the environmental and social status of Olinda’s beaches and makes recommendations concerning the development of an Integrated Coastal Management Plan for this coastal zone of the Brazilian littoral. The methodology adopted in this study is based on field campaigns (social, physical, chemical, and biological data collection), local observations, and the collection of sea contention building project data from city hall. The results showed that along the seven studied beaches, the main problems were related to the: (i) building of coastal protections, (ii) inefficient sewage disposal systems, (iii) inefficient urban management, and (iv) natural events (equinoctial spring tides and precipitation/evaporation rates). Casa Caiada beach showed the best hydrologic conditions as a consequence of its morphology and it presents facilities that attract housing and recreation investments (by private and public sectors) valuing and improving local use conditions. The obtained data showed that the studied beaches need an urgent action plan to minimize the environmental degradation of Olinda’s littoral and to promote sustainable development of the local coastal environments.  相似文献   

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