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由天津市东方暖通设备制造公司开发、天津市环境保护局推荐的GYL型燃煤锅炉干式脱硫技术适用于燃煤电站锅炉、大中型工业锅炉及各种工业炉窑烟气脱硫。主要技术内容一、基本原理在反应塔内,烟气中的SO2与喷入塔内的Ca(OH)2乳液进行中和反应,形成CaSO3经高温烟气干燥后,从塔底排出,喷入塔内的浆液在液—固两表面张力作用下与烟尘颗粒相结合,并沿烟尘表面扩张,形成极大的表面积,为与烟气中的SO2进行反应提供了良好的反应条件。对于微小雾滴和烟尘从入塔到烟气出塔一次反应完毕,而较大烟尘颗粒和雾滴一次不能反应完毕,由离心分离机及再循…  相似文献   

由南京龙源东大环保工程有限公司开发、国家电力公司推荐的循环流化床烟气脱硫装置适用于电站和热电厂的烟气净化,每个脱硫单元处理容量在5~200MW机组容量的烟气。可用于新建或改建的中、小容量电厂、调峰电厂、热电厂、区域供热锅炉房以及冶金、化工、建材行业的一些炉窑的烟气净化。也适用于城市生活垃圾焚烧及企业废弃物焚烧炉的烟气净化。主要技术内容一、基本原理CFB工艺在锅炉空预器和除尘器之间安装了一个流化塔,烟气从流化塔的底部进入,同时喷入消石灰干粉和增湿水。由于塔内的烟气流速较高,因此吸收剂物料层在塔内呈悬浮的流化…  相似文献   

由遵义天方环保实业公司开发、贵州省环境保护局推荐的PS型燃煤锅炉烟气脱硫除尘技术,适用于蒸发量1—35t/h的各类燃煤锅炉,并可选择用于各类燃煤窑炉。脱硫除尘装置由两部分组成:上部为喷雾脱硫塔;下部为湿式除尘器。在脱硫塔内,烟气中的SO2被喷咀喷出的分散的石灰浆液滴吸收,生成CaSO4和CaSO3,烟气温度由150—190℃下降到80℃左右。烟气在脱硫塔内完成第一次脱硫除尘后,直接进入下部的湿式除尘器。除尘器内特殊的喷气管及喷气头在除尘器底部与贮水(灰)池中的灰水进行剧烈运动,以实现高效除尘和二次脱硫的目的。技术关键为…  相似文献   

简易湿法烟气脱硫除尘装置普遍存在堵灰、阻力大、烟气带水和塔板易腐蚀等问题,本文介绍了针对这些问题研制成功的XZXL型喷雾旋流烟气脱硫除尘装置的技术特点。  相似文献   

由洛阳市天誉环保工程有限公司开发的低能耗回收硫酸铵的氨法脱硫工艺,适用于化肥、煤化、化工、钢铁及电力等行业烟气中的二氧化硫治理。主要技术内容一、基本原理烟气首先进入脱硫吸收系统的预脱硫塔内,与雾化后的氨水接触并发生一级吸收反应,85%的SO2被吸收生成亚硫酸铵溶液,与富余氨水一起随烟气进入主脱硫塔底部的集液池。亚硫  相似文献   

湿法脱硫工艺吸收塔及塔内件的设计选型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文着重介绍了湿式石灰石-石膏烟气脱硫工艺中的核心设备——吸收塔的结构形式及喷嘴、喷淋层、除雾器、侧进式搅拌器、氧化空气管等塔内件的设计要求。  相似文献   

由湖南省树山环境工程有限公司开发的SPX型湿式喷雾旋流高效脱硫除尘器,适用于工业锅炉、工业窑炉烟气、烟尘、二氧化硫治理及灰水处理。 主要技术内容 一、基本原理 利用喷雾加湿(可用文丘里管),使烟尘加湿聚凝,并切线俯冲SPX型底部水封面,有冲击式除尘的效果,烟气旋转上升,经  相似文献   

燃煤电厂烟气脱硝目前以选择性催化还原脱硝(SCR)技术为主。在超低排放的要求下,脱硝系统普遍采用的提效措施是改善流场、加强混合效果,并加装第三层催化剂(原设计2层)。其中,通过CFD技术对流场进行优化设计是一项关键技术,通过合理的导流板、整流格栅、喷氨格栅、混合器的设计,提高催化剂入口烟气流速均匀性、氨气分布均匀性、降低整体系统阻力。文章对CFD技术做了简要介绍,并结合实际工程案例,对CFD在SCR脱硝系统优化中的应用做出分析。  相似文献   

技术简介本技术工艺主要包括烟气系统、吸收系统、制浆系统、石膏脱水系统、工艺水系统等。吸收塔采用完全的喷淋空塔,除塔的中上部布置循环管和喷嘴外,塔内吸收区再无任何充填物,完全依靠喷嘴雾化分散液滴吸收烟气中二氧化硫。吸收区设计可以根据提供的SO2浓度波动  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的用于脱硝反应前的高效除尘装置;该装置包含与烟气进口相连接的烟气管道和与烟气管道输出口连接的脱硝反应器,在烟气管道靠近烟气进口位置设有两级预除尘器。一级预除尘器为设置在竖直烟道最底部的锥形灰斗,二级预除尘器包括设置在水平烟道扩径处的角形挡板和平形挡板。经预除尘装置后使烟气的烟尘含量大大减少,可显著提高脱硝效果。  相似文献   

为了探讨玻璃纤维过滤器处理含DEP雾废气的效率问题,在实验室进行了DEP雾去除实验。考查了不同气体入口浓度、过滤流速下玻璃纤维过滤捕集装置对含DEP雾废气的净化能力,结果表明:利用玻璃纤维过滤器去除DEP雾,在DEP雾粒径主要分布为0.48~3.4μm之间,DEP雾浓度小于220 mg/m3,过滤流速小于10 cm/s情况下,玻璃纤维过滤器对DEP雾的去除率大于99%,最大气体流量下的压力降小于1610Pa;同时对含油(酸)雾废气除雾效果好,特别是对于粒径特别细微的油(酸)雾,捕集效率也很高,还可回收利用,不会产生二次污染。  相似文献   


In this work, gas flow and heat transfer have been numerically investigated and analyzed for both cathode/anode ducts of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. The simulation is conducted by solving a set of conservation equations for the whole domain consisting of a porous medium, solid structure, and flow duct. A generalized extended Darcy model is employed to investigate the flow inside the porous layer. This model accounts for the boundary-layer development, shear stress, and microscopic inertial force as well. Effects of inertial coefficient, together with permeability, effective thermal conductivity, and thickness of the porous layer on gas flow and heat transfer are investigated.  相似文献   

通过对河北省秦皇岛市耀华玻璃工业园有限公司地下300m,储油罐煤焦油逸出废油气进行实验室模拟实验,现场实际工程设计、制造、安装、调试、检验等实践研究,采用“冷凝+自激吸收器+吸收+活性炭吸附”油气处理回收技术,并独创了自激吸收器新技术,处理后的煤焦油逸出废气完全达到了国家《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB16171—2012)的相关要求。  相似文献   

陈俩  石洪  张莹 《四川环境》2013,(5):108-112
本文分析了烟气循环流化床工艺的运行调节原理,针对电厂自身的特点,对吸收塔进出口烟温差及床层压降参数进行调整,提高了烟气循环流化床系统运行的经济性.最后根据此实践提出了系统运行中优化调整的可行性.  相似文献   

During sequestration, carbon dioxide within injection wells is likely to be in a dense state and therefore its weight within the wellbore will play an important role in determining the bottomhole pressure and thus the injection rate. However, the density could vary significantly along the well in response to the variation in pressure and temperature. A numerical procedure is formulated in this paper to evaluate the flow of carbon dioxide and its mixtures in non-isothermal wells. This procedure solves the coupled heat, mass and momentum equations with the various fluid and thermodynamic properties, including the saturation pressure, of the gas mixture calculated using a real gas equation of state. This treatment is particularly useful when dealing with gas mixtures where experimental data on mixture properties are not available and these must be predicted. To test the developed procedure two wellbore flow problems from the literature, involving geothermal gradients and wellbore phase transitions are considered; production of 97% carbon dioxide and injection of superheated steam. While these are not typical carbon dioxide injection problems they provide field observations of wellbore flow processes which encompass the mechanisms of interest for carbon dioxide injection, such as phase transition, temperature and density variations with depth. These two examples show that the developed procedure can offer accurate predictions. In a third application the role of wellbore hydraulics during a hypothetical carbon dioxide injection application is considered. The results obtained illustrate the potential complexity of carbon dioxide wellbore hydraulics for sequestration applications and the significant role it can play in determining the well bottomhole pressure and thus injection rate.  相似文献   

Characteristics of air–water two-phase flow pattern in a square-mini-channel were investigated experimentally. One sidewall of the flow channel was made of a permeable porous media. Air was fed into the channel from its inlet, while liquid water was injected uniformly into the channel along the permeable sidewall. Based on the results of visualization, the typical flow patterns encountered in the conventional co-current gas–liquid two-phase flow were not observed in the present work. Flow patterns of this special gas–liquid two-phase flow were catalogued, and the influence of gas flow rate and liquid infiltration rate on flow patterns was also analyzed. The results also indicate that the channel differential pressure on both sides brings obvious fluctuations when the liquid is infiltrated. The frequency of this fluctuation depends not only on the amount of liquid infiltration but also relies on the gas flow rate significantly. However, the amount of liquid infiltration barely affects the fluctuation in the amplitude of the pressure differential.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂SCR烟气脱硝系统优化流场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以合山电厂600MW燃煤锅炉SCR脱硝反应系统的优化流场分析为例,研究数值模拟和冷态试验在电厂SCR系统流场分析中的应用。结果表明,数值模拟和冷态试验结果较为吻合,验证了数模优化方案的可行性。其中,速度场、浓度场和压降都满足设计要求,烟气经整流格栅优化后可以垂直进入催化剂层,模型中无明显积灰。  相似文献   

龚必铺 《四川环境》1993,12(1):39-40
本文通过对烟气测试中流速计算公式的比较分析,结合实际监测数据处理,认为烟气流速计算中,使用通用公式与简化公式的误差,虽然与Rs和Bs有关,但主要误差来源于Bs。而Rs不必用精密仪器测出烟气中各组份后求算。只要用简易仪器测得烟气中的Xo2和Xsw的百分含量,即可求出Rs近似值,用于烟气流速计算。  相似文献   

大多数天然气藏CO2含量为10%~98%,CO2在不同的温度、压力条件下腐蚀极其严重。文章主要针对高含CO2天然气运输管道腐蚀的问题,开展缓蚀剂的筛选,重点开展CO2腐蚀规律研究与实验,评价环境温度、CO2分压、流动速度对腐蚀规律的影响,明确缓蚀剂的影响因素,结合管材的材质,优选评价不同类型的缓蚀剂,缓蚀效率分别为90.53%和92.64%,在管道凝液介质的气相及液相中都有较高的缓蚀效率。通过设计现场加药工艺及制度,监测评价缓蚀剂缓释效果和腐蚀情况,可防止管道运输过程中CO2腐蚀的侵害,长输管线内腐蚀控制良好。  相似文献   

Gas conditioning is commonly referred to as the required processing for a produced natural gas to achieve transport and sales specifications. In this paper, gas conditioning as the processing required in the interface between CO2 capture and transport is studied for nine different natural gas fired power plant concepts and three different CO2 transport processes. Conditioning processes for both pipeline and ship transport are described and an enhanced process for volatile removal is developed. The energy requirement for the conditioning processes is normally between 90 and 120 kWh/tonne CO2; however, this depends on the pressure and composition of the captured CO2-rich stream. The loss of CO2 in the water purge is small for most capture processes. The waste streams from the gas conditioning processes can contain large amounts of CO2 and should therefore be further processed or reintroduced at an appropriate point upstream in the capture or gas conditioning process if possible. The integration benefit may vary depending on the composition of the CO2-rich stream. It could be particularly interesting for processes with “innovative reactors” (membranes, sorbents, chemical looping) to integrate CO2 capture and gas conditioning.  相似文献   

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