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马涛 《绿叶》2013,(1):146-151
当前,生物多样性国际合作领域出现新热点,针对这种态势,中国今后应进一步加强生物多样性国际合作.重点关注以下问题:科研合作既要引进来,又要走出去;外交谈判要关注《生物多样性公约》与其他公约的协调;合作对象要加强与国际环境非政府组织的合作;关注领域要重视海洋生物多样性合作。  相似文献   

丁金光 《绿叶》2008,(4):26-33
围绕和平与发展的时代主题,中国的环境外交在近30年迅速发展,推动了中国可持续发展,扩大、提高了中国的国际影响和地位。但整体来看,中国环境外交的人才、水准、能力,与"环境大国"的地位还很不相称。作为发展大国,中国国内环境形势严峻,国际面临绿色壁垒阻碍。中国的环境外交,中国的国际环保合作,任重道远。  相似文献   

于宏源 《绿叶》2012,(8):55-64
全球环境问题是综合性问题,与人口、技术、观念和经济发展均有关,但在当今主要是国际政治问题。环境问题的国际政治根源是国际社会的无政府状态和不平等性。国际体系的无政府状态导致国家在落后时采取赶超型发展战略,赶超必然导致发展的扭曲和不均衡,扭曲的发展必然导致资源浪费和环境破坏。2012年6月在巴西举行的里约+20峰会,在总结绿色发展经验和创新可持续制度的基础上,凝聚全球政治共识,促进治理创新。中国正在通过积极的环境外交来维护发展中国家的地位和利益,实现全球可持续发展和绿色增长。  相似文献   

张海滨 《绿叶》2008,(4):1-13
世界环境七大国表现出风格各异的环境外交。在国际环境事务中,七大国的地位和作用不同、发展轨迹不同、侧重点不同、内在动力也不同。德国是领跑者,美国是拖后腿者,中国是积极合作者,但多数时候是被动回应。有差异,也有共同,经济考量是七大国环境外交的基石,合作是七大国环境外交的基调,联合国是七大国环境外交的重要影响因素。比较中知彼知己,中国在21世纪能够对世界做出的最大贡献就是实现可持续发展。当务之急,中国需要提高环境外交的地位、明确环境外交的思路、落实环境外交的制度与工作。  相似文献   

于宏源 《绿叶》2011,(12):56-61
新能源和历史上的英国、美国的霸权形成密切相关。一个在国际能源权力结构中取得主导优势的国家,必然会改变全球地缘结构,继而成为国际体系变革的主导力量。传统能源面临枯竭,国际能源权力结构即将发生变化,全球新能源竞争已经展开。在此背景之下,西方国家遏制中国技术发展的企图越来越明显,中国必须通过环境外交来争取中国的新能源发展优势。  相似文献   

目前,全球性环境问题已成为国际社会重点关注的对象。各国纷纷开展环境外交以谋求解决这一问题的途径。本文拟就我国环境外交政策的成因、渊源、内容和作用等方面略做一番探讨。一、环境外交及环境外交政策的产生环境外交和环境外交政策都是为适应国际上解决全球环境问题的需要应运而生的。其主要表现在以下两个方面: 1.保护和改善全球环境是人类的共同责任。环境是人类赖以  相似文献   

梁欣 《绿叶》2012,(6):63-68
2012年是世界"大选年",全世界有将近60个国家要举行大选。其中,既包括世界大国,也包括中国周边国家;既包括发达国家,更有为数众多的发展中国家。在全球化时代,全球市场将世界各国连接成了一个统一的整体,各国的内政问题经过全球化连锁反应的传导,都有可能演变成为国际政治问题。世界上众多国家在同一时期举行大选,政权的更迭必然会引起本国外交政策的调整和变化。相应地,也必然会对中国外交产生一定的影响。对此,中国应对相关国家政府更替可能对中国造成的挑战和机遇做好评估,在外交上做到未雨绸缪、有备无患。  相似文献   

《国际环境外交》丁金光著,朱琳译,中国社会科学出版社,2007年1月出版,35.00元环境没有人为的国界,尽管每个国家在政治上是独立的,但在生态上相互依赖。20世纪后期,环境问题逐渐冲破单一概念,渗透到国际经济、政治、军事、安全等传统议  相似文献   

马涛 《绿叶》2013,(Z1):146-151
当前,生物多样性国际合作领域出现新热点,针对这种态势,中国今后应进一步加强生物多样性国际合作,重点关注以下问题科研合作既要引进来,又要走出去:外交谈判要关注《生物多样性公约》与其他公约的协调;合作对象要加强与国际环境非政府组织的合作:关注领域要重视海洋生物多样性合作。  相似文献   

由国际空气污染防治协会联合会(IUAPPA)及美一加空气与废物管理协会(A&WMA,原APCA)为东道主于1992年秋,在加拿大蒙特利尔建成350周年之际,联合组织隆重召开了第九届世界净化空气代表大会与展览会。加拿大国家元首、环境部长与美国政府、联合国高级官员,以及其他国际组织和工业界的代表先后向大会致词和发言,他们一致表示,对全球环境,尤其是大气环境日益恶化与人口爆炸,加强区域性和全球性多方面的合作极为关注,并对IUAPPA及其  相似文献   

Summary During the last ten years environmental quality and energy have emerged as important national issues right along with the economy. The central proposition appears to be that environmental concerns are inversely related to concern about energy and the economy. The common assumptions about public perception of the trade-offs between environmental quality, economic growth, and energy production are shown to be invalid. In any event it is unlikely that public policy makers will find themselves strongly pulled by a highly polarized public.David J. Rosen is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Ecology, Cook College of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, Rutgers University (U.S.A.) where he teaches in the interdisciplinary International Environmental Studies and Human Ecology curricula. While formally trained as a political scientist (Ph D, Rutgers University, 1975) for the past six years his research on energy and environmental matters has become increasingly interdisciplinary. The subjects of his work have ranged from the international energy system to the provision of solar energy incentives by state government. He has also served as a consultant to government and private organizations on a number of energy and environmental projects.  相似文献   

美国环保产业发展政策对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今环保产业作为新兴战略产业在世界范围内迅速成长。美国作为全球环保产业的领头羊,其环保产业的发展离不开政府行之有效的发展政策。美国政府主要通过法律法规、税收、贷款、债券、基金、放宽出口管制、以外交促贸易等政策措施,促进了美国环保产业的技术创新、投融资及国际贸易。借鉴美国政策经验,我国应在环保产业管制政策、技术创新政策、财税政策、国际贸易政策上做出相应改进,以促进我国环保产业积极健康发展。  相似文献   

Negotiations toward an international regime to control anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases have been under way for more than a decade. The Kyoto Protocol1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC)2 reflects a basic intergovernmental agreement that predicted warming and volatile weather events are sufficient threats to justify mandatory measures. Yet with climate change negotiations set to resume November 2 through 13, 1998, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the Fourth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP-4), many major industries continue to believe that the disproportionate costs of controls will precipitate severe economic consequences, and that mandatory measures may never actually be implemented, or at least will be deferred for many years. This article examines why some business decision makers and their environmental managers remain unwilling or unable to make concrete plans to achieve the significant reductions that the Kyoto Protocol facially requires. Indeed, there has been surprising inattention at the boardroom and plant levels to the concepts and details of the agreement. This is reinforced to some extent by the apparently dim prospects for ratification in the near term by the U.S. Senate, in which the treaty today would likely not gain a majority, much less the necessary two-thirds support.  相似文献   

臭氧层损耗是重要的全球环境问题之一。最早认识到臭氧层危害的美国率先在国内立法控制相关物质,然而另一大经济体——欧共体,在这一方面却行动迟缓。在保护臭氧层的国际谈判中,美欧之间相互妥协,最终达成了对氟氯烃化合物(CFCs)进行限控的《蒙特利尔议定书》。美欧之间的分歧来自国内化工业巨头的影响,国际经济变动影响外交决策。国际环境问题背后隐藏的经济关系与大国的领导作用是影响国际环境合作的主要因素。  相似文献   

Florida is one of the largest spenders on the environment in the U.S. Employing a database from Florida counties, this study examines two distinct environmental funding areas in government: funding to protect the environment, and funding to develop the environment. These two types of funding serve different purposes, support different activities and operations, and draw from different revenue sources. The results show that environmental funding in government is a response to the environmental pressure generated by economic activities and population growth. Counties with a higher level of manufacturing and farming activity spend more to protect the environment, while counties with higher population densities spend more to develop the environment. Moreover, counties with more funding for public safety and economic development activities spend less on the environment, indicating that environmental funding is influenced by the political processes in public budgeting in which diversified interests compete for resources. These results show that environmental spending in government is the result of combined forces arising from environmental pressure and budgetary politics.  相似文献   

This article describes how Taiwan nitrocellulose industrial company (TNC) applies the structured methodology developed by the U.S. environmental protection agency (USEPA) to reduce, recycle and recover the wastes generated at its Taoyuan plant. The company has generated significantly less amounts of wastes, improved the competitiveness in the international market and met more stringent environmental regulations since conducting the minimization program in the late 1980s. The experience gained at the Taoyuan plant is being applied to other plants in China and Philippines.  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol on global warming has provoked great controversy in part because it calls for heavier burdens on wealthy countries than on developing countries in the effort to control climate change. The U.S. Senate voted unanimously to oppose any agreement that does not require emissions reductions in low-income countries. The ethics of this position are examined in this paper which shows that there are good moral reasons for supporting the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol. Such a conclusion follows easily from considerations of distributive justice but can also be supported by more narrowly self-interested arguments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The author presents the results of a pilot study which explored the voluntary support given by seven Pittsburgh multinationals to environmental goals and objectives through their foundations and operations. While much of the information is national in scope, the findings have international significance. Fundamental common key factors and patterns were identified which already have and will continue to guide most corporate international environmental activities. As interest grows in developing cooperative undertakings with the corporate community, it is important for environmental organizations, government, and academia to understand these patterns. Based on the findings and on suggestions by corporate representatives, recommendations are given as to how support of the goal of creating sustainable societies by the corporate and environmental communities can be improved and increased. Dr Langord's interest in urban and environmental policies range from issues dealing with coastal zone and floodplain management to urban waterfront re-vitalization and environmental aesthetics. Most recently she is studying the role of industry in helping to meet critical resource and environmental needs. She is exploring new patterns of cooperation with government, industry and environmental organizations. Currently Director of the International Environment Program, Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Dr Langord has held a number of academic positions, served as a resource policy analyst for the US Department of Interior, and has acted as a consultant to government and industry.  相似文献   

政府须采取有效政策措施促进环保产业发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出我国是一个发展中国家,环保产业发展滞后,政府应采取有效措施,在促进环保产业发展中发挥积极作用,提高我国环保产业的国际竞争力,促进环保产业的发展。  相似文献   

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