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季耿善 《绿叶》2007,(11):33-35
中国是世界人口最多、洗涤剂用量很大、水系丰富、海岸线长、水域富营养问题突出的国家,也是世界上最需要禁磷的国家。要防治水体富营养化,应把严格禁磷和扩大禁磷范围提上议事日程,特别是要把洗涤剂禁磷作为重中之重。  相似文献   

最新研究表明,洗涤剂中的磷对水体的富营养化有影响,但不是主导影响,更不是水体富营养化的惟一凶手。 中国科学院地理与湖泊研究所以太湖为例,就洗衣粉排磷对湖泊磷负荷的贡献率进行了定量调查,经过两年的调查和试验,得出了太湖流域地区各种途径对太湖流域水体磷的贡献率依次为:人体(粪便)排磷43.57%、洗衣排磷16.1%、畜禽排磷12.51%、农业(化肥流失)排磷11.89%、工业(污染)排磷7.41%、水产养殖排磷5.3%、其他排磷2.8%。  相似文献   

水体富营养化问题评述   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
谢雄飞  肖锦 《四川环境》2000,19(2):22-25
磷是水体富营养化问题产生的一个重要的原因。本文对磷污染产生的原因进行了调查 ,分析了各种污染的相对重要性 ,在此基础上对富营养化问题的预防和治理措施进行了综合分析和论述 ,指出解决富营养化问题应坚持预防为主 ,防治结合的原则。  相似文献   

针对于自然水域富营养化加剧的现象,富营养化水域修复的基本原理入手,分析了自由移动的太阳能曝气具有的较好的水体交换功能、水动力条件、溶解氧传输功能,以及低碳环保的好处。理论分析、相应功能应用实例和设备应用实践证明,该方法能够有效缓解、修复自然水域富营养化现象。  相似文献   

内源磷的释放作用及影响因素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁文  王泽  焦增祥  万俊 《四川环境》2012,(5):105-109
水体的富营养化已成为目前环境研究中的焦点问题,磷在湖泊中的浓度高低是衡量湖泊富营养化水平的重要指标,是水生态系统基本营养盐之一,并且是淡水湖泊的最主要限制性营养因子。在外源磷得到有效的控制之后,内源磷的污染仍然能够保持湖泊的富营养化状态,此时内源磷的控制就成为了难点和重点。在底泥中的结合态磷,主要是以无机磷和有机磷的形式存在,有机磷与微生物活性密切相关,无机磷则主要与底泥存在的环境联系紧密。湖泊底泥内源磷释放受到一系列物理、化学、生物过程的控制,其影响因素主要包括扰动、氧化还原电位、pH值等,是多种因子综合作用的结果,同时,扰动引起的底泥再悬浮对内源磷有吸附固定作用。故底泥内源磷的释放机理有待进一步探索,在多种影响因素作用下,进一步研究底泥再悬浮对磷的吸附释放作用,从而明确内源磷的主要来源及吸附释放过程,为内源磷的控制提供理论依据,进而控制水体富营养化。  相似文献   

洗涤剂是人类文明的伴侣 ,然而 ,由于它所含的原材料烷基苯磺酸盐、磷酸盐、铝盐、荧光增白剂和酶制剂等 ,污染着人类赖以生存的水源 ,严重地危害着人类的生存环境和生命安全。我国是洗涤剂生产大国和消费大国 ,所用洗涤剂多为含磷洗涤剂。进入20世纪90年代 ,外国又将逐渐淘汰的含磷洗涤剂(如奥妙、碧浪、宝莹、花王、快洁、太渍、洁霸等)引入中国市场 ,这些含磷洗涤剂主要的助洗剂便是三聚磷酸钠。我国所用的洗涤剂中 ,每年有50万吨以上磷酸盐流入江河湖海 ;如果改用含铝洗涤剂 ,每年又将有60万吨沸石流入江河湖海。磷是水体中有…  相似文献   

小曾 《环境教育》2000,(3):38-39
资料洗涤剂的作用与危害 合成洗涤剂的产量现在已经超过肥皂产量,我国合成洗涤剂的主要成份是烷基苯硫酸钠,占洗涤剂总产量的90%。合成洗涤剂易溶于水,随着洗衣机的广泛使用,用量越来越大。但是洗涤剂属于表面活性物质,是一种有机物,在光热条件下易氧化分解,大量消耗水中的溶解氧,致使水中的鱼和贝类等生物因缺氧而不能正常生长,甚至死亡。此外,洗涤剂的表面活性作用还会使水中的有毒有机物的溶解度增加,废水毒性增强,威胁生物的生存,也会污染地下水质,最终危害人体的健康。 最引人注意的一点是:洗涤剂是造成水体富营养化…  相似文献   

桓仁水库是辽宁省重要的饮用水水源地,定期了解桓仁水库水体富营养化程度对保护水源地水质有重要意义.利用富营养化指数法对"十三五"期间桓仁水库水体富营养化水平进行分析,并提出相关建议.  相似文献   

含磷洗衣粉进入水体造成严重污染,一些国家相继立法限制其生产和使用。无磷洗衣粉不含或少含磷,其主要成份是复合酶、阴离子表面活性剂和非离子表面活性剂等。对环境的污染小,是绿色的环保产品,是当今洗涤剂发展的主流。但是也有一些学者对无磷洗衣粉改善环境的有效性提出了疑虑。国内学者对有磷洗衣粉的研究比较多:如毛学文等的研究表明有磷洗涤剂能抑制蚕豆根的生长,  相似文献   

富营养化水体中底泥释磷的影响因素及其释放机理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
磷是湖泊富营养化的主要限制因子,本文综述了沉积物中磷的赋存形态,释放机理及其影响因素.内源磷的赋存形态主要分为铝磷、铁磷、钙磷及有机磷.磷释放受pH值、溶解氧、生物、温度、扰动5种因素影响.对富营养水体内源磷释放的影响因素及其机理进行研究可为富营养化水体的治理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Controlling phosphorus sources, such as laundry detergents, for eutrophication control has been the aim of water resources management in many areas. However, the advisability of limiting phosphorus in raw wastewater continues to be debated. One aspect that has received little attention is the cost savings at sewage treatment plants practing phosphorus removal. It is estimated, based on available data and observations where detergent phosphorus has been reduced, that cost savings could range from about $0.20 to $1.70 per capita per year for an influent reduction of about 1.5 mg/L of phosphorus. These savings result mostly from a decrease in the amount of chemicals needed to remove phosphorus at the plant as well as a decrease in sludge production. For the U.S. Great Lakes basin, total annual savings amounting to several million dollars are projected given a basin-wide ban. Although estimates of cost savings are presented for the Great Lakes basin, the results are applicable to other areas where phosphorus controls are being considered.  相似文献   

奥运湖不同补水方案营养状态趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
规划中的奥运湖位于奥林匹克公园,运行中将采用人工补水方式。为保证未来奥运湖的正常景观生态功能,源水经奥运公园中人工湿地处理后再引入湖中。在规划设计阶段,提出三种补水方案:(1)清河再生水厂出水经湿地处理后入湖,(2)清河河水经湿地处理后入湖,(3)经湿地处理达地表水环境标准中的Ⅳ类水要求后入湖。为了考察不同水源补水方案对奥运湖的水质保障程度,本研究对不同方案下奥运公园湖水质的时间、空间变化过程予以模拟,分析评价奥运湖可能出现的富营养化状况,并对各个补水方案带来的富营养化风险和基本成因予以推断,为奥运湖的设计运行提供技术依据。结果表明,方案3的富营养化风险最小、水质保障程度最高。结合三种补水方案水质特点,推断磷是主要限制因子,所以控制磷的浓度是保证水质安全、降低富营养化风险的重要途径。  相似文献   

Recent appearance of cattail (Typha domingensis) within a southern Everglades slough—Upper Taylor Slough (Everglades National Park)—suggests ecosystem eutrophication. We analyze water quality, nutrient enrichment, and water management operations as potential drivers of eutrophication in Upper Taylor Slough. Further, we attempt to determine why surface water phosphorus, a parameter used commonly to monitor ecosystem health in the Everglades, did not serve as an early warning for eutrophication, which has broader implication for other restoration efforts. We found that surface water total phosphorus concentrations generally were below a 0.01 mg L−1 threshold determined to cause imbalances in flora and fauna, suggesting no ecosystem eutrophication. However, assessment of nutrient loads and loading rates suggest Upper Taylor Slough has experienced eutrophication and that continued total phosphorus loading through a point-source discharge was a major driver. These nutrient loads, combined with increases in hydroperiods, led to the expansion of cattail in Upper Taylor Slough. We recommend other metrics, such as nutrient loads, periphyton and arthropod community shifts, and sediment core analyses, for assessing ecosystem health. Monitoring surface water alone is not enough to indicate ecosystem stress.  相似文献   

徐州市云龙湖富营养化特征分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用相关指标(叶绿素a、总磷、总氮、透明度、浮游植物密度等)分析了徐州市云龙湖水体的富营养化特征,表明磷是藻类代谢的限制性营养盐。采用综合营养状态指数法评价了湖水富营养化程度,结果显示云龙湖水体呈轻度富营养化状态,结合近10年来的评价结果分析了云龙湖水体富营养化的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Eutrophication of Lake Waters in China: Cost, Causes, and Control   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Lake water eutrophication has become one of the most important factors impeding sustainable economic development in China. Knowledge of the current status of lake water eutrophicatoin and determination of its mechanism are prerequisites to devising a sound solution to the problem. Based on reviewing the literature, this paper elaborates on the evolutional process and current state of shallow inland lake water eutrophication in China. The mechanism of lake water eutrophication is explored from nutrient sources. In light of the identified mechanism strategies are proposed to control and tackle lake water eutrophication. This review reveals that water eutrophication in most lakes was initiated in the 1980s when the national economy underwent rapid development. At present, the problem of water eutrophication is still serious, with frequent occurrence of damaging algal blooms, which have disrupted the normal supply of drinking water in shore cities. Each destructive bloom caused a direct economic loss valued at billions of yuan. Nonpoint pollution sources, namely, waste discharge from agricultural fields and nutrients released from floor deposits, are identified as the two major sources of nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, all control and rehabilitation measures of lake water eutrophication should target these nutrient sources. Biological measures are recommended to rehabilitate eutrophied lake waters and restore the lake ecosystem in order to bring the problem under control.  相似文献   

Excessive input of phosphorus into natural water bodies as a result of anthropogenic processes is an escalating factor that leads to eutrophication. Hence, quantifying the pathway of phosphorus throughout the socioeconomic system is essential for the selection of appropriate measures to mitigate phosphorus discharge. The study develops an analytical model of anthropogenic phosphorus flows within a socioeconomic system based on substance flow analysis. The model consists of five major subsystems: the phosphorous chemical industry, agriculture, animal feeding, human consumption, and waste management. The results show that the total input and output of phosphorus in Chaohu City over 2008 are 8517.70 ton (t) and 4682.76 t, respectively. The estimation of phosphorus discharged into local surface water is 544.22 t, which primarily comes from agriculture (391.99 t, 72.03%), followed by large-scale farming (55.70 t, 10.23%), rural consumption (56.81 t, 10.44%), urban consumption (30.42 t, 5.59%), and waste management (9.30 t, 1.71%). Intensive input of fertilizers in agricultural practices was identified as the most important source of phosphorus load on local surface water. Hence, we propose that the eutrophication of local water bodies could be addressed by optimizing local industrial structure, developing ecological and organic-based agriculture, and improving waste collection and disposal practices.  相似文献   

邛海水质变化趋势及保护对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对邛海流域现状污染源进行调查,邛海流域COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷产生量分别为5892.1t/a、995.6t/a、2888.2t/a和1105.1t/a,污染负荷主要来自面源污染.通过2002 ~ 2011年邛海水质监测数据分析,邛海水质近10年总体保持Ⅱ~Ⅲ类,处于中营养状态,2004~ 2006年水质相对较差,2006年以后水质逐渐好转.总磷、总氮是邛海主要污染因子,海河口是邛海污染最严重的区域.为实现邛海水质和流域生态环境持续改善,从产业结构优化、流域污染源治理、生态保育和流域生态环境综合监管等方面提出对策建议.  相似文献   

Agricultural nonpoint phosphorus (P) pollution is a primary cause of eutrophication in many freshwater systems. Identifying areas that are at high risk for P loss in a watershed and concentrating management efforts on these smaller sections is a more effective method for limiting P loss than implementing general strategies over a broad area. A modified P index scheme was used to assess the risk of P loss and identify critical source areas in the Chaohu Lake watershed on a regional scale. In the new P ranking scheme, soil P sorption index (PSI) and degree of P saturation (DPS) were introduced as source factors to represent the inherent ability of P transport in the soil-water interface. Distance from P sources to Chaohu Lake was also considered as a transport factor to take into account P degradation from source to the final receiving water. The ranking scheme was modified to use available data on the regional scale. P index calculation results showed high spatial variation of P loss risk in the Chaohu Lake watershed. The highest risk areas focused on the downstream parts of the main rivers that discharge into Chaohu Lake. The induction of new components into the P index calculation makes it possible to identify critical source areas of nonpoint P loss on a regional scale, thus allowing decision makers to implement best management practices (BMPs) in such a manner as to minimize P loss to sensitive watercourses.  相似文献   

Many lakes have experienced a transition from a clear into a turbid state without macrophyte growth due to eutrophication. There are several measures by which nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in the surface water can be reduced. We used the shallow lake model PCLake to evaluate the effects of three measures (reducing external nutrient loading, increasing relative marsh area, and increasing exchange rate between open water and marsh) on water quality improvement. Furthermore, the contribution of different retention processes was calculated. Settling and burial contributed more to nutrient retention than denitrification. The model runs for a typical shallow lake in The Netherlands showed that after increasing relative marsh area to 50%, total phosphorous (TP) concentration in the surface water was lower than the Maximum Admissible Risk (MAR, a Dutch government water quality standard) level, in contrast to total nitrogen (TN) concentration. The MAR levels could also be achieved by reducing N and P load. However, reduction of nutrient concentrations to MAR levels did not result in a clear lake state with submerged vegetation. Only a combination of a more drastic reduction of the present nutrient loading, in combination with a relatively large marsh cover (approximately 50%) would lead to such a clear state. We therefore concluded that littoral marsh areas can make a small but significant contribution to lake recovery.  相似文献   

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