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借助苔藓对广西河池锑冶炼区周边大气中的10种重金属(Sb、Pb、As、Cu、Cd、Mn、Fe、Al、Ba、Sr)的分布迁移规律进行了研究. 结果表明:苔藓可有效反映重金属的沉降. 苔藓中w(Sb)、w(Pb)、w(As)和w(Cd)的范围分别为41.0~5.77×103、1.05×102~1.39×104、25.0~1.07×103和8.00~263 mg/kg,分别是背景值的1.5~213.6、24.5~322.5、3.6~1 980.9和3.2~105.2倍. 元素相关性的主成分分析表明,Sb、Pb、As、Cd和Cu为密切相关的一类元素,来源于原料矿石的冶炼排放;Mn、Fe和Al为第2类,主要来源于燃料煤的释放,此外,Mn还可能来源于城市气溶胶的输送和水泥厂的排放;Ba与Sr为第3类,来源与扬尘有关. 随着采样点与冶炼厂烟囱距离的增加,w(Sb)、w(Pb)、w(As)、w(Cu)和w(Cd)呈非线性下降,可用方程y=ae-x拟合. w(Sb)与w(Pb)的衰减速率相似,而w(As)衰减要快于二者.   相似文献   
水淬渣作吸附剂处理含铜冶炼工业废水的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了以水淬渣为吸附剂对含Cu(Ⅱ)的铜冶炼工业废水进行处理。实验结果表明,在不调节铜冶炼废水pH值的条件下,水淬渣用量为0.05g/mL,作用时间为30min,温度为25℃,Cu(Ⅱ)的去除率达96.91%,处理后的水符合国家污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996)一级标准,达到以废治废的目的。  相似文献   
铅锌冶炼厂周边土壤铅源的铅同位素示踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某铅锌冶炼厂周边土壤为研究对象,通过对其原料及周边土壤中铅含量的检测,结果显示:该冶炼厂周边土壤铅质量比在22.73mg/kg~126.51mg/kg之间,平均值为42.68mg/kg,是当地土壤铅背景值的1.85倍.采用铅质量比空间分布分析和同位素混合模型计算分析了冶炼厂周边土壤中铅的可能来源,分析表明:土壤铅质量比的空间分布及铅同位素比值与冶炼厂的焦化原料煤相近,焦化原料煤对周边土壤铅污染贡献最大.  相似文献   
A large amount of solid waste has been produced by the antimony smelting process in the"World Capital of Antimony", Xikuangshan area in China. This study comprehensively investigated the physical and chemical characteristics of the various solid wastes, as well as the leaching behavior of the solid wastes, which included water-quenched slag,arsenic-alkali residue, desulfurized slag and blast furnace dust. These four types of waste were enriched in a variety of heavy metals and metalloids and more specifically with As and Sb levels up to 8.6 × 104 and 3.16 × 105mg/kg, respectively, in arsenic-alkali residue. For desulfurized slag and water-quenched slag, the leaching concentration of Sb significantly exceeded the acceptable limits during the leaching tests using the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure and the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure. In addition, As leaching in arsenic-alkali residue was extraordinarily hazardous, being three orders of magnitude higher than the regulatory level of As. According to the results of the extraction tests, all the tested wastes were classified as hazardous waste.  相似文献   
有色金属冶炼是土壤严重污染的主要原因之一,对土壤生态及人体健康产生了潜在的不利影响。为研究我国各冶炼场地土壤重金属污染现状,通过查阅国内外相关文献(2001—2021),收集国内各个地区冶炼场地的最新污染数据,运用内梅罗综合污染指数,地质累积指数法及人体健康风险评价,对我国冶炼厂土壤重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Hg、As、Ni)的污染现状进行了综合评价。结果表明:除Cr外,冶炼厂周边土壤中其余重金属的总平均浓度均超过相应的风险筛选值,其中Cd和Pb的超标倍数为109.29、20.43,严重超标且污染严重地区主要分布在福建、广西、贵州、湖南等省区。健康风险评价结果表明:Pb与As均对儿童具有较高的致癌和非致癌风险,且南方大部分地区和辽宁省的健康风险高于北部和西北部,应当引起重视。  相似文献   
Scandinavia has one secondary lead smelter that recycles lead from approximately 85% of used car batteries in Scandinavia and which has been active since the 1940s. The smelter, situated in Landskrona, has undergone a comprehensive clean up programme during the last decade, during which time production has doubled, while at the same time discharges of dust and lead to the atmosphere have decreased.Top and depth soil samples were taken on a 0.5km×0.5Km grid throughout the city of Landskrona, which covers an area of approximately 15km2. Samples were analysed by ICPAES for a number of elements including Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As, Sb and Hg. Road dust samples from selected sites were collected and similarly analysed. Blood samples were taken from 37 volunteer schoolchildren (aged 8–11) from two schools in Landskrona. House dust samples were taken from each child's home. Soil samples were taken from homes which had gardens, public and school play areas. Elevated heavy metal concentrations were found in close proximity to the secondary lead smelter, and this soil enrichment influences the whole of the town, modified to some extent by the prevailing wind. The smelter does not influence the soil lead concentration at distances greater than 3.5km, where the soil reflects the background value for the area.Road dust samples also show decreases in lead concentrations with distance from the smelter. The average level of lead in house dust was considerably lower than that found in Birmingham, UK. Blood lead levels in the child population ranged from 1.5–5.1gdl–1, with a mean of 3.05gdl–1, showing a distinct decrease from those measured in 1978–82. No significant difference in blood lead concentrations with distance of the home from the smelter, nor between attenders at the two schools was revealed in the limited number of children studied.  相似文献   
Metallurgical production is the largest polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) emission source in China. However, PCDD/F monitoring and research are rarely conducted on primary metallurgical production. In this study, a demonstration primary copper smelter in China was selected to investigate PCDD/F characteristics and control. Samples were collected from major PCDD/F release points in the smelter process (fly ashes and waste water sludge). Specific analysis of PCDD/F congeners was carried out using a high resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry method. The results showed that PCDD/Fs might be unintentionally produced in the primary copper smelter processes, with sample concentrations of 180–6110 pg/g dry wt; highly chlorinated PCDD/F homologues were predominant. The toxicity of all the samples was calculated to be 120 pg WHO TEQ/g, fly ashes from the refining process furnaces air pollution control device and sludge were hazardous waste with higher PCDD/F toxicity. Both precursor formation and de novo synthesis were found to contribute to PCDD/F formation in the smelter process. PCDD/F characteristics and formation were compared with reported secondary copper smelters. Life-cycle control of PCDD/F was proposed for retrofitting of this smelter and for similar plants in China's primary copper production sector, including control at the PCDD/F formation, removal and disposal stages.  相似文献   
铅锌冶炼厂周边农田土壤、苕子与荠菜的重金属污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南某铅锌矿冶炼厂周边农田,采集当地主要绿肥(苕子)与野菜(荠菜)的植株和根部土壤样品,测定重金属(Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd)的全量和DTPA提取的有效态质量比,并进行污染评价.结果表明:1)综合污染指数评价显示,铅锌冶炼厂周边农田土壤以重度和中度重金属污染为主,Cd质量比为GB 15618-1995《土壤环境质量标准》三级标准限值的1.94~8.30倍,污染程度最重,其次为Pb和Zn;2)荠菜植株Pb、Zn和Cd质量比的最大值、平均值均大于苕子;荠菜对Cd的富集系数大于1,对Pb、Zn和Cd的转移系数大于或接近1;3)苕子和荠菜地上部与土壤的Cd、Pb质量比,苕子地下部与土壤的Pb质量比,荠菜地上部与土壤的Zn质量比均呈显著或极显著正相关.研究表明:铅锌冶炼厂周边农田存在严重的重金属污染,Cd是主要污染因子;苕子和荠菜植株重金属质量比高,且荠菜对重金属的富集能力大于苕子.  相似文献   
Environmental Accumulation of Airborne Fluorides in Romania   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nature and extent of pollution from an aluminium smelter and a fertiliser factory in Romania were studied. These are large industrial complexes, and both types of industry are known to release fluorides into the atmosphere. In grass samples collected from around the aluminium smelter, the maximum fluoride levels were found to be 4023mgkg–1 and 162mgkg–1 in unwashed and washed grass samples respectively, and 89mgkg–1 in soils. For the fertiliser factory, the maximum levels in washed grasses were found to be 207mgkg–1, and 11mgkg–1 in the soils. In both locations, these maximum values were obtained in samples collected from within 200m of the factory limits, and compare with regional background levels of less than 10mgkg–1 for grasses and 2mgkg–1 for soils. The high fluoride levels of fluoride in the grasses are sufficient to give cause for concern for the effects that these could have on the local population and on grazing animals.  相似文献   
Heavy metal concentrations in Hylocomium splendens collected around a metal smelter in Latvia showed very high concentrations of Zn (>200 g/g), and elevated concentrations of Pb (38.3 g/g) and Cu (18.3 g/g). In an attempt to better evaluate the potential toxicity of the high Zn concentrations, a serial elution method was used to determine the concentrations of zinc in intercellular, extracellular exchangeable cell wall, intracellular, and particle fractions. The intercellular Zn concentrations represent the water soluble component of the total concentrations, and were low with no clear trends. Zn concentrations in the extra- and intracellular and particle fractions decreased exponentially from the pollutant source. Intracellular Zn concentrations in moss close to the emission source are within the range considered to be potentially toxic, from other single element exposure studies. The proportion of Zn in the relatively insoluble particle fraction, which is least associated with environmental risk, was greater closer to the pollution source, reaching > 30% in the oldest Hylocomium splendens segments.  相似文献   
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