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World-wide urbanization has significantly modified the landscape, which has important climatic implications across all scales due to the simultaneous removal of natural land cover and introduction of urban materials. This resulted in a phenomenon known as an urban heat island(UHI). A study on the UHI in Xiamen of China was carried out using remote sensing technology. Satellite thermal infrared images were used to determine surface radiant temperatures. Thermal remote sensing data were obtained from band 6 of two Landsat TM/ETM^ images of 1989 and 2000 to observe the UHI changes over l l-year period. The thermal infrared bands were processed through several image enhancement technologies. This generated two 3-dimension-perspective images of Xiamen‘s urban heat island in 1989 and 2000, respectively, and revealed heat characteristics and spatial distribution features of the UHI. To find out the change of the UHI between 1989 and 2000, the two thermal images were first normalized and scaled to seven grades to reduce seasonal difference and then overlaid to produce a difference image by subtracting corresponding pixels. The difference image showed an evident development of the urban heat island in the 11 years. This change was due largely to the urban expansion with a consequent alteration in the ratio of sensible heat flux to latent heat flux. To quantitatively compare UHI, an index called Urban-Heat-Island Ratio Index(URI) was created. It can reveal the intensity of the UHI within the urban area. The calculation of the index was based on the ratio of UHI area to urban area. The greater the index, the more intense the UHI was. The calculation of the index for the Xiamen City indicated that the ratio of UHI area to urban area in 2000 was less than that in 1989. High temperatures in several areas in 1989 were reduced or just disappeared, such as those in old downtown area and Gulangyu lsland. For the potential mitigation of the UHI in Xiamen, a long-term heat island reduction strategy of planting shade trees and using light-colored, highly reflective roof and paving materials should be included in the plans of the city planers, environmental managers and other decision-makers to improve the overall urban environment in the future.  相似文献   
“面对基层监管力量不足问题,同安区积极探索,破解乡镇安监站人员不够问题,实现新突破,值得总结和推广。”当听到厦门市同安区副区长许国华介绍同安区对镇(街)安监员实行劳务派谴时,省安监局施惠财同志十分赞许,并详细询问具体做法。  相似文献   
厦门市海沧区东孚学校已建设成为一所层次高、设施全、创意新的优质防震减灾科普示范学校,福建省地震局、教育厅于2009年12月2日联合在该学校召开了全省防震减灾科普示范学校建设经验现场会。  相似文献   
<正>2013年12月17日,福建省厦门市组织了一场油气管道突发事故应急演练。演练摸拟了在厦门市集美区厦门北火车站附近一工地现场,因市政施工方违章作业,造成中国石油化工股份有限公司福建石油分公司(以下简称"中石化分公司")成品油输送管道泄漏的情景。消防、公安、安监、环保、卫生、市政、气象等应急联动部门快速反应,与中石化分公司抢维修队伍密切配合,  相似文献   
"五超常"力促安全生产大检查 近日,厦门市召开市政府常务会议、市委常委会议,专题研究全市安全生产工作,并就安全生产大检查进行安排部署,主要突显"五超常". 一是组织领导超常.厦门市成立了以刘可清市长为组长、所有副市长为副组长、负有检查职责的36个部门的一把手担任组员的安全生产大检查领导小组,下设办公室,组织协调安全大检查工作.  相似文献   
在落实安全生产各项任务方面,厦门市思明区安监人向来敢想敢干,富有创新精神.在刚刚结束的"安全生产月"活动中,思明区安监人又向社会交出了满意的答卷. 思明区今年的安全生产月活动分为全区性、行业性和区域性等三个大类,共105个项目.其中,宣传咨询、讲座培训、应急演练、知识与技能竞赛等合计84场,同时还开展了安全生产事故警示教育周、安全文化周、安全生产应急预案演练周,以及"安康杯"、"平安家庭"、"平安校园"等主题活动,突出群策群力、齐抓共管、群众参与,充分发挥安全生产月的载体作用,广泛传播安全生产知识,普及安全生产法律法规.  相似文献   
“我们针对出租屋的特点,搜集整理了辖区出租屋的基本情况、外景图片、楼层平面图、日常管理等详细内容。现在,消防人员只要在远程监控平台上轻点鼠标,就可以查看出租屋消防安全情况,对出租屋进行远程巡查,提升消防管理水平。”近日,记者在厦门市海沧消防大队采访时了解到,当前,海沧出租屋消防工作已完全实现了“远程化”管理。  相似文献   
厦门某旱地土壤垂直剖面中重金属迁移规律及来源解析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
采用ICP-MS和TIMS分析测定厦门市农业区某旱地土壤垂直剖面中8种重金属元素(V、Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Sr和Pb)含量及铅锶同位素组成,重点分析土壤剖面金属的纵向分层和淋失迁移特征.结果表明,除Sr外,其余重金属在大部分剖面深度中均未超过背景值,表明受外来源的影响较小. Sr在整个剖面的迁移系数均大于0,表明存在不同程度的富集; Zn和Co在近地表处富集; Cr、Ni和Cu在整个剖面中以亏损为主; V和Pb受外来活动的干扰小.淋洗迁移特征分析表明,Sr和Pb淋洗下移较活跃,其下移深度较大,但Pb下移深度低于Sr下移深度.因子分析表明,重金属主要为自然因子的输入,其次为农业活动和交通运输等复杂人为活动的输入.富集因子分析表明,Sr受外源不同程度影响.铅锶同位素组成分析表明,垂直剖面土壤中Pb主要来源于母质层,而Sr除来源于母质层外,还受到复杂人为源的影响,并已有向底层(30~70 cm)迁移的趋势.  相似文献   
一次偶然的机缘,我认识了福建省三华齐实业有限公司的老总陈荣华。因参加在厦门举行的第三届海峡论坛,陈总开着标有海峡论坛接待用车牌子的奔驰车,来我下榻的宾馆看望。只因这点的交集,我们的话题就从奔驰车开始。  相似文献   
全球航空业将被纳入"碳管制"排放量受限厦门将在岛外设低碳示范区,绿色建筑节能又节水。建筑是目前最耗能的领域之一,大力发展绿色建筑已被明确写入国家十二五发展规划。来自市建设与管理局消息,厦门市17位专家获聘住建部绿色建筑评价标识专家,成为全国获聘住建部专家数最多的城市之一。市建设与管理局表  相似文献   
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