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洪涝灾害条件下疏散交通生成预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有助于有关部门更准确预测洪涝灾害受灾民众的疏散量,结合非集计数据和集计数据的优点,提出分区集计数据的概念,设计了受灾区域分区方法,并通过意向偏好(SP)调查法对我国居民在洪涝条件下疏散交通需求数据进行调查。在此基础上,引入BP神经网络建立基于分区集计数据的疏散交通生成预测模型。利用调查数据进行实证分析发现,所设计方法取得了较好的预测效果,鲁棒性较好,平均相对预测误差仅为1.8%,其预测效果明显优于现有的非集计和整集计模型。  相似文献   
为使开放避难场所符合公众自行避难的实际情况,借鉴Huff模型量化公众选择行为,构建双阶段选址-分配模型,第1阶段确定开放避难场所位置,第2阶段将溢出容量的灾民二次分配到有剩余容量的避难场所,并利用改进粒子群算法进行求解。研究结果表明:双阶段选址-分配模型能够实现同一需求点灾民前往不同避难场所的过程,管理者干预政策能够使服务人数大幅度增加,避免资源浪费、灾民流离失所且二次分配情况主要依赖于第1阶段的结果。研究结果可为管理部门规划应急避难场所提供参考。  相似文献   
Human perception of risks related to economic damages caused by nearby wildlife can be transmitted through social networks. Understanding how sharing risk information within a human community alters the spatial dynamics of human-wildlife interactions has important implications for the design and implementation of effective conservation actions. We developed an agent-based model that simulates farmer livelihood decisions and activities in an agricultural landscape shared with a population of a generic wildlife species (wildlife-human interactions in shared landscapes [WHISL]). In the model, based on risk perception and economic information, farmers decide how much labor to allocate to farming and whether and where to exclude wildlife from their farms (e.g., through fencing, trenches, or vegetation thinning). In scenarios where the risk perception of farmers was strongly influenced by other farmers, exclusion of wildlife was widespread, resulting in decreased quality of wildlife habitat and frequency of wildlife damages across the landscape. When economic losses from encounters with wildlife were high, perception of risk increased and led to highly synchronous behaviors by farmers in space and time. Interactions between wildlife and farmers sometimes led to a spillover effect of wildlife damage displaced from socially and spatially connected communities to less connected neighboring farms. The WHISL model is a useful conservation-planning tool because it provides a test bed for theories and predictions about human-wildlife dynamics across a range of different agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
This study proposes an improved integrated water resource management (IWRM), in which water conservation was analyzed for the entire water use process. A multi-objective optimization method was applied to optimize the IWRM, which investigated the reduction of freshwater consumption and the total water supply cost. Customer's preference for saving water and an end use analysis (EUA) was applied in the water conservation analysis. Taking Tianjin as the study area, a reduction in customer's economic pressure (EP) was utilized to evaluate the degree of the customer's preference for saving water. The results revealed that agriculture had a greater preference for saving water than other sectors, where as the public had the weakest motivation for saving water. Improving the transportation method could contribute 62.1% of the total water savings in the agriculture sector. The optimization of the IWRM demonstrated that the local freshwater savings would be 21.5%, and the total cost for water supplies would decrease by 13%. However, a government subsidy of 87.5 million Yuan would be needed. Additionally, by analyzing the change in the amount of water savings affected by water price, the appropriate water price increase range was suggested to be 1.5–1.7 times the original price.  相似文献   
桓台县是华北平原的具有代表性的高产粮区,长期集约化的农业耕作模式,导致地下水硝态氮含量的大幅上升,威胁当地居民的身体健康。为更好地保护地下水,降低农业生产对地下水的污染,在2007年春季对桓台县323位农民进行了地下水保护意愿调查,分别对农民农业生产环保意识、改善地下水污染的意愿和农民的环境保护责任意识进行了分析,结果显示多数农民担心地下水污染会对人体造成伤害,但是仅少数的农民了解不合理的农业耕作会导致地下水的污染;大多数农民乐意接受新型环保肥料,但是接近一半的农民表示当地缺乏农技人员的指导;多数农民表示愿意加入农业生产协会以改善农业生产方式,但是农民对于农业所造成的地下水污染责任意识不强;受教育程度和收入状况越高的农民地下水保护意识越强,越容易接受改善农业生产模式,责任心相对也较强。建议在桓台县加大对地下水污染防治的宣传和投入力度的同时,加强农业技术推广体系建设和健全地下水水质监控与监管体系等措施。  相似文献   
基于亲景度和竞争态的京沪陕入境旅游市场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据1999-2008年相关统计数据,选取我国入境旅游市场份额前13位的客源国,以北京、上海、陕西等三大入境旅游热点地区为研究对象,利用亲景度指标,分析总结了其入境旅游市场的时空动态变化规律及深层原因,并引入竞争态模型,重点选取日本、韩国、美国三大客源市场进行京沪陕三地的比较研究.  相似文献   
选择交易成本低、具有操作性的补偿方式,实现农田生态产品的市场运作,是农田生态补偿制度实施的关键。利用问卷调查资料,分析了武汉市农户对不同农田生态补偿方式的认知、选择以及其影响因素,在此基础上指出了政府补偿方式在农田生态补偿领域的缺陷及引进市场方式的建议。研究表明:(1)武汉市农户对农田生态补偿的认知程度较低,仅有10.71%的受访农户听说过生态补偿、生态危机等概念;(2)49.02%农户对现行的现金补偿方式不太满意,认为补偿金额太低,94.65%的受访者更倾向于接受更高额度的现金补偿方式;(3)农户对现金、实物、技术(智力)、政策等农田生态补偿方式的选择偏好受其性别、年龄、家庭人口、家庭年收入、家庭中需抚养人口数和文化程度的显著影响。研究提出构建农田生态补偿的交易平台、完善生态环境物品数量化的体系设计和管理模式的多样化是推进农田生态补偿的市场化运作的关键。  相似文献   
Abstract: Success of captive‐breeding programs centers on consistent reproduction among captive animals. However, many individuals do not reproduce even when they are apparently healthy and presented with mates. Mate choice can affect multiple parameters of reproductive success, including mating success, offspring production, offspring survival, and offspring fecundity. We investigated the role of familiarity and preference on reproductive success of female Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) as measured by litter production, litter size, average number of young that emerged from the burrow, and average number of young that survived to 1 year. We conducted these studies on pygmy rabbits at the Oregon Zoo (Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.) and Washington State University (Pullman, Washington, U.S.A.) from February to June 2006, 2007, and 2008. Before mating, we housed each female adjacent to 2 males (neighbors). Female preference for each potential mate was determined on the basis of behavioral interactions observed and measured between the rabbits. We compared reproductive success between females mated with neighbor and non‐neighbor males and between females mated with preferred and nonpreferred males. Our findings suggest that mating with a neighbor compared with a non‐neighbor and mating with a preferred neighbor compared with a nonpreferred neighbor increased reproductive success in female pygmy rabbits. Litter production, average number of young that emerged, and average number of young that survived to 1 year were higher in rabbits that were neighbors before mating than in animals who were not neighbors. Pairing rabbits with a preferred partner increased the probability of producing a litter and was significantly associated with increased litter size. In captive breeding programs, mates are traditionally selected on the basis of genetic parameters to minimize loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding coefficients. Our results suggest that integrating genetic information with social dynamics and behavioral measures of preference may increase the reproductive output of the pygmy rabbit captive‐breeding program. Our findings are consistent with the idea that allowing mate choice and familiarity increase the reproductive success of captive‐breeding programs for endangered species.  相似文献   
There are few papers in the literature focusing on the issue of the optimal depletion of exhaustible resources in the framework of variable time preference. This paper attempts to analyze the pure consumption of exhaustible resource under hyperbolic time preference, and to discuss the optimal depletion rate and the effect of the protection of the exhaustible resource under different commitment abilities. The results of model show that the case of the hyperbolic discount with the full commitment of the government is equivalent to the case of constant discount of the social planner problem. In that case, the optimal depletion rate and the initial consumption of exhaustible resource are the slowest. On the contrary, they are the highest and the myopic behaviors lead to excessive consumption of exhaustible resources inevitably without commitment. Otherwise, in the case of partial commitment, the results are between the cases of full commitment and of no commitment. Therefore, with the hyperbolic time preference, the optimal depletion rate of resource depends on the commitment ability. Higher commitment ability leads to lower effective rate of time preference, and consequently, lower depletion rate and lower initial depletion value. The improvement of commitment ability can decrease the impatience and myopia behaviors, and contribute to the protection of the exhaustible resources.  相似文献   
不同类型农户农地投入的影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农户作为农业生产投入的微观主体,其农地投入行为对农业和农村经济发展影响重大.本文以湖北省江汉平原和鄂北岗地6个县(市、区)的473个农户抽样调查数据,构建逐步回归模型,分析不同类型的农户农地投入行为的影响因素.结果表明:①近年来,农户耕地的投入水平处于上升趋势,国家实施的惠农政策取得了积极成效;②相对于消费型农户而言,利润型农户的总投入水平较离;③目前农户农地投入主要是流动资本投入,固定资本投入较少,农业污染较为严重,农业机械化水平有较大的提升空间;④农户农业生产目标决定其农地投入行为:消费型农户与市场联系不太紧密,依据家庭消费需求进行生产投入决策;利润型农户与市场联系非常紧密,追求利润最大化,按照市场行情进行生产投入决策.⑤不同类型农户农地投入的影响因素存在差异:家庭特征和家庭资源禀赋是影响消费型农户农地投入的主要因素;农业生产要素市场、农产品市场和农业政策是影响利润型农户农地投入的主要因素.  相似文献   
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